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Worst gaming moments – what have you broken?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
TheDuce22 said:
Why is it that sports games, more than anything, make you want to destroy stuff. If i am using the Eagles and losing badly (because of cheese) in espn football I just go into a blind rage. Nothing else on this planet gets me that angry.

I cannot imagine what you'd do if McNabb was injured after a non-called roughing the passer.

Ploid 3.0

I never threw a controler or any part of my console due to fustration or anger. I imagine it would be like kicking myself in the nads.


Junior Member
My friends newphew would play with the chord in his mouth and any time he would get frustrated he would bite down hard. He went through 3 controlers before the parents decied to get wireless controlers. I asked him if it would ever zap him and he would nod followed by a psychotic laugh.
Biting controllers is nothing.

Ive shattered a few cartridges by stomping on them. Ive destroyed a cd drive by kicking in the pc tower (and put big dents in it, probably crapping up a few other things). Ive put a big gash in a moniter by stabbing it with a metal pen. Ive cracked cd's plenty of times. Ive cracked a keyboard once with a swift fist to the face of it. Several keys popped out in the process.


I used to get uber-pissed in Pokemon Pinball on GBC. So uber-pissed, that I threw the cart across the room. But as with typical Nintendo products, it worked like a charm.

Ploid 3.0

I used to get uber-pissed in Pokemon Pinball on GBC. So uber-pissed, that I threw the cart across the room. But as with typical Nintendo products, it worked like a charm.

Bah I remember when my friend dropped my F-Zero (snes) which caused the board or whatever to get jamed in or loose. It was nearly unplayable unless you lean it
thought id bump the thread

I just broke my ps2 pad becuase of gta:sa on the wu zi wu mission running it fine till I hit that "cinema barn jump" I ripped the pad outta the system and kept smashing it into the ground by swinging it like some medievil flail weapon.

thing is in like 20 pieces now

I was able to crack it from top to bottom on the back plate (its in 2 halves now) and there is just a little bit of circuit board left on the end of the cord.

thats nothing tho

I acutally got so mad at def jam 1 on gc I "chewed" up the gc disc I mean I bit the mofo in half and chewed it up I had a bad taste in my mouth for hours.
ive taken to punching myself in the jaw mostly now, I dont even feel it anymore and it keeps me from breaking shit usually. Sometimes I get woozy tho.


My n64 Gameshark erased the hard-earned full completion data on my StarFox 64.

So I did what anyone would do. First I took the GameShark out, brought it to the tool room in the basement, pryed out all the metal 'teeth' with the back end of a hammer, then literally smashed it to pieces.

I then gathered up all the pieces, took them to the front of the house where there was a somewhat busy street, and chucked them all onto it. I sat on the porch snickering as the wheels of the oncoming cars crunched down the horrid pieces even more. Revenge is sweet.


When I was working at IGN, Marc Nix used to like to prank people every so often. Fran and Manabyte were his favorite targets, but I got a little bit of it just after I started.

What it was, he used to keep sticking the Rhapsody soundtrack album from Atlus in my CD drive while I was at lunch. I'd come back and sit down to an earful of Rhapsody music.

So after a couple days of this, I took the Rhapsody CD and gave it about 10 seconds in the office microwave. Let it cool off, and then I left it on his desk. No more pranks after that, for some reason.



Remember those Tiger Electronic handheld things? Yeah I used to get a lot of those toys when I was younger. My favourite one was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles version. I love that game, but I would get frustrated at the game and sometimes whip it across the room into another room... but I would always aim at the couch, so the game wouldn't get too damaged.

One day when I was like, 8, I got so pissed off that I figured the couch was too good to it. So I walked right up to a closet and whipped it so hard I cracked the screen, leaking that black shit everywhere. Sound still worked though, and I learned a valuble lesson. That house had some strong ass walls.


I'm not sure if this counts as something that I've broken, but my friend and I beat the shit out of each other over Goldeneye.

I can't recall the details exactly, but I do remember parts. We were screwing around in deathmatch, with me in the lead. I was only a few kills away, and he was really starting to get pissed off. So I'm about one room away from him, and right before I get my crosshairs on his head he yells out "Don't shoot yet!"

BS. I shot him anyways. He got up and turned off the N64. I was STEAMING pissed. You simply do not shut off a good game just because you're a sore loser pussy. So I punched him in the gut. He got up and punched me in the face. Somehow we ended up on the floor, pounding the ever-loving hell out of each other.

I can't remember exactly, but we decided it would be best if we went outside to kick the crap out of each other, so as not to break any furniture. It was Winter, and there was snow everywhere. So yeah, we pounded on each other for about 20 minutes, both of us having freezing cold faces from being shoved into the snow. I recall hitting him over the top of the head with ice.

Eventually we were so tired we just kind laid there with no energy left.

All of this was over a fucking game.

Grey Fox

Good lord,don't let Joe Lieberman get ahold of this thread."news at 11,video games cause psychotic outbursts?"

I personnally have a anger management issue.But surprisingly I can't remember breaking any video game stuff.Except Tekken, threw that across the room into the wall.Maybe because I realized how expensive the crap was.Although plenty of walls and lamps felt my wraith in my childhood.Also,once my cousin tripped over my PS2 controller cords and pulled it off the bar onto the ceramic floor 5 feet below.Surprisingly it didn't appear to take any dmg and still worked fine.


In a fit of RAGE over the cheapness of the Road Rash 2 AI I took it to the next level and literaly threw my Genny through the TV I lost both a Genny and a TV that day but the release was worth it. GOD DAMNED FUCKING ROAD RASH 2!!!!


Wait, which SFA3 boss are you talking about? The Cammy/twins/bison fight? Or the Shin Akuma fight? The former isn't too bad if you use good crowd control moves, but Shin Akuma is a right bastard (you only get him by choosing Shin Ryu).

I remember purposefully destroying a SNES controller, but then I had others so it wasn't a huge deal. And I think one time Dragon Warrior pissed me off so much I turned off the NES WITHOUT holding reset.. and the damn thing didn't delete my saves! :)



I've thrown cartridges and controllers across the room...when I was in my teens.

Now when I get frustrated I just turn it off.
2 words: Anger Management

Seriously people, I have a terribly short fuse and even I don't resort to breaking property to vent. Have a beer or 3 while playing or something.


I remember the angriest I got while playing a video game, I ended up beating the crap out of my sister. At the end of it all, she was bleeding and crying. She just wouldn't shut up about how she could control Banjo in Banjo-Kazooie better (plus, she kept walking in front of the screen as she was doing so, and it was during a difficult underwater segment). I feel it was justified.

Joking, of course. That never happened. Scare ya?


Tritroid said:
I don't recall ever actually breaking gaming equipment...but I know I threatened to.

When I was really young during the NES days, and I'd be up against a practically impossible game (Track and Field II anyone?) I used to rip the cartridge out of the NES, shove it in my face and scream at it that it was going in the trash if I lost one more time. Sometimes I'd actually throw it in there still screaming at it. (Though I'd always end up getting it back out an hour later).

If I was REALLY pissed I'd sometimes bite the NES controller as hard as I could, or rip out the cartridge and bite it instead.



Yeah, track & field II had me gnawing on my nes controller. But I have to say that twisting it in two different directions was way more satisfying, as I wasn't quite strong enough to break it in two back then... but boooooy I tried. :D


I thought I was over my frustration bit for videogames, but I found myself screaming at SFA3 last night. Had to face Zangief half a dozen times. Everytime I lost, he had a sliver of life left and he'd get a lucky grab at the last second. Grab me from sweeping distance. Multiply that by the 8-9 times he did it and you're ready to smash everything. One of the matches I hit him which caused his guard to break, and he grabbed me before I could hit him, which of course, is just the cheap AI happening. Lets not even begin to mention the fact that it takes about 5 hits to kill you while you have to hit him 30 times in some cases. And the fact that his strength and durability is supposed to be balanced by his slowness, but Capcom seemed to forget this by allowing him to grab in one frame, throw you right after getting hit, etc etc...

But I already made the I hate Zangief thread so I'll move on.
I whipped my roommate in college with a SNES controller when he pulled it out during Super Mario Kart. He sucker punched me for it, and we had a brawl which resulted in him ripping up my DiffEq homework and me trying to hit him with an empty bottle of Mad Dog Kiwi Lime. I also put a dorm mate in a headlock and rammed his face into the wall, denting the plaster, after he beat me at SF2 with his eyes closed and then taunted me. Good times, good times.


I dropped my PC on the way to a LAN, and did the same with a GameCube.

Not exactly a result of rage, but certainly costly and embarassing.


There is a great EGM article on this. It has a picture of a broken CD case holder, and then a picture of a hand that is bleeding. The game the person was playing: Ninja Gaiden :D
Most of them involve Street Fighter 2 vs the game, Blanka Biting (I bit the game back), vega trowing me out of a dragon punch and a hurricane kick, and my favorite Guile walking foward, sonic boom (while still walking foward) to a throw.
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