To make a long story short, and I'm going to make this story a bit vague, I've been with my fiance for 18 months and 6 days. Best time of my life. However....I've been away from her quite a bit since she really doesn't stay with me permanently since she's still in highschool (she's 18, I'm 20). I guess there'll be time near the end of the month and stuff. Anyway, I rarely think about what it'd be like with other women. I haven't once cheated on her. We've treated each other very good. Lately, it's been a bit rough when we've talked on the phone. We both get angry at each other for no reasons. I have no clue what it is. I wish I could say it was easy as something as her being mad at me for trick-or-treating :lol, but it's not.
So.......the idea of breaking up has crossed my mind. Lately, I've been noticing things about her that I don't necessarily like, and some of her beliefs (she went trick-or-treating with her friends, natch!)...I don't like her stubborness of understanding things, because some things she doesn't care to understand. It's been getting really annoying.
It has occurred to me that almost every relationship I've had before her was pretty serious. I never really learned to have a light relationship that just focused on companionship and just hanging out. I've never really had a "fun" relationship. My first love when I was 15 pretty much set a precedent of what I've envisioned a relationship to be. And boy, man, I've missed out. Badly. When I'm with my friends, or with the boys from the office at a local coffee shop, I see tons of pretty women. I walk into Best Buy, and I notice girls eyeballing me. Very pretty girls. These are girls who I can get numbers from. Girls I can date. Girls I can go out with. Etc.
I'm kind of regretting that my love experienced a lot of firsts with me (I took her virginity...probably have made love .5k times), and if I break up with her, it'd all have been for nothing. It isn't occurring to me that I don't love her, it's just....the missing out has overwhelmed me, and I feel like I have some catching up to do.
It's a fucked up thing. I feel like I'm a bad person. This girl is gorgeous, she has the qualities of what could be a wonderful wife. I don't know what to do.
So, how about you losers give me a few somewhat serious suggestions on what to do. Halloween tips included.
Or maybe...I should sleep it off. I only had a few hours of sleep last night, and maybe I'm just overhyperfuckingsenstitive right now. I feel...vulnerable.
So.......the idea of breaking up has crossed my mind. Lately, I've been noticing things about her that I don't necessarily like, and some of her beliefs (she went trick-or-treating with her friends, natch!)...I don't like her stubborness of understanding things, because some things she doesn't care to understand. It's been getting really annoying.
It has occurred to me that almost every relationship I've had before her was pretty serious. I never really learned to have a light relationship that just focused on companionship and just hanging out. I've never really had a "fun" relationship. My first love when I was 15 pretty much set a precedent of what I've envisioned a relationship to be. And boy, man, I've missed out. Badly. When I'm with my friends, or with the boys from the office at a local coffee shop, I see tons of pretty women. I walk into Best Buy, and I notice girls eyeballing me. Very pretty girls. These are girls who I can get numbers from. Girls I can date. Girls I can go out with. Etc.
I'm kind of regretting that my love experienced a lot of firsts with me (I took her virginity...probably have made love .5k times), and if I break up with her, it'd all have been for nothing. It isn't occurring to me that I don't love her, it's just....the missing out has overwhelmed me, and I feel like I have some catching up to do.
It's a fucked up thing. I feel like I'm a bad person. This girl is gorgeous, she has the qualities of what could be a wonderful wife. I don't know what to do.
So, how about you losers give me a few somewhat serious suggestions on what to do. Halloween tips included.
Or maybe...I should sleep it off. I only had a few hours of sleep last night, and maybe I'm just overhyperfuckingsenstitive right now. I feel...vulnerable.