Btw, before I say anything, I wanted to say all the info I got was from Max OT website, so for those really committed, I suggest checking out their website and reading all the info first hand.
For the workouts, here is a page that explains how to do the workouts in detail: For Leg raises
And for Cable rope crunches
Do the workout with heaviest weight u can do for low amount of reps (8-10 reps) and 2 sets of each workout I listed above.
people have been recommending cardio in addition to exercises, and in my particular case that's all the fat i have on my body. whatever fat i lose will have to come from my belly as i'd be hard pressed to see where else it'll come from.
Regardless of whether you can clearly see the fat, you have it. Unless your cut up like Bruce Lee, believe me you have fat besides in your belly. But it certainly is a plus that you dont have much fat besides the belly, it will certainly increase your chances of reaching your goals faster.
But it's near impossible to build muscle (at least a substantial amount) and lose fat at the same time.
This is not true at all. Its just one of those body building myths.
Also, I remember I wrote this up for a friend a few months back, I still have it so I figured it would helpful to just post it here. Just keep in mind that you dont have to do all that (god knows I never would myself) but if you can add any of these things into your schedule, it will be helpful.
Increase calcium intake
Source: High protein dairy products and high in calcium (Calcium helps speed up metabolism)
Calcium Comparison:
*Low fat milk (1 cup)...................................300mgs
*Powdered non fat milk (1 tablespoon)......50mgs
*Non fat yogurt (1cup)................................400mgs
*Non fat cottage cheese (1 cup).................400mgs
Sardines (with bones)3oz...........................370mgs
Salmon (with bones)3oz.............................210mgs
Spinach (1 cup)...........................................170mgs
Broccoli (1 cup)...........................................150gms
Turnip greens (1cup)...................................190gms
Eat breakfast between the first 30 minutes of waking up
Source: Anything with high amounts of protein and carbohydrates
Increase meal frequency without increasing total calories consumed
Example: If you eat 3 meals usually with 3000 calories total (1 meal =1000 cals), you should try to eat 6 meals a day with 3000 calories total (1 meal= 500 cals)
Increase vegetable intake
High bulk and low calories, tricks your body into thinking your eating something with large amount of calories
Leave room for improvement in cardio
Progressively step up the difficulty in the cardio, that way your body constantly keeps increasing the metabolic rate because your body constantly keeps getting challenged.
Drink more water
Water increases your metabolic rate and prevents you body from going into a catabolic state
After working out, increase your calorie intake
Working out increases your metabolism greatly for the 3-6 hours after the training and because of that you have to consume a lot more calories after working out to make sure your body muscle tissues are not broken down. Since the muscles promote fat breakdown and increase you metabolism, this will help in losing fat
Timing of eating after working out:
Half and hour after working out: Take in a small amount of carbohydrates and than take in a large amount of protein (preferably in liquid form because it dissolves straight into the blood stream)
After the half and hour window for eating ends: eat a meal also consisting of carbohydrates and protein.
An hour later, eat another meal: Also consisting of carbohydrates and proteins. So in the three hours after working out, you should have consumed 3 small meals high in protein and moderate in carbs.
Do two sessions of cardio a day, 2-3 days a week
Doing two 15 minute sessions of cardio 8 hours apart from each burn twice as many calories as one 30 minute session of cardio.
Green Tea
Increases metabolic rate and helps in keeping the weight from accumulating again after you have lost it
Increase Caffeine Intake
Best way to do this is sugar free coffee because not only does coffee provide the right amount of caffeine, it also has many other benefits like reducing muscle pain, lowering risk of cancer, etc
Chlorogenic acid and Caffeine, which are both found in coffee have been proven to effectively increase individuals metabolism rates significantly if taken moderately throughout the day (3 times a day) 400 milliliters
Calories in should be less than calories out
Basically the amount of calories you consume per day should be less than the amount of calories you burn. The fastest way of using this system to your advantage is simply by lowering your calories by slightly adjusting your diet and at the same time, increasing your cardio to burn more calories. This will speed up the fat loss program by two folds.