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Wisconsin has a state budget shortfall of 1.8 billion

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Scott Walker is learning what Brownback of Kansas learned . . . . that trickle-down economics VooDoo is BULLSHIT.


In the picture they were laughing at the poor people that got screwed.

Now they are laughing at the right-wingers that still believe it and end up looking like fools.


Is the WI legislature Republican or Democrat?

Given the fact that we have to show our ID's at the polls while we carry our concealed weapons while driving past the future site of a 5,000 acre iron mine while passing a bunch of teachers in the unemployment line, I'm gonna say Democrat?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
It's almost scary how much blind hatred is spewed toward republicans for any reason at all on this forum.

Its like the word Republican is used in a sentence and you automatically have BURN THAT MAN! mentality hit.

It is always nice to keep being reminded that in this great country only 1 person has any direct influence over all aspects of the workings of a state / country. The president has complete control over business, education, law, economy, health, everything. Same with governors. Quite amazing.

There's nothing "blind" about it, the Republican party is is dangerous to our country on many fronts, they deserve all the venom that gets spewed at them and then some. And Walker is a sack of shit. Can't wait to vote Bicycle Lady this November.


Everyone should sit up and pay attention to MN vs WI. Our economies used to mirror each others until 2010 when we elected a progressive governor and WI elected Scott Walker. Now WI has a 1.8 billion deficit and MN has a 1.2 billion surplus.

Here's some random quotes from an article by the NY times. I realize it's from last summer but the gap has only widened since then, and I didn't want to post something from a source that people would complain about.

But in 2010 these cousin states diverged. By doing so they began a natural experiment that compares the agendas of modern progressivism and the new right. Wisconsin elected Republicans to majorities in the Legislature and selected a bold and vigorous Republican governor, Scott Walker. Minnesotans elected one of the most progressive candidates for governor in the country, Mark Dayton of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.

Minnesota raised taxes by $2.1 billion, the largest increase in recent state history. Democrats introduced the fourth highest income tax bracket in the country and targeted the top 1 percent of earners to pay 62 percent of the new taxes, according to the Department of Revenue.

Three years into Mr. Walker’s term, Wisconsin lags behind Minnesota in job creation and economic growth. As a candidate, Mr. Walker promised to produce 250,000 private-sector jobs in his first term, but a year before the next election that number is less than 90,000. Wisconsin ranks 34th for job growth.

Along with California, Minnesota is the fifth fastest growing state economy, with private-sector job growth exceeding pre-recession levels. Forbes rates Minnesota as the eighth best state for business.

Given the fact that we have to show our ID's at the polls while we carry our concealed weapons while driving past the future site of a 5,000 acre iron mine while passing a bunch of teachers in the unemployment line, I'm gonna say Democrat?

So its a super majority? That might explain things.


The Autumn Wind
It's almost scary how much blind hatred is spewed toward republicans for any reason at all on this forum.

Its like the word Republican is used in a sentence and you automatically have BURN THAT MAN! mentality hit.
Because Republicans have certainly earned the benefit of the doubt, right?
Everyone should sit up and pay attention to MN vs WI. Our economies used to mirror each others until 2010 when we elected a progressive governor and WI elected Scott Walker. Now WI has a 1.8 billion deficit and MN has a 1.2 billion surplus.

Here's some random quotes from an article by the NY times. I realize it's from last summer but the gap has only widened since then, and I didn't want to post something from a source that people would complain about.

Lack of economic growth is only the cum icing on the shit cake. The true tragedy in Wisconsin is the gutting of bargaining power thus leading to more stagnation (if not decline) in wage growth.


Neo Member
From the article:

There is indeed a shortfall in the budget, but the guy inherited a bigger shortfall in the budget and has lowered that shortfall to 1.8 billion in subsequent years.

Minor correction: He gutted the shit out of the government, actually resolved that $3 bn shortfall (kudos), but now that shortfall has annihilated any expected surplus as well as increased to $1.8 bn because of his short-sighted policies (fuck him).

way more

No they don't. It's around $400 million surplus atm.
Title is a lie.
Unless you're from the future?

Fox News Biz has the same headline and gloom.

Wisconsin projected budget shortfall grows to $1.8 billion

It's nearly the same article but they add this

Since Walker took office, about 103,000 private-sector jobs have been created in the state after about 133,000 were lost during the recession. The unemployment rate is now at 5.8 percent, the lowest since 2008.

Walker promised during the 2010 campaign to create 250,000 private-sector jobs, a pledge he almost certainly won't meet by the end of this year.

This little laboratories seem to have returned a result.
Fox News Biz has the same headline and gloom.

Wisconsin projected budget shortfall grows to $1.8 billion

It's nearly the same article but they add this

This little laboratories seem to have returned a result.
It's a projection for the year 2017 with the assumptions that nothing will change as far as revenue, taxes, and cuts between now and then. These projections are almost never accurate. As of 2 months ago, WI still had a surplus in the hundreds of millions. Considering the fact that this amazing, real American Governor started with a deficit of ~3.5 billion, he's doing damn well. Of course adjustments can and will be made in the next 3 years.
Thread title is wrong. But why am I the only one who cares? Carry on.


First tragedy, then farce.

cut taxes to zero, infinite revenue.

something something crush public sector unions.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
The problem is the people Walker appeals to don't like math, science, logic, and reason.

That's been the problem for a long while now. You can use numbers or look back at implementations of things like trickle down econmics, but the base he appeals to doesn't care about that.

Thinking well we will just present the numbers better, and then the republican base will listen is a falacy. It's one of the main reasons we are in the current state of afairs nation wide that we are in.
The expected shortfall for the next two-year state budget starting in July has risen to nearly $1.8 billion, or about half of what it was when Gov. Scott Walker took office in January 2011

If it is half of what it was when he took office, how has it risen?

Isn't walker still doing well in the polls? Any chance Wisconsin votes him out?

He's a rumored 2016 Presidential Candidate.


No Scrubs
If it is half of what it was when he took office, how has it risen?

He's a rumored 2016 Presidential Candidate.

It's a two year count, there's been four years since he took office. That means there was another shortfall in between that wasn't nearly as bad.
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