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Women that really loves men, don't really care about physical appearance...


I have been married for 26 years and with my wife 29 years total. Two sons, 17 and 20. Every day I thank God I don't have to date in this modern fake ass world.

The internet and smartphones fucked everything up.
There were screwed up dating stories 20 years ago too. But yeah...


Gold Member
I have been married for 26 years and with my wife 29 years total. Two sons, 17 and 20. Every day I thank God I don't have to date in this modern fake ass world.

The internet and smartphones fucked everything up.
100% agree with you. I see my friends using dating apps and it looks so vile and overwhelmed with narcissistic plastic people.
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Maybe you are not ugly, you are just poor.


Or so rich, you are ugly again

Should HighPoly HighPoly start a love guru service exclusively for NeoGaf members? You should consult with the mods here and set something up. Gold advice you got there. Or are you fishing for a tag?

And you should hire West Texas CEO West Texas CEO to have him steal people's lunches, so when they he gets confronted by the victims he tells them to go to you to get their food back and thisn is where you attract them with your services and include a packaged deal that comes with their food.
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ChatGPT 0.1
I care about attractiveness, it’s a billion dollar industry go wear something ugly it’s a huge mistake. You can spend your life complaining, stop it, change it and go hit the gym.


Sometimes when i read these threads i think i won the fucking lottery. Not to waltz in with my dick out and slam it on the table while everyone is having a dinner but i found the love of my life when i was 17, i didn't have no money cause i was still at school, i was a fat fuck (more than 200 pounds) so my looks were also of the table. But i made it, 16 years together and still going forward.

Disregarding you as an example OP - what the fuck happened with the dating scene. Did hypergamy really take over? Are guys only perceived by their value?


Absolute truth. I'm no movie star, but I'm not that bad looking and I'm over 6ft with good proportions.

Some women might sometimes show a small bit of interest at first, but as soon as they feel my crippling autism (compounded by the fact that I never had a girlfriend at my advancing age, making me even less capable of knowing what to do), they turn heel pretty fast and never come back.

Sex and intimacy is like a complete non-existent fantasy to me. To the point I could even doubt of its very existence. Sometimes when I think about it I kind of want to kill myself.

I keep seeing smaller, uglier, fatter people getting laid all the time and founding families.
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Disregarding you as an example OP - what the fuck happened with the dating scene. Did hypergamy really take over? Are guys only perceived by their value?
It’s always been like that. Read Pride and Prejudice or any Jane Austen novel.


Sometimes when i read these threads i think i won the fucking lottery. Not to waltz in with my dick out and slam it on the table while everyone is having a dinner but i found the love of my life when i was 17, i didn't have no money cause i was still at school, i was a fat fuck (more than 200 pounds) so my looks were also of the table. But i made it, 16 years together and still going forward.

Disregarding you as an example OP - what the fuck happened with the dating scene. Did hypergamy really take over? Are guys only perceived by their value?
It's rough out there, there are a lot of factors that play into this but there's a rise of men just checking out of the dating scene and being single.

I personally feel like it's too much work, there's this aspect to this today that feels like you are preparing for job interviews. Make no mistake, I do not blame women, at all. Something about today's society have made men weaker and less driven, and women have become disappointed in the "market" so to speak. I feel like both sides shouldn't be blamed, it's something about today's system. All just my opinions ofc.

Also something about OP's mario avatar and the nature of this threads is hilarious to me.
Absolute truth. I'm no movie star, but I'm not that bad looking and I'm over 6ft with good proportions.

Some women might sometimes show a small bit of interest at first, but as soon as they feel my crippling autism (compounded by the fact that I never had a girlfriend at my advancing age, making me even less capable of knowing what to do), they turn heel pretty fast and never come back.

Sex and intimacy is like a complete non-existent fantasy to me. To the point I could even doubt of its very existence. Sometimes when I think about it I kind of want to kill myself.

I keep seeing smaller, uglier, fatter people getting laid all the time and founding families.
Please don’t kill yourself. Have you sought any professional help? I have a touch of the ‘tism and it sure had made social situations harder to navigate, especially when it comes to romance. There’s behavioral counseling for adults with autism though it’s not always easy to access, but that might help you understand some social things that don’t come naturally. Even something like a dating coach could be beneficial to understand specifically what you could do to have more success.

I have been in the position of not succeeding in romance, having the virgin stink on me, and it gets so built up it’s almost impossible to succeed under that pressure. Honestly I just was very lucky to find someone who understands me and is neurodivergent themself. Have you chatted up any ‘quirky’ ladies? (AKA autistic women) Have you considered laying a fat chick to relieve that pressure?

I bet you have some great things to bring to the table, having successful relationships is hard work, maybe there’s some work you can do on your social skills to improve your prospects. You deserve to succeed, don’t give up and become weird and bitter. ❤️


Breaking news:

Women choose men based on income. Disgusting, sad but true. If you're in the market only associate with women that have their finances in order. Accept nothing less than full independence. Seek a partner, not a dependent.


My take is that there some truth to it, but woman definitely CARE about looks, at least at the beginning phases of relationship.

Of course you can overcome lack handsomeness with good social skills, good sense of humour and money (or a combination of those things).

Incels will say that all woman only care about money and/or great jawline but I have seen so many relationships where men is absolutely nothing special in terms of looks and even don't have a lot of money but his woman is hot or above average. So those guys had to have something in them that lured those women to them.

Also "love" is something that can't really be consciously controlled and people sometimes fall for others that they shouldn't based on "logic" (lack of money, looks, criminal activity etc.). This is especially true for woman that fall in love in guys that treat them like shit or/and beat them.

In summary: world is fucked up and someone that doesn't look like a movie star shouldn't give up on finding someone, but it's of course harder than for those that won the genetic lottery.
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Don't do that, go smash some hookers instead pls.
Hookers are illegal and very dangerous to go to, especially for vulnerable types like me, and I know I would immediately be spotted as a mark for shakedowns or worse.

Please don’t kill yourself. Have you sought any professional help? I have a touch of the ‘tism and it sure had made social situations harder to navigate, especially when it comes to romance. There’s behavioral counseling for adults with autism though it’s not always easy to access, but that might help you understand some social things that don’t come naturally. Even something like a dating coach could be beneficial to understand specifically what you could do to have more success.

I have been in the position of not succeeding in romance, having the virgin stink on me, and it gets so built up it’s almost impossible to succeed under that pressure. Honestly I just was very lucky to find someone who understands me and is neurodivergent themself. Have you chatted up any ‘quirky’ ladies? (AKA autistic women) Have you considered laying a fat chick to relieve that pressure?

I bet you have some great things to bring to the table, having successful relationships is hard work, maybe there’s some work you can do on your social skills to improve your prospects. You deserve to succeed, don’t give up and become weird and bitter. ❤️
I'm happy for you, believe me I really am. It's not quite all luck, you simply managed it better. Be proud of that, it is your success.

Me, I'm just too late. There is no escape anymore. I've been seeing shrinks for literally decades. Even with that help I can barely keep myself working and successful at my job without breaking into pieces.
I was more or less holding on when I was still young, but now the horror of knowing my youth has vanished into nothingness is starting to really set in. I'm nothing.

Some people are blaming women or pop-culture or their genes or god knows who or what for their loneliness and failures. I'm not like that.
I know the truth and I'm not afraid to recognize it: I'm the only one responsible for my isolation.

My total absence of personality, my complete lack of social awareness, my inability to trust the fact that anybody might actually like me and not have some nefarious humiliation in store. Can't look people in the eyes, can't react to cues, can't react pretty much at all. I easily get "paralyzed" and completely shut down mentally when emotions are too overwhelming to handle.

None of this shit is the fault of society or "high standard" or stuff like that. I still have massive respect for normal people and I adore women. I've met some smart, pretty, lovable girls and I sincerely hope they lead the happiest lives they can.

I'm just too useless at existing or even at pretending to not be completely overwhelmed and utterly panicked by even the simplest social interaction.

The fact is, I've gotten worse. As an awkward teenager I've messed up the few chances I was given. But at least I could still hope that maybe next time will go differently, maybe I'd finally get it right. But that was just naive of me.
Now, decades of isolation later, I can't even remotely connect with other adults. My life is so far removed from theirs I might just come from a different planet..never been on a date in my life, dont know how to talk at all let alone get to the point of asking someone out.

It is a slow death and decay from within. I don't wish my life on anybody.

Edit: fuuck I just realized I wrote a massive wall of text here. Sorry about that.
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Hookers are illegal and very dangerous to go to, especially for vulnerable types like me, and I know I would immediately be spotted as a mark for shakedowns or worse.

I'm happy for you, believe me I really am. It's not quite all luck, you simply managed it better. Be proud of that, it is your success.

Me, I'm just too late. There is no escape anymore. I've been seeing shrinks for literally decades. Even with that help I can barely keep myself working and successful at my job without breaking into pieces.

I was more or less holding on when I was still young, but now the horror of knowing my youth has vanished into nothingness is starting to really set in. I'm nothing.

Some people are blaming women or pop-culture or their genes or god knows who or what for their loneliness and failures. I'm not like that.

I know the truth and I'm not afraid to recognize it: I'm the only one responsible for my isolation.

My total absence of personality, my complete lack of social awareness, my inability to trust the fact that anybody might actually like me and not have some nefarious humiliation in store.
Can't look people in the eyes, can't react to cues, can't react pretty much at all. I easily get "paralyzed" and completely shut down mentally when emotions are too overwhelming to handle.

None of this shit is the fault of society or "high standard" or stuff like that.
I still have massive respect for normal people and I adore women. I've met some smart, pretty, lovable girls and I sincerely hope they lead the happiest lives they can.

I'm just too useless at existing or even at pretending to not be completely overwhelmed and utterly panicked by even the simplest social interaction.

The fact is, I've gotten worse. As an awkward teenager I've messed up the few chances I was given. But at least I could still hope that maybe next time will go differently, maybe I'd finally get it right. But that was just naive of me.
Now, decades of isolation later, I can't even remotely connect with other adults. My life is so far removed from theirs I might just come from a different planet..never been on a date in my life, dont know how to talk at all let alone get to the point of asking someone out.

It is a slow death and decay from within. I don't wish my life on anybody.

Edit: fuuck I just realized I wrote a massive wall of text here. Sorry about that.
Well it’s good to express how you’re feeling, that sounds really tough. I’m sorry it feels so hopeless, and you’re right to take responsibility for your life but there are also some huge barriers for you that most people probably won’t understand. It seems harder than ever to make new connections no matter who you are. I don’t know all your personal struggles but I don’t think it’s ever to late to invest in yourself and your own self worth. I’m sorry it’s been so hard for you, I wish I had more support to offer but I think you have value my dude. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk.


Take a trip to a place where it's not illegal.

I agree.

Prostitutes are amazing, you can fuck great looking woman and only thing that is needed is money. Without any bullshit like dates etc. You go straight to the point.

Before meeting my fiancee I visited escorts few times a year and I loved every second (maybe except one of them, she wash super bitchy but sex was great at least).

I was very shy (in interactions with woman) when I started but this also helped to boost my confidence very quickly. After I lost my virginity to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen (still to this day) with every new visit (to new woman each time) I was more confident.

After some time I had zero problem talking to beautiful woman anywhere.

But yeah, the way i learned all this is quite fucked up and not "normal", but also very fun and with w lot of pleasure 🙂 But of course prostitution have to be legal, I can't imagine going to shoddy places that are run by the mob, where I live you just visit rented apartments and girls are there alone or with other escorts.
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I don’t understand this, I am 37 years old and I threw the towel after my last break up (around a year and half ago), I just know whatever women wants I don’t have and I am very okay with that, I focus on my work and have been doing fantastic since.


If you really love "your"/a girl, you don't want to fucking bother her by smelling like you're homeless or looking like a bum. That's at least how I feel about it.


If you really love "your"/a girl, you don't want to fucking bother her by smelling like you're homeless or looking like a bum. That's at least how I feel about it.

Personal hygiene should be top priority. There probably are many "chads" that hide under layer of dirt and no one wants them.

Some people are really dumb about this.
I agree.

Prostitutes are amazing, you can fuck great looking woman and only thing that is needed is money. Without any bullshit like dates etc. You go straight to the point.

Before meeting my fiancee I visited escorts few times a year and I loved every second (maybe except one of them, she wash super bitchy but sex was great at least).

I was very shy (in interactions with woman) when I started but this also helped to boost my confidence very quickly. After I lost my virginity to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen (still to this day) with every new visit (to new woman each time) I was more confident.

After some time I had zero problem talking to beautiful woman anywhere.

But yeah, the way i learned all this is quite fucked up and not "normal", but also very fun and with w lot of pleasure 🙂 But of course prostitution have to be legal, I can't imagine going to shoddy places that are run by the mob, where I live you just visit rented apartments and girls are there alone or with other escorts.
Well said…

Unpopular opinion: EVERY dad should see his son to a hooker if he hasn’t fucked by 18.

The older you get, the more pressure you get as a man to perform properly at sex and at some point or just gets super hard to overcome the anxiety.
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Well said…

Unpopular opinion: EVERY dad should see his son to a hooker if he hasn’t fucked by 18.

The older you get, the more pressure you get as a man to perform properly at sex and at some point or just gets super hard to overcome the anxiety.

I was 20 and I still a virgin so it really fucked me up mentally, losing virginity helped a lot.

This is probably the best birthday present son can get from his father.
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