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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

Hey is anyone else having drops in fps doing cut scenes? regularly i get 40 to 50 on high with tweaked settings but doing those scenes i drop to 30fps.Weird.

Have a r9 280
For anyone that's played the game for a while, is the first village you enter (on horseback) and the surrounding area a good place to test performance?

Or is there a big city/area further down that will completely wreck your shit compared to the first village?
i5 2500k 3.3 GHz
GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores overclocked to 900/2200/1800 MHz (1 GB GDDR5)
8 GB ram DDR3 1333 MHz

I set everything to medium using HBAO+ with most post-processing effects and the game runs at a steady 30fps from the balcony view in the beginning. I think I can even get away with setting shadow quality or foliage distance to high. Very cool! I hope these settings hold up.

Although... I'll have to keep an eye on my GPU temperature. Even with fans running at 90+% speed it hovers around 75 celsius since it's overclocked so much (default is 750/1950/1500).
I'm also crashing a lot. Shame this seems like a common issue. No overlocks, running at a mix of high and ultra at 1080p, no HairWorks, on an i7 2600k and a GTX 970. Average framerate is 50.


Hey is anyone else having drops in fps doing cut scenes? regularly i get 40 to 50 on high with tweaked settings but doing those scenes i drop to 30fps.Weird.

Have a r9 280

Yup. GTX 980 SLi. Cutscenes run like ass.

CDPR really screwed the pooch. Multiple people in this thread are complaining about that.


Anyone else having an issue with settings going back to default every time you boot the game? I get a message the patch was applied to settings reset. I'm trying to use the geforce profile. Windows 7, gtx 970, newest drivers


Yup. GTX 980 SLi. Cutscenes run like ass.

CDPR really screwed the pooch. Multiple people in this thread are complaining about that.

Real time cutscenes or the FMV's (video files)? I'm getting slide show stuttering on FMV's but real time scenes are fine.


I'm running this on the following -

i7 860 2.8 ghz
Radeon 290 4GB
8GB system ram
Windows 7

The auto detect actually put most of the settings at medium to low and I imagine that could have earned me a locked 60 fps but before even bothering with that I just set it to ultra and checked out how it ran - well, ultra/uber defaults the nvidia hair fx thing on and that killed the framerate in a very similar way to Tomb Raider when tressfx came out. I'll add that I'm running at 1920X1080 because that's what my monitor is.

So I turned it off and no more choppiness for rendering the hair. There was still a little bit of frame pacing issues so I set shadows to HIGH instead of ULTRA and well, the game runs somewhere above 30 all of the time and sometimes hits 60 , underground or in a building with few people it holds it , empty fairly open field and it's pushing 40+. It only dips close to 30 when the engine needs to render 6+ people in a complex environment.

I'm pretty happy with this performance , game looks amazing.


Seems like owners of the 900 series of cards are having bad crashing. Wonder if its the game or the new drivers released today. I think i might wait for a patch or something. Even though my 770 didnt crash but i didnt play much.


Seems like owners of the 900 series of cards are having bad crashing. Wonder if its the game or the new drivers released today. I think i might wait for a patch or something. Even though my 770 didnt crash but i didnt play much.

Have had zero crashes with my 970


All right. I tested this on my 980M Dual SLI GTX.

Ultra settings with Hairworks on I get 60fps most of the time and it dips to 52 or 57 on open world.

I change Foilage to high with hairworks on and it is mostly 60fps locked,

Game is a beauty.
If you have a GTX 770 and are interested in a locked 30fps/1080p,there's an extra 10-12 fps of spare performance with everything set to high and the hair setting turned off. Meaning you can turn one or two settings up to Ultra and not have to worry about fps fluctuations below 30.


main thing still is not being able to reach constant 60fps no matter the settings, not bother by the AA stuff as much

Yep, no way of getting locked 60fps, even on low.

I just capped to 30 and I'm playing on High* with HBAO+

*textures on Ultra, shadows on medium


I have a similar set up, so it's good to read this. Please post if you make any changes, and how it affects performance.

I tweaked around for a bit.

As far as I can see, the 2 real performance hogs (at least for my rig) are Foliage Visibility Range and HairWorks. I noticed massive improvements going from Foliage in Ultra to High and you don't really miss out on much detail. General recommendation is to keep in High for high-end machines, though who knows what "high-end" means nowadays...

Hairworks is a bit trickier, only Geralt and furry enemies have hairworks enabled. Like wolves and such, the problem is that during combat the camera tends to pull out quite far, so you don't really get to appreciate the effect with small enemies like wolves. Interiors have massive framedrops when the camera pulls too close to Geralt's hair.

I'm debating on keeping hairworks on just for geralt or turning it off completely this thing clearly is not meant to work at a steady framerate without a ridiculous rig. It does look really good though, but you'll mostly see it during cutscenes. I don't think its worth keeping on for animals, though I haven't seen big furry enemies yet.

Cutscenes are still stuttering briefly and you do get lower framerate at some points. I'm pretty sure the depth of field is to blame here. I haven't seen anything below 40-high 30's though.

I'll fiddle around some more tomorrow after work.


If you have a GTX 770 and are interested in a locked 30fps/1080p,there's an extra 10-12 fps of spare performance with everything set to high and the hair setting turned off. Meaning you can turn one or two settings up to Ultra and not have to worry about fps fluctuations below 30.

Excellent, cheers


Real time cutscenes or the FMV's (video files)? I'm getting slide show stuttering on FMV's but real time scenes are fine.

Yah, same as you, only have issues during the FMV cutscenes. Real-time cutscenes run just as smoothly as the game itself, which is to say extremely smoothly.


I don't know why there isn't a hairworks option just for the monsters. Geralt's hair looks fine normally and I don't care about NPCs. I would like the monster hair though but it just isn't worth the frame drop.


Gtx 970 and an i5 4690k at 4.0 GHz plus a really slow 8 GB of ram. everything on a mix of high and ultra. Specifically had to lower shadow, terrain, grass, foilage, and detail. No hair, but it's dropped from 60 maybe once in the first 3 hours @ 1080p. Really solid!

Also forgot to mention that the shift from high to ultra isn't huge amount except for grass. Hair is an obvious huge change, but it still looks excellent at the settings I have. Perfectly happy with it


Titan X SLI

Resolution @ 3440x1440.

Everything maxed hairworks AA included gives me 70ish FPS, although there is one caveat - foliage distance is down from Ultra to High. With that at Ultra I get 45ish. Not sure how much difference there is. But happy so far.


Yep. This game needs considerable horsepower to run @ high settings in 4k/60Hz. I just can't do it on my 3 old Titans. It chokes.

I'll probably end up picking up a couple of 980Tis or 390xs when they come out.
2GB Radeon HD 7870
Intel Core i5 4670k @ 4.3Ghz

Performance is weird, I can play the game on medium with some high settings without issues locked to 30fps, unlocked it's around 45-50fps but can drop hard randomly and performance is identical on low.

Outside of that, it runs really well on both 1920x1080 and 2560x1080, my only issue is that the game's in-game cutscenes are usually 16:9 instead of 21:9.

An example of this:


I also kind of wish that I could move the interface to the very left and right so it was less cluttered, but I'll just deal with it.
Game is amazingly beautiful, but I'm never going to progress in this game because I can't stop tweaking settings in the ini file.

And playing with everything at a mix of high/ultra with HBAO+ on a 780ti, I'm maintaining a fairly consistent 60fps. Going to keep poking at it until I find that right mix of visuals and performance, but this seems far less bleak than what some of those early benchmarks were suggesting. There are still probably a few settings in the Ultra preset that will murder my framerate, but for now the visuals and the performance are both excellent for me.

Edit: Had one hard crash (BSOD) right after the starting cutscene when you first take control of Geralt, but since disabling Hairworks haven't had any crashes *fingers crossed*
Played just enough to see how well it runs!

With everything maxed out I get 100-120 fps on 1440p and about 40-50 on 4K. I'll see if I'll keep HairWorks on.

But goddamn...this game is a looker on 4K.

4790K @ 4.7GHz
Samsung Evo SSD

Back to Witcher 1 :)

Yes indeed it is..


So I was tinkering with settings before and I just could not get a nice solid 60 FPS on my GTX 670 :(

I have Hairworks turned off, I have most things set to Medium with a few things at Low. I had HBAO+ on because it looks great but even turning that off only saved a frame or two a second. I was getting at best 45FPS if most stuff was turned off, and 38/39 when HBAO was on.

What gives? I have the new NVIDIA drivers and all that. I hoped I'd get 1080p60 on Medium.
Titan X SLI

Resolution @ 3440x1440.

Everything maxed hairworks AA included gives me 70ish FPS, although there is one caveat - foliage distance is down from Ultra to High. With that at Ultra I get 45ish. Not sure how much difference there is. But happy so far.

ooc, how about w/o AA only and Ultra everything else?


i5 760 @ 2,8 GHz

PC is struggling with the game on lowest settings at 1080p. I think it's time to upgrade my motherboard and CPU. Thosr have been with me since 2011 now.
Yup. GTX 980 SLi. Cutscenes run like ass.

CDPR really screwed the pooch. Multiple people in this thread are complaining about that.

Nice to know I'm not the only one. I guess patch 1.03 is going to be inbound soon enough given this is not only my problem. Also they need to fix AA because i think its broken or something since i still see jiggers.
Seems like owners of the 900 series of cards are having bad crashing. Wonder if its the game or the new drivers released today. I think i might wait for a patch or something. Even though my 770 didnt crash but i didnt play much.

I crashed once but I'm pretty sure it's because I was OC'd too high. I lowered my OC to a less aggressive clock and haven't crashed in 4 hours.

GTX 970 here. 60+ fps everywhere with everything maxed minus hairworks, it's just too much of a perf killer (25%+ hit).

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I have a 4790k and a GTX 980 and am getting 40-50fps with everything on ultra and hairworks on. With hairworks off I get 50-60fps. Is that typical? I figured I'd get 60 with everything on easily.
Game runs at 60fps on my rig, with only like 2 or 3 dips down to 55 fps from beginning to after first town and none during actual fights.

i7-4770K 3.5ghz
16GB 1600 RAM
Samsung 840 EVO 256 GB SSD

Have everything on Ultra setting
except for:

Hairworks = OFF
Fooliage: High
Grass Density: High

Game is amazing!


i'd be more inclined to say this is a good PC version if was truly scalable. I should be able to run at a constant 60 if I lower stuff on a 2 gig 680, yet no matter what I do; I can't. Not even if I lower every single thing.

hope a patch comes along or something. feels wrong.
Yup, foliage distance seems to be a big one.

I have a single 970 and I'm running at 1080, Ultra everything except foliage distance at high and hairworks off. Getting solid 60.

But yeah, the AA sucks for things in the distance.
Testing in the first village :
Maxed settings @ 1080p = 60 fps w/o Hairworks
Maxed settings @ 1080p = 45ish fps w/ full Hairworks
Gtx 970
4690k 4.6 Ghz

The village caps my Cpu at times and I can get drops to 57 from the cpu side.
Gpu wise its cutting it close w/o hairworks but not really dropping.
Honestly the hairworks is mostly good for monsters not npcs or geralt.
Too bad we don't have a monster only option.


Permanent Junior Member
I have a 4790k and a GTX 980 and am getting 40-50fps with everything on ultra and hairworks on. With hairworks off I get 50-60fps. Is that typical? I figured I'd get 60 with everything on easily.
Yep close to what I'm getting, except I have a 4670k. The hairworks doesn't do much for me, so I have no problem disabling it.
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