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Worst gaming moments – what have you broken?


With the latest addition of F-Zero GX and Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 to my collection, I’ve almost threw the WaveBird several times. So far I’ve been able to control myself, but there’s been a few close calls. No broken hardware this generation, but I threw (and broke) an N64 controller over GoldenEye. Well, actually threw the controller at someone who was being a cheap bastard. It then bounced off of him and hit the wall pretty hard. I was lucky because the cord almost pulled the N64 off of the table and knocked over some drinks.

So what have you broken in your fits of mad, gaming rage?


I was trying to get all the Platinum medals in Blast Corps for N64, and I got really fucking frustrated at one point, and I just put the controller into the ground, sideways. The left-most prong thing snapped clean off and flew up and hit me in the face. I enjoy this story.


I broke my coffee table once playing madden. It had glass panels in it, and I was sitting on the table with a little weight on the glass. I gave up a big play in an old league game, and punched the table, breaking completely through one of the glass pannels. I didn't punch very hard, but with a bit of my weight already on the glass, i don't think it took much. opps.


I forget what game I was playing, but in a fit of rage I twisted an N64 controller (a GOLD one) so hard it snapped in half.

I've also thrown, hit, bit, and slammed a duke on the floor and the only damage done is a little rattling sound inside it.
My SNES because of Contra. The console itself still works properly, more or less , but 2 big pieces from the plastic case were broken away.


Drey1082 said:
I broke my coffee table once playing madden. It had glass panels in it, and I was sitting on the table with a little weight on the glass. I gave up a big play in an old league game, and punched the table, breaking completely through one of the glass pannels. I didn't punch very hard, but with a bit of my weight already on the glass, i don't think it took much. opps.
:lol :lol That's classic.


I remember getting up, punching my N64 then ripping F-Zero X out of the cartridge slot while it was still on. Then I threw the game at the wall. Nothing broke though. :-/


Soul4ger said:
I was trying to get all the Platinum medals in Blast Corps for N64, and I got really fucking frustrated at one point, and I just put the controller into the ground, sideways. The left-most prong thing snapped clean off and flew up and hit me in the face. I enjoy this story.

Its funny 'cos its true




Fortunately, I have enough self control not to start making gaming an even more expensive hobby. I'll grind my teeth or swear instead.


Ive broken at least 8 console pads in my lifetime. I threw my import zelda againts wall once and had to play snes zelda with just insides, no shell. Hmm this year I smashed by keyboard and mouse on death in EQ. I take my anger out on inanimate objects bigtime over people.


I don't recall ever actually breaking gaming equipment...but I know I threatened to.

When I was really young during the NES days, and I'd be up against a practically impossible game (Track and Field II anyone?) I used to rip the cartridge out of the NES, shove it in my face and scream at it that it was going in the trash if I lost one more time. Sometimes I'd actually throw it in there still screaming at it. (Though I'd always end up getting it back out an hour later).

If I was REALLY pissed I'd sometimes bite the NES controller as hard as I could, or rip out the cartridge and bite it instead.


callous said:
Fortunately, I have enough self control not to start making gaming an even more expensive hobby. I'll grind my teeth or swear instead.

Thankfully, the N64 pad still works, and I actually use it to this day when I whip out the old bugger. I have the analog stick broken in just right.


Tritroid said:
I don't recall ever actually breaking gaming equipment...but I know I threatened to.

When I was really young during the NES days, and I'd be up against a practically impossible game (Track and Field II anyone?) I used to rip the cartridge out of the NES, shove it in my face and scream at it that it was going in the trash if I lost one more time. Sometimes I'd actually throw it in there still screaming at it. (Though I'd always end up getting it back out an hour later).

If I was REALLY pissed I'd sometimes bite the NES controller as hard as I could, or rip out the cartridge and bite it instead.

HAHAHAHA the image you just created in my mind is unbelievably funny.


If only I could see you do that, i'd die a happy man because i'd die from laughing.



I've never broken anything,really never even got mad at a game until this year's ESPN...I find myself constantly throwing my controller into the ground because of some dumbass DB AI or average ass scat backs bowling people over,fucking awful game.


when i was a child i got pissed at my NES and jammed miniature marshmellows in the opening and then rammed them down the chute with Mickey Mousecapades. it didnt work after that and had to sent off for repair :(


One day, I was playing Kurenai and the buttons stuck frequently on my ceramic white DualShock2, I was frustrated to the level that I swing and throw that damn controller on the ground with full strength (for sure with a shout, FXXK !!!). The buttons no longer stuck, they have fallen apart. I then took out another DS2 and back to play games.
MGS - The first Sniper Wolf fight pissed me off so much I dashed my new Dual Shock to the slate in front of the fire place and the case split open a little. I fixed it, and beat the game.

Halo - In a 4v4 CTF Gulch match where I had to go up against my usual teamate, I lost the flag to a total noob who got a lucky headshot after I went through all hell to steal their flag and retrieve ours. When I went down I slammed the X-Brick into the ground repeatedly and the rest of the game it was throwing grenades randomly.

Splinter Cell - Some fucker would turn around and see me every time, no matter how slow I moved. On the twelve retry I lifted the controller to my mouth and bit into the memory card, before I knew what the hell I was doing.

On another note, practically any hardware that gives me shit gets destroyed, because I'm usually so pissed off at it by the time I replace it that I cannot help myself. Some innocent CPUs and video card have likely been sacrificed as well. The 9800Pro is defying all odds by continuing to not be burned.


hyperbolically metafictive
i'm recurrently tempted to throw a controller right through my tv -- it's just such a pleasing image -- but i've never actually done so. i just take a deep breath and walk away. i've gotten in fistfights and shoving matches over goldeneye and street fighter, though.
I've never been able to understand this on people. Why do they abuse a piece of plastic for their own limitations? Seems silly to me, ah well.
i got so pissed off at the snake level of battletoads on the nes that i ripped the cartridge out of the console and started scratching the connectors with a quarter, as if i were getting some kind of revenge on it. another time i lost the final battle in sfa3 by a sliver of health and almost overturned a full-sized slate pool table. i'm going to stop now.
hahaha, you area ll makeing me feel better. I thought I was the only one whe bit controllers! :D Jeesus Im terrible. Let's see back when I was a kid I would bite the 2600 joystick, tho I was pretty young, it was almot like a teething toy not really out of frustration. I still like to chew on pens and my fingernails so.....yeah

NES oh my poor NES took a lot of abuse. I would bite the controllers when I would get mad from playing Ninja Gaiden. Also, when it started dying I would get so angry with it. I remember one time I was deperatly trying to play something and the blow in the cart trick stopped working. After seeing that flashing screen for like a half hour I snapped and slapped the top of the poor NES as hard as I could. That hurt my hand so I yelled at it for putting me in pain. I got up and grabbed a hammer and scremed and threatened it with that. Poor NES was spared of the hammer as I relised how much I loved that little thing. It gave me so many good years that NES did. <3

as for more current games I've smashed a mouse from playing UT2k4. I stood up and threw my mouse on the floor as hard as I could. Oh, I have hardwood floors :( smashed it to bits, it did. :( That caused the scroll wheel got stuck so my avatar was standing there, cycling thru weapoons. Course my cell rings, a call from my online opponent. him: "wtf happened" me: "uh, I'm having a problem with my mouse.........." him: "what did you dooooooo" fucker! he knows how I am. I hate him. :-|

Then, I broke a Xbox controller by throwing it, full force at the wall. Narrowly missing a window, good thing as I probably wouldve broke it. Completely dead, had to buy a new one. :( MS makes crappy hardware. That was by far the easiset controller to break :(

PS2 DS controllers are a lot more durable than their MS counterparts. I have slammed my current DS2 A LOT and it still works. Of course it dosent vibrate anymore, it kinda rattles.....but I just turn vibration off :D should really get a new one.

Funny thing is if I'm with other people or using other peoples gear, I dont get so angry. I guess knowing I have to face someone else keeps my ass in line.


hooded pitohui said:
i got so pissed off at the snake level of battletoads on the nes that i ripped the cartridge out of the console and started scratching the connectors with a quarter, as if i were getting some kind of revenge on it. another time i lost the final battle in sfa3 by a sliver of health and almost overturned a full-sized slate pool table. i'm going to stop now.

the sfa3 boss battle is the lamest/cheapest/crappiest boss fight in any fighter.. I really hate that boss.


I've never thrown or intentionally damaged any hardware or software out of rage. But one day, I was unpacking my Saturn console & all my Dreamcast games out of this large plastic container that I keep in my closet, I set the Saturn on my dresser and laid my games on the floor beneath it.

I was sorting and rummaging for a while on the floor and forgot the Saturn was above me & it was edging just a bit over the side. I stood up quickly only to smack the back my head hard on the side of the console, which sent it flying off my dresser which is a good 5 ft high & sent it smashing into a stack of five games.

Turned out that it managed to smash 4 cases and crack 3 games discs (Virtua Tennis, Chu Chu Rocket & a PAL Skies of Arcadia), I was literally beside myself for a while, plus I had a throbbing headache. So... yeah, one of, if not my worst gaming tragedy to date.


I swear and mostly hit myself on the leg usually.

I know I can't break things so I prefer the break myself (stupid logic, but hey...)
I made it through PGR2 with all plats without breaking anything. I'm inclined to beleive I could resist breaking anything on just about any game.
Wow I definitely feel better. I only broke one DC controller over Soul Calibur. Ever since then I just curse really freaking loud or punch shit as hard as possible
onion_pixy said:
NES oh my poor NES took a lot of abuse. I would bite the controllers when I would get mad from playing Ninja Gaiden. Also, when it started dying I would get so angry with it. I remember one time I was deperatly trying to play something and the blow in the cart trick stopped working. After seeing that flashing screen for like a half hour I snapped and slapped the top of the poor NES as hard as I could. That hurt my hand so I yelled at it for putting me in pain. I got up and grabbed a hammer and scremed and threatened it with that. Poor NES was spared of the hammer as I relised how much I loved that little thing. It gave me so many good years that NES did.

Haha, cute story that made me smile.:)


Queen of Denmark
+1 controller biting (not anymore, but when I was younger).

The only videogame equipment I broke wasn't even my own -- I was playing The Lion King on my little cousin's Genesis, and the controller didn't seem to be responding correctly, so I kept dying. Eventually, I got so fed up that I ripped the controller out of the console and flung it to the floor as hard as I could, causing the B button to snap out. I quietly replaced it in its slot and got the hell out of the room.

I also used to throw my Super NES controllers at the ground in a similar fashion, but they never broke, or even cracked.


I've tossed the N64, PS1/2, and GC controllers more than a few times, but never thrown them with the intent of breaking them. Out of those, the non-Wavebird GC controller seems to be the best designed for throwing.

Back in the day I used to gently pound my fist on the Commodore 64 keyboard when I got frustrated, but that machine was built to take a beating anyway.

On the other hand, I curse like a sailor while playing twitch games like Ikaruga or Super Monkey Ball. I remember one time when the last course on N64 Mario Kart got me so riled up that my housemate had to point out to me that I was screaming.


rollin' in the gutter
:lol at people biting their games/controllers i've never seen anyone do that, and just imagining someone do this is hilarious :lol :lol

I curse like a sailor during any difficult game. Actually it doesn't have to be difficult, if i keep losing at something i'll let go. It has to be incredibly funny listening to me when i'm on a losing streak.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Stabbed myself in the hand playing original Street Fighter coin-op. The one with the pressure sensitive rubber strike pads. Machine was all old and busted, rubber cap flew off, plastic cap/cup thing underneath flew up and I slammed my fist onto the metal and plastic underneath. Blood everywhere.

This was before I knew about frivolous litigation.


I've been lucky in saying that the only thing I've really ever "broken" was the Punch Out instuction manual, and I didn't even break it...it was caught under a chair leg and someone tried to rip it out of there quickly, and failed.....but when I was younger, I used to bite my nes controller in a fit of rage. Yes, bite.


AirBrian said:
With the latest addition of F-Zero GX and Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 to my collection, I’ve almost threw the WaveBird several times. So far I’ve been able to control myself, but there’s been a few close calls. No broken hardware this generation, but I threw (and broke) an N64 controller over GoldenEye. Well, actually threw the controller at someone who was being a cheap bastard. It then bounced off of him and hit the wall pretty hard. I was lucky because the cord almost pulled the N64 off of the table and knocked over some drinks.

So what have you broken in your fits of mad, gaming rage?

I used to have this great techinque for spinning my Genesis controllers around by the cord and smacking them on the side just right, so it would crack open. I also got really good at assembling them again and bolting them back together. Went through about a dozen controllers in four years (at the cost of my hard-earned allowance).

I have since chilled out.


Trevelyon said:
I've never thrown or intentionally damaged any hardware or software out of rage. But one day, I was unpacking my Saturn console & all my Dreamcast games out of this large plastic container that I keep in my closet, I set the Saturn on my dresser and laid my games on the floor beneath it.

I was sorting and rummaging for a while on the floor and forgot the Saturn was above me & it was edging just a bit over the side. I stood up quickly only to smack the back my head hard on the side of the console, which sent it flying off my dresser which is a good 5 ft high & sent it smashing into a stack of five games.

Turned out that it managed to smash 4 cases and crack 3 games discs (Virtua Tennis, Chu Chu Rocket & a PAL Skies of Arcadia), I was literally beside myself for a while, plus I had a throbbing headache. So... yeah, one of, if not my worst gaming tragedy to date.

That's horrible. My only comparison is when I accidentally traded in Dragon Force for Saturn with a bunch of old games for Dreamcast store credit. I realized it had made it into the pile a week later, but it was too late. Got $15 in credit, and the game fetches $100 online. I still miss that game. :(


Reading the replies makes me feel better about this sort of thing.^^

With SNES, I used to play Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run. Well, at the time I had one of those transparent controllers, and when I lost the game in the bottom of the 9th, I smashed the controller on the ground full force. Well these transparent controllers just aren't as durable as the other ones, and the damn thing completely shattered. I had broken the thing in half.. and could do nothing but just stare for quite awhile.

Another time, I got pissed and picked up the chair I was sitting in and smashed it on the ground.. cleanly breaking off one of the four legs. Try explaining that to your parents ;P

But the worst for me was playing NASCAR2005 on PS2 this year in my dorm room. There are no cautions on the last lap, and I spun.. going from 1st to 38th. At this point I took the controller, smashed the wall next to me.. and went through the wall! Needless to say, I learned this year how to fix a hole in the wall. :D As for the DS, it doesn't vibrate anymore.. just kinda ticks now.
I've killed a NES Max, an SNES turbo controller (really good one too, with independent button turbo and just a tiny bit bigger than the standard SNES pad, which made it more comfortable to hold....I can't remember the name of this controller for the life of me now... :( ) and a PS1 cheap $5 turbo controller over my years of gaming.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
When I was younger, I used to get really angry playing NES games. I remember Kung Fu in particular being one that would put my sanity to the test. Whenever if finally made me boil over, I would get out of my chair, dart to my parents' old big-screen TV, and proceed to punch it on the screen multiple times. Nowadays, however, I just yell at the television until people around me have their suspicions regarding my mental health confirmed.

EDIT: I remembered a recent incident of videogame-inspired violence. This is going to sound silly but True Crime actually pushed me to the point of damaging one of the walls in my apartment. It was that ridiculous end-boss for the hardest ending. I just could not beat it. After one particularly close-fought button-mashing contest, I got up from my chair and proceeded to punch a hole in the wall. What's weird is I actually hesitated before doing it. It was like I took a second to consider what I was about to do. Even weirder, I then proceeded to do it.


Jesus Christ, remind me to never buy controllers preowned. What's with you fucking psychos sticking them in your mouth? God, I need to go wash my hands...


Banstick Emeritus
werther said:
nothing but I used to bite my controller
Doesn't everybody?

Punched a hole in my bedroom wall after one bullshit play in particular during NFL Gameday back on the PS One. I've destroyed several Epyx controllers playing Sensible Soccer, TV Sports Football, and Death Sword on the Amiga. M. Bison made me snap my SNES controller due to his cheap ass antics, and there are several Dual Shocks around my house in various states of disrepair thanks to my slightly competitive nature.

Oh, last night I was a c-hair away from flinging ESPN NBA 2K5 off my balcony like those alien disc weapons in Dolph Lundgren's "I Come In Peace".


being watched
Haha. Oh yeah M.Bison was irritating as arse on the original SNES version. My Master System controller did several spins around the room on the last world of Psycho Fox.

Not in anger, but in sheer franticness my friend snapped a Quickshot in half playing the 100m hurdle in HES Games on the C64.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
bishoptl said:
Punched a hole in my bedroom wall after one bullshit play in particular during NFL Gameday back on the PS One. I've destroyed several Epyx controllers playing Sensible Soccer, TV Sports Football, and Death Sword on the Amiga. M. Bison made me snap my SNES controller due to his cheap ass antics, and there are several Dual Shocks around my house in various states of disrepair thanks to my slightly competitive nature.


...let the wookie win.


I broke my PS2 playing Pro Evolution Soccer 2. I was playing for the cup with Milan the score was 1-1 and the freaking game was attacking me for the last 20-25 mins. It was so persistant that it felt like cheating. So at 92' Milan hits an impossible and stupid goal. I start screaming "YOU FUCKING MACHINE YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE TO PISS ME OFF" "YOU FUCKING CHEATED" and stuff like that, I totally lose it and start hitting my PS2 with the controller. That did it. PS2 dead. Seriously I had no control over myself.


Why is it that sports games, more than anything, make you want to destroy stuff. If i am using the Eagles and losing badly (because of cheese) in espn football I just go into a blind rage. Nothing else on this planet gets me that angry.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Many PS2 and Xbox controllers, on games including RalliSport Challenge 2, GTASA, and the upcoming LOTR: The Third Age.

One Genesis controller on Kid Chameleon.

One Game Boy on Gargoyle's Quest.


TheDuce22 said:
Why is it that sports games, more than anything, make you want to destroy stuff. If i am using the Eagles and losing badly (because of cheese) in espn football I just go into a blind rage. Nothing else on this planet gets me that angry.

Probably because in other games, if you lose, you just try again, continuing from where you left off. Sports games, once you lose, there's no going back.. This is especially true online, against friends, or in league games.
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