Ragnarok on the 3rd.
I'm pretty certain Sony making a landmark deal with Marvel had expectations of the film making close to if not 1 billion, especially in light of it being well received and critically acclaimed and tied to the MCU.
So good?I watched Rogue One. Not that great, not that bad either. Whatever.
I'm not sure if anyone could possibly beat Teddy Roosevelt.Theodore Roosevelt and a bunch of nobodies.
Whatever, I get Odyssey, Wolfenstein, and Stranger Things instead.
So good?
I share mine with Weird Al. I don't think anyone can beat that.
Someone in the last thread pointed out that in one of the leaks from the Sony hack, Ike had basically told the head of Sony Pictures (Michael Lynton) that his expectations were $750m for the first movie, $1b for the second, and $1.25b for the third, and that Lynton had sent those numbers to other people as well, so I'm thinking that's what their expectations are/were.
There's only 2 Spider Man Homecoming films. Spiderman's other 3 appearances are/will be in Civil War, Infinity War, and Infinity War 2.
Tom Holland revealed a trilogy is planned.
I meant the deal with Marvel.
There is the distinct possibility of them extending the deal as long as things go as planned (which, as of right now, it looks like they are). Ignoring that, if the first two films are successful, even if they don't renew the deal there's no way Sony wouldn't finish the trilogy themselves.
Don't get why Sony or anyone would think this when no Spidey film has ever made $1 billion or even $900 million. Not only that besides IM3 no solo MCU film has made $1 billion.I'm pretty certain Sony making a landmark deal with Marvel had expectations of the film making close to if not 1 billion, especially in light of it being well received and critically acclaimed and tied to the MCU.
You're right, if they extend the deal. However if they don't, things get complicated including finishing the "trilogy".
Don't get why Sony or anyone would think this when no Spidey film has ever made $1 billion or even $900 million. Not only that besides IM3 no solo MCU film has made $1 billion.
With it being another reboot, competition and lower foreign exchange rates, Homecoming didn't have much of a chance at $1 billion.
Don't get why Sony or anyone would think this when no Spidey film has ever made $1 billion or even $900 million. Not only that besides IM3 no solo MCU film has made $1 billion.
With it being another reboot, competition and lower foreign exchange rates, Homecoming didn't have much of a chance at $1 billion.
Actually, now that I think about it, wasn't that deal made when Marvel was still calling the next 2 Avengers movies Infinity War Parts 1 and 2 (in other words, when they were still one movie)? We already know that they renegotiated Chris Evans' contract to have him in both movies (when his ended at Infinity War), who is to say that they haven't done that for some of the other contracts that extend through it (like, say, Holland or Sebastian Stan)?
He wears it better than you ever could.OBAMA STOLE MY BIRTHDAY
Don't get why people would think this when no Spidey film has ever made $1 billion or even $900 million. Not only that besides IM3 no solo MCU film has made $1 billion.
With it being another reboot, competition and lower foreign exchange rates, Homecoming didn't have much of a chance at $1 billion.
Despite all that I really don't think that Sony expected a critically-acclaimed Spider-Man MCU movie to perform like this. I think we have gotten enough insight into their movie division for that assumption.
These are the people that made The Emoji Movie after all.
He wears it better than you ever could.
I think I am chatting with a bot on Xbox Live 🤔
It says she is 22 and female looking for new people to play games with. Bronson what's your take on this. Trustworthy?
Edit: It wants a pic of my private area. These bots are getting pretty legit these days.
As someone just pointed out we have an actual leak of their internal correspondence from the time the deal was made that pointed to expectations of $750 million. There is no reason to build that number up higher in an effort to make Homecoming's returns disappointing.
As someone just pointed out we have an actual leak of their internal correspondence from the time the deal was made that pointed to expectations of $750 million. There is no reason to build that number up higher in an effort to make Homecoming's returns disappointing.
The last Sony Spider Man film had mixed reviews that audiences disliked made over 700 million.
I'm pretty certain the thinking was putting Spider Man back with the red hot Marvel and their universe and introducing him in Civil War, a film that grossed over a billion, and then making a solid, critically acclaimed film would garner much more at the box office.
This is also too simplistic though.
The first three Spider-Man movies performed incredibly well historically. If we adjust for inflation/ticket prices - which is not a particularly good way to scale box office gross, but is helpful to put things into perspective - the performance of the new movie is arguably going to fall significantly short of theirs. We could also point out that international markets have grown a lot since then and that the superhero genre has exploded in popularity, leading to higher expectations. We could bring up that Spider-Man is presumably still incredibly popular all around the world or the marketing/synergy campaign, e.g. having Iron Man in the movie.
On the other hand, as kswiston has shown, one could also focus on the ASM movies and construct a different narrative. A franchise in disarray, getting pushed to the sidelines by MCU/DCEU, plagued by bad management decisions and with the last movie badly received. A franchise whose third entry likely, at least the assumption, would have done significantly worse. One could point at other MCU movies and their box office results, one could discuss the competition of Spider-Man or the bad currency exchange rates or that this is the second reboot in a short time.
Despite all that I really don't think that Sony expected a critically-acclaimed Spider-Man MCU movie to perform like this. I think we have gotten enough insight into their movie division for that assumption.
These are the people that made The Emoji Movie after all.
There was a damn LEAK of internal correspondence showing expectations of exactly what Homecoming is doing.
Yes, Sony sucks as a studio. That doesn't mean that people have to invent a narrative to make it look like they suck worse.
In other news, The Dark Tower's score ain't bad. Junkie XL doing it and all.
There was a damn LEAK of internal correspondence showing expectations of exactly what Homecoming is doing.
Yes, Sony sucks as a studio. That doesn't mean that people have to invent a narrative to make it look like they suck worse.
Sounds legit, send the ding dong pic
Dunkirk on Wednesday night at IMAX was packed. The movie kept the audience dead quiet the entire time, all eyes focused on it. I'll probably go again near the end of the run so I can get a nice seat right in the middle. Stunning image and sound design.
All I got in return was a link to a paid cam show site.
What is wrong with you?
Eh worth a shot
I'm the real President
Not like you'd be able to hear anyone talking watching this in IMAX anyway. During the action scenes people could probably scream st each other 3 rows in front of you and you wouldn't notice it.
Enjoy your weekends. I will probably pop in here and there, but I hope to be on the road by 8am tomorrow.
We'll see if Detroit to Minneapolis is doable in a day without my legs falling off.
are you biking it? Why would your legs fall off.
Not like you'd be able to hear anyone talking watching this in IMAX anyway. During the action scenes people could probably scream st each other 3 rows in front of you and you wouldn't notice it.