The thing with people posting their fps values that's bothering me is that when you say something like "with this GPU I get 45 fps at 1440p", it doesn't really mean anything. With The Witcher 3, in my expierence, the time of day, the weather, and the location really matters for the fps value. With my 980 at 1440p I can get a fps between 45 and 60 under ideal normal conditions. But if it's raining and I'm in a REALLY dense forest and the time of day is so that the sun's just about coming up (I think this lighting costs more performance than say just normal noon time), my fps can drop to around 30 easily. I must note that I'm not using HairWorks, but each graphical slider is cranked all the way up to Ultra, no compromises. Some areas are just super demanding and if it's sunrise at that moment too, then that can really, really murder your performance.