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World of Warcraft for ALL!!! (sorta)


Ok I've realized I only take three types of screenshots:
A) Dancing above a town
B) Leading the charge on a PVP raid
C) Accidents

Still some good ones though;


Goons raiding Hammerfall and beyond!


To Ashenvale!


An illfated counterattack into Booty Bay early on in the test.






Someone from Blizzard stops in to say hi.


Victory! I hope these skeletons in a small section of the battlefield give you some idea of the scale of the war we had. That is only the skeletons that hadn't yet faded too!


Oh shi. Humans finally started putting up a resistance in the last couple hours of the test, I was the monster of lakeshire =)


I went through a bit of a fashionably gay phase for a bit there.


Things got worse before they got better.


Ah that's more like it.


Not a great screenshot, was supposed to show my hound and parrot. I got a "Hound Whistle" item from a very hard dungeon on the last day of the test which summons a level 30 hound to fight for you. Giving me the 2vs30 edge I needed for lakeshire pvp.


Well I somehow used trick photography with the hills here to make this HUGE elemental type thing seem smaller.


Goons down a Hydra we grabbed from the bottom of the lake.


Too slow suckers! As I said I was the monster of the lake, I would dart out and destroy an NPC or PC in the town then dive back into the water before the guards could get to me. Another favourite move of mine was to play king of the hill on their bridge, when I got to about 25% health after their fourth wave of so I'd jump off into the lake and see if anyone was foolish enough to follow me.


Wailing caverns, that elemental in the background is quite massive hits for 200+ ><


Dancing above Ratchet.


Hiding/dancing on the roof of a house in lakeshire, waiting for prey to pass below.


Junior Member
For some reason I get the feeling this game will ruin my life.
WOW!! loooooks soooooo gooood!!!

( I have never played an online RPG ever)


Yeah Cosmos, I resisted getting it for the first week but its actually a really good program. It doesn't feel like cheating (well I mean make the game too easy, you know) and its not obtrusive, its just a bunch of little things like a second skills bar and a DPS display.
Fjord said:
Yeah Cosmos, I resisted getting it for the first week but its actually a really good program. It doesn't feel like cheating (well I mean make the game too easy, you know) and its not obtrusive, its just a bunch of little things like a second skills bar and a DPS display.

the problem (?) with Cosmos is it basically breaks WoW every time there's a new push. I'll prolly use it in the final version but during the beta I got tired of tweaking Cosmos more than I played the game.

Grey Fox

I never did really do the WC instance.I went into it once but we didn't have a healer so we got beat pretty quick.I'll have to do it in open beta.

Edit:speaking of instances,did anyone ever beat shadowkeep during the ST?I did that a few times and never got to the boss.Once we even had a decent group(SoG was there) but our priest was to low so she kept getting killed and we eventually wiped out.


Grey Fox said:
I never did really do the WC instance.I went into it once but we didn't have a healer so we got beat pretty quick.I'll have to do it in open beta.

Edit:speaking of instances,did anyone ever beat shadowkeep during the ST?I did that a few times and never got to the boss.Once we even had a decent group(SoG was there) but our priest was to low so she kept getting killed and we eventually wiped out.

Shadowfang? That place sucks. The archmage at the end is disgustingly powerful. He has charm and it sucks hardcore. You'd probably need a good full group of lvl 29-30's to complete it, like maybe 2 warriors a mage and then 2 healing types like a priest, shamen or druid.
Grey Fox said:
I never did really do the WC instance.I went into it once but we didn't have a healer so we got beat pretty quick.I'll have to do it in open beta.

Edit:speaking of instances,did anyone ever beat shadowkeep during the ST?I did that a few times and never got to the boss.Once we even had a decent group(SoG was there) but our priest was to low so she kept getting killed and we eventually wiped out.

That was hilarious. The other mage lost it for us. Object not in los means move, not tank the son of argul :/


Beat all of SFK first run through =) We also completed the scarlet monastery which I pretty much guarantee no more then one or two other groups on all the servers could have done.


Heh, my WC story is pretty funny actually. We had a good group starting out, but it was obvious to me these guys were pretty new to mmo's. We rocked everything up to the instance with everyone basically just using thier own solo tactics. We had 2 warriors (me included), a priest, shammy and rogue. The other warrior was lvl 22, but he was one of those bnet "I'm an offensive warrior" types, so at lvl 19 (1 level away from taunt lvl 2 even), I was our tank and managed to organize the chaos into some teamplay.

Anyway, after usually playing with shammy's as my only healer, it was extra nice to have a priest in the group again. I am in love with thier holy word fortitude and healing capabilities. But this priest was a dick. We actually had a blue mace drop in the instance, but he snatches it up with no regard for the warriors or rogue (yes, some rogues do nice damage with maces). He of course thinks I'm making a 'big deal of nothing'. On top of that, after investing over an hour in the instance, he decides he is done, essentially wasting everyone's time. I convince him to stay a bit longer, but it turns out much longer than that. We could NOT find the last druid. We must have spent another 2 hours looking for him (fighting respawns), during which the priest leaves. Without the shammy, we'd have been done right then.

So we finally find an area we missed in the eastern tunnel and work our way up. We can see the last druid but we can't get past the last group of mobs to get to him with our newly gimped party. So we did what I like to call 'res-porting'. I grabbed aggro from all the mobs while the shammy ran his ghost wolf ass past them all. I die. He ressurects past the mobs. Cheesy, I know.. but we'd invested hours and hours and hours into this instance so far. It was 4am in the morning and I had a flight in a few hours. We kill the last druid finishing that quest and buff up for the boss.

This is the funniest part of the whole instance. Our brilliant 'offensive' lvl22 warrior uses wrecklessness (it makes you take more damage and deal more), and runs right up to the mob. Here I was thinking my party had learned by now to let the tank get aggro, but I guess he was going to pwn his ass or something. The boss 2 shots him. It was the fuckin funniest thing I've ever seen (mainly because of his attitude) and made the whole instance worth while. BAM, critical for 400something, SMACK for the rest of his HP (200ish). Right then I knew we didn't have a chance, but I wanted to size up this boss. I managed to tank him for a minute or so, but the poor shammy couldn't keep up, and our rogue didn't manage to put much of a dent into him.

Anyway, I still got a nice 1 hander for the druid quest, and my favorite thing of all: no party vs party competition for mobs. Hell, I like just not seeing other parties sometimes. I like instances. The End.

EDIT: there was no hunter, kinda mixed stories, heh
Fjord did you beat Razorfen Kraul too? I could have easily done it but WC and my misadventures with the dwarves in Hillsbrad put me off of elite quests completely. That instance seemed like a huge timesink though, there's like 3 quests in it overall?

And is Cosmos that useful? I mean, shift+wheelscroll changes skillbars easily enough.


AeroGod said:
Shadowfang? That place sucks. The archmage at the end is disgustingly powerful. He has charm and it sucks hardcore. You'd probably need a good full group of lvl 29-30's to complete it, like maybe 2 warriors a mage and then 2 healing types like a priest, shamen or druid.
It'd be a lot easier if the game didn't have a bug right now that makes caster mobs do way more melee damage than they're meant to. Hell, even with that bug, I did the whole instance at level 42 or so with a friend who was level 28. Mind you, I'm a shaman so I was a capable healer and (at that level) quite able to survive on my own. But before this bug appeared with the last patch, I did the instance at level 28 with 2 warriors (one was 27 or so and the other was 33) and we had no problem. It's really weaksauce, believe it or not.


Son of Godzilla said:
is Cosmos that useful? I mean, shift+wheelscroll changes skillbars easily enough.

Very useful for some classes, like shaman and priest, but not so useful for other classes like druid, warlock, mage, paladin and hunter.

I use it a lot on my shaman because I keep a lot of totems on the second bar, with regular spells on the main bar.
Ewwww... lousy team players suck. Really the difference between success and total disaster.

I was scouting Deadmines (Westfall) with two other guys. The enemies were elites but I was a few levels higher so it was okay. I was around 23-24, the rest 18-19 as were the mobs. Suddenly someone wanted to join up for those quests. I invited him but soon realized he was around lvl 13 or so (I don't even think he had the quest yet). Mobs in that area are 15+ or higher, so he wouldn't even be able to solo one of them. Heck, most of the time when I need to run OUT through that area, I usually aggro too many mobs on the way out. We told him to wait outside since we were almost done, but he kept running in, dying, and returning.

Okay, so we beat the boss and start killing the other mobs for the last few collection pieces. I need one more, when suddenly the lvl 13 newb comes running like hell down the tunnel. Training, of course, eight mobs or so. I applaud him for getting that far, but obviously, we were wiped out. To make things worse, I was getting late for dinner.

Anyway, after quickly eating I returned to the group, who had been patient enough to stay around and wait, safely revived some way up the tunnel. We finished the quest at last. And I hope that the guy learned something.
Well, the group I was in defeated atleast three instances. They were the Deadmines, the Stockades, and the Scarlet Monastery. Fun times I tell ya. :D
I didn't do any instance. In fact, I rarely grouped whatsoever :p. Just sort of ran around, did quests on my own, and explored.

That's something I liked about WoW. I was able to run around, explore, do quests, and fight mobs BY MYSELF. A *very* welcome change from FFXI, where a group is almost required to go to an Auction House.


cvkpaladin said:
Well, the group I was in defeated atleast three instances. They were the Deadmines, the Stockades, and the Scarlet Monastery. Fun times I tell ya. :D

Which parts of the monastery? Did you manage to do the Cathedral or just the easier ones?

Son of Godzilla, yeah I cleared RFK which let me finish a quest for a full suit of warrior only armour. The gopher quest in there is crazy and very original. Cosmos is just so many little things like telling you the level of ?? and sheep mobs, if you use more then one skillbar you definetly need it. Another feature which is quite nice is the emergency shout, when I get below 20% health my character will automatically do the "I need healing!" voice macro and wake up the shamans :) Oh one of the other things I really like is it keeps your group buff indicators up.

edit: Sorry for the incoherency of this post but I'm quite tired. The stress test destroyed my body clock, its only noon!
Which parts of the monastery? Did you manage to do the Cathedral or just the easier ones?

Well, don't know exactly which areas we explored (I was just following my grp around), but we managed to kill one of the NMs for the mission "In the Name of the Light" and we completed the mission "Mythology of the Titans". I was a level 39 Paladin at the time we did it. :)

Edit: Oh, we also beat another NM in the place and he dropped a valuable robe. I think it was called The Robe of Doan or something similar to that.


you only beat the beginning part of the monastery, which is probably my favorite part. although the scripted events in the other 2 areas you need to go to are more interesting.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Was just browsing some forums... and man... I find it really amusing that there were multiple "naked dance parties" on every single server when the Stress Test ended. I mean, it's not like people planned these things... they just... happened... TONS of them!



MrCheez said:
Was just browsing some forums... and man... I find it really amusing that there were multiple "naked dance parties" on every single server when the Stress Test ended. I mean, it's not like people planned these things... they just... happened... TONS of them!




you only beat the beginning part of the monastery, which is probably my favorite part. although the scripted events in the other 2 areas you need to go to are more interesting.

Well hopefully if I get into the Closed Beta, I was the highest Paladin on the server (Archimonde), I'll get to finish the Scarlet Monastery all the way through. The monks got kinda crazy at the end. :)

Oh you Alliance bastard.

Thats right, I am. I killed so many horde who tried to cross paths with me at Booty Bay. So fun watching undead just fall to my Exorcism spell.


Grandma's Chippy
Sooooo...I was browsing the net looking for an alternate method to DL the newest update and I see that people have hacked the game and are running their own servers?? When did that start?

I logged onto one just to see if it worked, and it did....was odd, even though it was pretty much empty. One of them had monsters, NPCs, etc and I heard there are some that have quests working too.

So why isn't Blizzard crushing this stuff with code that will stop it from working. I mean given enough time, people will make it identicle to the retail version.

On a side note...I did find it cool to just wander around looking at the different areas without worry of being owned by critters...and I even took a deep sea dive trying to reach the bottom of the ocean. I never did make it, it seemed like it kept going forever where I was...plus I got booted before I got to the bottom anyway.

Just isn't the same as the beta though...but still interesting.


Gold Member
Mr Pockets said:
Sooooo...I was browsing the net looking for an alternate method to DL the newest update and I see that people have hacked the game and are running their own servers?? When did that start?

I logged onto one just to see if it worked, and it did....was odd, even though it was pretty much empty. One of them had monsters, NPCs, etc and I heard there are some that have quests working too.

So why isn't Blizzard crushing this stuff with code that will stop it from working. I mean given enough time, people will make it identicle to the retail version.

On a side note...I did find it cool to just wander around looking at the different areas without worry of being owned by critters...and I even took a deep sea dive trying to reach the bottom of the ocean. I never did make it, it seemed like it kept going forever where I was...plus I got booted before I got to the bottom anyway.

Just isn't the same as the beta though...but still interesting.

The Sandbox servers started back in Friends and Family Alpha when some fucktard leaked the client. Unfortunately this fucktard was too fucktarded to realize that the Friends and Family client was code-watermarked with your name, so it was easy for Blizzard to track him down and press charges.
Mr Pockets said:
Sooooo...I was browsing the net looking for an alternate method to DL the newest update and I see that people have hacked the game and are running their own servers?? When did that start?

I logged onto one just to see if it worked, and it did....was odd, even though it was pretty much empty. One of them had monsters, NPCs, etc and I heard there are some that have quests working too.

So why isn't Blizzard crushing this stuff with code that will stop it from working. I mean given enough time, people will make it identicle to the retail version.

On a side note...I did find it cool to just wander around looking at the different areas without worry of being owned by critters...and I even took a deep sea dive trying to reach the bottom of the ocean. I never did make it, it seemed like it kept going forever where I was...plus I got booted before I got to the bottom anyway.

Just isn't the same as the beta though...but still interesting.

so they actually got that going huh?

is it "warforge" servers?

i remember when TFT beta was going on, and they had beta on "warforge" servers too and it would be updated as much as whenever the beta got updated too....
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