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World of Warcraft

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MrToughPants said:
Swift Brewfest Ram :lol



Wonder how hard this is going to be to get.

On another note, I'm leveling Darkspear Trolls rep with my undead character. Not easy since we start off neutral with them, but I want a "real" raptor. The Black War Raptor is awesome, I agree, and easier to get, but has become incredibly common. Everyone is riding one on my server.

My rationale is that if I actually work for mine, it will be more unique than the BWR. I never seen anything but orcs and trolls riding "real" raptors on my server.


Has problems recognising girls
bengraven said:
Wonder how hard this is going to be to get.
Roughly about a week of quick daily quests that take no effort, just time, as per usual. Also 100g for the epic mount, 10g for normal.. same as other mount costs.


Raptors are so obnoxious and bouncy.....I have no idea why people outside the trolls have any interest in getting one.

Now if I could get that Spectral Tiger mount, that'd be sweet :)


border said:
Raptors are so obnoxious and bouncy.....I have no idea why people outside the trolls have any interest in getting one.

for real, i never liked riding around on my raptor, same goes for the ud mount

wolf or kodo ftw


Kodos look kind of stupid too, unless being ridden by a taureen. When scaled to any other size, the animation never looks right and it moves like some kind of hyperactive cockroach.

I still think the Warlock Epic Mount is coolest ground mount in the game, though. Onyx Netherdrake is still the best flying mount, though that's only because Blizzard is retarded and made the broomstick a 1-time use item :)


Yeah, I understand the hate for raptors; the bounce and such. It's actually what I like about them. I like them slinking and bouncing around. It's just a nice alternative to the straightforward running my war horse does.

I might try for this goat though.

Edit: Wait, new graveyards? Is this just for Halloween?


I like the raptor my pally has. But that's just because the pally mount is retarded. The only thing that would be better is a kodo, but I never wanted to spend money on that.
bengraven said:
Wonder how hard this is going to be to get.

On another note, I'm leveling Darkspear Trolls rep with my undead character. Not easy since we start off neutral with them, but I want a "real" raptor. The Black War Raptor is awesome, I agree, and easier to get, but has become incredibly common. Everyone is riding one on my server.

My rationale is that if I actually work for mine, it will be more unique than the BWR. I never seen anything but orcs and trolls riding "real" raptors on my server.

Sucks you can't get the classic Ivory Raptor; a guy on my server still has it; musta been a bitch to scamper together 1000g back in the day to do it, though.


This is from worldofraids:
Rumored Additional Paladin 2.3 Changes

The following infos had originally appeared on the EU paladin class forum from a blue (so official) and then was misteriously deleted. Anyway, here are the changes:

•(NEW SPELL)Blessing of Defiance - Greatly increase Paladin's block value. Detail Coming Soon
•(NEW SPELL)Seal Of Protection -5 minutes cooldown Temporarily increase total Paladin Hit Points.Unleashing this Seal's will judge an enemy,decreasing all damage done by judged target. Detail Coming soon
•The Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier6 and all Gladiator Sets have had their Spell Damage removed and the points have been reinvested in other stats, such as Strength and Critical Strike Rating.
•Precision(Protection): Now increase chance to hit with spell as well
•SpellWarding(Protection): Now reduce damage taken by spell by 3/6% instead of 2/4%.
•Weapon Expertise(Protection): In addiction to current effect now Increase Paladin Total hit points by 3/6/9/12/15 per level and convert 1/2/3/4/5% of all damage received in mana.
•Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Retribution) now also reduces threat caused while wielding a Two-Handed Weapon by 8/16/25%.
•Vengeance (Retribution) duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds and now increases Healing done as well.
•Seal of Command (Retribution) now does 85% Weapon Damage, but is no longer affected by Spell damage.
•Judgement of Command (Retribution) now does holy damage equal to 25% of your Attack Power and 50% when the target is stunned or disoriented and is no longer affected by Spell Damage.
•Crusader Strike (Retribution) cooldown reduced from 10 to 6 seconds and does 110% weapon damage instead of weapon damage plus 40% of your Holy Spell damage.

So basically pallies should finally be fixed now or something. Huge buffs to prot and ret that should make both specs a lot more complete. I'm guessing they decided since most ret pallies will go 20/0/41 they'll make it into a melee/off-healer build, which is ok if the vengeance buff helps healing enough. They're getting a huge dps buff too, by taking away all the spell damage crap in talents and gear and making it into regular AP and melee related damage.


firex said:
This is from worldofraids:

So basically pallies should finally be fixed now or something. Huge buffs to prot and ret that should make both specs a lot more complete. I'm guessing they decided since most ret pallies will go 20/0/41 they'll make it into a melee/off-healer build, which is ok if the vengeance buff helps healing enough. They're getting a huge dps buff too, by taking away all the spell damage crap in talents and gear and making it into regular AP and melee related damage.

Especially if the Vindication talent works for the trash mobs in raids - that's a HUGE reason to bring a Paladin to raids - everyone wants to kill trash faster.


firex said:
This is from worldofraids:

So basically pallies should finally be fixed now or something. Huge buffs to prot and ret that should make both specs a lot more complete. I'm guessing they decided since most ret pallies will go 20/0/41 they'll make it into a melee/off-healer build, which is ok if the vengeance buff helps healing enough. They're getting a huge dps buff too, by taking away all the spell damage crap in talents and gear and making it into regular AP and melee related damage.
Plus, they actually have gear choices now.


Has problems recognising girls
So I'm doing the Brewfest thing, grabbed my tickets for the day in a matter of 30 mins or so and about to log off till someone asks when the Dark Iron Dwarves attack per the hour. Now either I be a prick and not answer, fully knowing which hour they attack, or I answer. So I spruced up General Chat and let it fly when they attack, and immediately the player in question goes "thanks, can get my ram by today when I camp this place :D" and I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Why on earth would someone stick around on a character for 24 hours and only get around 400 or so tickets in the meantime? Just for a god damn mount which most players will have by the end of the week? Yes you may get your ram mount within 2 days you silly Blood Elf Paladin, but my ram will always appear double the times size of yours and I only had to sit around playing the damn thing for 3-5 hours throughout a week.

There are some very deluded people playing WoW where time = everything.


The Dark Iron attack and the Elekk quest are both broken on my server, at least they were last night. I got about 37 tickets so far, and MAN I hate that 'Barker' quest, you have to ride pretty much perfectly AND make sure you actually talk to him before the time runs out. I failed that quest FIVE times at the menu where you just need to click "Complete", one time the quest passed music even played but I STILL failed it ><

All the other stuff is cake though, and I hope to have my 2nd 'special' mount to go along with my White War Riding Talbuk. (And I'm grinding the Dark one as well, just need an assload of crystal dust for Halaa)


speedpop said:
So I'm doing the Brewfest thing, grabbed my tickets for the day in a matter of 30 mins or so and about to log off till someone asks when the Dark Iron Dwarves attack per the hour. Now either I be a prick and not answer, fully knowing which hour they attack, or I answer. So I spruced up General Chat and let it fly when they attack, and immediately the player in question goes "thanks, can get my ram by today when I camp this place :D" and I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Why on earth would someone stick around on a character for 24 hours and only get around 400 or so tickets in the meantime? Just for a god damn mount which most players will have by the end of the week? Yes you may get your ram mount within 2 days you silly Blood Elf Paladin, but my ram will always appear double the times size of yours and I only had to sit around playing the damn thing for 3-5 hours throughout a week.

There are some very deluded people playing WoW where time = everything.

Yeah, too bad some of the quests are far too easy and at least one (the Barking one) are a bit too hard.

How long does this last? I've got 60 tickets today so far from playing about 2 hours; the Elekk and winged, antlered vampire rabbit quests are terribly easy.

Probably grind the keg throwing quests on the last day if I don't have enough tickets. You get 2x tickets for each lap.

PS: Brewfest is the best holiday yet.

PSS: Got my exalted status last night! Raptor here I come...


It looks like only 1 of the quests is daily (or, at least only 1 of them counts as a daily quest). So how many days is this going on?

And how often do the Dark Iron Dwarves show up?


border said:
It looks like only 1 of the quests is daily (or, at least only 1 of them counts as a daily quest). So how many days is this going on?

And how often do the Dark Iron Dwarves show up?

The Dwarves are supposed to be every hour, but exploiters are crashing the servers right now when they show up by spamming macros.
How can you say the "Barker" quest is hard? Just stay in the medium speed for the first 3 markers, slow down to trot to get your ram's stamina back under 50 and then speed up again and you should easily make it with 30-45 seconds to spare.


How much does the Brewfest ram cost (aside from the 600 tickets)? And is it 60% speed or 100%?

EDIT: Nvm, someone answered this above.
Nikashi said:
The Dark Iron attack and the Elekk quest are both broken on my server, at least they were last night. I got about 37 tickets so far, and MAN I hate that 'Barker' quest, you have to ride pretty much perfectly AND make sure you actually talk to him before the time runs out. I failed that quest FIVE times at the menu where you just need to click "Complete", one time the quest passed music even played but I STILL failed it ><

All the other stuff is cake though, and I hope to have my 2nd 'special' mount to go along with my White War Riding Talbuk. (And I'm grinding the Dark one as well, just need an assload of crystal dust for Halaa)

Key to Barker quest: Canter. Try not to hit Gallop much; if you're Horde, you can save Trot for turns in Valley of Honor and off of the Valley of Spirits's edge into Strength. I got it down to 30 seconds to spare using this method. Remember, you dont get a fatigued ram unless you hit 100, just be rhythmic with the reins.



Has problems recognising girls
Elekk quest is also quite easy with Shaman. For some reason I was able to do it late last night and earlier today. Got around 120 tickets without having to touch the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Also seems like Brewfest finishes on the 16th.


Are all the Brewfest quests repeatable on a daily basis? Otherwise, I don't see how we're supposed to get 600 tix for the mount...


I sure hope so, it sounds like that elekk quest is the way to go if it's repeatable. 40 tix for running around? That'd be the way to go.


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Takes me less than 10 mins to the elekk quest with Shattrath as my home. Astral Recall > TB portal > Hearthstone > Silvermoon City > translocation to UC. By the time I am done in UC, my cooldown on Astral Recall hasn't finished so I have to catch the Zeppelin to Orgrimmar :lol

And yes seems like all the quests are repeatable, especially since I did the elekk quest twice in one day (might've been a Blizzard fix that did it though)


here's a question for the more experienced lock players who post in this thread

i just started a lock yesterday, i'm at lvl 12 and really enjoying the class so far, i think im going to try to take this class to 70

what would be some recommended mods to use?

i tried out DoTimer, i didnt really care for it

i usually just use


and as for macros, i've never really relied on using them on my other characters, on my warrior i only used a weapon swap macro for spell reflects, and on my hunter i used 1 or 2 simple macros

do you guys rely heavily on macros?, if so is there a good reference guide/source out there for them

i primarily am not a fan of using macros, because i find it to be a pain typing out the longer macros, might be a noobish question for someone who's played wow for 2+ years now, but is there a way to copy and paste those macro codes in game


All the Brewfest quests are now broken on my server after today's hotfix. They had better extend the event since it isn't working.


yacobod said:
here's a question for the more experienced lock players who post in this thread

i just started a lock yesterday, i'm at lvl 12 and really enjoying the class so far, i think im going to try to take this class to 70

what would be some recommended mods to use?

i tried out DoTimer, i didnt really care for it

i usually just use


and as for macros, i've never really relied on using them on my other characters, on my warrior i only used a weapon swap macro for spell reflects, and on my hunter i used 1 or 2 simple macros

do you guys rely heavily on macros?, if so is there a good reference guide/source out there for them

i primarily am not a fan of using macros, because i find it to be a pain typing out the longer macros, might be a noobish question for someone who's played wow for 2+ years now, but is there a way to copy and paste those macro codes in game

I can't really answer since I just rolled a lock, but I'm interested in what race you picked :D

I picked the beefy male orc!
I don't really use any class-specific mods for my Locks at all. Blizzard added in a bunch of the stuff old mods used to do, like shard tracking and so forth. Re-evaluate if you need any mods for locks by the time you hit 40, that'll be when you have a good idea of what your playstyle is.

Oh, mobhealth. I use it for every character I have but its essential for a lock. Knowing how much health an enemy has to drain and when you should be switching from Drain Life to Drain Soul is always very nice.


ManaByte said:
All the Brewfest quests are now broken on my server after today's hotfix. They had better extend the event since it isn't working.
It looks like the only daily quests available are the barker quests -- which are broken now. All the other quests were meant as one-time deals. Better get started on those keg runs, if you guys want your mounts. At least they jacked it up to 3 tickets per run -- so just a mere 200 kegs and you're good to go :lol


I just use NECB on my lock as far as anything that might help out some in combat, although I do keep MobInfo around.

I don't use macros at all, it's easy enough to cast spells without needing a macro for me. Soul Link or some other pet specific spell is either autocast or undispellable (SL follows this case) so if I need a specific spell/buff it's always on, basically. I think blizzard took out being able to rebind pet commands, which blows because I used to have them bound to shift + numbers so I could really quickly queue up pet spells + my own spells.


There are a couple good macros that will set up your succubus to re-seduce a target without forcing you to change targets and cast seduce again. Excellent for instances where you are needed for crowd control, or just soloing large groups.

Of course, I was too lazy to set them up but they are somewhere on the warlock forums I think.


When does this all end? Once the barker quests are fixed, it shouldn't be that hard to get over 100 tickets per day.

On a hilarious note, I observed a couple people doing a "/bark" emote, desperately trying to finish the quest. I didn't even know that one existed :lol


border said:
When does this all end? Once the barker quests are fixed, it shouldn't be that hard to get over 100 tickets per day.

On a hilarious note, I observed a couple people doing a "/bark" emote, desperately trying to finish the quest. I didn't even know that one existed :lol


Are you on my server? Because that was me about an hour ago.

Thought the "bark outside the auction house" part was strange when it did it all by itself. So when it didn't do it automatically, I assumed they fixed it so you HAD to literally /bark.


Looks like the Brewfest barker quests are working again on my server -- shame though, since it looks like you can only do 1 of them (I thought that more would open up, but doing one makes the others disappear).

I guess I can get about 40 tickets/day from the barker stuff, maybe 20 tickets from keg runs......dunno if that'll be enough to buy the ram though.


On Horde side at least, it makes everyone look like Orc women.

Now, if it made everyone look like Blood Elf women, I'd so buy them. :lol

And I agree about the mount...damn that shit is annoying...and the DIDwarves part is irritating...I have like 50 people crowding around at one time trying to hit them and when it's time to turn in, at least one person has to be a jackass with their Tauren and stand right over him so no one else can click him.


Has problems recognising girls
border said:
Does anyone know what the beer googles do?
Nothing much really. Just makes every NPC appear as a male Gnome if you're Alliance, or a female Orc if you're Horde. Plus it only lasts for 7 days.

And the Brewfest isn't that hard. Just spent 20 mins and grabbed another 60 or so tickets. Wasn't able to do the Pink Elekks again, unless that's a one-time quest?

bengraven said:
and when it's time to turn in, at least one person has to be a jackass with their Tauren and stand right over him so no one else can click him.
Just press V or whatever it is to bring up everyone's health bar.. look for the green bubble/text and click on it as if you were clicking on the NPC itself. Same shit used to happen for the Arena goblins when it first came out and we had to do it that way.

edit: Ah nvm answered my own questions.

Blizzard said:
Pink Elekks on Parade is not a daily quest. There was a one-time reset to fix those who could not get the quest initially, so some were able to complete it twice. Apologies for the confusion.

Blizzard said:
A hotfix has been applied that removes any duration on the goggles, and they are now permanent. However, until the next full patch release the duration timer will continue to display on the item, even though it has no impact on the permanence of the goggles. Enjoy.

Blizzard said:
Something I just learned, the keg delivery quest can be repeated every 12 hours. It's on an invisible timer and isn't considered a "daily" quest.


Has problems recognising girls
Also looks like they're sprucing up AV quite a bit and changing several ways to play it.

Blizzard said:
Strategy can be an important element of any battleground. We want to emphasize this in Alterac Valley more and give players additional meaning to both defending and attacking. To push the strategic element of the battleground to the next level we have changed how players maintain their reinforcements or deprive the other team of theirs.

Each team will have a starting reinforcement count. Reinforcements can be lost in significant amounts if a tower is destroyed or if Captain Galvangar or Belinda Stonehearth is killed. For each team member death, an additional reinforcement will be lost. On the death of General Drek’Thar or Vanndar Stormpike, all reinforcements are lost and the team is defeated. At any point in time, if a team is reduced to zero reinforcements, the opposing team will win the battle. Defending your own teammates, towers, and key NPCs will be an important aspect of maintaining team resources and achieving victory in Alterac Valley.

Warmasters can be the boon or the bane of any team. They are an important element for the defense of your general or the defeat of the opposing general. Warlords and their general will be more closely linked in the next patch. Pulling one is a guarantee the other will come as well. Each team begins with four Warmasters. Destroying a tower will eliminate the associated Warmaster. Unlike the current game play, however, destroying the enemy tower will not add a Warmaster to your own side.

We will be changing the pace of the battle slightly with a reduction in the time needed to control a tower or graveyard. Where it currently takes five minutes to gain control, the time will be reduced to four minutes. The honor for capturing a tower will also be increased.

Players will only be awarded bonus honor during the battle for destroying enemy towers and slaying the enemy Captain. Once the battle is concluded, bonus honor will be awarded for intact towers, a surviving Captain, and for victory in battle. The bonus honor awarded should be similar to previous totals, but will reward players for taking more active roles in Alterac Valley toward defending or attacking key locations and NPCs.

Lastly, we are changing NPC interactions within Alterac Valley. We have reduced the number of elite NPCs in Stormpike and Frostwolf holds as well as sent all Commanders and Lieutenants out of Alterac Valley. They are currently in search of other battle opportunities. This should reduce the amount of NPCs that players will have to fight and place more focus on PvP combat over key locations on the map.

So now it adds the element of reinforcements and you don't need to kill Drek or Vann to win AV. Very interesting.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
yacobod said:
here's a question for the more experienced lock players who post in this thread

i just started a lock yesterday, i'm at lvl 12 and really enjoying the class so far, i think im going to try to take this class to 70

what would be some recommended mods to use?

i tried out DoTimer, i didnt really care for it

i usually just use


and as for macros, i've never really relied on using them on my other characters, on my warrior i only used a weapon swap macro for spell reflects, and on my hunter i used 1 or 2 simple macros

do you guys rely heavily on macros?, if so is there a good reference guide/source out there for them

i primarily am not a fan of using macros, because i find it to be a pain typing out the longer macros, might be a noobish question for someone who's played wow for 2+ years now, but is there a way to copy and paste those macro codes in game

You don't really need to use macros for leveling up but you can enhance your damage with using /stopcasting macros. I only recommend using that if you're raiding though. You don't really need any addons for leveling especially since you didn't care about DoTimer.

When you decide to run instances, here's a nice macro for seduce

#show none
/clearfocus [modifier:alt]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,help]
/cast [pet:succubus,target=focus,exists,harm] Seduction; Seduction

Banish(allows you to banish a mob after you switch targets by hitting the macro)
/focus [target=focus, noexists] [target=focus, dead] [target=focus, help]
/cast [target=focus] [button:1] Banish; [target=focus] [button:2] Banish(Rank 1)

One button to cast all your DoTs:
#show none
/use Icon of the silver crescent
/castsequence reset=Target/Combat Corruption, Siphon Life, Curse of Agony, Drain Life, Drain Life, Drain Life,


border said:
What's the preferred enchant for a 2H Arms Warrior? Agility? Mongoose? Savagery?

i'd go with savagery

maybe when u are fully decked 5/5 arena and other toys you can consider mongoose, but you cant go wrong with a constant +70ap


Did anyone else have their brewfest tickets more than double over night, for no reason at all? I logged out yesterday with 83 tickets or so, and when I logged in today I had 173. :lol
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