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World of Warcraft

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President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Didn't Blizz go on record saying Hero classes would be a free content addition? (And wasn't it always listed in the "Coming Soon" Section of the site? I'm too lazy to go check right now)

Not sure if they can save them for the expansion without pissing everyone off.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
"Drama," a guild on my server Shattered Hand, is the first to down Nefarion.

All other servers owned, imo.

My guild, allied with 4 other guilds, has also taken down Rag twice now... first try the second time. So yes, this shit is possible without being in a super guild.

Whats your name Liu?

Im in Venerate

Can anyone help me out or does anyone else have this problem? Everytime i try to instal the new patch it errors at different spots each time. I'm really getting annoyed with this and i was hoping someone here might have an answer.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
We just took down Rag for the first time tonight. I was a bit worried about the dps during the first phase, but sons went almost perfectly and we pulled out all of the stops during the third phase of the fight. I won the nemesis pants (breaking my 8 piece set bonus on my felheart I got about 2 weeks ago). Guess I might as well get the head next time it drops off Ony. We are going to start pushing into BWL in the next week or two, so hopefully that goes well.


After everything began so promisingly with my newly formed guild, recruiting a good 35 people really quickly and our first ZG run (we wiped on the bat boss but it was a decent effort nonetheless) my guild is starting to fall apart. After that ZG run another one was scheduled for the following day and when the guild leader didn't show up everyone took it unto themselves to organise another raid group with a bunch of other non-guild players we recruited (which made up the majority of the raid). Well with the raid fully organised, inside the gates of ZG, the guild leader shows up telling all the members in the guild to leave the raid group due to some raid timer lock-out bullshit, so we'll be able to do MC the next day (god knows why or how).

A few people leave the raid (I was one of them), our absence and a shitty pull saw the rest of the raid wipe on the very first few enemies of the instance and any guild members involved in the raid are soon bitching over guild chat about the total fuck around. As a result of that incident at least eight members quit, a good portion then and there, which I can hardly blame them for, and instead of recruiting new members we’re losing a lot of existing members. If a few more leave then I will as well.


Ferrio said:
Guild took down Ony first time a few days ago. Was an easy ass fight.

Damn. you guys missing out.

It's like 1 hour detour before MC weekend

and you get sooo much loot of her.

Today, we downed her the second time...

Rogue hat dropped, warlock hat dropped, offhand tome + skeleton dropped, mature black sinew dropped (I got), head, bag, trinket +16 mana/5 secs...

pretty damn good haul for 1 hours work, getting there killing her then getting back to MC.

You even get a good buff for MC.


xabre said:
After everything began so promisingly with my newly formed guild, recruiting a good 35 people really quickly and our first ZG run (we wiped on the bat boss but it was a decent effort nonetheless) my guild is starting to fall apart. After that ZG run another one was scheduled for the following day and when the guild leader didn't show up everyone took it unto themselves to organise another raid group with a bunch of other non-guild players we recruited (which made up the majority of the raid). Well with the raid fully organised, inside the gates of ZG, the guild leader shows up telling all the members in the guild to leave the raid group due to some raid timer lock-out bullshit, so we'll be able to do MC the next day (god knows why or how).

A few people leave the raid (I was one of them), our absence and a shitty pull saw the rest of the raid wipe on the very first few enemies of the instance and any guild members involved in the raid are soon bitching over guild chat about the total fuck around. As a result of that incident at least eight members quit, a good portion then and there, which I can hardly blame them for, and instead of recruiting new members we’re losing a lot of existing members. If a few more leave then I will as well.

That sounds like what happened with my guild that lead me to quit the game all together. I've never played a game with so much drama in my life.
Sal Paradise Jr said:

Looks like Bliz is going to finally be moving the story forward in a big way soon. Been reading War of the Ancients trilogy, and Malfurion is like my fav character ever.

I'll still be skipping every quest log and just finding out what I have to do on thottbot.

I've played WC3 almost daily for 3 years and I play WOW everyday, and the story is boring as shit.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I'm in Rampant Fronting. There's a bunch of Rampant Fronting guys here on GA. We do all our raids with Venerate. :D How'd you get into the guild?

Eh when I was a lowbie 20 priest in darkshire I kept healing one of Kaidens alts in the tombs he said I was a cool guy and sent me an invite.

If you can get any mid 40s for me to ZF grind to 50 by all means PST

Zomaton 46 dwarf shadow priest



Well we spawned Rag for the first time. We tried taking him, unbuffed, spread stupidly along the cave, and got him down to 79%. Probably be a month more until we can take him for real.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Once everyone has the proper gear, Rag really isn't that bad of a fight. It is pretty much full on dps. The one thing that can screw stuff up is if your group messes up the sons. Give it about a month once your guild is better geared, and I have no doubt you will take him down.

My guild should have killed him 3 weeks ago, but unfortunately we have a lot of people that are happy to show up to MC since it is on farm mode, but mysteriously all have to go the second we get to Rag. Not enough people who are willing to stick it out and die a lot in order to learn the encounter. It is causing a lot of problems in our guild. They oppose recruitment since they are afraid they will lose their spots in MC, but they won't show up for the difficult stuff that needs to be learned.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
My guild should have killed him 3 weeks ago, but unfortunately we have a lot of people that are happy to show up to MC since it is on farm mode, but mysteriously all have to go the second we get to Rag. Not enough people who are willing to stick it out and die a lot in order to learn the encounter. It is causing a lot of problems in our guild. They oppose recruitment since they are afraid they will lose their spots in MC, but they won't show up for the difficult stuff that needs to be learned.
They need an incentive to be there. We have the same problem now with BWL: You can wipe 10 times trying to figure out BWL for 5 dkp, or you can do MC with 1 or 2 wipes for 80 dkp.

And yeah, Rag is super easy mode once you're all geared up in fire resist.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
We give increased points for those on the run that get the first kill of a boss, although I am not sure what effect that had. What seemed to work with Rag was that it was hinted that maybe we have to recruit new people to ensure we always have enough of a particular class online. That seems to have worked to some extent.


We have the same problem with ZG, and before we took down maggy for the first time. MY guild leader got a good picture of me while we fought him, with my awesome 200 unbuffed fire res gear.

Hmm...very interesting picture floating around the internet. It is a picture of the cover page of an Italian Gaming Mag with the following text on it: "World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - Blizzard atonishes all carrying us to the seventieth level!"

I wonder if this is legit or not.
crimsonheadGCN said:
Hmm...very interesting picture floating around the internet. It is a picture of the cover page of an Italian Gaming Mag with the following text on it: "World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - Blizzard atonishes all carrying us to the seventieth level!"

I wonder if this is legit or not.

You can't post it?


There's a bug I found with one of the costume effects for holloween

One of the costume effects is to turn you into a pirate for 60 minutes. But I quickly noticed that something was up. Everytime you stealth, you change bodies, and when you unstealth it changes again. Hence I'd be stealthed unstealthing and people would see me looking totally different. Within 4 fights i'd have flipped between serveral bodies. Here's the four female bodies that I kept getting.






Is there anything available online that gives a history/story of Warcraft?

...perhaps... including everything that happens in WoW as well?
Where are you guys getting all the Halloween stuff? I can't find anything...I thought Blizzard mentioned venders in Ironforge in the 1.8 Patch Notes but...Where?
GRRR stupid tuesday mornings. It says 5 hours but its already been 5 1/2 i wanna play. i just got mine working after not playing for a week


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Looks hot.

It's a cool dynamic to have the more normal looking elves be evil, and the mysterious "dark"ish looking elves be good, and to pit them against eachother on opposing teams. (I know the morality of these races/factions is a little more complicated than that, but you know what I mean!)

Blood elves rock and have a cool story... BUT.. they are still elves. EVERYONE will be playing them... and I don't really want to roll a generic elf that everyone will be playing. :( ...but now that I think about it I guess everyoen will be trying out the new regardless of what they are, since they are new. =P

At least it will bring many of the vain players who have to have play as a "pretty" character to the Horde. =P
A few of the guys in my guild and I just made a run through Shadowfang. AWESOME instance, I don't know why more groups in the Alliance don't go through it. I didn't on my first character either but I think I'll go back this time. Didn't get any really good drops one thief in my guild just voted need on everything and took it all...But it was a lot of fun so I think I'll go back sometime :)
For those of you who want to see a good small write-up on all the rumors that have been floating around this week about the expansion, I suggest you go here: http://www.worldofwar.net/articles/exprumours.php

The most interesting thing that was mentioned is this:
The new RPG book came out in June. It's supposed to be very closely tied to the game. It details ten playable races. I have to stop by and grab a copy to see what the two extra are. It also has a class list that mirrors the game. Only it adds Barbinian and another. Barbianian could fit a role on the Horde side for another strong melee like Paladin does on the Alliance. I need more details on this new RPG book.

If anyone has that book, maybe you can check which races are mentioned for each side. This could put to rest any of the speculation.


ToyMachine228 said:
A few of the guys in my guild and I just made a run through Shadowfang. AWESOME instance, I don't know why more groups in the Alliance don't go through it. I didn't on my first character either but I think I'll go back this time. Didn't get any really good drops one thief in my guild just voted need on everything and took it all...But it was a lot of fun so I think I'll go back sometime :)

Shadowfang is home to the first boss that actually requires strategy.

I remember hating that archmage guy as he bounced around the room and MCed the tank into killing my lowly rogue self:)


Oh and FYI, I love the Halloween stuff. Turned into a dog, got some candy, and did a quest to investigate the Horde Burning Man festival. At level 29, the quest gave 6600 XP, definitely worth the 4 deaths:p


Mupepe said:
How do you fish? I have the pole equipped and when I go to a body of water I don't know what to do.

It has nothing to do with bait. Click on your spells and abilities icon, there's a fishing icon in there somewhere. Click it when you're facing water. Some bodies of water require higher skill, so you might want to start somewhere like the canals in Stormwind City.
ToyMachine228 said:
A few of the guys in my guild and I just made a run through Shadowfang. AWESOME instance, I don't know why more groups in the Alliance don't go through it. I didn't on my first character either but I think I'll go back this time. Didn't get any really good drops one thief in my guild just voted need on everything and took it all...But it was a lot of fun so I think I'll go back sometime :)
So are you or this other guy still in the guild? You're taking this pretty lightly.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Boomer said:
It has nothing to do with bait. Click on your spells and abilities icon, there's a fishing icon in there somewhere. Click it when you're facing water. Some bodies of water require higher skill, so you might want to start somewhere like the canals in Stormwind City.
If you plan on fishing at all get the Tacklebox mod. It's a real time saver.

Equip your fishing pole, right click on the water, no spellbook needed.


Bad luck for me last night.

We did Ony for the second time last night, blizz disconnects me and their login server borks so I can't get back on. So I listen to vent as they take her down. Bloodfang hood drops, all rogues pass except one who rolls a 1....... and me.... outside the game crying


Five manning scarlet strath is a fucking nightmare. I mean it's perfectly doable but all it takes is one mistake by one person after you've gotten to the keep and the run is ruined. Expect to see the mass skeleton mobs respawned at the start as the respawn time in the place is a fucking joke.
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