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World of Warcraft

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I think I like the Paladin changes best, but you can tell they're still pretty early in dev (that and they've said it about a half dozen times)


Interfectum said:
ok, im rolling a paladin. :lol

I've already got... 4 or 5 over 60, I forget exactly. Planning to roll a Cowadin too.

Rapstah said:
So why not "Summons a temporary guardian of light armed with a sword"? Is it Hogger in disguise or something?

Because they probably don't have art resources for it yet. Or if they say "Angel" people will read it as Tyrael from Diablo. Or if they say "Valkyrie" people will bitch that they summon a girl to help them.

Vigilant Walrus said:
Didn't Block go away?

Nope. Block has been changed, but it's not going away. Here's more info.

Block Rating - Block is being redesigned to scale better. Blocked attacks will simply hit for 30% less damage. Block rating will improve your chance to block, though overall block chances will be lower than they are today.

Shield Block Value - This stat will no longer be present on items, since the amount blocked is always proportional to the amount of damage done. Talents and other effects might still modify the damage-reduction percentage from 30%, however.

Thank you for quoting my entire post though, that saves me the trouble of having to quote myself for the new page.

explodet said:
And the bubblehearthers wailed and gnashed their teeth.
About time. It was a silly trick that gave every other class something to further berate paladins over. Now they'll have to go back to our Pink class color or dig up old fossils like the Punctured Voodoo Doll that resembles an adolescent girl. :lol

These changes aren't that amazing, honestly. The direction they seem to be going in, especially in regard to the defensive nature of the class, is much more exciting when you read between the lines. Here's my thoughts;

Blinding Shield:
Since it requires a shield, this isn't an option for Ret Paladins unless they quickly swap gear to work it into their rotation. They didn't do that for Shield of the Righteous (which is another baseline skill that requires shields), but SotR was merely damage; this sounds like it might have a more useful effect. I doubt it will be as useful as a rogue's Blind, and will probably end up being something like "Reduces chance to hit by x%".

Crazy, impossible random thought; Retribution will get a Titan's grip ability; without dual wield, it simply means they sword and board it... with a big ass sword.

Healing Hands:
Read between the lines; is that a melee-range heal? With a Healing Stream totem-like effect (restoring health to anyone within 30 yards), does this mean Paladins will finally become the 'frontline healer' that I've hoped for, a healing class who's niche is being able to stand toe-to-toe with enemies? More likely, it's a heal for Prot and Ret to throw around, but who knows.

Guardian of the Ancient Kings:
Meh. Lots of other classes can summon temporary pets, and the prot effect (absorbing damage) seems kind of ho-hum. The visual of it will probably be really cool, but I don't think Paladins are a class that needs to summon help.

Crusader Strike Baseline:
And it only took five and a half years to get it. At least now we'll have a button to press other than Judgment for the first 25 levels or so. I'm curious if Protection will get a talent that sneaks in a desirable tanking effect (like an interrupt). They explicitly mentioned that they're "looking to add the necessity to use an additional cooldown in each rotation.", so maybe Crusader Strike will be part of that process.

Cleanse Rebalancing:
Probably worded wrong, but they mention it clearing defensive magic on friendly targets... which is supposed to be a holy-only effect via talents. I'm sure they'll make that clear before I finish posting this.

Blessing of Misdom:
I'm honestly kinda sad that Paladins won't have a variety of situational buffs. Might, Kings and Sanctuary are it... and I'm expecting them to change Sanctuary to a 'buff improvement' talent where regardless of what Blessing you cast, as protection that blessing also has the effects of Sanctuary. But who knows. Either way, buffing will be easier... something I'm not sure really needed to happen.

Holy Shock Baseline:
More like Holy Shit, amirite? I'm surprised by this, to be honest, because Paladins have always sort of worn their lack of a ranged attack with pride (or at least I have). I can't imagine it will be terribly useful for DPS, and probably end up being gimped baseline but improved in Holy. This, if anywhere, is where Retribution will get some kind of snare to close up gaps...

Easing off Defensive Capabilities:
I fall into the "I'd trade my bubble for better stuff" camp, so this sounds like a good move to me. Immunity is just as unfair a mechanic as stun; it's not fun, it makes for obnoxious fights... So scaling back the bubble is a good idea. Maybe you use it just to shrug off a single spell once in a while instead of being immune to everything anytime anyone ever gets your health low.

Battlegrounds will be a much bigger focus in Cataclysm since they can provide the best PvP rewards:
Good. I hate arenas, nothing but glorified dueling anyways. My only concern is the mechanics behind rated BGs, but... we'll have to see. Either way, this is un-paladin-related, but a good change. Warcraft has always been about armies beating each other up, and when it isn't (DotA), it's kind of lame. Flame away for that comment, but I stand by it.

Retribution needs more Risk:
Good. Making decisions that carry weight is a good way to make the class more interesting to play. Won't stop the retards from calling Ret a faceroll class though, but at least we'll know it's out of jealousy instead of being rooted in truth.

Sacred Shield change:

Expected, and I also expect it will have some type of holy-only caveat to keep it from being something Ret and Prot just throw-and-go (the way Righteous Fury was used just to have a buff active that someone would waste a purge on). We'll see.

Holy needs a new Big Heal:
Obviously. Beacon and Flash of Light working together makes sense too. Since every healer is effectively getting "fast/weak/expensive", "average" and "slow/big/efficient" heals, it's pretty clear Paladins will be getting the same.

Holy Paladins use Spirit:
We'll see how the itemization shakes out, but this still means there will be Holy Plate, which still strikes me as Very Silly since only one class in the entire game ever uses it, so every time it drops you can actually hear the entire group / raid groan just before they mutter curses at Paladins and their look-at-me-I'm-special itemization.

Prot Paladins need a new rotation:
Couldn't agree more, the rotation I use on my tankadin now is the same no matter what I fight (and when I'm not paying attention, Hammer of the Righteous hits somebody I don't want). Crusader Strike being baseline is probably a step in the right direction.

Holy Shield, like Ret, has no charges!
I kid. I'm guessing this is just a way to make it more effective and less 'floaty'. I was hoping there would be an ability someday that 'burned' all of your unused Holy Shield charges to deliver extra damage (more based on how many charges are left), making it effective for single target use... but I guess that's not going to happen now.

Critical Healing Mastery:
So... when your heals heal for more... they heal for more?

Kind of hoping there would be something more interesting to fill in the holy healing kit, like a HoT or something. Oh well, all of this is subject to change, right? Right.

Block Amount Mastery:
Make sense. The difference between a Warrior and a Paladin needs to be defined, and it seems like Paladins have always been 'board'-focused where warriors are 'sword'-focused. This more or less fits; Warriors can block more occasionally, but paladins can block more over all. Not very interesting, but I guess it does the trick.

Holy Damage Mastery:
I guess somebody else got the Cooldown Reduction mastery effect showed at Blizzcon. All this really is is a passive damage buff, but like the Prot and Holy mastery effects... it does what it's supposed to do... just not in a very interesting way.

Reliable interrupt for Prot
Gap closer/snare for Prot / Ret (wasn't expecting one anyways)
Paladins are the only class with no mortal strike or frostfire clone? Tsk. :lol


I'm going to give Healing Touch the benefit of the doubt. I like the idea of trying to get holy pallies into the melee stack. Maybe I'll stop getting yelled at for running in and getting some SoW procs in :D .

Giving level 1s crusader strike is a step in the right direction. Pallies won't be so f'n boring from the start now. It's a shame that the pally population is already too damn high and this change will just lead to more of them running around.

Ret and prot getting holy shock will be nice. I'd like a way to get back into melee range like intercept or death grip but a ranged attack will suffice.


Thanks for the breakdown Retro. I'm interested in getting into a hybrid (have a hunter and warlock) and of all the class changes I've read so far, Pallys seem the most interesting.

Still debating between a Pally and a Druid at this point.
Interfectum said:
Thanks for the breakdown Retro. I'm interested in getting into a hybrid (have a hunter and warlock) and of all the class changes I've read so far, Pallys seem the most interesting.

Still debating between a Pally and a Druid at this point.

Shaman, really, is the best. Enhancement is by far the most "hybrid" tree in the game.


Interfectum said:
Thanks for the breakdown Retro. I'm interested in getting into a hybrid (have a hunter and warlock) and of all the class changes I've read so far, Pallys seem the most interesting.

No problem, I've been looking forward to the Pally update, and it's actually the one class I know well enough to form really solid opinions on.

As for rolling a paladin, try it. My brothers used to scoff at the idea, but now all of them play Paladins too (so does my dad, actually... hmm). The class has improved a lot from the bad old days of cleanse-boting and Ret's top tier talent being Blessing of Kings.

As for the suggestion to try an Enhancement Shaman... try that too. I personally could never get into them (I really don't care for the totem mechanics), but I can see why they'd be fun to play. Oh, and Shamans arguably got the coolest Class Preview, so that helps too.


Interfectum said:
Thanks for the breakdown Retro. I'm interested in getting into a hybrid (have a hunter and warlock) and of all the class changes I've read so far, Pallys seem the most interesting.

Still debating between a Pally and a Druid at this point.

As someone who just recently leveled a druid (Resto/Feral), I can't recommend it enough. Although it's annoying until you get cat form at 20, and then slightly annoying until you get mangle at lvl 40. After that though, it's just awesome/


Either way, buffing will be easier... something I'm not sure really needed to happen.
You've never been a ret/prot pally doing a 10man with a holy pally and a pair of feral and resto druids, i take it.

Also, hopefully this means blessings will be raid-wide rather than being done class by class.

edit: and fucking half an hour for singles/a full hour for greaters, ffs. fuck 10m blessings.


Blinding Shield looks like it has some good potential. I can see the nerfs already hitting on this one. The hilarity that this could cause in PVP makes me feel good about it.

Healing Hands could be really cool. I'm thinking this is the spell that gives Holy an excuse to stand in melee and heal. A Holy could stand around and do some AOE heals with this then maybe toss a Shock at the boss?

Guardian sounds like a cool idea...but not really needed. The Gargoyle idea is neat, and the Holy one sorta reminds me of the books in Kara. The Prot one absorbs damage? Cool, I guess. When I talked about a pet I was just joking, Blizz.

Early Crusader Strike is a no brainer. Leveling a Paladin is so dull when you have one spell for so long.

Change to Might is cool. We have enough Paladins in our raid to get all the blessings, so this wasn't an issue for us. Maybe they will turn Salv back into a blessing to give us another one to cast? (yeah right)

Holy Shock for everyone! I'm happy about this, but I just think Holy Shock is a badass spell...moreso then I should probably.

Sacred Shield change is another expected one. Nothing to see here.

Paladins using Spirit sounds fine. It does give me a chance to say that Holy and Ret just need to share gear. Make Int work like Str and Spirit work like Hit. It's stupid that Holy plate is only used by one spec and that Paladin will be the only class that needs three gear sets to use all their specs in Cataclysm.

Prot rotations are very dull and never change, so I'd be glad for a break from the constant 6969 rotation.

Holy Shield change is overall good, but dull.

I'm thinking that Crit Heal Mastery actually could be cool. I'm imagining it will just give Paladin crits a super heal. Sorta like when your HL crits as Prot for around 20k. That's a fun one to see.

Prot and Ret mastery are dull but effective. Nothing exciting.

Blizzard make sure to lower our expectations as much as possible, so I'm not suprised at the dullness of this update. Hopefully there will be more for them to reveal once Cataclysm gets further along.
notworksafe said:
Change to Might is cool. We have enough Paladins in our raid to get all the blessings, so this wasn't an issue for us. Maybe they will turn Salv back into a blessing to give us another one to cast? (yeah right)

So many fucking paladins. :lol :lol :lol


arhra said:
You've never been a ret/prot pally doing a 10man with a holy pally and a pair of feral and resto druids, i take it.

Also, hopefully this means blessings will be raid-wide rather than being done class by class.

edit: and fucking half an hour for singles/a full hour for greaters, ffs. fuck 10m blessings.

It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure I never tanked with more than one other paladin. What I meant though, is that paladins now basically have two blessings, so there's no decision making. In the scenario you gave though, there's no decision either...

With you on the blessing durations. And for fuck's sake, can Battle Shout (A 2 minute buff) stop overwriting Might (a 10 minute buff)? I finish buffing people in the 20s bracket of WSG, some asshole warrior shouts 10 seconds later and the buff wears off before anybody clears the GY.

notworksafe said:
Blizzard make sure to lower our expectations as much as possible, so I'm not suprised at the dullness of this update. Hopefully there will be more for them to reveal once Cataclysm gets further along.

Like I said. If you read between the lines, even if you're hopelessly pessimistic, you'll notice that good things are likely on the way. Less defense-oriented Ret and Holy = More offense-oriented Ret and Holy. More choices in your rotation = an actual rotation! :lol


Retro said:
Like I said. If you read between the lines, even if you're hopelessly pessimistic, you'll notice that good things are likely on the way. Less defense-oriented Ret and Holy = More offense-oriented Ret and Holy. More choices in your rotation = an actual rotation! :lol
Oh I'm not pessimistic. I actually think this was a good update for us. No big nerfs and a lot of hints at cool things to come. The only bummer is the Mastery bonus. Not bad, just boring.


ShallNoiseUpon said:

is my face after reading the Paladin changes. Holy has barely changed since 2.0. Guess they are satisfied with it being nearly the same in Cata too.

Really? The ability to become a healing stream totem, the ability to summon an add to smartheal, the ability to shield more effectively, a new *big* heal, plus generally wanting to increase the size of the toolbox?

Plus, of course, there's the small fact that this is only a work-in-progress.


One change that I'd like to see would be for blinding shield to act as an interrupt for mobs that can't be blinded, that'd work on several fronts.
mclem said:
Really? The ability to become a healing stream totem, the ability to summon an add to smartheal, the ability to shield more effectively, a new *big* heal, plus generally wanting to increase the size of the toolbox?

Plus, of course, there's the small fact that this is only a work-in-progress.

You know, you're probably right. Having healed on a paladin since early TBC has more than likely just gotten me hugely burnt out on the class and looking for something different. I will concede that the smart heal and the HST-esque ability are neat, but I'm not too jazzed on another direct heal, even if it is just there to conform with the new small/medium/huge direct heal philosophy.

Also, I've wanted your avatar since the first time I saw it in the Scribblenauts Avatar thread. Paladin T2 is so awesome, I really should get the full set (well, except the helmet) in both the Red/Yellow/Black and Silver/Purple/Black (from TBC dungeons.)


ShallNoiseUpon said:
Also, I've wanted your avatar since the first time I saw it in the Scribblenauts Avatar thread. Paladin T2 is so awesome, I really should get the full set (well, except the helmet) in both the Red/Yellow/Black and Silver/Purple/Black (from TBC dungeons.)

There was one that wasn't bubblehearthing, too. I'm wondering if I need to change mine to that in light of the mentioned reduction in Divine Shield duration :)
mclem said:
There was one that wasn't bubblehearthing, too. I'm wondering if I need to change mine to that in light of the mentioned reduction in Divine Shield duration :)



Edit: sigh. 74 pages. That was a long thread.

Edit 2: Huzzah!




Edit: Looks like Blizzard is hosting another Twitter Chat with the development team. This one is aimed at answering questions related to the class previews, so we might get some decent answers this weekend... assuming they don't pick the slow pitch questions they did last time ("Q: What class has a blue nameplate in raids? A: Mages have light blue and Shamans have dark blue. Next question?"). :lol

notworksafe said:
Oh I'm not pessimistic.

Actually, I was talking about me :lol.

Epix said:

I was hoping somebody would post that. Now we just need an animated version!

mclem said:
One change that I'd like to see would be for blinding shield to act as an interrupt for mobs that can't be blinded, that'd work on several fronts.

I agree... though the fairness side of me says "But that means horde paladins will have two AoE interrupts" since, you know.. Warstomp and Arcane Torrent. Not that I'm complaining, I'm Horde anyways. :D

ShallNoiseUpon said:
Also, I've wanted your avatar since the first time I saw it in the Scribblenauts Avatar thread. Paladin T2 is so awesome, I really should get the full set (well, except the helmet) in both the Red/Yellow/Black and Silver/Purple/Black (from TBC dungeons.)

Wait, I thought the silver/purple/black version was exclusive to the Wrath launch event. Are we talking about the same thing? Here's what I'm talking about; http://static.wowhead.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/103004.jpg


I was always jealous of the pallies when T2 came out. Rogue armor was so crap.

Speaking of armor, I really hate the whole "let's put skulls on everything". Even tirion's armor has a big skull on his helmet.... he's a paladin..

My favorite armor by far has been the rogue tier 9 (alliance). It's simple, isn't overdone and looks great. I was really sad when i started upgrading to t10 pieces.




Clarification post on Paladins:

Nethaera said:
Here's a bit more clarification on some of these changes. Also, please keep in mind that this is merely a preview and we'll still have more to go in testing up to and including any other changes that aren't listed here in the preview.

We've updated the Flash of Light reference to make it a bit more clear in the original post as follows.

Flash of Light remains a fast heal, but will be more expensive to justify the cast speed. Holy Light will be the go-to heal that has average efficiency and throughput. Beacon of Light needs to be changed so that its benefit is letting the paladin heal two targets at once, not letting the paladin get two heals for the mana cost of one. It’s intended to save GCDs and targeting time, not mana.

In addition we’re changing the paladin heal design to match that of the other healers. Holy Light is the middle heal. It’s very efficient, but not particularly fast and doesn’t have a lot of throughput. Flash of Light will be the faster heal that costs more mana. (Currently paladins sort of flip the model around by having a fast, efficient heal.) Holy paladins can talent into an additional heal that is like a giant Holy Light. It might take three of these big heals (or two crits) to get a tank from death’s door back to 100% health.

Currently on live, Beacon of Light is a tool that allows paladins to target more than just the main tank. In Cataclysm if it just doubles their healing, it is going to be overpowered. We have two ways we might handle this and we’ll experiment to see which feels better. The first is that Beacon only works on some heals, such as Flash of Light or Holy Light (but not the big one). An alternative idea is that Beacon increases the mana cost of a heal cast on a beaconed target, since you’re essentially getting a double heal. Under this model, Beacon itself would cost no mana.

Also on the live realms currently, paladins have huge mana pools and massive throughput. The trade-off is that they are excellent single target healers and much weaker in other roles. We want paladins to be slightly more interchangeable with other healers. In Cataclysm, you should be able to have a Holy priest on the tank and a Holy paladin on the raid. We’re not sure we’ll back off of the current healing roles completely, but we definitely want to add more breadth to those whose roles are currently too narrow.

As for the Guardian of Ancient Kings. First, it's important to understand that this is not a pet nor does it have a pet bar associated with it. Second, it's also not meant to last for very long. So, it's not a pet in the traditional sense. It's a friend in need when you need it, but not a permanent companion.

notworksafe said:
There's a version farmed from BC heroics as well. It's purple/grey. I'll dig up a pic of it for you.

EDIT: Here it is:

Here's a guide to getting it if you want:

Holy shit, I was completely unaware of that until this moment. When the hell did that get added in? The only reason I can think of that I never found any pieces for it is because it's all healing gear and I was a dyed-in-the-wool tank after TBC.

Crazy. Now i have a reason to log in... That purple actually rocks, looks perfect for my Fembelf. :lol


Retro said:
Clarification post on Paladins:


Holy shit, I was completely unaware of that until this moment. When the hell did that get added in? The only reason I can think of that I never found any pieces for it is because it's all healing gear and I was a dyed-in-the-wool tank after TBC.

Crazy. Now i have a reason to log in... That purple actually rocks, looks perfect for my Fembelf. :lol
I hope they don't increase the mana cost for heals, that seems counter-intuitive. I think I'd prefer just limiting it to Holy Light and Flash of Light.

Yeah, I've been farming the set piece by piece (I've also got the old helm and the new Ony helm). Hopefully you get better luck with drops. I should have linked the Male Tauren model, since that's my plan after Cataclysm. I'm tired of lame Fembelf.


Interfectum said:
Is it hard to solo and get old tier gear nowadays. I would absolutely love to get this gear on my warlock:

It's super easy for a Paladin...not sure about Warlock. I managed to do all of Kara and most of SSC, The Eye, and BT. With a partner I could probably finish off the 25 man raids.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
notworksafe said:
It's super easy for a Paladin...not sure about Warlock. I managed to do all of Kara and most of SSC, The Eye, and BT. With a partner I could probably finish off the 25 man raids.
I doubt you could solo Kael though. I think it still takes 7 or 8 guys just because you have to pick up those stupid legendarys.
Paladin changes seem good, although we will have to wait for the beta to get more in depth figures, I think they should rename blessing of might and wisdom into blessing of heroes or something like that
It's super easy for a Paladin...not sure about Warlock. I managed to do all of Kara and most of SSC, The Eye, and BT. With a partner I could probably finish off the 25 man raids.

Angry Grimace said:
I doubt you could solo Kael though. I think it still takes 7 or 8 guys just because you have to pick up those stupid legendarys.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
ShallNoiseUpon said:
I have no idea what "huh" is supposed to mean or what you are trying to say; you can't solo Kael nor can you two man him (read the second sentence)


Retro said:
• Crusader Strike will be a core ability for all paladins, gained at level 1. We think the paladin leveling experience is hurt by not having an instant attack. Retribution will be getting a new talent in its place that either modifies Crusader Strike or replaces it completely.
Question about this ability.

I have attempted to roll a Pally before at low levels and just could not get into it. Based on this post this seems like the only change aimed at new players for Pallys.

Is this a really big deal, or not really? I don't know much about this ability.


Skel said:
Question about this ability.

I have attempted to roll a Pally before at low levels and just could not get into it. Based on this post this seems like the only change aimed at new players for Pallys.

Is this a really big deal, or not really? I don't know much about this ability.

Leveling as a pally currently has you hitting your taunt to pull, then your judgement every 6 seconds or so, and that's it.

This at least gives you a second button and pretty much doubles your killing speed early on.


Skel said:
Question about this ability.

I have attempted to roll a Pally before at low levels and just could not get into it. Based on this post this seems like the only change aimed at new players for Pallys.

Is this a really big deal, or not really? I don't know much about this ability.

As far as starting a new pally is concerned, it gives you some much needed damage on demand, and a button to push. Right now, you have one button (Judgment) to press in combat all the way until level 20. At 20, you gain a few more abilities (Consecration, Exorcism) but the former is a fair-to-middling AoE and the other has a cast time and isn't practical for melee combat.

In fact, if you want a baseline attack, you have to go all the way to level 75 before you get Shield of Righteousness. If you're retribution, you won't use shields, meaning you have exactly 1 baseline ability (Judgment) to push in combat.

Crusader Strike is available at level 50 (It's the 41 point retribution talent). If you go Holy, you can get Holy shock at 40, and Protection Pallies can get Avenger's Shield at 50 (though that's not exactly a spammable combat button either).

Which is why paladins get labelled a Faceroll class; you literally Auto Attack and press Judgment until you're level 50 or so. Sure, there's Auras, Hammer of Justice, Blessings, Seals, Hands, etc.... but those are either situation or completely passive. Paladins are, quite frankly, a very boring class for the first 50 levels or so. Hopefully that will change.

Edit: Tamanon mentioned our taunt. Hand of Reckoning causes damage to a target and snaps its aggro to you, so it can be used as an opener in PVE. I think that actually drives my point more, actually; paladins use their taunt just to have something else to push.:D

Edit 2: It's worth mentioning that paladins have been asking for a Crusader Strike to be baseline pretty much since Crusader Strike was added just before The Burning Crusade was released. The same goes for Blessing of Kings (Which used to be the 31 point Retribution talent, if you can believe that), it took two expansions to get that done.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
Leveling as a pally currently has you hitting your taunt to pull, then your judgement every 6 seconds or so, and that's it.

This at least gives you a second button and pretty much doubles your killing speed early on.
You can use Consecration, but it uses so much mana that it's not really a viable option considering the damage it does.

Retro said:
It makes a huge deal for both starting and veteran paladins. As far as starting a new pally is concerned, it gives you some much needed damage on demand, and a button to push. Right now, you have one button (Judgment) to press in combat all the way until level 20. At 20, you gain a few more abilities (Consecration, Exorcism) but the former is a fair-to-middling AoE and the other has a cast time and isn't practical for melee combat.

In fact, if you want a baseline attack, you have to go all the way to level 75 before you get Shield of Righteousness. If you're retribution, you won't use shields, meaning you have exactly 1 baseline ability (Judgment) to push in combat.

Crusader Strike is available at level 50 (It's the 41 point retribution talent). If you go Holy, you can get Holy shock at 40, and Protection Pallies can get Avenger's Shield at 50 (though that's not exactly a spammable combat button either).

Which is why paladins get labelled a Faceroll class; you literally Auto Attack and press Judgment until you're level 50 or so. Sure, there's Auras, Hammer of Justice, Blessings, Seals, Hands, etc.... but those are either situation or completely passive. Paladins are, quite frankly, a very boring class for the first 50 levels or so. Hopefully that will change.

Edit: Tamanon mentioned our taunt. Hand of Reckoning causes damage to a target and snaps its aggro to you, so it can be used as an opener in PVE. I think that actually drives my point more, actually; paladins use their taunt just to have something else to push.:D
And here I thought it was faceroll because every attack ability that Paladins have is is on a different cooldown :lol (which means you generally just press whatever button that does the most damage that's not on cooldown and do competitive damage ((not entirely true, but it does work))).

Paladin tanking is pretty faceroll too; you have 2 6-sec. cooldowns and 3 9 sec. cooldowns. Press your 6 sec. CD then a 9, then the other 6, then a 9, the first 6 again, the last 9, etc. Even then, you could just press whatever and get away with it, just like Ret DPS.


Retro said:
As far as starting a new pally is concerned, it gives you some much needed damage on demand, and a button to push. Right now, you have one button (Judgment) to press in combat all the way until level 20. At 20, you gain a few more abilities (Consecration, Exorcism) but the former is a fair-to-middling AoE and the other has a cast time and isn't practical for melee combat.

In fact, if you want a baseline attack, you have to go all the way to level 75 before you get Shield of Righteousness. If you're retribution, you won't use shields, meaning you have exactly 1 baseline ability (Judgment) to push in combat.

Crusader Strike is available at level 50 (It's the 41 point retribution talent). If you go Holy, you can get Holy shock at 40, and Protection Pallies can get Avenger's Shield at 50 (though that's not exactly a spammable combat button either).

Which is why paladins get labelled a Faceroll class; you literally Auto Attack and press Judgment until you're level 50 or so. Sure, there's Auras, Hammer of Justice, Blessings, Seals, Hands, etc.... but those are either situation or completely passive. Paladins are, quite frankly, a very boring class for the first 50 levels or so. Hopefully that will change.

Edit: Tamanon mentioned our taunt. Hand of Reckoning causes damage to a target and snaps its aggro to you, so it can be used as an opener in PVE. I think that actually drives my point more, actually; paladins use their taunt just to have something else to push.:D

Edit 2: It's worth mentioning that paladins have been asking for a Crusader Strike to be baseline pretty much since Crusader Strike was added just before The Burning Crusade was released. The same goes for Blessing of Kings (Which used to be the 31 point Retribution talent, if you can believe that), it took two expansions to get that done.

I leveled 35-62 as Prot with a STR shield and I had a blast. Even with Seal of Cleave, I still think Ret is just too boring and slow to level. Hopefully the change to CS will fix that, though I still think Prot will be better for AOE grinding.

Angry Grimace said:
Paladin tanking is pretty faceroll too; you have 2 6-sec. cooldowns and 3 9 sec. cooldowns. Press your 6 sec. CD then a 9, then the other 6, then a 9, the first 6 again, the last 9, etc. Even then, you could just press whatever and get away with it, just like Ret DPS.
Yeah 6969 is pretty dull, but I have fun by DPS tanking and embarrassing the others in my 5 man group. Luckily Blizz looks like they want to change up the Paladin rotation.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Who could forget such wonderful classic-era talents like Defiance :lol

Classic talent trees were totally fucked up.
Man. I can't get in game. "Login server is busy." Sadly, it is not a global issue and only affects seemingly random accounts. Notworksafe and I have dungeons to run!


Classic in general was somewhat assy, but it usually is for most MMOs. Still, sometimes, I really don't understand nostalgia. Me and a friend just had a conversation about people who consider WoW ruined because Blizzard "casualized it" by having the sheer gall to add in a trove of content between sitting on your ass with nothing to do and full scale raids. Which were still all pretty damned easy (or broken) until C'thun in classic.


Classic was assery, by *all* aspects. There's not a single thing it did better. The only thing that might make people perceive it better was the newness.


I thought I saw a UI element that shows how many members of your guild are online with just a number in the corner of the UI. Anyone know what addon this is?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"


Interfectum said:
Is it hard to solo and get old tier gear nowadays. I would absolutely love to get this gear on my warlock:


I still have that full arena set in my bank for my Lock. Probably one of my favorite sets in the game, along with the Rogue's S3 lava-lamp set. Nothing has came close to it in coolness this xpac, outside of the T8 Rogue set. Haven't been happy with any of them yet.

Anyways, can't wait for Necrotic Strike. Something that DK's sorely needed instead of being AoE + Chains-o-Ice machine that they're only good for now in PVP. Blood Plague pre-nerf was awesome, and a great equalizer for not having the burst to make up for the lack of a "MS". Simulacrum will be fun too. Hope there's some PVE utility in there.

And here's to hoping once again for better item artwork which was disappointing 99.8% of the time this xpac...

And to finally getting the dance studio.
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