No I just thought it would be good for you to hear how it comes across, it seems like empathy isn’t your strongest trait. I don’t block people. You’re free to keep saying it, you just might hear some pushback sometimes, but I bet you’ll survive.Good thing this isn't ResetEra or Twitter where people get easily triggered over simple words. If you are easily bothered by it, then block me and move on.
Do you have any retarded friends?
Have you ever invited a retard to join your group?
Have you ever invited a retard to any of your parties?
Have you ever invited them to join you and your friends for any engagement ever in your life?
Have you gone out of your way to be friend to a retarded person you saw alone?
In school did you include them?
Have you ever heard a retarded person complain about the use of the word retarded? Or is it allways some other person (social activist) telling you to shut up?
What Im saying is why are you acting like you care about retarded people if you dont even invite them into your spaces which is lightyears more important to them feeling belonging then people not using the r-word. I have never seen any evidence in my life that retarded people even care about the term.....its allways others who want to seem as PC as possible complaining about it.
If you really want to help the retarded spend some time with them (there fucking lonely) and stop policing others language.
Umm you’re making some pretty wild assumptions about me, but to answer your question I do know someone who is non-verbal and people call him a retard because of their ignorance and it hurts his feelings a lot, does that pass your test enough?