Long story, I'm just forced to do it. Until 14th May.
Haha, all you need to know is that I'll be gone when Diablo 3 is out.
:lol silly goose. "It's a video game"-argument is the oldest shit argument I've kept hearing over and over again since 2000.
ITT: People don't know the role of a GM.
edit: ^Changed to something more accurate.
edit: Oh boy it's raid-time today! YAY!!!
Mengy, your post inspired me. Thank you.
I am going to stop raiding completely until MoPYou are very welcome Yoshi. Life is too short to choose to put yourself through agony when you have control over things.
Are you going to stop playing completely or simply stop raiding?
I found raiding much more enjoyable just being a grunt/peon/whatever than being in positions of leadership. I was a much more cynical and mean person when I was raid leading/guild leading. Now I just don't care, focus on playing the best I can play, and joking around with people. I don't like wiping or failing, who does,
Heh, honestly, back in the old days in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, I used to love the whole wipe/try it again process. The whole plight of our guild trying new strategies and changing a few things here and there in order to get it right was thrilling, and I didn't really mind wiping all night long or the huge repair costs. It was like we were playing a huge strategy game.
But by WotLK, that feeling was gone. I'm not sure why either. I don't know if raids became different, or if the availability of perfect strats online (and everyone expecting you to "do your homework") took the fun out of it, but something had changed for me with raiding. It became a job and not fun. And now, well I just don't have the time for that anymore. I'd rather do other things I find relaxing than ever raid again like that.
Audίoboxer;37030493 said:I've neglected healing for too long. Played about 2 months of WoW about 3 months back after a break for about a year. Levelled a Druid/Rogue fairly high, then quit again.
I decided I'd wait for MOP, but I have a WoW itch again. This time I'm going to really do something new (going rogue/druid was new for me, but I DPS'd on both). Healing.
Want to roll a priest on Alliance, any tips in regards to the class/addons/professions? I've seen some nice interface addon packs for priests in my times, any still exist?
My first lfr on my warrior tnak I won something on every boss cept the last.
I'm having SUPER FUN raiding right now and I'm not even sarcastic! Everyone is so happy, joking around etc!![]()
Thank you!That is seriously awesome, man. Happy for you!
Having fun is the best thing about raiding. Back in BC and even WoTLK I raided with some awesome people. Sure we whiped a bunch, but it was all fun, just a nice family to have in the game.Yuuuuup! Raid is over and I had a great timeHopefully it'll be fun tomorrow too! Great atmosphere tonight :3
Yuuuuup! Raid is over and I had a great timeHopefully it'll be fun tomorrow too! Great atmosphere tonight :3
Thank you!
doing a LFR now. i'm the only pally healer with 2 others rets pally. one of the ret keeps rolling on the healing shit so the other is rolling and giving them to me.
so there's definitely cool people out there.
Uh.. hmm? You get a roll bonus as a healer he shouldn't be winning anything.
Just got around to watching the rogue legendary videos they put out, Wrathion mentions going to the Pandaria... nooo go away dragons.
yeah, dude. i'm pretty sure my account has the wi flag. my rolls suck.
amazingly he won every drop for healing and gave me them. even got the weapon.
Um, it's actually impossible to lose a roll on a healing item as a healer to a DPS class. Unless you queued as DPS or tank or something, or the ret pally queued as a healer.
Literally impossible. You get a roll bonus of a 100, so even if you roll a 1 and he rolls a 100 (on a healing item), you still win because a 1 is a 101.
Honestly I don't understand how anyone doesn't get the fight. The hardest thing about it was the DPS check and that is gone.Just spent 2 hours wiping on HM Ultraxion.
Learn 2 click your buttons people. Also learn 2 not click them sometimes.
Um, it's actually impossible to lose a roll on a healing item as a healer to a DPS class. Unless you queued as DPS or tank or something, or the ret pally queued as a healer.
Literally impossible. You get a roll bonus of a 100, so even if you roll a 1 and he rolls a 100 (on a healing item), you still win because a 1 is a 101.
Actually pointless unless the other ret pally that kept rolling need on healing items queued as a healer as well and you knew for a fact they had the healing items already.yeah, afterwards i was checking the healing charts. turns out he Q'd was a healer. i thought he was ret because he said something like seeing the other ret pally roll too.
still cool gesture no matter what though.
Affliction Warlock Feedback
We are discussing removing the limit one on Agony. We think Malefic Grasp already solves the same problem of wanting to make sure that focusing on a single target can be as effective as multi-dotting the room.
(As an aside, it's fine to multi-dot the room, but we want to avoid a situation where a dot class is either terrible with one target or doubles everyone else's damage when there are multiple targets.)
If we make the Agony change, then Soul Swap could move Agony and UA and feel worth doing (assuming Seeds already covers Corruption in an AE environment). It's also possible we could just bring down the Soul Swap cooldown as well.
All I can say is that LFR isn't meant to work like a raid. It's designed to be like a large scaled heroic dungeon - for the free loot and for the people who wants to experience the lore. Remember, there were many people who never did beat Illidan/LK but they loved the lore so they had to Youtube everything - LFR satisfies some people for this purpose.Trying out the LFR reminded me of just how boring raiding can be, and I want to get some of the excitement of progression back. I've been a resto shaman since I first installed the game, and am very confident in my abilities, but I feel so far removed from the raiding community at this point that I don't know how to return to it. I don't have any log data, and aside from some 10 man heroic raiding through WotLK (Ulduar and ToC), and some 25 normal raiding at the start of Cata, I have missed two expansions worth of raiding content.
Is there any advice you have for me?
Not-so quick question: from the perspective of someone that is still a "hardcore" raider, how would you recommend for someone to break into that scene? I'm considering it when MoP begins, but I don't know how feasible it would actually be to find a decent guild (one that actually plans to complete un-nerfed heroic content) when I have been an extremely casual raider for two expansions.
I was an officer and eventual GM of a pretty good (but far from amazing - top 1k worldwide) raiding guild throughout TBC. Many of our dps had top 10 kills, especially as we moved into BT and Hyjal, but the guild never tried to be the absolute best - we had plenty of leatherworkers for drum rotations, and several players, myself included, were way ahead of the general raiding populace with regards to game theory (for example, I was stacking pure spellpower as a resto shaman almost half a year before the idea was taken seriously on EJ), however we also had a dedicated core that was much less interested in maximizing their potential but had been with us since our early days in Kara and weren't going to be dropped. We were pretty good, but weren't quite willing to do what it takes to be among the best. Anyways, I eventually left due to other RL obligations, and haven't returned to raiding (at least to the same extent) since.
Trying out the LFR reminded me of just how boring raiding can be, and I want to get some of the excitement of progression back. I've been a resto shaman since I first installed the game, and am very confident in my abilities, but I feel so far removed from the raiding community at this point that I don't know how to return to it. I don't have any log data, and aside from some 10 man heroic raiding through WotLK (Ulduar and ToC), and some 25 normal raiding at the start of Cata, I have missed two expansions worth of raiding content.
Is there any advice you have for me?
All I can say is that LFR isn't meant to work like a raid. It's designed to be like a large scaled heroic dungeon - for the free loot and for the people who wants to experience the lore. Remember, there were many people who never did beat Illidan/LK but they loved the lore so they had to Youtube everything - LFR satisfies some people for this purpose.
I would still recommend you trying MoP; level up to 90 and start doing heroics with your resto shaman. If the server of your choice is somewhat populated then it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours for you to start getting PMs about wanting you as their healer. You should just be honest and tell them that you raided TBC/Heroic Ulduar and that you still know how to heal well as a shaman. Many people won't be bothered that you skipped Cataclysm anyway so... look the guild up and check their progression and ask them how "serious" they are. If you feel like this guild seems to be okay, try it out - you can always leave if they end up being a bunch of boring people!
I'd say go for it!
To be honest, if you want to be in a 'decent' guild come MoP, you should start working on it now. Start getting some logs from LFR (Log it yourself) and treat it seriously like if it were a real raid, not failing mechanics, putting up good numbers etc. it should be pretty easy to find a place in a mid-tier guild because the recruiting pool dries up when everyones progression is the same (And let's face it, most serious raiding guilds are either done or like 5-6/8 at this point. there's not a lot of delineation). Just continue to play well and log yourself if nobody else logs. Once you have a bit of gear (not a ton but enough not to require being carried) and some experience, you should be able to break in easily wherever your skill level will allow you to. Just be honest in applications and it goes a long way.
You might try turning off sound, it's amazing the performance jump I got when I turned mine off.
I'm pretty sure I have, but I will again. Either way, it isn't just in WoW, and these issues used to not be present at all. I don't know much about computers TBH, so I may be talking out of my ass here, but I think it's my motherboard - my last one was fried a couple of summers ago, and the one I replaced it with was a downgrade. Either way, my PC is over 3 years old at this point and probably due for an upgrade, but I have bigger priorities, at least for the next month or two.
The legendary daggers, as far at the 2-set bonus and its proc goes, suck. Sometimes, the things never even go off during a fight. Most times, they go off when I have to run instead of hit the boss. It's poorly designed for a melee class proc. And when it goes off, you lose all your stacks of agility you'd have otherwise.