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World of Warcraft

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Nothing for mages again :(

But i like this:
Flamekin Imps (Ragers, Spitters and Sprites) in the Burning Steppes now drop Elemental Fire.
Hooray, no more Arathi elemental farming!

The Reputation tab will now display on mouseover exactly how many reputation points you need to attain the next reputation level with that faction.
When you gain reputation, the combat log message will now display the numeric value of how much reputation you gained as well as the previous relative message.
That's one less add-on to load.
Fixed bug where players would get stuck in the falling animation if they cast an instant-cast spell while jumping.

BOO! @ and the Psychic Scream nerf; if it was binary resist/full 8 seconds, this wouldn't be a problem. Priests vs. Rogues and Shamans am cry.

But I am glad about the Honor buff; it is TORTURE to get past First Sergeant unless you spend all non-instance time there. Not to mention the opening of new BGs makes old ones near-ghost towns; someone had got in contact with an Ally guild on my server for the express purpose of doing AV cuz IT NEVER RUNS NOW.

Factor in guilds that /afk when they see good comp cuz they can't steamroll to victory, or those that /afk when they see PUG on the other end cuz they want Officer-level Honor from each kill and you get stagnation.


Prime said:
Jesus christ, Warlocks get a nerf to SL and Ruin in the same patch?

They didn't get nerfed. DoTs had their time decreased but damage dealt remains the same, so thats a good thing.
Boomer said:
They didn't get nerfed. DoTs had their time decreased but damage dealt remains the same, so thats a good thing.

Uhh, yes they did. Ruin is a huge thing for destruction locks, and Soul Link, man let's not even go there. Soul Link is the ONLY form of defense us 'locks have. For them to nerf it is a slap to the face for all locks who have been wanting MORE defense.

But CoA is 24 seconds instead of 30! WOOHOO.

They better fucking make Corruption like 15 or 18 seconds to compensate.
Azwethinkweiz said:
I'm pretty sure you trade it in. I highly doubt you'll be able to use both at the same time.

Thats what I was thinking. But it's wrong, you get both now.

It is still incredibly lame. There's going to be a whopping zero diversity amongst hunters now, the quest is pretty damn easy, and I just bought a CHT :/


Erm... Quest mostly depends on the drops really. Getting a black since to drop ALL THE TIME isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world. And getting the leaf from the chest is a 1/2 chance since the eye can drop instead. All in all, regardless of the quest, just a matter of time.
My biggest problem isn't with the ease of the quest (Although in a sense that gives rise to my beef), it's that there's no longer any itemization for hunters. It's do the damn quest and get your weapons, end of question, and be like every other hunter in the game. The only ranged weapon in the game that rivals Rhok is Ashje. Nothing else even comes close. There's also little to no reason for hunters to have priority on any of the MC guns/bows anymore.

Hell, it's not like hunter itemization aside from DS/GS was overflowing, either. In MC there's Sabatons of Flamewalker, Quickstrike, Crown of Destruction, Mists, and True Flight. The only ones actually an upgrade are Mists and Quickstrike. In ZG there is nothing afaik. Nothing from any BGs save Don Julio's. BWL is exactly the same, the only non-set upgrades being rings and cape. I'm not saying that this is unique for hunters, the brunt of itemization for any class is based on weapons, which is basically gone now for hunters. Sure, it's still possible to grab some AP/Agi melee weapons, or a statpoint ranged, but the gain from doing so is so insignificant it's almost garaunteed better off going to someone else.

Basically what I'm saying is that I enjoyed the mechanic that was currently in place, getting to swap between a damn good pvp staff or the best dps bow in the game and building gear around both. Now it's just boring.


What's the best way to increase honor? Battlegrounds are nice but most of the time there's like a 45-60 min. wait. How am I supposed to get anywhere with that? I don't wanna become a Warlord or anything, but it seems like it's a huge hassle just to make "Grunt" ranking.

Also, what's the point of the Moonkin form? The armor bonus is nice and all, but if you're taking heavy damage as a caster it seems like your spells would be interrupted so much that it'd just take longer. I'm having a hard time imagining its usefulness in either a group or solo scenario. I suppose it might be nice for indoors fights where Entangling Roots won't work, but I'd rather just have them make it so that Roots will work indoors. There would at least be a little more strategy to it then.


border said:
Also, what's the point of the Moonkin form? The armor bonus is nice and all, but if you're taking heavy damage as a caster it seems like your spells would be interrupted so much that it'd just take longer. I'm having a hard time imagining its usefulness in either a group or solo scenario. I suppose it might be nice for indoors fights where Entangling Roots won't work, but I'd rather just have them make it so that Roots will work indoors. There would at least be a little more strategy to it then.

The 3% crit buff to your group that's what.


Son of Godzilla said:
My biggest problem isn't with the ease of the quest (Although in a sense that gives rise to my beef), it's that there's no longer any itemization for hunters. It's do the damn quest and get your weapons, end of question, and be like every other hunter in the game. The only ranged weapon in the game that rivals Rhok is Ashje. Nothing else even comes close. There's also little to no reason for hunters to have priority on any of the MC guns/bows anymore.

Hell, it's not like hunter itemization aside from DS/GS was overflowing, either. In MC there's Sabatons of Flamewalker, Quickstrike, Crown of Destruction, Mists, and True Flight. The only ones actually an upgrade are Mists and Quickstrike. In ZG there is nothing afaik. Nothing from any BGs save Don Julio's. BWL is exactly the same, the only non-set upgrades being rings and cape. I'm not saying that this is unique for hunters, the brunt of itemization for any class is based on weapons, which is basically gone now for hunters. Sure, it's still possible to grab some AP/Agi melee weapons, or a statpoint ranged, but the gain from doing so is so insignificant it's almost garaunteed better off going to someone else.

Basically what I'm saying is that I enjoyed the mechanic that was currently in place, getting to swap between a damn good pvp staff or the best dps bow in the game and building gear around both. Now it's just boring.

Blah blah blah wah wah wah.

Lok Delar = excellent PVP melee equip

But it doesn't give AP, just crit. Who needs a hunter pulling more aggro with burst damage? Better to go with a higher less spikey damage output.

So stuff like twin warblades of hakkar are excellent items for hunter....

and the gun and bow are also good items for a guild that can't put together the numbers for consistent ony/MC runs. Hell, they're nice items for hunters that don't have better anyway.

But really... if you're guild is going to deny upgrades on the basis that you're able to get better items, then I think it's time to leave guild.

If you have lok and rhok though... the only other weapons you'd want are hakkar warblades; with the lok tiding you over as 2handed supremo until all the wars and paladins have their uber tier 1.5 epic weapons.
Anyone else happy with Blizzard from the standpoint of adding content?

They have improved so much, if they can get 1.8 out in October like they say they will, i'll be doubly impressed. It's a great amount of content they're adding for free. Their buffs to needed classes has been terrific as well.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with WoW and don't see myself quiting for sometime. :D


yeah i always complain about the amount of downtime they have (which in reality isnt a lot its just annoying) but their tons of free content offsets that.


Sal Paradise Jr said:
Anyone else happy with Blizzard from the standpoint of adding content?

They have improved so much, if they can get 1.8 out in October like they say they will, i'll be doubly impressed. It's a great amount of content they're adding for free. Their buffs to needed classes has been terrific as well.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with WoW and don't see myself quiting for sometime. :D

The content they add is free? So why do I pay $15 a month? o_O


It's not free, but I've been getting more content for my dollar than any other MMO I've played. I'm quite happy with Blizzard (for the most part) now that they've got the ball rolling.


border said:
What's the best way to increase honor? Battlegrounds are nice but most of the time there's like a 45-60 min. wait. How am I supposed to get anywhere with that? I don't wanna become a Warlord or anything, but it seems like it's a huge hassle just to make "Grunt" ranking.
Azwethinkweiz said:
I won't be happy until they do cross-server battlegrounds. Waiting in a 1 hour queue to do AB is fucking retarded.
I'll assume you're Alliance - this is the current problem that's related to population imbalance. There's just not enough Horde players to go around for you guys to fight.

There's a smaller number of Horde players in the queue, so the Alliance players are stuck waiting for a Horde group to finish in order for them to get their turn. Meanwhile the Horde groups are playing so many more games, and are racking up the bonus honor and rep and gaining experience in how to play the non-AV battlegrounds.

It's how it is on my PvE server - I'm currently a Legionnaire (Rank 8) because when I'm in a group, I never have to wait longer than a minute in order to get into AB or WSG (more the former than the latter because WSG is practically dead). Yesterday our experienced group won every Arathi game we were in, and there were multiple games where we won in 6 minutes because we captured every node.
explodet said:
I'll assume you're Alliance - this is the current problem that's related to population imbalance. There's just not enough Horde players to go around for you guys to fight.

There's a smaller number of Horde players in the queue, so the Alliance players are stuck waiting for a Horde group to finish in order for them to get their turn. Meanwhile the Horde groups are playing so many more games, and are racking up the bonus honor and rep and gaining experience in how to play the non-AV battlegrounds.

It's how it is on my PvE server - I'm currently a Legionnaire (Rank 8) because when I'm in a group, I never have to wait longer than a minute in order to get into AB or WSG (more the former than the latter because WSG is practically dead). Yesterday our experienced group won every Arathi game we were in, and there were multiple games where we won in 6 minutes because we captured every node.

Actually I'm horde. I play on Mal'Ganis where the Horde/Alliance ratio is about 1.2/1. The problem is the alliance don't like to pvp because unless they bring an organized group, they're guaranteed to lose. Hell even most of their guild groups lose to Horde pubby groups. So they get discouraged and I end up waiting an hour to do AB. It blows. Hard. There's so many servers where alliance outnumber horde and if we could just do cross-server battlegrounds it would alleviate a lot of these problems. Or at least soften the blow.


That seems to be the opposite, on Bonechewer. Which really surprised me. In WSG alliance would get owned about 90% of the time, because of Shamans I guess. But in AB we win, in my estimation, 80% of the time. Theres only a couple of horde groups who give us trouble. Most of their Warriors and Shamans have the Unstoppable force, it seems. Though we still win most of the time.


explodet said:
I'll assume you're Alliance - this is the current problem that's related to population imbalance. There's just not enough Horde players to go around for you guys to fight.
I'm Horde and it still takes FOR-EVER to get a match going.


Glad to see so many Horde!

Too bad about the battlegrounds queue, though - I guess y'all scared the Alliance away? Or maybe you just need more people on your server? The one I'm on is pretty full.
I'm on a medium pop server. There are plenty of alliance, they just don't want to pvp. This weekend, with AV being on holiday, we still only get a couple a day. And before this weekend, there hasn't been a single AV since patch. I'm not kidding about that. The thing that pisses me off the most is that it's a PVP server. You'd think the alliance would, you know, want to frickin pvp.

But yeah, the alliance suck hardcore on my server. Back before AB came out and everyone was doing AV to get exalted and the items, Horde would win almost all the AVs, and in record time. Most AVs would last between 1-2 hours. If it lasted more than three hours people would start getting pissed that it was taking too long. Honestly I got to exalted in maybe 2 weeks. It was awesome.
Hey could anyone help me out? I'm having problems installing WOW and i keep getting a new error everytime. All the drivers on my pc are current and working properly. Has anyone else had this problem?
Just started a new character...His name is Jayceon, and it's on the Magtheridan server. Went with a Rogue this time around. I'll probably still toy around with my Warrior on Greymane occassionally.

And I've said it once...I've said it twice...I really wish the weekly maintenence wasn't Tuesday morning's :lol I have a big chunk of free time Tuesday mornings and I can't even play WoW.


You think you got it bad? Maintenance occurs smack bang in prime-time for me, 8PM today.

Anyway lvl60 can't come soon enough, I've grinded my way to 57 so I'm getting there but it's such a long road. I'm also attuned for MC now, not that it looks like I'll have the opportunity to run it anytime soon as my guild is a bit too casual for my tastes; yet the dilemma is that it is a large guild with numerous members at or approaching 60 so I don't know whether to stay or go. Trouble is there is no real organisation or direction, just those in charge and the select few associates (i.e. suckholes) crapping on about assorted bullshit and nothing that makes me think I'm going to have something to do come 60. Meh.

xabre said:
You think you got it bad? Maintenance occurs smack bang in prime-time for me, 8PM today.

Anyway lvl60 can't come soon enough, I've grinded my way to 57 so I'm getting there but it's such a long road. I'm also attuned for MC now, not that it looks like I'll have the opportunity to run it anytime soon as my guild is a bit too casual for my tastes; yet the dilemma is that it is a large guild with numerous members at or approaching 60 so I don't know whether to stay or go. Trouble is there is no real organisation or direction, just those in charge and the select few associates (i.e. suckholes) crapping on about assorted bullshit and nothing that makes me think I'm going to have something to do come 60. Meh.


you know what

i found that level 55-60 was the Fastest. imo.

just did LOTS of high end instances and it came quick. and it was HARD to get to 60 just cause I didnt want to get to 60 yet I kept getting exp from all sorts of things and it was pissing me off.
(wanted to stay 59 for awhile for BG)

anyways, ideas? if you arent close with anyone in the guild and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere then perhaps you should start looking elsewhere.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
you know what

i found that level 55-60 was the Fastest. imo.

just did LOTS of high end instances and it came quick. and it was HARD to get to 60 just cause I didnt want to get to 60 yet I kept getting exp from all sorts of things and it was pissing me off.
(wanted to stay 59 for awhile for BG)

anyways, ideas? if you arent close with anyone in the guild and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere then perhaps you should start looking elsewhere.

Def. No need to stick around and wait for others that are going to hit 60 with you... there are plenty that already HAVE... and... know their way around MC and other high end instances. I've always found, personally, when I hang around those guys I learn more anyway (which is good considering I'm such a casual gamer).
xabre said:
You think you got it bad? Maintenance occurs smack bang in prime-time for me, 8PM today.

Anyway lvl60 can't come soon enough, I've grinded my way to 57 so I'm getting there but it's such a long road. I'm also attuned for MC now, not that it looks like I'll have the opportunity to run it anytime soon as my guild is a bit too casual for my tastes; yet the dilemma is that it is a large guild with numerous members at or approaching 60 so I don't know whether to stay or go. Trouble is there is no real organisation or direction, just those in charge and the select few associates (i.e. suckholes) crapping on about assorted bullshit and nothing that makes me think I'm going to have something to do come 60. Meh.


I'm in exactly the same situation......my guild is great socially but they have no interest in endgame stuff, and that's the people near my lvl.



krypt0nian said:
I'm in exactly the same situation......my guild is great socially but they have no interest in endgame stuff, and that's the people near my lvl.


Yeah it sucks, those in my guild seem to have at least a passing interest in the higher end stuff but no plan or direction on how to get the guild there. That's really my issue, it isn't going anywhere, it's a chit chat club and not much else. Fact is we have a decent number of high end players, probably not enough for something like ZG yet, but enough for regular guild raids of BRD, Scholo, Strat, URBS etc, but it doesn't happen. I'd be interested to know how other guilds work in this regard, but all I know of mine is that the concept of planning and scheduling is non-existent. Everything I do is with PUGs, so if I actually went solo it wouldn't make the slightest difference to me. So I guess I best look into some other guilds on my server (which is Llane and it sucks BTW) that actually do have some sort of organisation and direction.

Fixed2BeBroken said:
just did LOTS of high end instances and it came quick. and it was HARD to get to 60 just cause I didnt want to get to 60 yet I kept getting exp from all sorts of things and it was pissing me off.
(wanted to stay 59 for awhile for BG)

I see what you mean. I've been going at BRD a fair bit lately and the experience has been flowing in nicely, but being a warrior and typically MT, I've had to wait until lvl57+ to able to try higher end instances like BRD which only one I've bothered with so far as I like to concentrate on one at a time.

One question though, can you do quests while in a raid? Just say I have a quest to kill a particular enemy, if I'm in a raid will that still count or not?
Blizzard needs to fix the drops for Zul'Gurub. My guild and I have been ZG'ing for a few weeks now and we have yet to see one epic drop (haven't killed Hakkar yet). 20 people wasting 3 hours of their lives and most bosses drop 1 item (always blue), a coin, and maybe the purple quest item needed for the armor quests. It just does not scale as good as an MC raid, where 40 people dedicate 3 hours of their time and you'll see 10-20 epic/rare drops a night.

I feel really bad for the guilds that can't do MC/Onyx/BWL and were going to make ZG a priority.

The insane difficulty of this instance for those guilds clad in blue armor + the lack of drops given the time commitment involved. Risk-Rewards is laughable for the dungeon.

Bliz has screwed them over at the moment.


Sal Paradise Jr said:
Blizzard needs to fix the drops for Zul'Gurub. My guild and I have been ZG'ing for a few weeks now and we have yet to see one epic drop (haven't killed Hakkar yet).

Once, in the only time I've ever seen an epic drop, an epic dagger dropped in ZF off a regular elite mob of all things. Of course I fucked up the roll, but that I mean not rolling a shitty number but accidentally passing on the fucking item entirely.


Sal Paradise Jr said:
Blizzard needs to fix the drops for Zul'Gurub. My guild and I have been ZG'ing for a few weeks now and we have yet to see one epic drop (haven't killed Hakkar yet). 20 people wasting 3 hours of their lives and most bosses drop 1 item (always blue), a coin, and maybe the purple quest item needed for the armor quests. It just does not scale as good as an MC raid, where 40 people dedicate 3 hours of their time and you'll see 10-20 epic/rare drops a night.

I feel really bad for the guilds that can't do MC/Onyx/BWL and were going to make ZG a priority.

The insane difficulty of this instance for those guilds clad in blue armor + the lack of drops given the time commitment involved. Risk-Rewards is laughable for the dungeon.

Bliz has screwed them over at the moment.

Heh :p we had 4 epic drops for us in one run. (not counting epic quest items). Then we reached the panther boss, beat her and got wtfpwned by panther spawning bug; unable to retrieve loot from the boss and ate many deaths trying to get back into the room, only to have it blocked off by the green forcefield completely... and have about 200 regular and elite panther mobs swarm us if we got too close to the door.

Contacted GM and they gave us a pretty phyrric blue item for our efforts.

Unfortunately my guild dropped the ball and didn't go to hakkar for free epics :( (still haven't beaten or even fought him).

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Hakkar is a joke. Killing him is a nice breather after the hellish panther and tiger fights.

We usually get a purple from the Bloodlord and a few from Hakkar. Last clear we got some purple +damage cloth boots from the Tiger too.
dave is ok said:
Hakkar is a joke. Killing him is a nice breather after the hellish panther and tiger fights.

We usually get a purple from the Bloodlord and a few from Hakkar. Last clear we got some purple +damage cloth boots from the Tiger too.

I'm not disputing that there aren't epic items in ZG, some of the stuff is actually pretty comparable to MC loot, and well a step above UBRS/Scholo/Strat gear. What I'm saying is Bliz needs to up the drop rates. At this point the only boss that guarantees an epic is Hakkar.

Almost every boss in the instance drops an epic item of some sort (Bloodlord has 4 different ones!), the problem is the drop rate. You're looking at a 5-10% drop rate (Thottbot) for those purples, when it should really be around 10-17% chance.

Bottom line: No guild should go into ZG, kill 4 bosses in one night, and walk away with zero epics.

It's the only complaint I have for the instance. Everything else is top-notch.
Sal Paradise Jr said:
Blizzard needs to fix the drops for Zul'Gurub. My guild and I have been ZG'ing for a few weeks now and we have yet to see one epic drop (haven't killed Hakkar yet). 20 people wasting 3 hours of their lives and most bosses drop 1 item (always blue), a coin, and maybe the purple quest item needed for the armor quests. It just does not scale as good as an MC raid, where 40 people dedicate 3 hours of their time and you'll see 10-20 epic/rare drops a night.

I feel really bad for the guilds that can't do MC/Onyx/BWL and were going to make ZG a priority.

The insane difficulty of this instance for those guilds clad in blue armor + the lack of drops given the time commitment involved. Risk-Rewards is laughable for the dungeon.

Bliz has screwed them over at the moment.

I disagree. If a guild isn't doing MC and makes ZG a priority, chances are they will make use of just about every drop in ZG. Having the epics be rare, but not impossibly rare, drops extends the life of the zone. It's troublesome if you are after only one or two specific epics, but considering how fun the zone is, I don't really care.
Son of Godzilla said:
I disagree. If a guild isn't doing MC and makes ZG a priority, chances are they will make use of just about every drop in ZG. Having the epics be rare, but not impossibly rare, drops extends the life of the zone. It's troublesome if you are after only one or two specific epics, but considering how fun the zone is, I don't really care.

So MC guilds can spend 3 hours twice a week and walk away with 15+ epics (being generous here as my guild gets 20+ most of the time) in that span, but ZG guilds that spend the same amount of time in a given week walk away with maybe 2 or 3 epics? Difficulty seems to be about the same, and the ZG guilds aren't improving their gear as well over time, so it's not like it gets progressively easier like it does with the 40 man raids, though I'm certain most ZG guilds will have these bosses down to farm status sooner than later (they'll still break a sweat though:p).


If Blizzard intended this to be THE instance for those "other" guilds, then they have failed.
Why do you care about walking away with epics? Upgrades are upgrades. Just because they aren't purple doesn't mean they don't matter.

I don't see what you are saying. We are talking about a guild that cannot do MC. Before ZG, there was nothing. They could do UBRS 100 times and walk away with 0 epics. BWL didn't replace MC, ZG does not replace MC. It merely provides another option. There is no THE instance, and there never should be. Replacing content is a bad thing, giving more options is not.

Oh and you must be having some insane luck getting 40 epics out of MC, considering you'd need 4 per boss to reach that.
Son of Godzilla said:
Why do you care about walking away with epics? Upgrades are upgrades. Just because they aren't purple doesn't mean they don't matter.

I don't see what you are saying. We are talking about a guild that cannot do MC. Before ZG, there was nothing. They could do UBRS 100 times and walk away with 0 epics. BWL didn't replace MC, ZG does not replace MC. It merely provides another option. There is no THE instance, and there never should be. Replacing content is a bad thing, giving more options is not.

Oh and you must be having some insane luck getting 40 epics out of MC, considering you'd need 4 per boss to reach that.

My point is Blizzard made ZG for the guilds that cannot do MC/Onyx/BWL. This is the best that these guilds will be getting. The WoW endgame is itemization, character advancement right now is done through gear. So there is a clear problem here. The same amount of work and time is going into these efforts, but one type of raid is being rewarded much better.

My guild gets nearly 25 epics a week doing MC. They divide it into two nights, roughly 3 hours each night, with each night bringing about 10+ epics.
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