Are yall questioning the master who directed Hidamari sketch?
I surely wouldn't. Still plenty of his work I haven't yet seen though.
Are yall questioning the master who directed Hidamari sketch?
whoah you signed up in 09?
At least my profile says so. But I think I only started posting many years after.
I'm your senpai, cajuuun
cool squeebeans.
just like the other goddess Miyuki Sawashiro. Go look how cute she is too.
The one true goddess, savior to us all.
what the fuck is a squeebean?
a bean composed of squee and other natural ingredients.
a bean composed of squee and other natural ingredients.
I really don't get it. Are you talkin about boobs?
So yeah, this is still pretty funny. Highly energetic comedy and full of great reaction faces, good stuff. My only issue so far is the ugly backgrounds, they are some lazy uninspired art.
a bean composed of squee and other natural ingredients.
Maybe you should ask kayos.what the fuck is a squeebean?
My gawd, Enju is like the most adorable thing ever. Rina Hidaka is the new loli goddess, move over Kugimiya Rie.
My gawd, Enju is like the most adorable thing ever. Rina Hidaka is the new loli goddess, move over Kugimiya Rie.
I love how my reasoning as to why Black Bullet might get more people watching here in AnimeGAF is because of its loli-centric premise.
Black Bullet 1
-I you don't want to die, then survive. Okay then.
-Wow, criss-crossed bangs seem to be the style this season.
-Err, I guess stream-of-consciousness won't work here, as I really quite enjoyed this show. Probably one of the shows I'll keep this season.
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to 1
The humor is pretty one-note (earnest perverted idiot gets his silly fantasies shot down by sane straight-women), but it's sometimes amusing in a goofy way. I can't imagine sticking with this show very long.
At least it's not the anime Kirino wanted to make.It seems like it'll be Generic: the Anime characters/premise with a slight twist in the grim dark setting.
As long as the anime doesn't all of a sudden decide that it would rather focus on a magical high school or just high school in general I'm game. The ages of the characters won't be an issue if they're just a down-in-luck group of chars.
But it's hanging by a thread due to the loli hijinks and the loli NBC Heroes premise. (Save the Lolis, Save the World). So it better impress me with the next few episodes.
So forgive me but I'm going to reference a view you had a couple episodes ago.
So, you really want them to turn into Magical Girls don't you?
Woofington seems to be mentioning lolis more than anyone else, reaffirming my suspicion of his not-so secret love.
I love how episode impressions are so variable from one person to the next. Its what makes this place fun.
When I see some extreme negative reactions here, I'm already expecting incest. Seems I was right once again.
Will definitely watch this.
I don't expect the humor to get any better. If anything he might get some redeemable characterisitics to his character, but then he'll go back to being a pervert. Only difference is that maybe one of the fem mcs will see him in a new light and/or fall in love with him.
I too enioyed his Fate Zero works for being funny/cute, but I wasn't laughing due to the ecchi (besides that one part of Kiritsugu's stiffy dying due to Saber). This show only seems to be ecchi.
Spoiler for No Game No Life.
They're not blood related.
Have fun seeing others complain about not incest.
It seems as if Fujimoto will become Kobato's future love interest or the final broken heart to be healed before Kobato can end her task. He is a dick. An unsociable jerk, who'd rather spend more energy scowling at Kobato for generally no reason (don't gimme that "do not pity our school" crap you prick), than play with the kids in the pre-school they're in.
Spoiler for No Game No Life.
They're not blood related.
Have fun seeing others complain about not incest.
I don't care, does she call him onii-chan? Good enough if so
Spoiler for No Game No Life.
They're not blood related.
Have fun seeing others complain about not incest.
there enjoy some imouto from no game no life
there enjoy some imouto from no game no life
there enjoy some imouto from no game no life