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World of Warcraft for ALL!!! (sorta)

firex said:
Blizzard's said that they feel leveling is about right for how fast it is right now, and any adjustments they do would be past level 30. Their reaction to all the EQ whiners saying "I want to have to spend 6 months reaching max level" is "if you hit the cap and want more leveling, make another character."

Personally I think this would be more optimal. It lets you get to a higher lvl earlier and thus lets you participate in raids and seiges and whatever the fuck else they have planned. I hate the 10 month lvl grind I was making on FFXI. The only reason I wanted to hit higher lvls was so that I could go on HNM hunts and do lots of cooler missions later in the game. Getting there faster would have made me a much happier person.

Right. So I got a group together to go into Wailing Caverns today. Around noon. We get in, work our way towards instance, ditch one member cuz he is a total ass bag, get another, and go into instance. First gem, easy as pie. We start getting towards second and REALM SHUTDOWN IN 5:00. Whatever. I go eat and run some errands, get back an hour or so later and log on. I'm still in WC and the party is still up. So we start back at the beginning, with the raptors. Get the second, get the third. Have no clue where the fourth is, but killing stuff as we find it. Then we get raped by two druids and a pet drake. Everyone dies. We run back towards instance, only it won't let us in. Couple minutes go by and it goes to load screen. Spends a minute or so there doing nothing, and it let's us in. Fucking raptors have respawned, and we've lost a member. Fine. We start working back towards where we were (Seemed nothing but raptors and starting druids respawned) and just now REALM SHUTDOWN IN 5:00.

So not fucking worth it, and I think I just lost any chance I had with the competition.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The lag and server crashes this morning were so freaking frustrating. Sure I know it's stress test and I'm appreciative to be playing, but it's still such a pain. =/

Anyway, I have another question... I saw a mention of a "poison trainer" on the official forums... is there such a thing? Would love that for my rogue O_O But I have never seen any merchant or trainer dealing in poison...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios

Traveling time for me =)

Edit: Hmmm but I'm looking at the rogue skill list now and it looks like you need the skill to apply poison before you can use it, though. =/
Well assuming that the lvl 34 mage gets disqualified for multiple players, I think I'm the 3rd highest horde mage on norg. I hope that lasts tomorrow, when reality rears it's ugly head.


Son of Godzilla said:
Well assuming that the lvl 34 mage gets disqualified for multiple players, I think I'm the 3rd highest horde mage on norg. I hope that lasts tomorrow, when reality rears it's ugly head.

Any idea how strict they are or if they can catch you for multiple players? I've been letting a friend log on when I sleep, he plays a different character though so not sure if it will be a problem. They only say no sharing characters not no sharing accounts, we've got pretty different IPs though. Worrying me a bit now I'm the 2nd highest horde warrior on the server.


Kater, what lvl are you? 22-23? There are so many 26s and 27s (on at the same time)..sorry to disappoint.
I'm 24. I'm pretty certain I'm 5th, with a 2 lvl gap both ways. Gonna suck cuz I won't be able to play until tomorrow night.

And I've got no clue how they will do the cheating thing. I assume when somethings are bloody obvious they are bloody obvious. 35 is insane.


Hey, any human Rogues know where to get the quest (assuming it's a quest) for the red shirt and the Bandana?

(I'm a level 12 rogue)


Edit: found out the bandana is a drop item from the defias guys in westfall.


My mage feels alot more powerful now for some reason. At lvl 14, once I picked up Arcane Explosion, and have 5/5 in Improved Fireball I just feel alot more powerful. Im hoping I can get lvl 15 tonight which will probably be my last time playing. I might also just go around and explore some shit I dunno


GAF's Bob Woodward
AeroGod said:
I might also just go around and explore some shit I dunno

Heh, that's what I did last night. Just decided to run west as far as I could. Went through Westfall, freezing and polymorphing any higher-level enemies I couldn't take, but when I got to moonbrook, I was simply overwhelmed by the Defias there. Like, 4 hits and I was dead. God, though, you could just run and run forever..so vast. And so pretty.
Saitoh: No, those are separate quests. In Westfall (lvl 12-15) you collect bandanas as a proof of killing Defias members. In eastern Elwynn (lvl 8-10) the tailoress in Eastvale Logging Camp asks you to collect from the local Defias (in the farm south) to make a shirt and sash.


SiegfriedFM said:
Saitoh: No, those are separate quests. In Westfall (lvl 12-15) you collect bandanas as a proof of killing Defias members. In eastern Elwynn (lvl 8-10) the tailoress in Eastvale Logging Camp asks you to collect from the local Defias (in the farm south) to make a shirt and sash.

This is what I was looking for: Defias mask

It's a rare drop. Didn't know about that shirt quest. Thanks.

MrCheez said:
The lag and server crashes this morning were so freaking frustrating. Sure I know it's stress test and I'm appreciative to be playing, but it's still such a pain. =/

Anyway, I have another question... I saw a mention of a "poison trainer" on the official forums... is there such a thing? Would love that for my rogue O_O But I have never seen any merchant or trainer dealing in poison...

There is a poison trainer but, you have to get the poison quest at 20.
Oh, that one. Quite worthless :).
It was cool for an entire minute there, until EVERY single rogue in the southern part of the world wore one.

I mean, it's the "uniform" of the most hunted and hated criminal group in sub lvl 20 country, and people go around wearing them in Stormwind? Eh?


DumbNameD said:
yay! stress test has been extended until Sunday, and additional players added from closed beta waiting list!
OMG really?!?1

I was kinda bummed because I'd have to play all night tonight then be done. :D

I pretty much quit my lvl 12 gnome mage and lvl 7 undead warrior and I'm all into my night elf hunter. I'm at lvl 9 and I really wanted to get to 10 so I can get a pet. :D Seeing high lvl hunters tooling around with boss creatures who whupped my ass as pets makes me so damn jealous. ;)


I have to agree with what Cheez said a page or 2 back. Crafting in this game is awesome. Its just like a thing you can do on the side, i havnt really commited to it but i feel like im advancing still. Im just out questing or what not, find a ore vien, harvest. its cool.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
OMG EXTENDED?! O_O omg blizzard have my baby >< !!!!

Seriously this is great news. =) Been having a blast on the pvp server (Mannoroth) and I don't want it to stop! BTW... when retail comes out... the official GAF server should be a pvp server. ;) I know some people avoid pvp servers because they can be a "gank-fest" and it can be hard to things done when you can be attacked at any time... but the system for these servers makes things pretty fair. (You don't need to watch your back in your faction's zones unless they are contested).

Aero, next time you play a class that wears leather, try out leatherworking. You just skin animals as you kill them. :D And you can skin other people's defeated mobs as well. ;)

El Papa

This game is freaking awesome, I blew my entire weekend on it. We should have a GAF raid Friday or Saturday night. 15 Night Elf druid on Norgannon, name's Kardis! Look me up fellas!

And I agree on the crafting, at least for alchemy, it's pretyy easy to level. I have an 'herb route' in Tedrasill with some good spots for picking herbs when I'm low. It's pretty simple and not very involved, not sure about the other tradeskills like enchanting and blacksmithing. In a way I think it's good because you're so involved with other quests, exploring and fighting I don't have to worry about spending a grip of time leveling my alchemy skill. I can see thought that if you're a hardcore crafter that it could seem like the crafting system isn't that deep, that's inly going by what I've seen with alchemy, I didn't get anywhere with enchanting.

Blizzard you're the best! Now just let us all in Open Beta! DO IT!

say.."Fuck it....lets just extend it till retail..."

And now, I must speak on why WOW is gonna own as an MMORPG....(At least imo).

Alliance Vs. Horde.....

The other night I was online doing a quest and started to get bored....thinking....ugh....im kinda getting tired of these quests and running around every where.... and then I notice about 40 some Alliance people attacked us Horde and at first we were struggling, cause they got all the way up to crossroads but nobody was there to help..and i Yell to everyone to come... then I got killed by all 40 of them.

I run back, and after I ressurect I saw like 35 or so more Horde and we all Pushed the Alliance back out to thier continent....awe man was that ever fun. That was the funnest experience I ever had in a Online RPG Ever. We had the Alliance runnin like lil bitches to the Boat at Ratchet (except for this level 36 rogue...omg she was BEAST). And the boat would leave without some cause we'd kill them on the dock before they could get to the boat...and we'd keep killing them cause they wouldnt turn PVP off (Some were smart enough and did that way they could just wait and get on the boat).

Its interesting how Its pretty much Impossible to comprehend shit talking to Each other tho, because Whatever we say or they say is in Thier own and our Own language so whatever we type will get translated to them.....There is an example at the bottom where a Dwarf was yelling some stuff at us, but it came out Wierd to us because we are Orc. Good stuff Blizzard. I honestly like that concept.

it was great tho....and is the reason I probably will buy WOW now.

A picture of us Chasing them Down to Ratchet

A picture of us at Ratchet after we drove a majority of them away on the Ship.

Me Relaxing after the battle......kinda funny in a way....

I wish I could have taken pictures of us while we were fighting but I didnt think about it till later cause I was too busy enjoying the battle.

I disagree with the trades, at least as far as tailoring goes. I had 160 wool cloth and didn't even make it from 90 to 125. Then, after making it, silk cloth takes 4 to make a spindle and all the recipes take tons of rare monster drops.


Son of Godzilla said:
I disagree with the trades, at least as far as tailoring goes. I had 160 wool cloth and didn't even make it from 90 to 125. Then, after making it, silk cloth takes 4 to make a spindle and all the recipes take tons of rare monster drops.

Thats where it gets deep, towards the end when things are rarer. Beginning tailoring is nothing. Every humaniod drops linen by the stacks. Even wool isnt THAT hard to find, I was fighting the rot hide gnolls for about an hour and I accumulated at least a 100 wool in that time, and I wasnt even looking for it. Probably even better places to find it.

They are trying to make crafting easy without being TOO easy. As for the higher recipes taking higher mob drops. That makes good sense. These are more powerful items and as such should be harder to get the materials for. Its stupid if some uber lvl 35 cloak isas easy to make an flood the market with as a regular white linen shirt.

Engineering at least seems pretty easy. Im not very high, only like somewhere between 90-100. I just been cranking out the Bombs and Dynamite and giving them off to newbies in Thunderbluff and Tirisfal Glades for free. I musta gave away at least 50 sticks of dynamite and 20 bombs today. I need to get some better recipes.

First Aid is awesomly useful. Cloth is really easy to come by and the insta heals you can use after fights are great.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Yay for extension! I was worried cos I didn't really get to play the last couple of nights, and tonight would have been my last chance. Thank god I've got another weekend of this to enjoy :D


SiegfriedFM said:
Oh, that one. Quite worthless :).
It was cool for an entire minute there, until EVERY single rogue in the southern part of the world wore one.

I mean, it's the "uniform" of the most hunted and hated criminal group in sub lvl 20 country, and people go around wearing them in Stormwind? Eh?



I love it and even bought a cat from the crazy cat lady.

^_ ~


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I hate the stupid weird format they use. =( Photoshop opens them, though.

Grey Fox

25,almost 26 with my Orc Hunter.Recently flew to undead lands.Loving the atmosphere,especially ruins of lordaeron,and the throne room.Brought shivers down my spine when I heard the crowd cheering from WC3. :)


Can't wait to get home - last night I was stuck in this godforsaken Hollow's Den full of gnarlpines and I just COULD NOT finnish the 2 quests in there because I was soloing (there was no one else in the caves for an hour that I could find). But I was stubborn and kept returning to my corpse and trying to sneak around packs of gnarls until finally a dozen or so peeps were all in the caves. We all loosely banded together to clean out the mofo and I finally completed both quests only to realize I had hit lvl 10 with my hunter and had like 60 silver to boot. :D

So a quick jaunt to town to buy the pimpest gear and all the new pet skills available and I had to force myself to go to bed at 2am. Now I'm counting the seconds till I can tame a pet and train it a bit... luckily I know where a fisherman is and I have about 14 skill points to spend so I can catch some fish and feed my pet right away. I want a Elder bear but I'll probably try a lvl 6 spider or something first. I'm still so pissed every time I see that dude strutting around with his GIGANTIC fucking boss spider behind him -- I saw him use the spider to just totally fuck up a lvl 8 & 9 bloodfeather harpy camp. It was like a goddamn super hero swooping in and just crushing the whole camp.
Servers down and I just finished studying, so I guess it's time to post my pictures. I never remember to take any of anything exciting, so oh well. Also I'm too lazy to set up my uni server, so uploadit here I come. Most of these are from yesterday/today. Also, sorry for not editing most of these. I'ma lazy.

Look ma, I'm brooding.

The dwarves gave me a swank new robe.

He's not happy I'm wearing his clothing.

Orgrimmar at night

I didn't actually do it.

I must say, this game gets so much better around lvl 18. It picks up immensely. Stonetalon Peak, Ashenvale, Hillsbrad, they all rock hard. 1000 Needles sucks ass though. ATM I'm in the satyr camp in ashenvale leveling up. I'll probably go back to Hillsbrad next.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Thanks for taking the time to post screens peeps =) I enjoy looking at them.

I'll try to have more of my own soon.


Grandma's Chippy
Some of you talk like there is an in game screenshot thingy...I have been using Fraps myself...did I miss something?? hehe
Has it been down most of the day today? I cannot logon and just want to hear any feedback so I know it is me or the servers. Thanks. :)
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