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Witcher 3 is nine years old today - fave memories?


Gold Member
Such an amazing game. What are your memories of this game aside the obvious? For me would have to be

The leshen quest
The lonely woman and kids in Novigrad
The absolute mess a snowball bomb makes
Using Yrden regularly



I didn't play it at the time it came out, but when i did, it's the whole experience for me, i loved the game, especially when i got the hang of the combat and potion and mutagen mechanics, great game.


>Realizing the whole alchemy was completely retarded.
>Using the gourmet perk, seeing how utterly broken it was and wondering if anyone playtested this shit.
>Trying all the tricks and strategies in the book against some werewolf, only to realize the only viable means to defeat it was leveling up and getting a slightly better sword.
>Blatantly looting peasant houses in front of everyone and nobody giving a crap.
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It truly is one of the best games I've ever played. I had been following the series and CDPR since the original came out in 2007, and to see them grow each game was amazing to see. They absolutely knocked it out of the park with W3 and really fulfilled the fantasy of being a Witcher by giving us an open world and having proper sidequests that Geralt can stumble accross. The story, characters, soundtrack, atmosphere, art direction and so many other parts shine supreme even today imho. I also liked the combat though I've seen many criticize it, though I feel the criticism is fair. It brings Geralt's story to a wonderful close. That is, if you get the proper ending.

You see, if there's one thing I really disliked, is what they did with the "big" choices. That soured the experience a little bit for me. I'm in the minority of this I'm 100% sure, but without trying to spoil the story too much for the few souls that have yet to play it, there are multiple moments in the story where the choices you make, I felt, never really *seemed* to have big consequences. Atleast that's what my experience was like. There was an instance where I decided against allowing a certain character to throw a tantrum and that single instance gave me the bad ending. I couldn't fathom why such a seemingly small choice resulted in me getting the ending that made me depressed for a week. Seriously, the bad ending for Witcher 3 is NOT for the faint of hearts, it's absolutely one of the most depressing endings to a story I've ever seen, not necessarily because it's "bad" but because it tears your heart out and stomps on it. Throughout my 100+ hours playthrough I did not at all think that I deserved that ending in any capacity. I immediately searched up on how these things work on Google and I got visibly upset. Loaded back to a previous save file, did the choice differently and boom, I got what was arguably the "best" ending. That was stupidly handled in my opinion. But as I said, I'm probably in the minority of all this and I AM jealous of all the people that didn't stumble like I did.

However even with that taken into account it remains an all time classic to me. Wonderful game. I AM glad that they improved on this aspect a little bit on Cyberpunk though.


Such an amazing game. What are your memories of this game aside the obvious? For me would have to be

The leshen quest
The lonely woman and kids in Novigrad
The absolute mess a snowball bomb makes
Using Yrden regularly

You meant to say Quen.

Incredible game, music from Skellige (Fields of Ard Skellig) was the first piece I learnt on the piano.


Bloody Baron is just superb. If I recall this correctly the ladies in the wood are part of that too, right? That was some strong stuff, those three are nightmare fuel. What quest was it again with the sick fuck that had (I believe) raped and slaughtered those prostitutes in that house? I had the choice to off him.....

What a game. In fact, I'm about to install it so I can START with Blood and Wine. Yes sir, the only expansion left I haven't played yet of it.
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Avenging Priscilla
Seeing Earth in the sky during conjunction
Visiting other worlds and Aen Elle
Realizing Kaer Morhen Vallay is fully explorable
Defending Kaer Morhen from Wild Hunt
Drinking at Kaer Morhen and crossdressing and drunk dialing pope
Meeting my favourite literary character Regis brought to life flawlessly
Chilling in Corvo Bianco with Yennefer watching sunset
I could go on
Best game ever
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My only memories are buying the complete edition on Steam for like $20 years ago, but I've still never played it. Actually bought a GTX 1070 in order to run it at 60fps. Wanted to play The Witcher 2 first, after enjoying 1. But have not been able to get around to it.

Mr Hyde

Got lots of fav memories but arriving at Skellige for the first time and seeing the beautiful landscape and hearing the beautiful music knocked the wind out of me. Felt like traveling the wilderness up in the north where I grew up. One of the best open world games ever made. A true masterpiece that I never get tired of.


Gold Member
Possibly my all time favorite game, I have to play through it almost annually as if its required haha.

The soundtrack blew me away constantly.
The Redanian Army troll.
Finding Ciri
Ambushing the King in the street
The whole relationship with Yenn
The Bloody Baron
The absolutely phenomenal DLC
Fuck its all so good. Goddamn I might go play it right now.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Game was a breathtaking experience back then and I have nothing but fond memories.

I'm really glad it got a next gen update

And now that these modding tools get released what I want to see:
1. A quest that gives an epilogie to the Bloody Baron questline.
2. Rebuilt Iorveth content. His in game absence was so blaring.
3. A quest where you kill the final crone with the Ciri ending.


What time is it?
Hauling so many trash items to vendors that I reached a bug that reset my Gold to zero (somewhere around 70K).


I didnt play it untill 2016, amazing game and I havnt enjoyed anything as much since. I need to do another playthrough and play the dlc as I havnt played that still.


Otherwise it's funny but i don't think i have particular moments in mind that blew me away. For Cyberpunk i have those specific moment in mind. But for TW3 it's really the atmosphere when you're just wandering randomly in the open world.

You don't find a lot of games with more charm than that, visuals and OST are 10/10.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I have fond memories but uninstalled it when I had a game breaking bug after the 1st big patch.

Now I'm reading the books and plan on replaying the whole thing on PS5 when I'm done 😁
The first time I entered Novigrad. I've never felt so immersed in a game city. Every time I replay it I get sad when I run out of quests there.

That song.
Falling in love with Triss.
The party in Blood and Wine.

How I wish the next gen update had added your friends hanging out somewhere - Dandelion's inn, maybe.
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John Bilbo

I couldn't get into it. Too much dialogue. The witcher sight and following the clues was boring and frankly bad game design.

It was frustrating to play without a minimap and the dots showing where to go.

At the time I was in love with Breath of the Wild's game design and Witcher 3 was almost the opposite in its design.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Probably pre-launch when I was really looking forward to it. The actual game was fine, but all I remember was horseriding through empty fields and bootleg detective mode. Both it and The Witcher 2 were too much of a departure from the CRPG-ness of the first game for me.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Team Triss

Sailing around Skellige Isles

Witcher Contracts

Main story sucked. Couldn't get into Dark Fantasy Save the Bratty Princess.

Never played the DLC and I feel like I'd have to play the whole game again to get to that part.


Gold Member
My favorite moment would be before release, watching the reveal trailers and dreaming that the game would actually look like that on release. Now I'm not a Witcher hater, but I was let down a little at launch (on Xbox 1).


I haven't played it since 2016 and I still remember so much from it, it sucks when games are so memorable you'd need MiB style memory eraser to experience them again fresh

Oh well, I will replay it after Witcher 1 remake is out and I do full book saga plus trilogy run, maybe by I will have forgotten more of it


I played this game, but can't recall any memorable moments. It was so intense experiencing it as a young lil fuck. Now I'm lying in the bed, but can't recall shit. Maybe it's time to replay that goddamned game.
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