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World of Warcraft for ALL!!! (sorta)

Mr Pockets said:
Some of you talk like there is an in game screenshot thingy...I have been using Fraps myself...did I miss something?? hehe

Fraps > you

That's all I've been using as well. Although I mapped the screenshot key to one of the pouch keys so everytime I take a screenshot my pouch shows up.

Grey Fox

Just noticed they sent me a extra key for WoW,first come first serve:

To create your account, please go to the IP address listed below. You will need the Authentication Code provided and the email address you used to sign up for the beta (which is the same one that you just received this email at).

You may be prompted with one or more Security Alert dialog boxes prior to accessing the site. Please simply click "Yes" to proceed to the account-creation pages.

Authentication Code: H8HWDR-JEKZ-2D4GZ7-7HGD-TCF9DE


Grey Fox said:
Just noticed they sent me a extra key for WoW,first come first serve:

To create your account, please go to the IP address listed below. You will need the Authentication Code provided and the email address you used to sign up for the beta (which is the same one that you just received this email at).

You may be prompted with one or more Security Alert dialog boxes prior to accessing the site. Please simply click "Yes" to proceed to the account-creation pages.

Authentication Code: H8HWDR-JEKZ-2D4GZ7-7HGD-TCF9DE




**sorry, just excited... omg :)


Didn't get a chance to play much last night, but I did complete all the quests for the Night Elves homeland. I'm a sliver away from lvl 12, and I have a sweet lvl 11 Nightsaber as a pet.

I learned cooking and fishing as my secondary professions and bought a fishing lure for 50 copper, easily the best investment I made in the game because the +25 skill points to fishing it gives you for 10 minutes meant I caught a backpack FULL of quality fish and maxed out my fishing skills right away. At first I had a lvl 10 spider as a pet but it sucked because it didn't like anything but raw meat, but my Nightsaber loves fish so I have a near limitless supply of great food for it. I have it's happiness pegged at max and as long as there's fishable water around my +5 fishing rod (can't believe I spent like 9 silver or whatever on a fishing rod ;)) and maybe a lure will get me plenty of pet food fast and easy.

Does anyone know what the different sounds (almost like thunder) you hear when you feed your pet mean? I'm guessing the louder the sound the happier the pet is, but I really don't know.

I picked leatherworking and skinning as my main professions, but I can't skin many animals in my new area because I didn't practise enough in the lower level island so my skinning skill is very low. Still fun making boots and shit for selling. :)


Had tons of fun last night. First time in a week of playing I was in a real group of 5 people. We probably werent that effective because we didnt have a tank but still It was my lvl 16 mage, lvl 16 shamen, lvl 16 druid, lvl 16 hunter, and lvl 14 Rogue. We took it to Northwatch in the Barrens though. Damn humans didnt stand a chance. I have some pictures of us plus some ones of Jules aka Fixed2BeBroken getting owned by some raptors 3-4 levels his senior. Good thing I was there to save him. :p

So after everyone got a chance to play for awhile what does everyone think? Once the game goes live should we do a Horde or Alliance GAF guild. Or maybe both for whichever we feel like playing. PvP server or no PvP server? Im not opposed to doing both since ill probably be playing both alliance and horde off and on and im up for some PvP server since it works really well in this game. We could get a pretty nice size guild going, medium size ideal since its easier to keep in touc hand manage. We have at least 20-25 GAF members who will be playing this game plus a few of us are bringing friends into it. Gotta come up with a name too:p?
Well last night me and this group set out to take on Vancleef. We were a lvl 18 hunter (me), lvl 17 priest, lvl 21 mage, lvl 18 paladin, and a lvl 21 paladin. The instance was really long but super fun. There were like 4 bosses on the way to Vancleef. By the time we got to the secret weapon(which I'll not name so as not to spoil it for anyone) it was about 3am(we started somewhere between 10-11pm. We fought his right hand man(some huge ass tauren that kept going back and getting different weapons to beat our asses with, not to mention 4 rogues to help him) and after about 5 tries we beat him. However, before we could move on to Vancleef we had to depart because it was really late and people had work in the morning. So close yet so far away. We were gonna try it again tonight but I'm gonna be out of town for the weekend. Either way it was a blast and we got like a ton of xp plus we completed 3 other sidequests from that instance which lvled me to 19.

Anyway, to answer the last post, I really do love this game and will probably switch to this from FFXI once it goes live. In terms of pvp or non-pvp server, there's still pvp on the pve servers, it's just horde vs. alliance. It would probably be more optimal that way since we all won't keep getting ganked by assholes.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I'm still not entirely sure what's best (pvp or pve) but here's my experience with the pvp server so far:

On the PvE servers, you can only get into a pvp encounter if a member of the opposing realm attacks one of your guards or if they walk directly into your cities. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure thats how it works. If you were to come across, say, a Gnome chilling in one of your Horde zones, you would not be able to do anything to him.

On the PvP servers, you still cannot be attacked in any zone your realm owns UNLESS you attack a member of the opposing realm first. (Although you CAN attack invaders if you ever see them anywhere in one of your faction-owned zones) And then there are higher level contested zones where anyone can attack anyone else. Also, there is never pvp between members of your own faction. It's still all Horde Versus Alliance.

So technically it's impossible to be ganked in the first 20ish levels of the game (unless you want to level up on the continent not belonging to your faction.

So I'm not sure. The 'gankage' would be possible eventually and I know some people don't like that sort of thing, but the system seems pretty fair to me and is set up so you would rarely be in a situation where you'd have to watch your back (and when that situation ISN'T all the time, it can be fun and exciting). Also on the PvP servers I think when the game releases, factions can 'take over' different areas.

Please lt me know if I have any of this info wrong. o_O
That's pretty much it. However, I'd rather have the limited, optional PvP on the regular server. I don't want to watch my back every time I do quests in "neutral" zones (which is pretty much everywhere outside the first three zones for each race).

There will always be raids and people going around for fun and challenge. We had a PvP encounter in Elwynn/Redridge/Westfall the other week. Lots of fun chasing them down through the police radar... I mean WorldDefense :)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Hmm... true... but as for the neutral zones, I couldn't find a single one below level 25 or so. And also, I must say taking a small group of friends and swimming to the low human areas and messing with them is so much fun. ;)

How do the raids work on non-pvp servers? Everyone participating on both sides has to /pvp themselves?


Well, first off I'd pay for this thing right now (excluding the hours-long server outages) so I'm definitely interested in a GAF guild.

Both PvE and PvP sound fair, I lean toward a regular non-PvP server but mainly because I think the whole raid aspect is all the pvp I need anyway.

What's PvE stand for anyway? And I have an idea from context but what exactly does "gank" mean and what game did the expression come from?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
PvE is Player Versus Environment or Player Versus Everything... so like going out and fighting mobs. :)

Gank is to... well.. own something really really hard. Like if you're going about your business, and suddenly someone appears out of nowhere and beats the hell out of you in two seconds. That's a ganking. ;_; No idea where the term comes from though.
I'm not a MMORPG veteran, but ganking generally means repeatedly owning someone, i e killing someone (preferrably someone much weaker), then waiting for them to revive, killing them again etc...

I've only been PvP in a few situations and thoroughly owned every time. That last time I did manage to kill a few myself, but they were 55 and me 45, so it was only when we had the advantage in numbers...

Problem with PvP is that there will always be someone stronger, and most of the time he will be a bored teenager with no life who spent 10 hours a day leveling to 60 in a month and now has nothing else to do then to mess with newbies. Sure, you might be safe up until lvl 25, but even at that level you have NO chance against a lvl 60. And they don't just stay in their own lvl 60 zones you know...

PvP players (especially Horde) complain a lot about certain zones where high level Alliance tend to come through. Not to mention that a very important instance is right in the middle of undead newbie land.


I wouldn't go on a pvp server as horde. They're likely going to be disadvantaged by having a lot lower population. Battlegrounds are more than enough for me, along with the totally voluntary pvp on the regular beta server. I have no desire to play the alliance in retail unless they reveal them as getting some cool hero classes. I played them far enough to be dissatisfied with most of the population (far, far more whiny and rude than horde in my experience) and content past level 40.
Jeez, anyone else having problems with the flights in the game?

Whenever i take one, the game seriously becomes a powerpoint presentation. The game is no longer measured by frames-per-second, but rather seconds-per-frame. I'll often reach my destination before the textures in the new zone have loaded.

System specs:

P4 2.4B
512 RDRAM PC1066
Radeon 9700 Pro (unsure of which CAT version i'm running)
120 GB w/ 8mb buffer

I really don't think it's my systems limitations as i'm running in 1024x768 w/ default ingame settings and noAA/8xAF forced in driver app. Then again, i'm being told problem might go away with another 512 stick (which is not possible at this current time for me given memory type).


Guys, we all need to grup up tonight, cause I am stuck by myself. It's almost over, so it is a good time to meet up and go questing with everyone :)


Sal Paradise Jr said:
Jeez, anyone else having problems with the flights in the game?

Whenever i take one, the game seriously becomes a powerpoint presentation. The game is no longer measured by frames-per-second, but rather seconds-per-frame. I'll often reach my destination before the textures in the new zone have loaded.

System specs:

P4 2.4B
512 RDRAM PC1066
Radeon 9700 Pro (unsure of which CAT version i'm running)
120 GB w/ 8mb buffer

I really don't think it's my systems limitations as i'm running in 1024x768 w/ default ingame settings and noAA/8xAF forced in driver app. Then again, i'm being told problem might go away with another 512 stick (which is not possible at this current time for me given memory type).

That's weird, flights run fine for me at 1024x768 with default settings and my system specs are way, WAY worse than yours. I'm only have a P4 1.7ghz, 512 RAM and a shitty geforce 2 mx...


I retired my mage. Ill be playing a human rogue for the remainder or stress test, its not bad actually. Pretty fun class and the human land kicks ass.
Whooo lvl 30. If you get a chance do the Halarad's Revenge quest in Hillsbrad. It's so awesome. I think it opens up at lvl 29 and is really only doable at 30+ unless you partey. You might need to suicide to reach the completion, but the ending... It's bloody awesome.

Grey Fox

I got a few pics:
Me duking it out with a shredder

A nice pic of the dreadlord Varimathras

Retrieving my corpse after dying on the boat(had a PvP struggle on board)
The end is near folks. :(

I have to say while slightly annoyed at the limited playtime i've had with it, i've played enough to feel this is the game i will invest the next few years of my life into. Come November (and it will come out that month), goodbye all other MMO's forever... erm or until the next coolester MMO comes out.

Are there a ton of problems that sometimes ruin the fun factor? Yeppers.
Does it look to have that hook to keep people clinged for a long time? TBD
Will it be the best MMO at the time of it's release? Yeppers.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
You're evil, neptunes. :(

Anyway, I've been having a blast. It just gets better and better and I just keep witnessing and experiencing things that just make me feel freaking giddy. Not many games do that to ya.

I look forward to playing with some GAFfers and actually starting a guild for the games release. :) Pretty sure I'm gonna stay with my rogue, and I'd like to stay Horde... which raises the question...

Is most of GAF planning to go Horde or Alliance for release?


Im down with the horde, I still prefer undead. Depending on what the do with the warlock though Ill probably play a mage or a warrior.

Ill be playing a bunch of things though. Its so easy to level up in this game and its jsut fun to do things. Ill probably make a human rogue and a dwarf hunter probably. I love this game. I vote for having 1 GAF horde guild and 1 GAf alliance guild both on different servers. One on PvP and one on PvE.


Grandma's Chippy
Anyone who has put a ton of hours in want to give their own breakdown of what they think are the top "soloable" classes?

I can't decide which I like more...Warrior, Warlock, Rogue, or Paladin..or maybe I am missing the pros/cons of these or other classes?


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I've only played this since Thursday, and I already have had more fun with this game then I have had with any of the other MMORPGs I've played (Galaxies and CoH). I figure I'll play a bit more tomorrow (I feel bad knowing work I put into my character is going to disappear) since I'm close to level 13 with my Human Warrior. I can't wait until this releases.


Yeah if theres gonna be a GAF guild there should be one for horde and one for alliance, i plan on playing both when it comes out
Ok. I'm lvl 33, with about a 3rd left till 34. There is a 37 and a 36. And a 45. I've been palying cince 8 this morning, with only a few breaks between. I'm determinged to win.\

Oh ya, I'm in 4th. Next closest is a 31.


Mr Pockets said:
Anyone who has put a ton of hours in want to give their own breakdown of what they think are the top "soloable" classes?

I can't decide which I like more...Warrior, Warlock, Rogue, or Paladin..or maybe I am missing the pros/cons of these or other classes?
tops for soloing right now:
Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Mage, Shaman

when they get around to fixing Warlocks they should be an extremely good solo class. Hunters are the same way (the base hunter class itself isn't that weak, it's just that pets are implemented with like one little taunt move and that's it).

Honestly though I haven't played a Warrior since the beginning of the beta, so maybe they're better at soloing now than they used to be. They just seem to have more downtime than most other classes in my experience.

Paladins are top at soloing because they can wear all the same armor warriors can, can use most of the melee weapons warriors can (at least the three core types - swords, maces and axes, both 1h and 2h versions) and have self healing. Priests are top at soloing because at higher levels they get a ridiculously overpowered offense (despite having literally 3 offensive spells sans any talent-obtained ones) coupled with the best healing of any class in the game. Rogues are good soloers because they kill fast and have tons of escape utilities. Mages are great at soloing because they nuke for tons of damage, and can summon all the food/water they need to keep downtime at a minimum. And shamans are great at soloing because they're better healers than paladins with a lesser armor selection (they start out with leather and upgrade to mail at level 40, paladins start out with mail and upgrade to plate at 40) but probably better damage overall.

Alliance blows though, which is why I'm not playing them on retail at all. I'm unsure what kind of main character I'm going to have on retail either... it's going to be either an orc shaman, an orc warlock, a tauren druid, or a tauren hunter. Or if they actually make the frost talents for mages good again, maybe an undead mage.

I finished 4th. Mehcore. Anyways, going from 33-34 was the most boring tedious thing I've ever done in the game, so after I got to 34 I just stopped caring about leveling and had fun. Spent the day messing around with the alliance scum :p. I went on two raids into Goldshire I think it was, went searching for the Dark Portal, and ended the thing messing around with people in Teldrassil or whatever the NE starting area is. It was really really fun. I'll get some pics up later.



I ended up with 5 chars, none of which I spent much more time with than the others. Got up to lvl 14-12 with all but my last char, a human warlock I created an hour or so ago just to see what imps were all about.



Bye bye Belledandy:


Bye bye Aviendha:


Bye bye everyone:


Now to wait for release ...


Ps. Bye Bye Cambridge, Rot, UncleLes, and Mars ... good god I played too much.
With 10 minutes left, everyone decided to drop weapons and burn rug instead around Goldshire. I was soooo sad when the server began countdown. I'm definetly picking this baby up, Collector's Edition too if it comes with a CD featuring the in-game music.

New Years aint' got nothing on this. End of the year? Try partying for the end of your virtual life!!!







"Goodbye all and thanks for testing, nuke ya later", says Magess Enriela


Grandma's Chippy
Son of Godzilla said:

I finished 4th. Mehcore. Anyways, going from 33-34 was the most boring tedious thing I've ever done in the game, so after I got to 34 I just stopped caring about leveling and had fun. Spent the day messing around with the alliance scum :p. I went on two raids into Goldshire I think it was, went searching for the Dark Portal, and ended the thing messing around with people in Teldrassil or whatever the NE starting area is. It was really really fun. I'll get some pics up later.
Hey, 4th should be good enough...

WoW Home Page said:
With the end of the stress test beta comes the end of the stress test contest. We'll be notifying the 576 winners (top 3 players of each class, of each faction, on each of the 12 stress test beta servers) as soon as possible, and in addition to those winners, we will also be selecting as contest winners not just the 48 players who would have won had the contest ended at the original deadline (top 3 players of each class, of each faction, across all stress test beta servers), but an additional 96 players who were next in line at that time (next 6 players of each class, of each faction, across all stress test beta servers).

Should any of the players who would have won at the original contest deadline also be among the 576 selected based on the updated Sunday deadline, we will select the next person down on the list to avoid having duplicate contest winners. That makes a total of 720 players moving on into the closed beta test! All contest winners will be notified by Blizzard as soon as possible, so please do not contact Blizzard to inquire about the contest results.
So, seems like you may be in afterall.
Alright, a few of these may or may not be considered spoilers. I don't consider em spoilers, but at the same time I thought it hela cool finding em for the first time. I'll stick a gap between the two that might be spoilers so you can scroll down if needed.

You know, I never knew the world of warcraft was infested with Dinosaurs.


Gotta love the "Hunt local wildlife into extinction so I can have their eyeballs" quests.


Awwww, he looks cute when he's small.


Giant snow beasts bow before my headgear


Soldier in a box. A box made of some guy!


**Spoiler stuff, maybe, who knows** Close your eyes and scroll down if you care. It's not that big in any case.

Nothing beats batrides for Whoa Check It Out moments.


I never woulda guessed I'd be there later on. This is actually where the soldier box and rock dudes are from.


That's all for spoilars. I dunno, I thought it was really cool when I found it. More space for no reason, starting now:

**Spoilers above, kinda sorta**

New area, new bat! Eat me GoB!


This is the story of a sheep named cow.


Lazy ass gaurds. Coulda at least lent a hand.


Struck me as stupid. Wonder if it works on dragons too.




A few moments later:


Later on, after killing many and dying much. And letting a couple friends who have no idea how to play pvp.


There it is, do you see it? I see it, there it is!


So much for not getting noticed


I really wish Trolls understood common.


Tons of corpses. I'm the only horde here btw.


I of course let them kill me a few times, and they actually did legitemately get me a couple times as I hid in bushes resting or ran out of mana. It was really fun running around the village trying to stay alive until pvp weared off. Even more fun trying to slay the giant ancient. Of course we all danced as the countdown ran down. Then I killed em all.
Mr Pockets said:
Hey, 4th should be good enough...

So, seems like you may be in afterall.

Yea, but I wasn't anywhere near 9th across all servers on Thursday. And myself aside, they are doing one hell of a half assed solution to the problem (People playing to the rules set at startm then as amended). If it were on a per server basis it'd be good. As it is, it's something but not much.

I'll hope, but I'm not expecting.

Grey Fox

Hey SoG,I didn't know you were kater. :) God,I'm having withdrawal already.I think I'm just gonna go cry myself to sleep...

Oh yeah,did anyone else get chills when you walked into the throne room,and when you heard the bell ringing and the crowd cheering in ruins of Lordaeron?Also if you turn off the your music in the throne room,you can hear when Arthas killed the King.


Grey Fox said:
Hey SoG,I didn't know you were kater. :) God,I'm having withdrawal already.I think I'm just gonna go cry myself to sleep...

Oh yeah,did anyone else get chills when you walked into the throne room,and when you heard the bell ringing and the crowd cheering in ruins of Lordaeron?Also if you turn off the your music in the throne room,you can hear when Arthas killed the King.

Yeah did you see the screens I posted... I sat on the throne. :) Such an awesome scene.
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