Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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So that is what the most annoying sound in the universe sounds like, good to know.


Well people also hate Benio for some bizarre reason, so this doesn't surprise me.

shes a character type that you just either love or hate. She is siscon. Im just used to characters like that.

Shit thats from TSR. I dont wanna spoil it for myself lol.


I don't think people who want webm to "replace" gifs for use on forums have really thought it through. The idea of having dozens of compressed videos being decoded and played at the same time is pretty hilarious. :p

HTML5 has really good video support compared to Flash, but it's still not practical to have videos autoplaying all over every time someone thinks they have some "clever" or "cool" moving image to post.

I imagine this type of thing will work itself out over time. Most sites have non-autoplaying Youtube embedding already, direct HTML5 video embedding (with no or limited autoplay) using webm or h.264 or whatever seems like the next logical step. What kind of practical role they serve as opposed to GIFs or anything else remains to be seen of course.

As for here in particular, policing image spam seems to work just fine just as it has previously.
One Week Friends 1:
This is a damn nice episode of television, and a strong start to what I hope will be a heartfelt and enjoyable anime. There's a real sincerity on display throughout the whole episode, and I found myself getting involved in the characters quite a bit. Both Hase and Fujimiya are set up quite well, and the dialogue, coupled with their facial reactions, did a great job of developing that relationship over the course of the week and letting you understand what they had going there. There's a sense of melancholy at tiimes, but this is contrasted with some very adorable moments that really balance out the tone. I also have to praise the scene with Hase sitting on the steps with Shogo; the talk about what friendship was and how it forms was a nice one, and it gave meaning to the surrounding episode.

I also really enjoyed the art style for the show. There are some particularly nice moments, such as the way colors are used, and I especially enjoyed the shot near the end of Fujimiya's house sitting in the rain. That was just a striking image, and around that point you had a really nice piece of music playing (certainly the best of the episode).

We're only one episode in, and there's so many places this could go, but right now I have to say this looks like an early standout.


I don't think people who want webm to "replace" gifs for use on forums have really thought it through. The idea of having dozens of compressed videos being decoded and played at the same time is pretty hilarious. :p

HTML5 has really good video support compared to Flash, but it's still not practical to have videos autoplaying all over every time someone thinks they have some "clever" or "cool" moving image to post.

The only way I can see it working is if only one video can play at a time.


I imagine this type of thing will work itself out over time. Most sites have non-autoplaying Youtube embedding already, direct HTML5 video embedding (with no or limited autoplay) using webm or h.264 or whatever seems like the next logical step. What kind of practical role they serve as opposed to GIFs or anything else remains to be seen of course.

As for here in particular, policing image spam seems to work just fine just as it has previously.

It could work itself out over time, sure. Things progress, technology changes, etc. The fact though, is that we have never supported the culture of embedding videos here, so why would we start now? :)

The only way I can see it working is if only one video can play at a time.

Yes, it's a pretty good replacement for gif in a vacuum. Also, as long as there's no sound on the video. Lol.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V 01


God damn it. The protag doesn't suck. His voice isn't chalk on nails. The supporting cast does a good job at being supporting. The whole CARD GAMES ON HIPPOS was actually pretty cool. The protag knows how to play the damn card game. It looked pretty FABULOUS. His backstory wasn't bad. The whole pendulum thing isn't terrible. I liked the OP and ED. I'm only slightly iffy on the whole action cards thing but whatever I guess.

Why do I do this to myself, lol.
Best ED comes later on, don't worry.

As for faces (I assume you mean the character's faces) it's just part of the artstyle, do keep in mind also this is supposed to pronounce the youth of these characters which will play a major role later on in the series.

Edit: Dat title doe

What's wrong with the title?

I see. Sometimes I don't mind it and don't notice but other times (especially when they do a close up on the face) I cringe.

Actual ED doesn't come until episode 3. You'll understand why.

Okay. Cool. The song was very... flowery.

You should get that head shaking looked at by a doctor. I think you may have a very serious case of tourettes. ;P
Hey now, duckroll has nothing against webm in particular I gather. He's just a grumpy old fart regarding image spam in general!

I don't mind it either, but not in terms of it being a substitute.

Was bad enough that I even had to get a script just to see this shit embedded, considering not having it embedded would just waste more of my time checking each and every individual link.


Hey now, duckroll has nothing against webm in particular I gather. He's just a grumpy old fart regarding image spam in general!

Yes, pretty much! I like the internet embracing HTML5, and in a controlled environment the advantages are amazing. The sakugabooru started supporting webm two days ago, and the results have been fantastic. Since you can only view one entry at a time, having the player autoplay and loop the footage works great, and the uploader not accepting any videos with audio means that it literally works as gifs do. But for a forum, there are a lot of other concerns!


Calling it now, Brynhildr in the Darkness has the hilariously worst OP of the season.




gotta hear this for myself.

Haha. Good to know. I was told it was short so it shouldn't be that bad.

Yeah its not bad per se...its SPECIAL.

Witch Craft Works was kinda awesome! The backgrounds were definitely the highlights there. I hope we get a season 2 :)

Not sure if I should go back to Zvezda or start Bakemonogatari now

Hmm, Bakemonogatari is not available in Brazil, so I'll just go with Zvezda so I can watch it on Vita. Too lazy to turn on the TV now.

watch Zvezda. Its worth your time!

started playing fate/extra on a whim

red saber is my waifu

red Saber is pretty incredible. Love that design.

UMU, she's even voiced by Tange Sakura.

Ooook you got my attention Zachy!


Really this just shows how ridiculously outdated .gifs are in the context of their modern usage. A compressed, low-res .gif is still multiple MB despite looking like crap.
The latter would at worst crash your browser, the former can overheat your hardware and kill your CPU. :)

Ah. :lol

Yeah, the previous page with the webm extension on put my (albeit old) CPU to about 20% by itself; definitely enough to make some toasters/mobile devices cry.


Really this just shows how ridiculously outdated .gifs are in the context of their modern usage. A compressed, low-res .gif is still multiple MB despite looking like crap.

I replaced a 26meg Wolf's Rain gif I uploaded to the booru with a 2.6meg webm of the exact same scene at the same resolution, and it looked way better too. As far as gifs go, size and quality are total shit! :)
I replaced a 26meg Wolf's Rain gif I uploaded to the booru with a 2.6meg webm of the exact same scene at the same resolution, and it looked way better too. As far as gifs go, size and quality are total shit! :)

So essentially webm's are better than gifs?

Noticing how webm doesn't work on my iPad. Interesting.


Man teekyu is so good just cos of the pacing. It's not actually all that funny as such but it's just SO DAMN FAST I can't help but laugh


sealed with a kiss
Tenchi Muyo: Riki-Oh ep 1

These character designs are almost too much on the bad side of the 90's school of design for me to handle, but apart from that this was reasonably enjoyable, also since it's pre-K-on there was no fanservice whatsoever, thank goodness for these chaste and pure old anime


So essentially webm's are better than gifs?

Videos have been better than gifs in terms of quality and size for many years now. Webm is just a video format which is supported by HTML5 natively. The reason why it's suddenly taking off now is because before 4chan supported it on their system, people haven't really thought seriously about taking advantage of HTML5 in this way. Youtube was probably the first major video platform to switch to HTML5 from Flash.


So essentially webm's are better than gifs?

The CPU usage thing is a real concern. GIFs are bloated and ugly, sure, but they cost relatively nothing for your computer or mobile device to render unless they're absolutely massive. Decoding and rendering multiple videos at once on the fly is a completely different beast altogether.


I'll wait for WIFs to mature, as of right now I'm worried that it will melt my PS4laptop.

WIFs are mature. The only issue is if you try to play a million videos at once. I'm sure the extensions will be updated to not do that fairly soon.

They also don't work on mobile operating systems because they suck.


Baby Steps 1



So in this episode we're introduced to our protagonist, the Tennis Vampire. And he's a dork. I like that he basically gets into tennis on a whim, instead of it being one of those "Ever since I was in the womb I wanted to be the very best like no one ever was" deals, although I suppose Natsu fills that role.

Anyway, despite being a bit cheap-looking, this was pretty nice. Liked it more than I expected it to. I like tennis, characters seem charming, and hopefully the romance is executed well. Will keep going!


The latter would at worst crash your browser, the former can overheat your hardware and kill your CPU. :)

And really I have no issue with webm, in fact I hope it does replace animated gifs. Thats not to say I want every thread to be filled with hundreds of such images anymore than I wanted threads full of embedded flash videos in the past.

Reasonable usage of such things though I'm all for though.

As for CPU usage on pages full of such videos, well hopefully we'll see that fall which GPUs that have acceleration built in. Same thing happened with flash.


So this sounds like what I'm looking for in an anime. Well, except for the high school part. But I guess that's just unavoidable.

I liked it. It reminded me of various teenage crime solver things I consumed as a kid. Though I'll wait to see a couple of complete cases before I render any kind of judgement.
Videos have been better than gifs in terms of quality and size for many years now. Webm is just a video format which is supported by HTML5 natively. The reason why it's suddenly taking off now is because before 4chan supported it on their system, people haven't really thought seriously about taking advantage of HTML5 in this way. Youtube was probably the first major video platform to switch to HTML5 from Flash.

The CPU usage thing is a real concern. GIFs are bloated and ugly, sure, but they cost relatively nothing for your computer or mobile device to render unless they're absolutely massive. Decoding and rendering multiple videos at once on the fly is a completely different beast altogether.

The sooner we have a solution to the crappy quality of compressed gifs the better.

For now I will stick to my gifs.


WIFs are mature. The only issue is if you try to play a million videos at once. I'm sure the extensions will be updated to not do that fairly soon.

They also don't work on mobile operating systems because they suck.
Yeah, I hope they get more support and are better optimized in the near future. And I hope they get mobile OS support as I do most of my browsing on a tablet these days.


Baby Steps 1

I like tennis, characters seem charming, and hopefully the romance is executed well. Will keep going!

I liked it too. I don't normally like sport anime, but this seems to have a fair dollop of other stuff, like some other things I've liked (such as Suzuka) so as long as the sport/non sport scenes have the right balance I can see me watching more of it.


sealed with a kiss
Yeah the rooster hair bothered me at first when I was reading the Baby Steps manga but at this point I don't even care


I liked it too. I don't normally like sport anime, but this seems to have a fair dollop of other stuff, like some other things I've liked (such as Suzuka) so as long as the sport/non sport scenes have the right balance I can see me watching more of it.

Yeah, that's the main thing for me. I'm not a huge sports person, but the show seems like it's showing a nice balance between sporty stuff, romance, comedy, etc. Hoping it maintains that going forward.
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