I never understood how people were so amazed by Skyrim. I kind of get it for modding dragon maidens in to have sex with if that's your thing I guess, but I do not get how people would put up with this ridiculous battle system. It was alreasy bad in Oblivion, but that's like a 2004 game or something, so there's really no excuses for Skyrim following the same shitty formula. Also it was a really ugly game, with all the snow and the mountains. Don't get me wrong, I love snowy regions, but they just didn't pull it off well, artistically speaking. It just looked bland and horrible, the grassy sunny foresty vibe worked much better in Oblivion.
The story is meh, of course, but that applies to most stories in general (whether it's games, or books or films). And that wouldn't really be an issue, if you had an interesting world, or characters, to get people hooked instead. Alas, Skyrim offers none of these.
I don't say this to be contrarian or anything, I've maintained this position since 2011. I honestly don't understand how people can enjoy a game this bad that much. While Oblivion was at least still a 7/10 or 8/10 or something, this is honestly no higher than 4/10.