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Winter Storm for NE/MA States Friday-Sunday (Up: Blizzard warnings)

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Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Depending on the accumulation my dog will be under the snow.

That's why you need a Malamute, they sleep while the snow is falling, let it build up over them till you can't even see them before bursting out of the snow when they wake up. Always great to see after a fresh snowfall.


The next 24 hours are going to be difficult for weather watchers and people along the Eastern Seaboard. The EURO and GFS are low res models best suited for long term forecasting, while the NAM, SREF, and HRR models are best suited for making predictions within 48 hours. Essentially we'll be hitting a model deadzone by midnight tonight until Thursday evening.

I'm exhausted right now so I'll post when I get off shift later about the track of the storm, but expect a tiny shift North and West by the models over the next 24 hours. Similar storms from the past had near identical atmospheric conditions and were able to move further north and west than what the models are predicting. DC, Baltimore, and Philly residents should start preparing right now. Trenton, Newark, and NYC metro residents should be on notice.

Cheers guys.
Here's the latest GFS. Again showing the highest totals around the DC area. Further changes will happen but that's what it's showing for now.



The next 24 hours are going to be difficult for weather watchers and people along the Eastern Seaboard. The EURO and GFS are low res models best suited for long term forecasting, while the NAM, SREF, and HRR models are best suited for making predictions within 48 hours. Essentially we'll be hitting a model deadzone by midnight tonight until Thursday evening.

I'm exhausted right now so I'll post when I get off shift later about the track of the storm, but expect a tiny shift North and West by the models over the next 24 hours. Similar storms from the past had near identical atmospheric conditions and were able to move further north and west than what the models are predicting. DC, Baltimore, and Philly residents should start preparing right now. Trenton, Newark, and NYC metro residents should be on notice.

Cheers guys.

Kinda hope so. it's just slightly too south that I'm officially in a few inches zone. If it moves up maybe like 30-40 miles I'll be in it more.
Grocery store today (in mid-MD) was a fucking nightmare. There's basically no bread or milk left, and there were easily 50+ people trying to check out at once by the time we were done.

And of course, we forgot to get some important things, like toilet paper, so I gotta deal with worse tomorrow.


In DC near American university, it's started to snow. Pretty long line at Giant right now but got everything I wanted to get.
Even the NWS models have surrendered into the crazy and have their probability charts listing a ~70% chance of 18"+ near and west of DC, and ~30-40% of a 30"+ storm total. They're usually mega-conservative on handing out actual numbers and will ignore their computer models to a degree until ~48 hours out. The last forecast round dials this up to pretty much a sure disaster. Even on Sunday they were talking about how the moisture setup for this was arguably worse than Snowpocalypse.

I find Atlantic winter storms so interesting (versus great lakes/midwest). The snowfall gradients are incredibly narrow. Our storms here just don't act that way.
I don't live about 2,500 miles away, but at least you guys will have less shooting deaths during that period. The bright side.
What the freaking hell is this? Oh yeah, let's cheer on a bunch of vehicle accidents that will kill possibly dozens of people to make an ironic point about urban gun violence.
Even the NWS models have surrendered into the crazy and have their probability charts listing a ~70% chance of 18"+ near and west of DC, and ~30-40% of a 30"+ storm total. They're usually mega-conservative on handing out actual numbers and will ignore their computer models to a degree until ~48 hours out. The last forecast round dials this up to pretty much a sure disaster. Even on Sunday they were talking about how the moisture setup for this was arguably worse than Snowpocalypse.

I find Atlantic winter storms so interesting (versus great lakes/midwest). The snowfall gradients are incredibly narrow. Our storms here just don't act that way.What the freaking hell is this? Oh yeah, let's cheer on a bunch of vehicle accidents that will kill possibly dozens of people to make an ironic point about urban gun violence.

Relax just a joke man. I personally really like the calm when it snows, especially in the area I grew up in.

I've never understood why those are what people buy for snowstorms.

For French Toast obviously ;p

Also, I'm pretty much on the fringes of that bulls-eye zone. I think when this is over, it'll be the biggest recorded snow storm in Maryland's history (apparently, for whatever reason, the records only count at BWI Airport).


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, i don't get it.

Those are all things that go bad quickly.

I'm smart - I've stocked up on cheetos and vienna sausages.

I was in college during Snowpocolypse the 1st.

I think we survived mainly on Yuengling, Mac n Cheese, and Hookah.

It was a damn good week. Played a lot of Halo and watched the Winter Olympics the whole time.
I was in college during Snowpocolypse the 1st.

I think we survived mainly on Yuengling, Mac n Cheese, and Hookah.

It was a damn good week. Played a lot of Halo and watched the Winter Olympics the whole time.

yuengling and mac and cheese is going to be my go to this weekend. im kinda excited


still a junior
Tonight is pretty chaotic in D.C. from what I've seen on twitter. People have ditched their cars and taken metro home which is saying something. This was just a coating to an inch of snow. Friday evening (if the forecast holds) will be much worse.

Also, Obama's motorcade couldn't escape skidding around!

"Obama motorcade "slipped & skidded" on icy roads, bumping curb & passing accidents en route White House from Andrews tonite per @jeffmason1"



Welp. Flurries they said. Roads are already slippery.
Hopefully they'll be clean on Friday before the storm really starts and I can stock up on supplies.


Tonight is pretty chaotic in D.C. from what I've seen on twitter. People have ditched their cars and taken metro home which is saying something. This was just a coating to an inch of snow. Friday evening (if the forecast holds) will be much worse.

Also, Obama's motorcade couldn't escape skidding around!

"Obama motorcade "slipped & skidded" on icy roads, bumping curb & passing accidents en route White House from Andrews tonite per @jeffmason1"


A dusting would be a pretty generous description for what we got on Capitol Hill.

Also, anxiously awaiting the changing of status for OPM some time this week.
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