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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

Anyone else having issues with red spots (artifacts) on a 970 or other card. Removed the overclock, it's still there. Card never gets warmer than 67 degrees celsius and never uses more than 40 percent of the memory clock. GPU load is 99 percent however.
I'm running a constant 45+ fps with everything in the game set to Ultra minus hairworks on a 780ti at 1080p after this patch.

To say I'm happy with this would be a big understatement.


Guys one question.

What's better, sweetfx SMAA or default AA from the game?

Also, i'm running the game with max settings, do you recommend lumasharpen compared to the games sharpening option?


I'm using MasterEffect w/ ReShade & SweetFX...no idea if I can run all at the same time as I just saw some stuff on Twitter then an updated link, problem is the game is now quite dark and purple but the gamma section in the options menu has dissapeared.
Any ideas why or where it's gone?
Is anybody else hitting a lower FPS after the update? I'm running a GTX 970 on ultra with hairworks off. I would hit 58-60 fps on average but now i'm in the mid 40s


I finally gave up and locked the game at 30 frames with vsync and couldnt be happier.
I did this to get a reasonable iq out of this game, i am now mixing downsampling, ingame aa and smaa to get a decent aa effect. Phew...finally, my 970 can do near 60 at ultra without hairworks at 1080, but its such a visually busy game it just *needs* some good way to counter aliasing.


If I can tear myself away from Elite Dangerous I am going to pick this up.

Will the following be good enough for 1440p + Ultra (No Hairworks) at locked 30 fps?

i5 3570K @ Stock
R9 290 4GB
16GB Ram
If I can tear myself away from Elite Dangerous I am going to pick this up.

Will the following be good enough for 1440p + Ultra (No Hairworks) at locked 30 fps?

i5 3570K @ Stock
R9 290 4GB
16GB Ram
Yes it will.

The Witcher 3 is the first game I am sure I am gonna buy a an ultra-wide monitor for. I don't know if the video was posted in this thread but it is worth watching again : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNHxuChl61U


After updating to the new patch. I hard crash twice now. All at random moments in-game. Completely shutdown my PC. I'm not sure if it is overheating or not. I wasn't measuring the temp.


Anyone else having issues with red spots (artifacts) on a 970 or other card. Removed the overclock, it's still there. Card never gets warmer than 67 degrees celsius and never uses more than 40 percent of the memory clock. GPU load is 99 percent however.

You might have damaged it with the overclock. It's your card though for sure, not the game.
I'm using MasterEffect w/ ReShade & SweetFX...no idea if I can run all at the same time as I just saw some stuff on Twitter then an updated link, problem is the game is now quite dark and purple but the gamma section in the options menu has dissapeared.
Any ideas why or where it's gone?

Are you running borderless windowed? If so, you won't see a gamma slider.


Anyone else having issues with red spots (artifacts) on a 970 or other card. Removed the overclock, it's still there. Card never gets warmer than 67 degrees celsius and never uses more than 40 percent of the memory clock. GPU load is 99 percent however.

Did you check if it happens in other games as well? I'm not expert but if your card is somehow damaged and causing artifacts it should do it in other games as well ;s

How much did you overclock it?


I may be imagining things, but they may have downgraded the regular SSAO option, I notice white/yellow halos around most objects with that shit enabled now.

Stuttering still present, that didn't go away, so the 30fps option is useless to me, just running with an unlocked framerate now. It does seem to run a better but I'm not sure.


Oh man, this game looks gorgeous. Still tweaking stuff - wanting to get a locked 60fps @ 1080p with my titan black and 4790k.
Thanks, fixed that but everything still dark and purple...even with gamma maxed.

The game will run on your own icc color profile if you use borderless windowed. It will also eliminate nearly all screen tearing without having to enable vsync anywhere else. What monitor do you use? Are you using any sweetfx?


Performance for me has gone in the toilet since 1.03.

Like, holding 40-60 G-Sync with Ultra settings last night, now unable to reach double digits.

EDIT: Oh wait, shit. My display driver had crashed at some point.
Did you check if it happens in other games as well? I'm not expert but if your card is somehow damaged and causing artifacts it should do it in other games as well ;s

How much did you overclock it?

Stock bios
+40 Mv
+200 core
+400 memory

Witcher 3 is the only game with artifacting. Never had a driver crash. Never Above 67 degreez celsius


The game will run on your own icc color profile if you use borderless windowed. It will also eliminate nearly all screen tearing without having to enable vsync anywhere else. What monitor do you use? Are you using any sweetfx?

I was running 2 profiles at once on MasterEffect w/ ReShade, Sweet fx works fine but when I load with MasterEffect w/ ReShade running an E3 preset I get an error message saying

"ReShade.fx(319, 32): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'fBorderColor' "

The default preset still gives me a dark purple tint.
That seems like a lot.

Meh, according to gpuz the voltage Will not pass 1,268 even at +87, dont think that's too much. Guess I'll just let the pc cool for now. Not used to having artifacts without overheating. Did some googling and Could be the Hynix memory on the back of the gpu since there's no heat sink. I'll try again tomorrow with a lower memory clock when the card has cooled down. Funny thing is that wit her uses only 2gb of memory while gta5 uses 3,5. Still gta does not artifact.


So i've played a bit with patch 1.03:

- Performance is relatively the same. I get anywhere from 35-60 FPS with GeForce 970 everything on, including Hairworks. Whatever boost there was from Hairworks performance, it still eats a good 15 FPS.

- Movement still sucks on a keyboard. I didn't notice the difference after the patch even though the notes talk about increased responsiveness. They just need to set a constant running speed for keyboard, like in Witcher 2, no acceleration that Geralt does right now. Anyway, the toggle-to-walk button is still a saviour. This is probably the biggest dealbreaker for me, I'm waiting on movement to get some serious fixing before I dive deep into the game. There is no excuse, the movement in first 2 games was almost perfect.

- AF16 enabled - good, probably the 1-2 FPS lost for this is why I don't see any improvement in Hairworks boost.

- Sharpening - so for people who were yelling that the game is not looking like reveal trailers, CDPR added an option to set an aggressive sharpening. Overall, it sucks. I don't think a lot of people will set it on "High" as it butchers the picture - especially the grass and the trees where you can now see the 2D sprites, just terrible. Lesson learned - be careful of what you wish for.


Anyone else having issues with red spots (artifacts) on a 970 or other card. Removed the overclock, it's still there. Card never gets warmer than 67 degrees celsius and never uses more than 40 percent of the memory clock. GPU load is 99 percent however.

See if its happening with other games as well. Thats the first thing I'd do. If not then re-installing the latest Nvidia drivers would be an option. Maybe even use the older drivers before the W3 ones.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Still getting an Nvidia driver stopped responding message despite rolling back and reinstalling. My card ain't over clocked (asides from being factory OCd) either so IDK what the fuck is going on.


Hmm 1.03 seems OK with my 970.

Ultra settings, high foliage, no hair, unlimited frames, vsync, highest post processing.

Not seeing any dips below 58 fps, GPU at 68° max.


Neo Member
What GPU temps are the SLI users looking at for this game?

I've got GTX 780 Ghz Edition cards in SLI. They have the three fan coolers rather than the reference design, so they tend to dump a lot of hot air into one another. That being said, with a fairly aggressive fan curve they are hitting 75C. Without the fan curve applied, one of the cards was consistently hitting the low 80s.
So I just installed the new update for the game, and now I'm getting HORRENDOUS hitching. Whenever I'm running (on horseback or not) the game jerks probably once every second. It's awful. I also noticed it set my texture settings to Low, and I'm 99% sure they were on Ultra before.

I should note I did roll back to the GTA5 game ready drivers for Nvidia. I'm on a 980. I'm installing the latest Nvidia drivers now (hoping that the Steam update squashed the bugs I rolled my drivers back for).
I've got GTX 780 Ghz Edition cards in SLI. They have the three fan coolers rather than the reference design, so they tend to dump a lot of hot air into one another. That being said, with a fairly aggressive fan curve they are hitting 75C. Without the fan curve applied, one of the cards was consistently hitting the low 80s.

That is decent, but probably not very quiet.
Phew...finally, my 970 can do near 60 at ultra without hairworks at 1080, but its such a visually busy game it just *needs* some good way to counter aliasing.

You can simply download SweetFX and only enable SMAA.

It should work pretty well and at basically zero performance cost.


I found out what's killing my performance in villages.
Straw roofs on houses.
At least it's one of the things anyway.

Anyone using a DS4 controller got customised controls working? I want to set quick save to the PS button (using DS4Windows) but it's not recognising it in-game.
Probably metioned already but locking to 30 with radeonpro instead of the ingame settings works better for me, I had a lot of stuttering with the ingame options.
Anyone else having issues with red spots (artifacts) on a 970 or other card. Removed the overclock, it's still there. Card never gets warmer than 67 degrees celsius and never uses more than 40 percent of the memory clock. GPU load is 99 percent however.

I was having the same exact problem as you with my 970 which is also a hynix. My normal oc at 1527/8000mhz at stock voltage on any other game works fine with the red dots only showing up if I push further. So for this game I had to lower my oc quite a bit to 130 core/300 memory and those red dots don't appear at all now from what I've noticed.

I think this only happens when a game pushes beyond our cards power limits (TDP 110%) but I'm not entirely sure.


People with old cards: by capping the FPS to 30 you can really go to town with the game. 60fps is a pipe dream with my 5870, so I decided to cap it to 30 and I can play with everything on high except I turned hairworks off and background characters to low. Detail quality on ultra. Some dips in crowded areas but better than a fluctuating FPS with everything set to low.
So I just installed the new update for the game, and now I'm getting HORRENDOUS hitching. Whenever I'm running (on horseback or not) the game jerks probably once every second. It's awful. I also noticed it set my texture settings to Low, and I'm 99% sure they were on Ultra before.

I should note I did roll back to the GTA5 game ready drivers for Nvidia. I'm on a 980. I'm installing the latest Nvidia drivers now (hoping that the Steam update squashed the bugs I rolled my drivers back for).

let me know if that works switching to the newer drivers because I'm in the same exact boat as you, I might even be sitting right behind you.
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