Major revisions to the Core Rulebooks. Key philosophy is making DND more inclusive to diverse players. Also - enhanced digital tools (inhouse digital tabletop)
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Key philosophy is making DND more inclusive to diverse players.
It was probably the antithesis of an all inclusive game.If you were racist than DnD was racist.....I never played or read anything and found it racist. It was fantasy.
It was probably the antithesis of an all inclusive game.
I had never met anyone who played DnD who held any notion of ill intent towards anyone. They were just geeks. Geeks that wanted more girls to play at the time but it certainly was not the cool thing to do in school.
The players and DM made the story and characters however they saw fit. The only guidelines that people really followed were the stats.
These are crazy people pandering to something that was never their.
It's just marketing/ advertisement BS.
This "trailer" makes my skin crawl.
The diversity/inclusion statements are just confusing to me. This is a game of imagination, if you can't "imagine someone who looks like me as a hero" wtf are you doing playing DnD? One of my characters is a tiefling female and my other character is a human male.........
Following 2020 WOTC made it so Drow and Orcs are no longer "evil races" in the game because saying that one race can be evil in a FANTASY SETTING is racist.
Oh. I honestly don't even know how to process that information.
Following 2020 WOTC made it so Drow and Orcs are no longer "evil races" in the game because saying that one race can be evil in a FANTASY SETTING is racist.
Major revisions to the Core Rulebooks. Key philosophy is making DND more inclusive to diverse players. Also - enhanced digital tools (inhouse digital tabletop)
What a bizarre way to open the video lol. It almost immediately turned me off towards the update but once they got into the DnD beyond stuff I was feelin it."Growing up I loved fantasy but I never saw myself as a hero, because I didn't think it was possible for someone who looked like me, who acted like me, who was like me, to be that hero."
That's why it's Fantasy and Roleplay you dumb bitch.
It's basically 5.5, but there are some pretty huge changes.So is this 5.5 or is this just pandering for virtue points? Me and my mates will still keep playing how we like. Drow we’re never “evil” at my table, but most of their goals never aligned with the PC’s.
It's basically 5.5, but there are some pretty huge changes.
1 - Monsters can't critical hit anymroe
2 - Inspiration completley reworked
3 - Race is completely revamped.
Magic is being re-worked. It's now split into Arcane / Divine/ Primal. Classes will be assigned to those lists.
Their logic is that it's too brutal for low level characters and removes control from the DMs. It seems they're going to increase the number of "recharge" abilities to compensate.Interesting. Sounds like a lot of cool stuff. Our group will likely ignore the “monsters can’t crit” thing unless there’s a compelling reason for it, but I know some people will be happy with it.
Their logic is that it's too brutal for low level characters and removes control from the DMs. It seems they're going to increase the number of "recharge" abilities to compensate.
My favorite part is they're going to start packaging digital editions with physical books. About time.Hmmm interesting. Ill keep an eye on it I suppose. Though our group definitely has enjoyed the tension of “oh fuck this could hurt” lol
DID just see the new D&D Beyond stuff which looks fucking awesome.
My favorite part is they're going to start packaging digital editions with physical books. About time.
Yeh it's about time. Nice advantage of them having bought D&D Beyond. That stuff can now be integrated.
As a DM, you have no idea how much I hate it when new players ask me if they can play a homebrew race.I don't get it. They want people to be able to play themselves in D&D games? Like a Narnia thing? Seems to me that most people would rather suck down on a bastard sword than play a human in D&D when they could play some sort of "friendly monster race" who has some annoying quirky trait as a substitute for a personality.
That IS the woke definition of evil.So is this 5.5 or is this just pandering for virtue points? Me and my mates will still keep playing how we like. Drow we’re never “evil” at my table, but most of their goals never aligned with the PC’s.
I want to see how it all comes together when they complete that digital board. I could see myself slowly building a big campaign as a kind of side hobby, then hosting my first game as DM. I know there's apps out there, some on Steam, and I tried a few and found them pretty stunted and needing way too much input/work for little results.
Yeah I'm with you... I've played probably only a few dozen sessions of D&D in my life at most, mostly 2nd and 3rd edition, but it does seem paradoxically more complicated now. Like 2nd edition rules were weird as fuck and archaic, but you know what, nobody actually followed them lol. I've never played a session where the rules were followed exactly. Where some rolls weren't fudged. Where an encounter wasn't modified on the fly. Where the scenario wasn't straight up made up on the spot because something unexpected happened. I wonder if because now that the game has to be played on a computer there has to actually be rules for literally everything.... And at that point why not just play a video game?Last time I played D&D was a kid dabbling with the Basic red box and the blue expert box. I had no idea what I was doing and my bros bought the blue box even though they barely even played it. My bros had monster manual and DM Guide.
Every once in a while I'd check out D&D now what it's like and it seems so complicated. At some point the rules were changed so a solid AC like -2 would be like +20 or whatever as they reversed it where the higher the number is better than a lower number.
Back then I though the game was fine for what it was. The biggest pains in the ass were referencing AC and Saving Throw charts.
Back then the rules were probably so vague DMs and players made up shit as they played but now the rules probably specify minute details how to interpret things.
I remember flipping through the first Monster Manual just looking at the pictures. So cool. But the art was all over the place. One artist was super detailed. They other drew shit looking cartoony style monsters.
Shambling Mound is awesome!
They’ve already fucked up Spelljammer, and Dragonlance looks to be “reimagined” whatever the fuck that means. Guaranteed Planescape is going to be a shit show.
Honestly I dropped 5th Ed about 3 months ago and went back to AD&D 2E, which I haven’t played since the 90s. Loving it.
Incredible how people project their own issues into the fantasy world. Almost as sad as people wanting to go to a wizardry school.Following 2020 WOTC made it so Drow and Orcs are no longer "evil races" in the game because saying that one race can be evil in a FANTASY SETTING is racist.
I don't get it. They want people to be able to play themselves in D&D games? Like a Narnia thing? Seems to me that most people would rather suck down on a bastard sword than play a human in D&D when they could play some sort of "friendly monster race" who has some annoying quirky trait as a substitute for a personality.
They’ve already fucked up Spelljammer, and Dragonlance looks to be “reimagined” whatever the fuck that means. Guaranteed Planescape is going to be a shit show.
Honestly I dropped 5th Ed about 3 months ago and went back to AD&D 2E, which I haven’t played since the 90s. Loving it.
More likely, it is some total normie trying to showboat and grandstand themselves to the centre of attention.Here come the horde of deer-kin pansexual ace genderfluid neurodivergents angry at you for not letting them be themselves in a fantasy game calling you all kinds of names.
Has there been any mention of why monsters can no longer crit? Seems strange. Feels fair for that to go both ways.It's basically 5.5, but there are some pretty huge changes.
1 - Monsters can't critical hit anymroe
2 - Inspiration completley reworked
3 - Race is completely revamped.
Magic is being re-worked. It's now split into Arcane / Divine/ Primal. Classes will be assigned to those lists.
Fuck that shit. House rules are there for good reason.Has there been any mention of why monsters can no longer crit? Seems strange. Feels fair for that to go both ways.
Fuck that shit. House rules are there for good reason.
My one big gripe with 5e is how disgustingly easy they've made it. Combat basically starts, then is over in a round if you follow the challenge ratings. Absolute horseshit. 9 out of 10 times I double or trible monster HP, and you can bet monsters can crit. My players need to feel that they can die. That's when the exciting combat happens.
This obsession with making combat fast and easy is making it dull. What's the point of making and painting terrain and doing all this prep work with miniatures and all, if you hardly get to use them?
Can't imagine a fictional hero who can walk because your in a wheel chair in real life?
Now is your time... because dragons are OK, the ability for your legs to work is not in the world of fantasy.
Joking aside I don't think people realise how much of a change this is to gameplay... I mean won't they need to roll initiative every time they have to take the stairs? What about a steep hill?
There are no more initiative rolls. Initiative is just another word for white privilege and is meant to keep the marginalized fantasy races down and as such it’s racist.Can't imagine a fictional hero who can walk because your in a wheel chair in real life?
Now is your time... because dragons are OK, the ability for your legs to work is not in the world of fantasy.
Joking aside I don't think people realise how much of a change this is to gameplay... I mean won't they need to roll initiative every time they have to take the stairs? What about a steep hill?
They're punishing the DM for being a Dungeon MASTER because the word MASTER is racist and they don't want anyone calling themselves MASTER to have any fun by killing off players in their game.
Can't imagine a fictional hero who can walk because your in a wheel chair in real life?
Now is your time... because dragons are OK, the ability for your legs to work is not in the world of fantasy.
Joking aside I don't think people realise how much of a change this is to gameplay... I mean won't they need to roll initiative every time they have to take the stairs? What about a steep hill?
Haha, that's so stupid I have no problem believeing it's 100% true.
Ghaa... Why not just have the crippled hero be a powerful mage who can levitate. Problem solved...
Yeah, you are of course correct. My apologies, I just don't speak stupid very well.No you don't get it, you see the person in real life's entire personality, no persona is the chair, without their cripple chair they are meaningless, people dont even see them they just see the chair. It needs to be reflected in the game too, you could remove the hero, but you can't remove the chair.