Women's March on Washington |OT| An intersectional march for all in 600+ cities

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I highly doubt these marches will do anything. If I'm wrong I'll definitely give you props. Just put a calendar reminder.

Well I'll tell you right now if you believe that people moving is the only solution you necessarily believe we will not see that solution realized. It's never going to happen and no reasonable person would think it will. Ignoring the part where you inspire people and build momentum is absolutely missing the point. Your choice of focus would lead to failure.
The reality that he is now the 45th president of the United States and the republicans control all branches of government and will appoint 4 years worth of federal judges and 2-4 Supreme Court justices, rewrite a number of federal laws, and drastically alter the federal budget for 4 years?

Actually what he has is multiple agencies probably still investigating his Russian connections, Democrats that are probably more likely to stand up to his crazy cabinet picks because of today, Republicans that are itching to get Pence in his place, and House Republicans that are probably getting a peek at the sleeping giant they'll have to deal with two years from now during reelection if they go all out with their bullshit. He also has groups ready to sue the hell out of him when he steps over the line. The media is also starting to (slowly) adapt to his nonsense.

Obviously he still has a ton of power but these kinds of things definitely stopped Obama from time to time when they were used against him.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Can the politicians who claim to be on the side of good utilize this anger for electoral success in the midterms to defang the congress and take back some form of control against Trump?

We have 2 years to find out.

So far, it seems only only a few major politicians have actually been seen since the election.

The dems dont have the numbers to stop things in congress and most of the time vote with the GOP these days to vote against people's best interests anyways.

A far cry from the democrats who stood up to Bush during his own reign of terror
Well I'll tell you right now if you believe that people moving is the only solution you necessarily believe we will not see that solution realized. It's never going to happen and no reasonable person would think it will. Ignoring the part where you inspire people and build momentum is absolutely missing the point. Your choice of focus would lead to failure.

Not at all. Go look at the margins Trump won by. Go look at the margins Clinton won the popular vote by. Just 1% of our margin moving would have made the difference. Considering that 2nd term elections historically have lower turnout, which generally affect democrats more, we're poised for defeat. Though, Occupy Wall Street was extremely successful long term so I'm probably wrong here. Time will tell.

The Tea Party started out as some people who were mad as hell that Democrats had such extensive control of the federal government and because of who was in the White House. If the marches coalesce into a real movement we will win seats.

I fail to see the relevance. What exactly have they accomplished, in your view?
I fail to see the equivalence between these marches and the Tea Party? Care to elaborate?

The Tea Party started out as some people who were mad as hell that Democrats had such extensive control of the federal government and because of who was in the White House. If the marches coalesce into a real movement we will win seats.


Not at all. Go look at the margins Trump won by. Go look at the margins Clinton won the popular vote by. Just 1% of our margin moving would have made the difference. Considering that 2nd term elections historically have lower turnout, which generally affect democrats more, we're poised for defeat.

Or if, you know, 1% more people were inspired to go out and vote for a cause they see hope for thanks to millions of people marching.

People will not move strategically. You are 100% wasting your time with that.
Or if, you know, 1% more people were inspired to go out and vote for a cause they see hope for thanks to millions of people marching.

People will not move strategically. You are 100% wasting your time with that.

Even if every person in California voted for Clinton it wouldn't have made a difference. Do you understand how elections work? I know people aren't going to move. My original comment was just saying that if they want to make an actual difference, that's the way to do it. Do you fully comprehend how bad the Democrats position is right now?


Even if every person in California voted for Clinton it wouldn't have made a difference. Do you understand how elections work? I know people aren't going to move. My original comment was just saying that if they want to make an actual difference, that's the way to do it.

...what? Why would only Californians be inspired to vote?
...what? Why would only Californians be inspired to vote?

You said "Or if, you know, 1% more people were inspired to go out and vote for a cause they see hope for thanks to millions of people marching."

I gave you significantly more than 1% and showed how that would be irrelevant, if not done in the right places. These marches are just going to inspire more like minded people to vote. The same people whose votes are irrelevant after a point due to the electoral college. So unless these marches are targeted towards people living in swing states, they are irrelevant. That is my point. In any case, I've spent too much time discussing this. I should go find a previous post of mine having a very similar discussion with someone about Occupy Wall Street. They too were convinced.


You said "Or if, you know, 1% more people were inspired to go out and vote for a cause they see hope for thanks to millions of people marching."

I gave you significantly more than 1% and showed how that would be irrelevant, if not done in the right places.

They have TVs in Pennsylvania foodtaster.
You said "Or if, you know, 1% more people were inspired to go out and vote for a cause they see hope for thanks to millions of people marching."

I gave you significantly more than 1% and showed how that would be irrelevant, if not done in the right places. These marches are just going to inspire more like minded people to vote. The same people whose votes are irrelevant after a point due to the electoral college. So unless these marches are targeted towards people living in swing states, they are irrelevant. That is my point. In any case, I've spent too much time discussing this.
You realize these marches happened in all 50 states right?

It's not just the east and west coast

I don't think your wrong at all about only getting like minded people to vote more. And honestly if that happened during this election like Obamas this who know what would've happened.
You realize these marches happened in all 50 states right?

It's not just the east and west coast

Ah. Couldn't help myself. I figured someone would mention that (by the way, the majority of the marches are on the coasts, where Clinton won, just so you know. If I had their spreadsheet I'd be $100 the majority of the marchers are in places where Hilary won anyway). I'd like to point out that there were Hilary supporters in every state, as well. Good night :D.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Not at all. Go look at the margins Trump won by. Go look at the margins Clinton won the popular vote by. Just 1% of our margin moving would have made the difference. Considering that 2nd term elections historically have lower turnout, which generally affect democrats more, we're poised for defeat. Though, Occupy Wall Street was extremely successful long term so I'm probably wrong here. Time will tell.

I fail to see the relevance. What exactly have they accomplished, in your view?

What a splendid idea. I'll just uproot my entire life to offset one asshole who stayed home election night to play Xbox.

That is not a realistic or constructive solution.
Ah. Couldn't help myself. I figured someone would mention that (by the way, the majority of the marches are on the coasts, where Clinton won, just so you know. If I had their spreadsheet I'd be $100 the majority of the marchers are in places where Hilary won anyway). I'd like to point out that there were Hilary supporters in every state, as well. Good night :D.
Actually edited my post. I really don't think your wrong on all points. Personally if it gets more like minded people aware about wtf is going on in their state then even one march in the middle Nevada or Montana helps.

But no moving people purposely around the country to these backwater areas is never going to happen. And most of these areas are actually having a large brain drain from the youth leaving them to larger cities. Why would they want to move to back to somewhere that might:
A: not have a job for them
B: that job dousnt pay near enough
C: worse off facilities

These are just examples.


Amazing to see the numbers and photos of demonstrators in the big cities today, but one of the best for me today was a small, rural county seat in WA where I lived for ~10 years

Estimates put it as the biggest gathering in the city's history.


Another one from the same march:


"Keep your tiny hands off our rights" is a winner. So many good signs today.


Amazing to see the numbers and photos of demonstrators in the big cities today, but one of the best for me today was a small, rural county seat in WA where I lived for ~10 years

Estimates put it as the biggest gathering in the city's history.

That's pretty fuckin cool.

I was about to ask where that is, but Google search by image did the trick. Bellingham for anyone curious.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I am totally sleep deprived and I should have gone to bed 2 hours ago but instead I scrolled past all these wonderful pics. #noregrets
Can't believe they missed the opportunity for a goatse joke in there... xD

[comic sans joke]

@TedCruz speculates some inauguration protesters "may be paid protesters by George Soros or others."

Soros is rich enough to buy all these millions of people, but not rich enough to buy a few thousand votes for Hillary in swing states. Sure Ted.

Everyone that gets up set at the protests I just show them this tweets.


Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided

That is amazing. Glad to see some did make signs out of that tweet.

My favorite sign from Chicago.

Daaaaaaaamn ok that one hurts

I can't find my favorite sign from Chicago but it was essentially this Tweet in sign-form...


Leaving the Tulsa march I passed a loner standing outside the park. He was wearing a Deplorable Lives Matter shirt. I asked him where his girlfriend was.

He was not amused.
lmao, well played.

Found a video of the couple counter-protestors in Dallas heh
looool @ the sign flipping, that's too perfect.

Here's a few good things i snapped photos of, one sobering
Roman Polanski too. Though in his case it's not even an allegation it's a conviction :|

One hilarious

The old lady saying "I can't believe I have to protest this fucking shit again" was my favourite so far, but this one might just win.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Even if every person in California voted for Clinton it wouldn't have made a difference. Do you understand how elections work? I know people aren't going to move. My original comment was just saying that if they want to make an actual difference, that's the way to do it. Do you fully comprehend how bad the Democrats position is right now?

California was almost all Blue. The rest of the States got to do something.
I'm so ashamed and bummed out I missed this cause of work.

Seeing the way people have beem energized and protesting ever since the election results were announced has truly been a silver-lining.
Is there any difference between this and the March for Women's Lives back in 2004? Or, does anyone believe this will yield significantly better results than the election in 2004? I remember feeling all amped up after watching it on C-Span that year, and then how gutted I felt when Bush Jr. ended up being re-elected anyway. I cite both Bush and Trump's debate performances. How the hell did people err to these two fucking assholes with the baggage they had?

I don't mean to sound glum, but I'm so numb to this, and how things like this seem to play out cyclically. I don't want to allow myself to get my hopes up, despite feeling buoyed somewhat by all the testimonies I'm reading so far. Twitter and Facebook is something I underestimated, as I did with Gamergate as well. You know the deplorables are going to get riled up on behalf of ole Pumpkin Head and come out in full force, discredit this whole movement, et al..

Like some posters have said earlier, this means nothing if it isn't a sustained effort. And part of it is in stressing the importance of mid term elections, as well as local elections. Liberals suck when it comes to voter turn out. I've been guilty of this too, still am, given that I tend to focus only on the Presidential and Congressional elections. I don't know zip when it comes to local elections. I live in fairly liberal Rochester, NY, so there's never that sense of urgency that we might end up like the Kansas School Board, or something to the same effect.

Still, this turnout is fantastic! Has there been any official verification on the numbers? Where's a good site that has photos of all cities, both major and small? What were the numbers on Trump's inaugural speech? I don't have television. Much of my news comes from Sirius news feeds. And since this site skews more progressive, I feel it's a given that most here will lowball his numbers to feel vindicated. I don't want to fall in that trap. Facts are facts, but I need to see actual proof and numbers before I'm willing to take the plunge and let it all in. What can I say, I'm a glass half empty kind of guy. Still, to everyone here who attended the march, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You've been an inspiration to me.
To be perfectly blunt, make sure everyone remains terrified of what Trump might do next. The anxiety every sane person has been feeling for the last 2+ months can't be allowed to dissipate.

Good point. Here's a rhetorical question. Say that marriage equality is struck down, will it be handled as a photo op signing, or will it take place on a Friday afternoon and hardly covered on the news?

I sometimes feel that unless it happens on the evening news, it's treated like it never happened at all.

Roe Vs Wade may one day end up being struck down, but you'll never see it printed on the front page of newspapers. Instead, it will be a page six story, and it won't be titled in the actual way.
Holy shit.

Trump is straight up losing his shit and forcing people to issue statements about how "big" his inauguration was.

I just checked out the press clip. Holy shit is right. It's almost like an SNL skit. I could see Patton Oswalt doing that speech verbatim.


Ah. Couldn't help myself. I figured someone would mention that (by the way, the majority of the marches are on the coasts, where Clinton won, just so you know. If I had their spreadsheet I'd be $100 the majority of the marchers are in places where Hilary won anyway). I'd like to point out that there were Hilary supporters in every state, as well. Good night :D.

Many of the people who were at Michigan march came from the deep red districts of the State. Of course they gathered in the cities where Hillary one- that is where the majority of every state infrastructure is.

Reminder, Michigan flipped red this last election.


The Women's March has a Twitter account. How about the two of you sit side by side and verify that.

Yeah getting them to show me more it looks like the tweets where it's mentioned come from Linda Sarsours account from back in 2015, so not 'tweeting right now' as he initially said. Seeing the websites he was using for his proof on it was enough.
I don't understand the futility arguments coming from folks in this thread. There are a TON of swing states. And despite states like Ohio and Wisconsin going in the wrong direction, states like Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia will soon fill the void left by them. And then you still have the other swing states that could go either way in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire.

Hillary, and by extension the Democratic party, lost because of poor turnout. If that is addressed 2018 will look a lot better than 2016. If the Democratic base is motivated to come out a lot of House seats will be flipped.

Edit: It's a shame that Cruz is up for reelection in 2018 instead of 2020. I don't think 2 years is enough time for the population gap to be closed, but 4? It will be be close. If one of the Castro brothers runs against Cornyn in 2020 it will be a competitive, winnable race.


I don't understand the futility arguments coming from folks in this thread. There are a TON of swing states. And despite states like Ohio and Wisconsin going in the wrong direction, states like Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia will soon fill the void left by them. And then you still have the other swing states that could go either way in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire.

Hillary, and by extension the Democratic party, lost because of poor turnout. If that is addressed 2018 will look a lot better than 2016. If the Democratic base is motivated to come out a lot of House seats will be flipped.

Quite true.

The one thing that we MUST do is remember... two years from now... the feelings and passion we feel at this moment. Trump winning was a wake-up call to those that had grown overconfident or complacent. And while it's true that passion does eventually fade as the routines of life return, I think enough people have had a fire lit under them and in them that they'll do all they can to rally the troops when the time comes.

But we shouldn't wait for someone else to do that. It's on you, and it's on me, and it's on everyone to remind the mass majority "hey, remember when you marched two years ago? When you stood for something? NOW is the time to put those words into actions."


But we shouldn't wait for someone else to do that. It's on you, and it's on me, and it's on everyone to remind the mass majority "hey, remember when you marched two years ago? When you stood for something? NOW is the time to put those words into actions."
We won't have to remember to two years ago when we marched.
We'll be marching again. In larger numbers than before that will make yesterday look like a dress rehearsal... or like Trump's inauguration turnout.


We won't have to remember to two years ago when we marched.
We'll be marching again. In larger numbers than before that will make yesterday look like a dress rehearsal... or like Trump's inauguration turnout.

That more than works too. The best way to keep the fire burning is to keep stoking and fanning the flames.


Quite true.

The one thing that we MUST do is remember... two years from now... the feelings and passion we feel at this moment. Trump winning was a wake-up call to those that had grown overconfident or complacent. And while it's true that passion does eventually fade as the routines of life return, I think enough people have had a fire lit under them and in them that they'll do all they can to rally the troops when the time comes.

But we shouldn't wait for someone else to do that. It's on you, and it's on me, and it's on everyone to remind the mass majority "hey, remember when you marched two years ago? When you stood for something? NOW is the time to put those words into actions."

It's also important that we don't have to look back to two years ago to remember that one time we demonstrated. If nothing happens between now and the midterms the march has failed. This has to be the beginning of routine activism from concerned citizens who don't allow themselves to become complacent between elections.


You said "Or if, you know, 1% more people were inspired to go out and vote for a cause they see hope for thanks to millions of people marching."

I gave you significantly more than 1% and showed how that would be irrelevant, if not done in the right places. These marches are just going to inspire more like minded people to vote. The same people whose votes are irrelevant after a point due to the electoral college. So unless these marches are targeted towards people living in swing states, they are irrelevant. That is my point. In any case, I've spent too much time discussing this. I should go find a previous post of mine having a very similar discussion with someone about Occupy Wall Street. They too were convinced.
Compare how much we heard about income inequality from the media and politicians pre-Occupy Wall Street and post-OWS. The concept was totally and completely absent from pubic debate before those protests. It wasn't as effective as it could have been, but it absolutely changed the narrative and debate. Democrats became more skittish about passing deep cuts with republicans. And I mean fuck, a 72 year old Jewish socialist senator just got like 45% of the vote in the last primaries essentially running on an OWS message. Before OWS the only thing media/politicians were talking about was deficit and debt.
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