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World of Warcraft

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Ferrio said:
Classic was assery, by *all* aspects. There's not a single thing it did better. The only thing that might make people perceive it better was the newness.

which is kinda what made the game fun to me, I don't care how awesome cataclysm makes the game, it'll never match the "new" feeling it had during 2004, that's just how nostalgia works.


Classic WoW blew compared to now. I mean I still remember having to spec into Ice Block and Ice Barrier being my top tier talent. Raiding was godawful, my mage is still 2k away from Exalted with Hydraxian Warlords.:lol
Tamanon said:
Classic WoW blew compared to now. I mean I still remember having to spec into Ice Block and Ice Barrier being my top tier talent. Raiding was godawful, my mage is still 2k away from Exalted with Hydraxian Warlords.:lol

Molten Core wasn't really a good example of "good" Vanilla raiding.

Either way, this argument comes up almost as often as the Gearscore one, and both sides of it are pretty stupid. Yes, raiding is more difficult now. But as a whole the community is a lot smarter and there are many more tools than were available or used in Vanilla. Managing 25 vs. 40 is a rather large difference as well. Yes, it's much easier to obtain things now. I'd argue that that killed the sense of accomplishment that I enjoyed about WoW, but others disagree. Almost every change that's been made to WoW has been a double-edged one.

What is worst about WoW now is the same thing that made Vanilla so enjoyable for me: the people. Same goes for any MMO, but it is pretty difficult to find good people out of the blue. Most of the people I play with and/or talk to on a regular basis in WoW are the same people I've been playing with for 4-5 years now, and that group of people dwindles each year.

On that note, I've seen four cases in the past two days of people initiating vote kicks on people simply asking for things like cleanses, asking a dps to move behind the rocks on Garfrost, etc. Everytime I see things like this, click No, and it gets passed, I lose a little more of my will to continue playing.


The only good raid in classic was Naxxramas, IMO. Some people like BWL, I really don't myself. The trash in there is really obnoxious and I dont like the middle pack of bosses.

And C'thun. I really liked C'thun. The rest of that joint was tedium though.

Oh! And ZG was kind of cool.

Back to MC, I really did like something about the loot distrubition in there. It had this perfect spice to it, and there was a lot of unique feeling pieces. Itemization is obviously far better now but it's almost too good and too samey, I wasn't having fun picking up items from raids before I left like I used to.

That's probably my one real complaint.

Newness isn't enough to carry an MMO for me when I'd played many before. For newnewss to work it'd take something like...UO again.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't get the Paladin (and healing in general) masteries at all;

* Healing
* Meditation
* Critical Healing Effect

You get "more healing," okay I can see why you wouldn't want to waste talent points on that. Meditation makes no sense to me, since I presumed that spirit giving mana was a baseline ability behind the stat in general. And Critical Healing Effect is ridiculous; don't Crits ALREADY heal for more? :lol I don't like the concept in general anyways; the concept of "EVEN BIGGER!" crit-heals doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Angry Grimace said:
I don't get the Paladin (and healing in general) masteries at all;

* Healing
* Meditation
* Critical Healing Effect

You get "more healing," okay I can see why you wouldn't want to waste talent points on that. Meditation makes no sense to me, since I presumed that spirit giving mana was a baseline ability behind the stat in general. And Critical Healing Effect is ridiculous; don't Crits ALREADY heal for more? :lol I don't like the concept in general anyways; the concept of "EVEN BIGGER!" crit-heals doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I think the problem was with Spirit for Paladins, was that Paladin share Mail/Plate Gear with DKs and Warriors. So Blizzard want to avoid making seperate Mail/Plate gear for Paladin.

That way they can make more gear for more classes. It's their way of increasing itemization.

... I think;D


Considering what we know about health pools and healing in relation to them in Cataclysm, it makes pretty good sense to me to offer a larger crit multiplier to Paladin ala the Protection Paladin talent that does (did?) a similar thing. You're (apparently) not going to be coming close to topping people off with one big heal, so having larger crits will actually matter now.

Along with just the normal single target heyday for Paladin, he apparent difficulty of keeping people topped off, so they say, along with the new AoE tools they've added and are continuing to add will reinforce that.

Meditation is obviously not the same gig in Cataclysm as it is now. It's on every healer tree as a mastery. It probably scales. They made a big deal out of personal regeneration for healing rather than buff based regeneration (see; the removal of all spirit buffs and the massive nerfing of replenishment), so it would make sense to have more scaling from your own gear and progression.


Lost all credibility.
Angry Grimace said:
I don't get the Paladin (and healing in general) masteries at all;

* Healing
* Meditation
* Critical Healing Effect

You get "more healing," okay I can see why you wouldn't want to waste talent points on that. Meditation makes no sense to me, since I presumed that spirit giving mana was a baseline ability behind the stat in general. And Critical Healing Effect is ridiculous; don't Crits ALREADY heal for more? :lol I don't like the concept in general anyways; the concept of "EVEN BIGGER!" crit-heals doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
This is what a blue poster said about the crit healing effect:
There also seems to be some confusion about Critical Healing Effect which simply means a critical heal can do more than 150%. (Think of talents like Ruin for warlocks.) We wanted to keep some of the feel of Holy paladins getting big critical heals and caring about crit in general. This mechanic wouldn't really have worked in Wrath of the Lich King because big crits just translated into overhealing. In Cataclysm that shouldn't be the case.
What it looks like to me is that they want to make healing in Cataclysm sort of work almost as if you're DPSing. You'll just be constantly bombing the tank with heals instead of always having him/her topped off at 100% health. So you'll be thinking a lot more about how much mana you have (sort of like an arcane mage) and you'll be using your cooldowns to get more healing in whenever possible.

It seems like health pools in Cata will be so big and there'll be much less "spikey" damage that having a tank at say 85% health for a while won't be as much of a big deal.
Alex said:
The only good raid in classic was Naxxramas, IMO. Some people like BWL, I really don't myself. The trash in there is really obnoxious and I dont like the middle pack of bosses.

And C'thun. I really liked C'thun. The rest of that joint was tedium though.

Oh! And ZG was kind of cool.

Back to MC, I really did like something about the loot distrubition in there. It had this perfect spice to it, and there was a lot of unique feeling pieces. Itemization is obviously far better now but it's almost too good and too samey, I wasn't having fun picking up items from raids before I left like I used to.

That's probably my one real complaint.

Newness isn't enough to carry an MMO for me when I'd played many before. For newnewss to work it'd take something like...UO again.

Getting shoulders or T2 pants in MC was a feeling I've never replicated. For as shitty a guild as I was in back then, they are still some of my fondest memories because of how much innocent fun I was having.

I loved BWL though. Maybe it was how long that instance took to come out after so much MC, but the first few weeks in there were amazing. Yeah, the Drakes sucked, but mostly because I was getting into hope-mode for CTS not dropping from Chrommagus. Such a massive step forward from random bosses in MC. Nefarian was a damn cool fight for the time.

I like AQ40 more than most people, but it was really where I hit my prime in raiding. Top guild, server firsts, great people, lots of fun. Twin Emps are still one of my favorite fights in the game. Naxx was more of the same, and the pace continued for me personally until Sunwell when the guild imploded in a horrible way. I've been jaded ever since.


Has problems recognising girls
This is going to be most interesting.

Our guild leader has been slightly jaded for the past few weeks. Everyone's noticed it, everyone's reacted to it in different ways - mostly in passive anger at the whole situation and mood of the guild overall. He finally announced today after some pestering from the hierarchy that he was going to take a hiatus from the game, possibly till Cataclysm.

Why I find it most interesting is that every guild I have been involved in where the original guild leader moves on everyone follows suit and the guild becomes nothing more than a memory. Yet for some reason this guild I am in seems determined to stand defiant to the common norm. It's great to see the camraderie come out, not only in-character, but also out-of-character as well. It's as if the brain has died, but the heart still keeps beating allowing the spirit to endure.

Most interesting.


More Updates:

Ghostcrawler said:
Because it's more powerful. We do this everywhere in the game. You have two abilities, one of which is weaker but gets used a lot, and the other of which is more powerful, but has a cooldown so you can't use it all the time.

I get that having an ability on too long a cooldown can make it too precious to where you're always saving it for a special occasion and never actually busting it out. The opposite problem is you never think twice about the ability because it will be available again before you miss it. On the other hand, longer cooldown abilities can do a whole lot more since they're balanced around not having 100% up time. Something in the 2 min frame seems to be about the sweet spot between "never used" and "used on cooldown" but it depends a lot on your class and other abilities.

2 minute cooldown seems to be the sweet spot... and just yesterday they mentioned changing bubble to have a shorter duration... call me crazy, but is it possible Paladins will have a 2-minute CD on a short duration bubble?

I'm just imagining a scenario where you see an enemy casting a powerful spell and pop your bubble to block that specific attack. Instead of saving it until you're almost dead and then using it to safely heal back up to 100%... you know, the way it should have been from the start?

Ghostcrawler said:
Kings and Might can just be raid wide. There should be no need to target individuals. We're trying to make sure there isn't a circumstance where one dude would prefer the opposite buff to everyone else.

Bo Sanc could just be Kings with an extra mana component (for the paladin). We're also considering making it a passive that gives the paladin mana and provides the 3% damage reduction buff raid-wide which is currently brought by Renewed Hope (the Disc talent).

So, if I'm reading that correctly... Blessings will no longer have to be applied to a single target, but instead will automatically be raid-wide? Changing BoSanc to a passive effect has been suggested since late TBC too, the general consensus is that it should be tied to Imp. Righteous Fury (which looks a little lackluster since they made the extra threat baseline).

notworksafe said:
There's a version farmed from BC heroics as well. It's purple/grey. I'll dig up a pic of it for you.

Here's a guide to getting it if you want:

Got three pieces yesterday, forgot you can't reset Heroics...:lol. Helm, Gloves, and Belt. I'll post pics when I get the whole thing. Thanks for giving me something to do, the last few weeks I've been casually flirting with getting Loremaster, but not really willing to put in all the effort.


So, if I'm reading that correctly... Blessings will no longer have to be applied to a single target, but instead will automatically be raid-wide?
In other words, they'll work like every other goddamn raid buff in the game. Finally. I used something ridiculous like 150 Symbols of Kings when we were working on the LK last week.

Hopefully they change the durations to match, too (30m singles, 60m raid version).


arhra said:
In other words, they'll work like every other goddamn raid buff in the game. Finally. I used something ridiculous like 150 Symbols of Kings when we were working on the LK last week.

Hopefully they change the durations to match, too (30m singles, 60m raid version).

And in hindsight, I'd much rather have two solid blessings that auto-apply to everyone in the raid vs. having to buff 10-25 people individually. Even with Greater Blessings, that's still 10 reagents... and there's always someone who wants x instead of y...

I was concerned that losing the versatility of Blessings was going to hurt, but honestly... it's a quality of life thing to just have one buff to throw on everybody and then give kings (or Might/wisdom) to the people who specifically want it. And two Paladins can effectively cover every Pally Buff, so there's never a concern that you're missing a valuable blessing somehow... not that I've ever seen any raid without at least three paladins lately :lol

Also, the new Might/wisdom merger needs to be called Blessing of Heroes. :lol


Retro said:
And in hindsight, I'd much rather have two solid blessings that auto-apply to everyone in the raid vs. having to buff 10-25 people individually. Even with Greater Blessings, that's still 10 reagents... and there's always someone who wants x instead of y...

I was concerned that losing the versatility of Blessings was going to hurt, but honestly... it's a quality of life thing to just have one buff to throw on everybody and then give kings (or Might/wisdom) to the people who specifically want it. And two Paladins can effectively cover every Pally Buff, so there's never a concern that you're missing a valuable blessing somehow... not that I've ever seen any raid without at least three paladins lately :lol

Also, the new Might/wisdom merger needs to be called Blessing of Heroes. :lol
Yeah, we usually have 4-5 Paladins in a raid so Blessings are never an issue. But the change to Might will just make everyone's life easier, so I'm all for it.

I had thought Blizz said they were just going to name the combined blessing Might, but they could call it Blessing of Teabag and I'd still be stoked to use it. I wonder if there's still going to be an Improved Might talent? I'm betting not.


notworksafe said:
Yeah, we usually have 4-5 Paladins in a raid so Blessings are never an issue. But the change to Might will just make everyone's life easier, so I'm all for it.

I had thought Blizz said they were just going to name the combined blessing Might, but they could call it Blessing of Teabag and I'd still be stoked to use it. I wonder if there's still going to be an Improved Might talent? I'm betting not.

I'm pretty sure Blizzard has said that they want to do away with talents that 'buff buffs', so I'm thinking they'll probably cut Imp BoM.

That said, there's going to be a lot of empty space on the talent trees, so maybe they'll keep it (or something similar) but slide in another effect to make it more than just a passive improvement to a buff. Maybe something like "Your Blessing of Mighty Wisdom :)lol) increases Haste rating by an additional x%. Targets affected by your Blessing of Mighty Wisdom also receive x% of their maximum health whenever you critically hit." That'd probably be overpowered, but you get the idea.

I'm hoping Auras get a review too. Devotion needs more oomph and the Resistance Auras need to merge. I'd like to see Retribution and Devotion rolled into one tanking aura and Ret get a new aura... maybe an 'anti-aura' that causes some adverse effect in all nearby enemies rather than friendlies.:D


Retro said:
not that I've ever seen any raid without at least three paladins lately :lol
I only do 10s (except an occasional VOA25), so at most i'm running with one other paladin (usually Holy, while i'm Ret), and more frequently i'm the only one.

Plus, we almost always have two druids (one resto/one feral), and use dual-specs quite a bit to vary the number of healers/tanks, so the sheer amount of fuckery involved with getting everyone blessed properly is a fucking headache.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
sykoex said:
This is what a blue poster said about the crit healing effect:

What it looks like to me is that they want to make healing in Cataclysm sort of work almost as if you're DPSing. You'll just be constantly bombing the tank with heals instead of always having him/her topped off at 100% health. So you'll be thinking a lot more about how much mana you have (sort of like an arcane mage) and you'll be using your cooldowns to get more healing in whenever possible.

It seems like health pools in Cata will be so big and there'll be much less "spikey" damage that having a tank at say 85% health for a while won't be as much of a big deal.
I guess I just don't like the idea of "spiky" healing.

arhra said:
I only do 10s (except an occasional VOA25), so at most i'm running with one other paladin (usually Holy, while i'm Ret), and more frequently i'm the only one.

Plus, we almost always have two druids (one resto/one feral), and use dual-specs quite a bit to vary the number of healers/tanks, so the sheer amount of fuckery involved with getting everyone blessed properly is a fucking headache.

This is partially why I welcome the Warrior shout change; I hated the fact that you could never really rely on a warrior to keep Battle Shout up because they didn't want to waste rage on shouting.


Retro said:
I'm hoping Auras get a review too. Devotion needs more oomph and the Resistance Auras need to merge. I'd like to see Retribution and Devotion rolled into one tanking aura and Ret get a new aura... maybe an 'anti-aura' that causes some adverse effect in all nearby enemies rather than friendlies.:D
Eh, I don't see a need to roll together the resistances. How often do you need multiple resistances for a fight anymore? What I'd like to get is a run speed aura. Maybe something like the Hunter aspect.

Angry Grimace said:
I guess I just don't like the idea of "spiky" healing.
I'm glad they are changing it. Healing now is too boring. Infinite mana means there's basically no overheal penalty and it's super easy to keep everyone at 100% without breaking a sweat. Everyone getting multiple heal levels reminds me a lot of downranking and having to properly manage your mana while you heal. I'm staying optimistic that the healing changes will add a little more fun to the healing game.


notworksafe said:
Eh, I don't see a need to roll together the resistances. How often do you need multiple resistances for a fight anymore? What I'd like to get is a run speed aura. Maybe something like the Hunter aspect.

I guess the idea of rolling all the resistance auras together means that you just have one aura that deals with all resistances. Since it resists Shadow, Frost, and Fire... you could honestly switch to it when you're fighting casters (in PVE or PVP) to defray some of the damage. Devotion and Ret aura do squat against casters.

I've seen people asking for Crusader's Aura to boost run speed too.. Maybe they'll add that as an effect to Pursuit of Justice and lower the level players get Crusader's Aura. Honestly though, any kind of run speed boost isn't going to help Paladins close in on enemies in PVP. There's a solid 10 yard range before you can even throw Repentance at a caster who is nuking you... and even the idiots know to use concussive shot / frostbolt to open against a paladin.

I dunno... I've suggested just about every alternative to Charge / Death Grip clones that I can think of... a Range-based slow (reduces target's movement speed based on how far away they are from you), a big crescent-shaped wall spell that enemies have to stop and run out of, even a manually targeted knockback (so you have to move the targeting reticule manually ahead of somebody to push them back towards you, and missing can actually knock them to the side or further away).

I have a sneaking suspicion Paladins aren't going to get anything to make up for losing their magic dispel and things are going to suck really hard until Blizzard makes some hotfix in for Hand of Freedom or something.


corporate swill
Hit 80 last night! Did my first heroic run of Culling of Strath and got the bronze drake mount :D

Is there anything I should do before I raid? Like, do I need to get keyed for anything or have they done away with that kinda stuff?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I have to say I really don't much like the idea of selling the Celestial Steed mount for real money.


vitaminwateryum said:
Hit 80 last night! Did my first heroic run of Culling of Strath and got the bronze drake mount :D

Is there anything I should do before I raid? Like, do I need to get keyed for anything or have they done away with that kinda stuff?

Gratz on the mount, I'm pretty sure everyone has that sucker now, so anybody who just hit 80 should get it by default.

There are no longer attunements or keys in the game, but I'd suggest getting more gear under your belt first before you try it. Even if everyone else is armed to the teeth and your skill / DPS is passable, there will always be one dick who will still scream that your magical gearscore number isn't up to their epic standards.

Angry Grimace said:
I have to say I really don't much like the idea of selling the Celestial Steed mount for real money.

Same here. Micro-transactions suck, especially considering this is a subscription-based game. Let's hope people stop voting for this shit with their wallets before Blizzard decides to add dungeons that can only be accessed with a key purchased from their store for real cash...

... I'd laugh at that scenario, but a part of me knows they've already considered it at least once.


Angry Grimace said:
I have to say I really don't much like the idea of selling the Celestial Steed mount for real money.
I think it's just fine. People that want a cool mount can get it, and whiny elitists will know that they bought it and can mock them. Everyone wins. People cry and whine about microtransactions but you aren't forced to buy them and Blizzard gives us a stupid huge amount of extra content for free where most MMOs (see: EQ and FFXI) would bundle it up and charge for accessing it.

I won't buy them though. I don't see the point of vanity pets and I love the look of my Red Proto mount more then any other mount in the game.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
notworksafe said:
I think it's just fine. People that want a cool mount can get it, and whiny elitists will know that they bought it and can mock them. Everyone wins. People cry and whine about microtransactions but you aren't forced to buy them and Blizzard gives us a stupid huge amount of extra content for free where most MMOs (see: EQ and FFXI) would bundle it up and charge for accessing it.

I won't buy them though. I don't see the point of vanity pets and I love the look of my Red Proto mount more then any other mount in the game.
My problem with that is that that particular mount is pretty fucking cool. I'll probably buy it, by my e-dick won't feel special when I ride it. I kind of think things that are really cool like that should probably be a little rarer.


Angry Grimace said:
My problem with that is that that particular mount is pretty fucking cool. I'll probably buy it, by my e-dick won't feel special when I ride it.
Haha well at least for $25 they made it badass. My friend's birthday was just recently and I didn't know what to get him. Let me know if you like it because I may end up getting it for him.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
notworksafe said:
Haha well at least for $25 they made it badass. My friend's birthday was just recently and I didn't know what to get him. Let me know if you like it because I may end up getting it for him.

To be honest, it's already in my cart.

*hangs head in shame*


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
notworksafe said:
I think it's just fine. People that want a cool mount can get it, and whiny elitists will know that they bought it and can mock them. Everyone wins. People cry and whine about microtransactions but you aren't forced to buy them and Blizzard gives us a stupid huge amount of extra content for free where most MMOs (see: EQ and FFXI) would bundle it up and charge for accessing it.

I won't buy them though. I don't see the point of vanity pets and I love the look of my Red Proto mount more then any other mount in the game.

EQ doesn't have free game updates?http://www.eq2gu.com/game-update-56-info/ I guess that type of stuff doesn't count? :lol


Trying to get Breastplate of Many Graces in Shadow Labs. I can literally put on Seal of Light and Divine Plea and alt-tab during the entire Blackheart the Inciter fight. :lol It just takes 5 minutes or so to finish. (Edit: So sick of that gun dropping... again =(.)

As for pay items like the mount... none of it ever looks cool enough to make me want to spend real cash. If the ZG tiger mount was available though, I'd be all over that. So sick of killing that bastard and never having it drop.


Angry Grimace said:
To be honest, it's already in my cart.

*hangs head in shame*
Haha that was fast! Well when you get it maybe you can answer a few questions. Does it work with all your characters or just one? And if you have a 310% speed mount on one character, do all characters get 310% speed?

Iadien said:
EQ doesn't have free game updates?http://www.eq2gu.com/game-update-56-info/ I guess that type of stuff doesn't count? :lol
Well EQ is not EQ2, first of all. Either way that type of update wasn't what I meant. A new Shader engine and a reworked welcome screen isn't exactly the equivalent of new dungeons, raids, and world events.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sebulon3k said:
Fuck the urge to get that Celestial Steed Mount is getting to me, but damn it's 25 bucks :lol
I got in line to buy it but the store doesn't work in Opera, so I got my other work station that has firefox on it, and it says I'm 1600th in line to buy it. It's like waiting in queue for a fucking Heroic! Except you have to pay Blizzard at the end. :lol

It's fucking hilarious. It also means, that mount is not going to be particularly rare :lol


Yeah, I laughed at people who bought the pets, but damn if my finger isn't on the buy button for this one. Fuuuuuuuck.


Angry Grimace said:
I got in line to buy it but the store doesn't work in Opera, so I got my other work station that has firefox on it, and it says I'm 1600th in line to buy it. It's like waiting in queue for a fucking Heroic! Except you have to pay Blizzard at the end. :lol

It's fucking hilarious. It also means, that mount is not going to be particularly rare :lol

Holy shit there's a queue to buy it, seriously? Do you have to wait till everyone else buys it or something?

Edit : Wow 2441 in the queue lol


Angry Grimace said:
I got in line to buy it but the store doesn't work in Opera, so I got my other work station that has firefox on it, and it says I'm 1600th in line to buy it. It's like waiting in queue for a fucking Heroic! Except you have to pay Blizzard at the end. :lol

It's fucking hilarious. It also means, that mount is not going to be particularly rare :lol
There's a line for an online transaction? How does that work?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
notworksafe said:
There's a line for an online transaction? How does that work?
It's the same kind of system as they use for selling Blizzcon tickets, etc. It just puts you in a queue, although you certainly don't have to sit there and stare at the screen. They only put the thing out a few minutes ago so there's too many transactions for them at once.

It's not as long as it claims though. I went to go get a protein bar and take a whiz and it was ready when I came back.
Retro said:
Same here. Micro-transactions suck, especially considering this is a subscription-based game. Let's hope people stop voting for this shit with their wallets before Blizzard decides to add dungeons that can only be accessed with a key purchased from their store for real cash...

... I'd laugh at that scenario, but a part of me knows they've already considered it at least once.

Blizzard's stated policy on purchasable content, including items from the CCG, is that no items they sell will ever impact gameplay. Window dressing only.

While everyone else is considering the mount, I really want Lil' XT because of the sounds he makes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzvwK_NFshU


keeblerdrow said:
Blizzard's stated policy on purchasable content, including items from the CCG, is that no items they sell will ever impact gameplay. Window dressing only.

Now, sure... but a year from now? When WoW's sales start to drop off because of Starcraft II and Diablo III? When their new MMO comes out? Granted, by then, we'll probably all be playing those games instead (I plan to seriously consider dropping WoW for D3, I like Diablo better anyways), but the point still stands. There was a time when transferring characters was unthinkable.. and now we have paid name change, race change, etc.

I'm just saying... I dunno if it'll happen, but nothing is outside the realm of possibility, especially given how popular their current pay-only content appears to be.


Ugh I ended up buying the Little XT and Little KT pets, I'm so terrible.

On the bright side I can now annoy people in Dalaran, by making them hear the Tympanic Tantrum sound whenever I'm around a critter.

Also people buying the mount for 12,000g on my server lol
Friend sent me this picture - Lil' XT is HUGE.



JPBrowncoat said:
Fucking lame. 25 bucks and it'll only fly at 310% speed if you have another 310% speed mount?

Uh that's a good thing. It means you can't buy gameplay perks from the Blizzard store, you still have to get/earn it in-game.

It is cool that the mount you purchase will be as fast as your fastest mount though. Future proofing your investment. :D


notworksafe said:
Well I'm waiting in line. I hope this doesn't get tied to my account and I can still gift it.

I'm number 5889 in line for the mount, hoping I can finalize this purchace on my iPhone with no problems, I dont want to have to wait in line again when I get home at 3:30.

Aaand then the wonders that is my office blocking all 3G signal/edge network just kicked me off the page. Fuck you phone.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sebulon3k said:
Ugh I ended up buying the Little XT and Little KT pets, I'm so terrible.

On the bright side I can now annoy people in Dalaran, by making them hear the Tympanic Tantrum sound whenever I'm around a critter.

Also people buying the mount for 12,000g on my server lol
How could you sell it?


Angry Grimace said:
How could you sell it?
Buy it sell it in game while waiting on the queue? 12k isn't that much though. People sell motorcycles for more then that on A52.

EDIT: Seems you get a code. That would be easy to sell.
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