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World of Warcraft

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Has problems recognising girls
Not that I know of.. although I must admit that having 238 tickets without doing much is a bit weird. I swore I didn't have that much when I logged off before that session.


I didn't get any extras. After accidently buying a beer keg, I still have >200 tickets. I know the event ends on 10/16 apparently, but I don't think there's anyway to get 600 in my case.

Especially since the Dark Iron Dwarves is broken (you can't even /wave a barker anymore) and that itself was a clusterfuck.


bengraven said:
I didn't get any extras. After accidently buying a beer keg, I still have >200 tickets. I know the event ends on 10/16 apparently, but I don't think there's anyway to get 600 in my case.

Especially since the Dark Iron Dwarves is broken (you can't even /wave a barker anymore) and that itself was a clusterfuck.

Well you can get about 60 tickets a day until then.

I currently have about 180.

Saturday - 60 tickets = 240
Sunday (can't play)
Monday - 60 tickets = 300
Tuesday - 60 tickets = 360
Wednesday - 60 tickets = 420
Thursday - 60 tickets = 480
Friday - 60 tickets = 540
Saturday - 60 tickets = 600


ManaByte said:
Well you can get about 60 tickets a day until then.

I currently have about 180.

Saturday - 60 tickets = 240
Sunday (can't play)
Monday - 60 tickets = 300
Tuesday - 60 tickets = 360
Wednesday - 60 tickets = 420
Thursday - 60 tickets = 480
Friday - 60 tickets = 540
Saturday - 60 tickets = 600

40 for the barking quests and I assume about 20 for the beer keg run?

Also, I just noticed that the the pink elekk quests are no longer attainable. Glad I got that done about three times beforehand. :lol


bengraven said:
40 for the barking quests and I assume about 20 for the beer keg run?

Yes and you can do both really quickly. So I'll have my mount next Saturday as long as I do those each day. They also said they may be increasing the keg run reward if needed.


ManaByte said:
Yes and you can do both really quickly. So I'll have my mount next Saturday as long as I do those each day. They also said they may be increasing the keg run reward if needed.

Might have to. Even though you get more time for delivering one, I can really only do about 5 trips at the most.

I noticed a lot of my friends have either dropped off or stopped playing their alts in anticipation of 2.3. I think all my fellow altoholics are trying to get their mains up to 70 before doing another bum rush to 60.
bengraven said:
Might have to. Even though you get more time for delivering one, I can really only do about 5 trips at the most.

I noticed a lot of my friends have either dropped off or stopped playing their alts in anticipation of 2.3. I think all my fellow altoholics are trying to get their mains up to 70 before doing another bum rush to 60.

Hah, I'm doing something just like that. So far I have a 70 warlock, he's a year old and is boring as hell..He's mainly an org\ah camper for me. Then I hit 70 on a rogue about a month+ ago. Now while we wait for 2.3 I'm getting 1 of all the other classes to 30-35 which is about where leveling slows down.. Then once 2.3 hits I'm bum rushing em all to 70 before the exp. =)


BloodElfHunter said:
Hah, I'm doing something just like that. So far I have a 70 warlock, he's a year old and is boring as hell..He's mainly an org\ah camper for me. Then I hit 70 on a rogue about a month+ ago. Now while we wait for 2.3 I'm getting 1 of all the other classes to 30-35 which is about where leveling slows down.. Then once 2.3 hits I'm bum rushing em all to 70 before the exp. =)

Not a half bad idea. Although I think there's a sharp decline about lvl 20. Not a bad idea to just level your characters until it's too painful, then wait for the patch.

Also, been "Horde side til I die", so we created an Ally guild on Lightbringer and I think we're going to start hanging out there for a while. My god, it's gotta be the nicest server in the game.


Has problems recognising girls
bengraven said:
Also, been "Horde side til I die", so we created an Ally guild on Lightbringer and I think we're going to start hanging out there for a while. My god, it's gotta be the nicest server in the game.
Few years back I tried to do an Alliance character and was conveniently invited into an ex-Horde guild. It was quite a lot of fun.

As for the beer keg runs, they're on 12 hour limits too guys.. so that's at least 40-50 tickets per day on that.


I can get 30 tickets (10 runs) on the keg run easy, you can pretty much gallop 95% of the time as long as you keep running near the apple barrels.


As much as I appreciate the time they have taken to retool Alterac Valley (2-3 times now), they really need to retune Warsong Gulch. Compared to any other battleground, it is a ridiculous waste of time. I just went in there for one match since it's double-honor weekend, and it's pathetic. Matches take 40-60 minutes.....or even longer since either side can uselessly turtle. People can turtle in AV, but that rarely happens since both sides are pretty offense-oriented (to a fault, on Horde side). Even when you win WSG, you get a piddling amount of honor compared to the time investment required by other battlegrounds. The whole game is just a nightmare, and I wouldn't bother at all if not for the fact that several of the PVP rewards require WSG marks.....which will probably take me playing 40+ games since Horde usually loses.

Make it so you can score the flag even if yours is being carried -- or give the flag carrier a big debuff that slows them or reduces healing received over time. Make people wait longer to rez so that they can't just have the flag carrier sit on the graveyard while they turtle. Teams that don't get a flag cap get next-to-no honor, so you can easily spend an hour in a game and receive little more than 1 mark.

It's double honor weekend, and a Friday night. It only takes 20 players to fill a game. And still the queue is 5-6 minutes long. Compare that to AV which takes 80 players per game, and the queue is less than a minute on double honor weekends. It just goes to show how much people hate WSG IMO.


The AV changes looks like it will lead to even more zerging and the honor points seem to be about the same but in a longer game.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
border said:
As much as I appreciate the time they have taken to retool Alterac Valley (2-3 times now), they really need to retune Warsong Gulch. Compared to any other battleground, it is a ridiculous waste of time. I just went in there for one match since it's double-honor weekend, and it's pathetic. Matches take 40-60 minutes.....or even longer since either side can uselessly turtle. People can turtle in AV, but that rarely happens since both sides are pretty offense-oriented (to a fault, on Horde side). Even when you win WSG, you get a piddling amount of honor compared to the time investment required by other battlegrounds. The whole game is just a nightmare, and I wouldn't bother at all if not for the fact that several of the PVP rewards require WSG marks.....which will probably take me playing 40+ games since Horde usually loses.

Make it so you can score the flag even if yours is being carried -- or give the flag carrier a big debuff that slows them or reduces healing received over time. Make people wait longer to rez so that they can't just have the flag carrier sit on the graveyard while they turtle. Teams that don't get a flag cap get next-to-no honor, so you can easily spend an hour in a game and receive little more than 1 mark.

It's double honor weekend, and a Friday night. It only takes 20 players to fill a game. And still the queue is 5-6 minutes long. Compare that to AV which takes 80 players per game, and the queue is less than a minute on double honor weekends. It just goes to show how much people hate WSG IMO.

I remember bliz talking about how they knew Warsong was flawed and it was a mistake to have the graveyards at their current spot. They talked about how they would of want the graveyard on the sides...don't see why they can't do this now


Even though I've been playing over a year, I finally did Alterac. Was surprised; I was expecting another WSG, didn't realize each BG was like a completely different game. I assumed all of them were CTF.

Everyone complaining to everyone, though, was no fun. There were only two zerg rushes, one up top (remember, I'm Horde) and one spawning at a graveyard in the southeast after being killed.

The Allies simply ran down the west side, taking points until they won. Every time.

Eteric Rice

How do you get brewfest tickets? o_O

Anyway, level 35 and it fucking sucks. I'm considering taking a break on my Warlock and playing something a bit different while he gains rest exp.

Any suggestions?
Eteric Rice said:
How do you get brewfest tickets? o_O

Anyway, level 35 and it fucking sucks. I'm considering taking a break on my Warlock and playing something a bit different while he gains rest exp.

Any suggestions?

That only slows you down.. By the time you've rested to max you would have leveled way past that point anyways. Btw, fix your avatar.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Eteric Rice said:
How do you get brewfest tickets? o_O

Anyway, level 35 and it fucking sucks. I'm considering taking a break on my Warlock and playing something a bit different while he gains rest exp.

Any suggestions?

Talk to any of the goblin outside of Ironforge or Orgrimmar. There's only one daily quest and it only takes about 5 minutes. You have to use a rein in your bag to make the ram go faster. There's another small quest that you could perform every 12 hours and it's a race to see how fast you could deliver a keg on the ram. Could usually get 30 tickets out of that one.

Try a druid, they're a very challenging class to play
Eteric Rice said:
By your avatar I can see that you're a Warlock. Can you tell me when we become good at PVP?

So far I'm getting killed a lot. :(

I've been a warlock for a year and a half.. Warlocks are always great in pvp if you know how to play your class. Only problem is at lower levels when people are either much higher than you or they're twinks, but you'd have that problem with any class.

Eteric Rice

BloodElfHunter said:
I've been a warlock for a year and a half.. Warlocks are always great in pvp if you know how to play your class. Only problem is at lower levels when people are either much higher than you or they're twinks, but you'd have that problem with any class.

I'm having that problem.

Holy shit am I having that problem. :lol


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Eteric Rice said:
Err, why?... :|

Well, we don't know the final word of how they're going to do it but I assume that you get bonus experience from turn-in quests and killing mobs. It's only from 21-60 though


Eteric Rice said:
By your avatar I can see that you're a Warlock. Can you tell me when we become good at PVP?

So far I'm getting killed a lot. :(

i'm sure it will get easier when you get skill coil :D

Eteric Rice

speedpop said:
Experience points required being decreased from lvl 20-60, and 30% increase in quest experience rewarded.



To bad I'll be through the 30s before then. : /

I wonder why they're making it easier to level, though?
Eteric Rice said:


To bad I'll be through the 30s before then. : /

I wonder why they're making it easier to level, though?

Because so many people that are leveling are just leveling alts and have been doing the 20-60 grind for years now, over and over. We've complained enough about it taking too long that Blizz finally broke and gave us this.

Eteric Rice

BloodElfHunter said:
Because so many people that are leveling are just leveling alts and have been doing the 20-60 grind for years now, over and over. We've complained enough about it taking too long that Blizz finally broke and gave us this.

I see.

You guys should have played EverQuest way back when. You'd really have something to complain about. :lol


I'm leveling an orc hunter (23) at the moment, and I just tamed Humar the Pridelord. I noticed he came with no abilities at all, and now I'm confused as to what abilities to give him and where to learn them.

I'm thinking to train him, besides growl, dash and claw. I want maximum dps from him as it's a bm hunter. I heard that claw was better than bite in that regard. I'm not really sure though.


BloodElfHunter said:
Because so many people that are leveling are just leveling alts and have been doing the 20-60 grind for years now, over and over. We've complained enough about it taking too long that Blizz finally broke and gave us this.


The real reason is because with Lich King coming out, new subscribers are going to get caught up in the hype and want to hit new content faster. There were a lot of complaints when BC came out that when you buy the game, you still have to go through the old game until you hit 60 and it took too long.

Especially with the Battlechest coming out that will pair the two together, Blizz wants people to get to Outland faster to enjoy that content, then quickly move on to Northrend.


i hit lvl 20 with my lock

normally id be content to sit on it until 2.3 comes out, but theres no telling when it is due (i've been hearing mid nov), and i would kinda like to hit season 3 of arena asap, so i think im just going to continue lvling, and hopefully hit 70 in mid november - early dec

i might camp the toon at lvl 69 and pvp grind if the ques are fast enough, might be better than doing the bgs at 70 and being really undergeared

current gameplan is to hit 70, pvp grind for boots, belt, bracers, neck, trinket, and s1 gear, while doing 10 arena games a week just to get points


I plan on either raiding ZA with my pally when 2.3 comes out, or just pvping for season 1 gear/honor epics. I'm kinda hoping I can raid ZA and/or kara though as a ret pally, although I still have my gear to go protection.

Otherwise I'll also either keep working on my orc rogue that I stopped at 36 (account ran out then) or make a new orc shaman.


John_B said:
I'm leveling an orc hunter (23) at the moment, and I just tamed Humar the Pridelord. I noticed he came with no abilities at all, and now I'm confused as to what abilities to give him and where to learn them.

I'm thinking to train him, besides growl, dash and claw. I want maximum dps from him as it's a bm hunter. I heard that claw was better than bite in that regard. I'm not really sure though.
Max DPS in BM spec would just be claw. Give him dash too, obviously. Claw is a "focus dump" pet ability. It has no cooldown and your pet will spam it as long as it has focus.

Edit: You learn abilities by taming the animal that already knows it. Use the ability a few times and then you'll learn it and be able to teach it to other pets (that can use the ability. Can never teach a wolf Claw or a spider Dive, obviously.)


Great hunter pet resource.


firex said:
I plan on either raiding ZA with my pally when 2.3 comes out, or just pvping for season 1 gear/honor epics. I'm kinda hoping I can raid ZA and/or kara though as a ret pally, although I still have my gear to go protection.

Otherwise I'll also either keep working on my orc rogue that I stopped at 36 (account ran out then) or make a new orc shaman.
This is what I plan to do with my Pally. If Ret gets fixed the way the rumors are going around, Pallies are gonna be way better raid dps (and utility, if the 15% stat reduction works on trash mobs).


I'm looking at a ret build and I think this is what I'll go for: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=sxxhbxZZxfstM0uiIoz

I'm basically assuming that with all the changes going through, imp. SOTC will be the new sanctified crusader (according to rumored changes), and the current sanctified crusader will be where that new +melee/spell crit and undispellable seals talent will be. With the new vindication I've decided to go for that instead of working on benediction or maxing deflection, like I used to do (since vindication sucked before). I went with 1/5 deflection, though, because I had to use a point to unlock some lower tier stuff, and I thought that was a bigger overall impact on longevity than 1/5 benediction.


Ok.....I guess I'll apologize for bagging on Warsong Gulch (well, slightly apologize). I've been playing it all weekend, and even though I got all the marks I need I'm still playing :lol Something about it is just strangely satisfying, moreso than "Get it over with" grindfests like Alterac Valley.

It's not always an Alliance turtlefest, and hard-fought wins are very rewarding (though not that rewarding in terms of Honor). All they need to do is add in some anti-turtling features and make the honor scale with the amount of time spent in the game, and it'd be a pretty solid experience.


Some of the biggest cheers over vent we're the result of a long pre-made versus pre-made WSG match. This was usually preluded by: "GOGOGOGOGO".


Yeah, it's fun but it still sucks to get a piddling 250 Honor after an hourlong game. As fun as it can be, it can be equally frustrating and it's hard to justify playing if you actually need the Honor to buy items. It's a shame that one of the most entertaining battlegrounds is the one that is least useful for character progression.

I'd still like to see the flag carrier receive a scaling debuff for however long the flag has been away from the base, so whoever picks it up gets the debuff. That might have a bigger effect on the dynamic than anticipated though....might actually encourage turtling.


firex said:
I'm looking at a ret build and I think this is what I'll go for: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=sxxhbxZZxfstM0uiIoz

I'm basically assuming that with all the changes going through, imp. SOTC will be the new sanctified crusader (according to rumored changes), and the current sanctified crusader will be where that new +melee/spell crit and undispellable seals talent will be. With the new vindication I've decided to go for that instead of working on benediction or maxing deflection, like I used to do (since vindication sucked before). I went with 1/5 deflection, though, because I had to use a point to unlock some lower tier stuff, and I thought that was a bigger overall impact on longevity than 1/5 benediction.
Seems more PVP oriented. No Crusade? really? Extra dps on Humanoid mobs is nice in raids.


I might drop sanctified judgement for crusade (or maybe even the new pursuit of justice if it's really good), I'm not sure. That's the only point where 3 points are worth taking out of the build for me.


border said:
Yeah, it's fun but it still sucks to get a piddling 250 Honor after an hourlong game. As fun as it can be, it can be equally frustrating and it's hard to justify playing if you actually need the Honor to buy items. It's a shame that one of the most entertaining battlegrounds is the one that is least useful for character progression.

I'd still like to see the flag carrier receive a scaling debuff for however long the flag has been away from the base, so whoever picks it up gets the debuff. That might have a bigger effect on the dynamic than anticipated though....might actually encourage turtling.

if im going to solo que for a battleground wsg is my favorite, the original and best bg imo

for group que nothing beats AB tho
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