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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Isshuukan Friends 01


All these blush faces. It's like reading my manga.

The more I watched, the more I kept trying to not compare this to Seishun Forget!

But I liked it, it was very nice, the faces, the characters. I liked the subtleness to her condition as they were getting to know each other and I like his resolve to not give up.


Apple devices currently use H.264 which isn't an open standard, whereas webm is, as far as I understand. I'd try to learn more but these webs of patent nonsense confuse me to no end.

Yeah. Even with the iOS Chrome on iOS devices as yet can't. It needs OS level support from what I can tell, especially if you want hardware accelerated decoding (which is what you want on phones due to the decoding workload). And Apples firmly on the h.264 side so I don't see them supporting a free alternative. Ditto Microsoft on Windows Phone.


La corda d’oro -Blue Sky- 1
This was pretty bad. Amateur direction all around, dull visuals and it appears to be a combination of a harem and a sport anime, so this isn't gonna get any better. Japanese high school students sure are getting too excited over classical music, who knew they still gave a damn about that. I'm not sure what sort of drama will await the main girl while she decides which guy to choose, but I don't care to continue watching this.


Isshuukan Friends 01

All these blush faces. It's like reading my manga.

The more I watched, the more I kept trying to not compare this to Seishun Forget!

But I liked it, it was very nice, the faces, the characters. I liked the subtleness to her condition as they were getting to know each other and I like his resolve to not give up.

How long until MAL weeabooizes the title to "Isshuukan Tomodachi"?


Ping Pong is the one I'm most looking forward to, in general, not just for sports. I don't watch sports anime anyway but it's Matsumoto+Yuasa !
gotta hear this for myself.


I'm all in favor for OP's that aren't j-pop/idol music, but this is just the ridiculous. The images and music work just ok at first. But when the WUB WUB WUBS start kicking in the clash of music with what's going on in the screen are just off.

Not to mention the zoomed in faces for like two characters at the end. It looks like an old school AMV with zero though to making it look like an OP. It's like a kid thought "I like this song, and I like this anime, let me put clips of the show with ma sweet tunes"

Which is to say my favorite part is when the WUBs kick in because it turns hilarious. Especially the random crying MC scene as he stares intently at the camera without blinking

Yeah, this is the main one I'm going to watch. I was lured into Baby Steps by the promise of romance. :p

From what I hear the romance is there but doesn't kick in until later, though I may be wrong on that regard. Envelope will have to tell us since I haven't started the manga yet.


One Week Friends 1

Good anime. It reminds me of Bunny Drop in that it's a show you could show non-anime watchers and they wouldn't think there's anything especially strange about it. Really refreshing after watching Captain Earth and Mahouka the previous day.

i always look forward to down to earth shows like that.

She's pretty good yeah. in fact in the fate /extra games you can't go wrong no matter what servant you choose.

Red saber, archer , fluflly tail is flufly or gilgamesh
(only in CC )
All of them are great.

F-fluffy? Mofu mofu Caster you mean? Ohhhhhh~

What are you guys talking about, Rin is the best in Fate/Extra.

Shes pretty incredible.

Rin fans are statistically proven to be the worst people and are 90% more likely to be communists.

Who are the fans with the best taste you ask?

Mother. Fucking. Iskandar. I ship him with everybody.

noooooo. She is the Queen of ZR.
I cant accept this!

Finished Haganai and High School DxD, man I cannot wait for both of the second seasons to come stateside. Just started Maken Ki and "Listen to me girls, I am your father!". They're decent so far but I dunno if they can top what I just watched.

Haganai is really good. I am looking forward to Haganai next. Listen to me girls is pretty decent.

First 5 minutes into Madoka and I am like "what in the actual fu---".

Love Madoka Magica soooo much!

Mokuda 1

Thoughts during episode:
- Okay that is kind of abstract.
- That was kind of cool fight even though we don't know who's fighting.
- What in the actual hell is going on?
- Oh that was just a dream? But obviously she entered into a pact to become a magic girl. They are gonna hold her to that.
- These faces are kinda dumb looking.
- Mokuda's mannerisms are kinda cute.
- Man these characters faces really bother me. Why are they so wide?
- Oh look who transferred into class. That's kind of a weird remark.
- "She thinks she's an anime character". Got a chuckle out of that line.
- These faces are really, really bothering me.
- This shows environments are pretty well done. Show is very pretty when it wants to be.
- Music store!
- That new transfer student don't look too happy. Mokuda looks like she's in danger. Yay! Friend to the rescue.
- Uh..... what?
- What?
- Faces are dumb.
- Yup that is a magical girl transformation if I ever saw one.
- WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT?! Not gonna lie that was kind of awesome.
- Faces are still dumb.
- Sick burn new girl. Tell that transfer student what's up.
- Talking cat. Nice. I want you to be magic girls. I feel like he/she/it already said that at the beginning...
- That's certainly quite the.... ED.

Episode 1 End

Youve made a wise choice!


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Accel World episode 1
I was watching Accel World(in beautiful HD) and everything about it in episode 1 is waaaayyy more interesting than sword art online, idk how popular accel world was or is, but SAO seems way more generic by comparison.
Also it's probably just cause it's the first episode, but the animation and artstyle seems head and shoulders above SAO, which came out later.

Link Man

Yuyushiki 7


Well, this was an...interesting episode. Classy beans and chocolate heads and all that.


But it's still really fun and funny! Yuzuku and Yukari are so dumb sometimes, you just have to love them.



sealed with a kiss
Accel World episode 1
I was watching Accel World(in beautiful HD) and everything about it in episode 1 is waaaayyy more interesting than sword art online, idk how popular accel world was or is, but SAO seems way more generic by comparison.
Also it's probably just cause it's the first episode, but the animation and artstyle seems head and shoulders above SAO, which came out later.

wait for the bathroom pics
Kamigami no Asobi 01


All the bishie sparkles for this season.

We also get Magical Boy Transformations of the likes I have never seen. Besides that it was your basic average girl (who's good with a sword) bumping into all these pretty boys who half of them doesn't seem to give her the time of day and would rather drag another pretty boy away to do who knows what.
Accel World episode 1
I was watching Accel World(in beautiful HD) and everything about it in episode 1 is waaaayyy more interesting than sword art online, idk how popular accel world was or is, but SAO seems way more generic by comparison.
Also it's probably just cause it's the first episode, but the animation and artstyle seems head and shoulders above SAO, which came out later.

AW was written later even though the adaptation came first, which is why it isn't as much of a trainwreck. Dude grew at least a little bit as a writer between SAO and AW.


Majin Bone 1
The character designs looked really odd and familiar to me and this kept bothering me throughout the entire episode. And now I just checked and turned out Yuusuke Murata did the original character designs. Makes sense I suppose.

Anyway, seems like a standard kids anime to advertise the card game Bandai is making. What little I saw of the mecha looked really jarring and bad especially after coming off from Captain Earth yesterday. This is really not for me, but the first episode was completely inoffensive for what it tried to do.


From what I hear the romance is there but doesn't kick in until later, though I may be wrong on that regard. Envelope will have to tell us since I haven't started the manga yet.

Well, as long as it maintains the cute character reactions and stuff from this episode I'll be happy. Hopefully it won't go too much into stupid anime romance though!
Well, as long as it maintains the cute character reactions and stuff from this episode I'll be happy. Hopefully it won't go too much into stupid anime romance though!

Seems like romance isn't a main focus, just an added bonus. So hopefully we shouldn't see too much drama. I want to see nerd tennis though.

Projectile Motion, modafuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Seikoku no Dragonar 1
This was so bad, as expected from a trashy LN adaptation.

I always laugh at bad anime attempts at lazy and bad info dump expositions. So in this episode during the first day classes, the teacher is talking on and on about all the made up words the LN created to make this shitty fantasy story look cool. And then all the sudden the teacher points at the world map and starts explaining the current political situation between the neighbouring countries. Yeah, I'm sure the students who live in this country aren't aware that there is a war going on. But obviously they had to do this now, just so to allow them to introduce the bad guys later on in the episode.

Awful stuff, completely avoid it.


Hyouka had me looking at the various detective story rules...

5. No Chinaman must figure in the story.

what in the hell


should have clicked the next link

I guess I had an advantage the first time I watched Hyouka because Umineko had already covered a bunch of that stuff.


One Week Friends 1
This is a new one. "Please, be friends with me!" lol
I don't like the character designs, but I dig the overall aesthetic. The desaturated palette and restrained art give it a nice cozy feel, much like shows such as Usagi Drop that employ a similar visual style. Mostly because of that, a bunch of otherwise anime moments and lines feel more digestible.

I liked the track on the next ep preview and the one they used for the avant, and it'd be better for the show to use scarcer music and more similar to that instead of the mostly inoffensive and forgettable pieces that they dropped throughout the rest of the episode. It fits much more with the visual side.
I don't know. I really don't.


Me neither. Definitely liked her.

Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow

Fake movie at the beginning looked better and was better than the the actual movie. There's some nice cuts here and there but that's what we have .webm and sakugabooru for though.

Best Naruto movie imo. Great animation, great fights and a decent story.

Naruto movie 3 was also pretty great.


The original Naruto movies are far better than Shippuuden and sadly the same can be said to the series.


[Captain Earth] - 1

Well you said pretty much everything I would have and more. Good animation can only go so far so this show is on a pretty short leash before I drop it.

I guess the only other thing I can say is I thought it was funny how many reappropriated ideas from previous BONES shows and anime in general they used. I cannot remember a single original take on anything happening in the episode. It was like someone put Star Driver, RahXephon, and Eureka 7 in a blender and this was what came out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
love live s2 01

still top tier
it was kind of boring and the music sucked. for something so popular you'd think basic production issues like outfit continuity wouldn't be a problem, but people wearing track suits or work out gear frequently switched back into their school uniforms for seemingly no reason.
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