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Women that really loves men, don't really care about physical appearance...


They are more interested about how you behaves with her, and how you live your life...
I mean, this is so boring to be reading and kind of obvious, but we all still making the same mistakes...
forget about what they think and start to be yourself... There's no better lesson about girls...

Money can really helps but you need to understand that, you really want to be loved by what you really are...
And money is the veichle to make your personality express yourself better, but money is not the thing itselft...

you can fuck the same girl for a long time or even forever, just because of her ass, boobs or feet, whatever...
but girls need more than just a penis...

let's talk ?




Every inch of height and additional figure of income will exponentially help her accept you for you.

Otherwise, who you are better be a fucking fantastic person. That includes being funny and a master of social cues, which cannot be achieved on demand.

Ergo, for many, making as much money as you can is the lowest-friction way to increasing your desirability. Remember, lads, a man's value is measured solely by his usefulness. And money and status are proxies for that.

She won't actually love you for you, but for her idea of you. However, she is not aware of this herself and will confuse the idea of you for you; and in the end, that's just as good.
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not tag worthy
Infatuation fades people have quirks flaws etc. You both work through them you may not get rid of them . You will face troubled times. But you are a team.l work together It’s not about being right it’s about being heard.

A good person will want the best for you.
They will have your back. You got to have your own back. They will also lean on you etc

But you will get on each others nerves. It’s human nature. Take the rough with the smooth etc.

Also when she starts ranting and raving don’t Try and offer solutions they just want to rant and rave (vent)

Also if you ever find yourself being right about something dont imply they are wrong. That way lies defeat.

Cliches but true

top gear africa special GIF
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I think everyday about girls minds
Have you bothered to study actual neuroscience, mating sociology, science journals on attraction and relationships, statistical data, surveys, etc?

What do you think of this?

You seem like you need to accept some realities and decide what you want to bother with or not and just do it or not. Spinning in your head forever is just pouring the precious days of your life into nothing.


all factors play a role, anyone saying they only look for X or Y whether it's man or woman are both lying through their arses.

Physical attraction plays as much of a role as social standing and intelligence, i.e. ones compatibility with another.

trying to boil such complex ideas down into a single sentence is why GenZ are just super fucked and i legitimately feel bad for them. Politics is not a personality and neither is having an onlyfans account
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A riddiculous statement.

Looks actually tell you a lot about ones character. If a women doesn't care about your looks at all, she doesn't care about you.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
all factors play a role, anyone saying they only look for X or Y whether it's man or woman are both lying through their arses.

Physical attraction plays as much of a role as social standing and intelligence, i.e. ones compatibility with another.

trying to boil such complex ideas down into a single sentence is why GenZ are just super fucked and i legitimately feel bad for them. Politics is not a personality and neither is having an onlyfans account
I think this is most often overlooked in what people think attracts men. Men do place a high priority on fertility but also on accessibility (including intellectual) and supportiveness. Low intelligence (which makes one bad at articulating/sharing their inner world) and/or the emotional unavailability brought on by playing games and "tests" (which end up putting too many qualifiers on suppportiveness) will make a man lose relational interest in a woman who is very physically attractive.


all factors play a role, anyone saying they only look for X or Y whether it's man or woman are both lying through their arses.

Physical attraction plays as much of a role as social standing and intelligence, i.e. ones compatibility with another.

trying to boil such complex ideas down into a single sentence is why GenZ are just super fucked and i legitimately feel bad for them. Politics is not a personality and neither is having an onlyfans account
i'm from 1991, and I really think today we can't find younger nice girls, as our fathers found younger girls to them...
I mean, like, being 32 years old and start a relationship with a 6 or 10 years younger girl nicelly...
I try to make some contact with them and they are totally incompatible...
I'm curious about that, because all generations had their point of contact and older guys always made younger girlfriends..
But from 1991 to 2000's, people were jumping through a large hole without a bridge..

I remember my grandfather saying: ''you are a pretty nice guy John, so choose for younger girls when older''.
Damn, my grandfather was so wrong about 2000's generations...
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I think this is most often overlooked in what people think attracts men. Men do place a high priority on fertility but also on accessibility (including intellectual) and supportiveness. Low intelligence (which makes one bad at articulating/sharing their inner world) and/or the emotional unavailability brought on by playing games and "tests" (which end up putting too many qualifiers on suppportiveness) will make a man lose relational interest in a woman who is very physically attractive.
you are correct, there's this weird list or litmus test we are creating in order to see whether the opposite party fits into our own world view on what they should be, it's all mostly concocted by media and now exponentially so by social media.

the fact is, if you want to find someone, you've just got to be a human being and act normally and more than likely you will find someone who matches you in some way, for some men or women that means someone less attractive but they really gel with emotionally, maybe you luck out and they are more attractive, there is a good chance this other person may be smarter than you or faster than you or whatever the case may be. Society wants you to believe you have some control over all these things and that's why we have so many lonely depressed GenZ's running around using any sort of ideology to try make up for their loneliness.

people have largely forgotten how to be normal social beings and unfortunately that is going to affect ones ability in finding a partner.
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i'm from 1991, and I really think today we can't find younger nice girls, as our fathers found younger girls to them...
I mean, like, being 32 years old and start a relationship with a 6 or 10 years younger girl nicelly...
I try to make some contact with them and they are totally incompatible...
I'm curious about that, because all generations had their point of contact and older guys always made younger girlfriends..
But from 1991 to 2000's, people were jumping through a large hole without a bridge..

I remember my grandfather saying: ''you are a pretty nice guy John, so choose for younger girls when older''.
Damn, my grandfather was so wrong about 2000's generations...
you shouldn't be so narrow minded or naive, it is more likely that someone a year or 2 younger or maybe even a year or 2 older will be on the same page as you when it comes to life experiences/problems and just a more genuine mature adult.

do you remember when you were in your 20s and the women you may have dated then? I know myself i was an absolute idiot back then and the women i had dated were not much better, fighting about stupid shit, playing needless mind games with each other etc.

the idea is not to close yourself off from so many people and rather be open to everyone, if dating 50 year old women who you match with personally makes you happy then why the hell not?
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
i'm from 1991, and I really think today we can't find younger nice girls, as our fathers found younger girls to them...
I mean, like, being 32 years old and start a relationship with a 6 or 10 years younger girl nicelly...
I try to make some contact with them and they are totally incompatible...
I'm curious about that, because all generations had their point of contact and older guys always made younger girlfriends..
But from 1991 to 2000's, people were jumping through a large hole without a bridge..

I remember my grandfather saying: ''you are a pretty nice guy John, so choose for younger girls when older''.
Damn, my grandfather was so wrong about 2000's generations...
You need to accept that the only person who will love you unconditionally just for who you are is your mom. Everyone else will love what you are to them. If you stop being that or if what they need you to be for them goes out of sync with what you are to them, they will stop caring. It is a hard truth, but it is the truth. Relationships are a process of constant searching and communication of needs, negotiation, and mutual sacrifice. Day by day it is like laying brick by brick to make a space only the two of you know. How beautiful or sturdy that space is depends on how well you maintain a mutual goal and serve each other.

These days too many people make a double mistake. First they romanticize love too much, thinking the perfection of love found at the start controls how it goes afterwards. Second they only think about what they are getting from the other instead of what they can give and what they are building together. Both of these make them search for someone who is an image of perfection to them, but the image is always just a momentary perception, not the reality of that person connected to all the rest of life.


but girls need more than just a penis...
I take it you've never been for a night out where you're the only male, some of the shit you hear would make a sailor blush.. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

A dirty old man is one thing, a dirty old woman will warp your brain.

I find it hard to believe that in this day and age of technology we still have men thinking women are the 'fairer' sex

These motherfuckers are brutal.

You'll probably find one or two in your life that isn't a total bellend, make sure you chose correct. You ain't getting them years back otherwise :messenger_sunglasses:

Psssst, most women, even if they're with you, will still talk about 'penis' with their friends..

So yeah, good luck.


Gold Member
They are more interested about how you behaves with her, and how you live your life...
I mean, this is so boring to be reading and kind of obvious, but we all still making the same mistakes...
forget about what they think and start to be yourself... There's no better lesson about girls...

Money can really helps but you need to understand that, you really want to be loved by what you really are...
And money is the veichle to make your personality express yourself better, but money is not the thing itselft...

you can fuck the same girl for a long time or even forever, just because of her ass, boobs or feet, whatever...
but girls need more than just a penis...

let's talk ?


They are more interested about how you behaves with her, and how you live your life...
I mean, this is so boring to be reading and kind of obvious, but we all still making the same mistakes...
forget about what they think and start to be yourself... There's no better lesson about girls...

Money can really helps but you need to understand that, you really want to be loved by what you really are...
And money is the veichle to make your personality express yourself better, but money is not the thing itselft...

you can fuck the same girl for a long time or even forever, just because of her ass, boobs or feet, whatever...
but girls need more than just a penis...

let's talk ?

Read this, u will understand woman completely.



Don't try to win people with things. You'll only attract people who want those things and they will disappear as soon as the things do.
Of course they do, just as when you lose any attractive trait the attraction for that disappears. So try not to lose it. Money is certainly easier to keep than fading looks


I take it you've never been for a night out where you're the only male, some of the shit you hear would make a sailor blush.. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

A dirty old man is one thing, a dirty old woman will warp your brain.

I find it hard to believe that in this day and age of technology we still have men thinking women are the 'fairer' sex

These motherfuckers are brutal.

You'll probably find one or two in your life that isn't a total bellend, make sure you chose correct. You ain't getting them years back otherwise :messenger_sunglasses:

Psssst, most women, even if they're with you, will still talk about 'penis' with their friends..

So yeah, good luck.

Winter John

How these no chick will ever fuck me threads should be treated.

1 poor me thread? Yeah, maybe this deserves some basic life advice. Take a bath. Get some fresh threads. Some nice aftershave. Maybe hit the gym if you're a fat fuck. Otherwise get your ass to the nearest bar.

2 poor me threads? Uh huh. Starting to sound like an attention seeking bitch here.

3 poor me threads? Take a walk pal. This ain't the blue hair forum.


Of course they do, just as when you lose any attractive trait the attraction for that disappears. So try not to lose it. Money is certainly easier to keep than fading looks
There is more then one type of attraction. People lose looks and money more then personality and character.


you shouldn't be so narrow minded or naive, it is more likely that someone a year or 2 younger or maybe even a year or 2 older will be on the same page as you when it comes to life experiences/problems and just a more genuine mature adult.

do you remember when you were in your 20s and the women you may have dated then? I know myself i was an absolute idiot back then and the women i had dated were not much better.

the idea is not to close yourself off from so many people and be open to everyone, if dating 50 year old women who you match with personally makes you happy then why the hell not?

Show him your feet. 🤣

I love girls feet
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