"Patch 1.10.0 (2006-03-28): Capped at ten players. "
I personally never ran any of the instances 10 man, was allways 5 man is what I ment and I remember you only kited to the beasts room (straight line) and back again which is exactly the same as how they made you kite that bastard demon in winterspring for the epic bow quest. God I hated that demon with a passion and oh how i danced when I killed that asshole.
I feel like you're confused. "these instances"...UBRS was an exception, it was sort of like a mini raid of it's time. It wasn't capped at 10 when other instances were, it was capped at 15 when other instances were 10, and then lowered to 10 when others were lowered to 5.
If somehow you were running it with 5 and feeling like it was too hard, that's because you were running it with half the tanks and healers intended

I'm fairly certain it would be completely impossible to single tank the zone until Naxx gear.
Not initially, attunement quest came later. However, you could send a raid group in brd initially so it was fine also during that time so it was fine.
However, BRD would reset after 30 minutes of nobody being inside, so nobody could join you later on in MC if you did that without them clearing brd

We would have to leave someone camped in BRD at the entrance to MC to make sure it didn't soft reset. Ideally a lock and 2 people for a summon chain, but the problem of course was that you couldn't summon people unless they were in the zone with you, so you'd have a chain of:
A) join group in BRD with warlock, zone into brd, get summoned to MC entrance.
B) Leave BRD group, join Raid group in MC, zone into MC.
C) Get summoned by MC group warlock to where raid was.
If you had to repair? Either the entire guild had to go at once, or everyone had to do this idiotic shuffle.
It was a nightmare. They added repair bots FAIRLY quickly and the attunement quest as well, thankfully. Don't think they fixed lock summons working cross-zone for a while though.