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Worst personal memories of anything related to wrestling?

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I have four memories that I'd really just love to forget, pertaining to wrestling. They are widely known as some of the worst moments in wrestling history, but I'd like everyone to share their own personal tragedies with each other.

Mine are:

1. Mae Young giving birth to a hand. Nuff said.

2. The whole god damn Al Wilson/Dawn Marie/Torrie Wilson angle, which had lovely moments such as Dawn Marie raping Torrie Wilson, Al Wilson marrying Dawn Marie in his underwear, and Al Wilson dying while having sex with Dawn Marie.

3. HHH getting into a casket and humping the dead Katie Vick cheerleader mannequin.

But the worst moment of all in professional wrestling history, a memory which will haunt me until the day I die, is....

seeing a fully topless Mae Young run across the ring on pay per view, with no censors or black bars set up to prevent seeing her saggy breasts. DAMN YOU VINCE. I SHOULD SUE FOR MENTAL TRAUMA.
The Undertaker smooshing Jim Ross' face against Vince's bare ass, followed by Vince galloping around the ring, smacking his bare ass with JR's cowboy hat.

That was the first time I felt truly embarrassed to be a wrestling fan.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Catapult Beetle said:
The Undertaker smooshing Jim Ross' face against Vince's bare ass, followed by Vince galloping around the ring, smacking his bare ass with JR's cowboy hat.

That was the first time I felt truly embarrassed to be a wrestling fan.
urgh.... bad memories. :lol


Owen Hart. Nothing else comes close.

The Undertaker smooshing Jim Ross' face against Vince's bare ass, followed by Vince galloping around the ring, smacking his bare ass with JR's cowboy hat.
Okay, some things get close...

evil ways

Catapult Beetle said:
The Undertaker smooshing Jim Ross' face against Vince's bare ass, followed by Vince galloping around the ring, smacking his bare ass with JR's cowboy hat.

That was the first time I felt truly embarrassed to be a wrestling fan.

Man that was bad, plus another one of the McMahon ass kissing moments when he said he could make tricks with his ass and started squeezing them together at will. That was a low point.

The Katie Vick angle comes in at 2nd for me.


I remember seeing Stone Cold get hit by a car in a parking lot on PPV.

That was pretty sad.

And Mr. Ass, too. Pretty much the entire character of Mr. Ass made me sad.


Party Pooper
GaimeGuy said:
seeing a fully topless Mae Young run across the ring on pay per view, with no censors or black bars set up to prevent seeing her saggy breasts. DAMN YOU VINCE. I SHOULD SUE FOR MENTAL TRAUMA.

i was AT that ppv. even more mentally scarring in person


Stench said:
I remember seeing Stone Cold get hit by a car in a parking lot on PPV.
At least that almost went somewhere (
Rikishi driving
) but then it became another "HHH was the mastermind" bullshit.


Although I didn't actually see Owen Hart fall to his death, its still one of the worst things to happen...other than that, his older brother comes to mind. Seein him get screwed out the title to HBK in....Toronto was it? That was sad. Him spitting on Vince, HBK acting confused, the post-fight stuff that went on in the back, Bret's wife yelling at all the other wrestlers....man, that was sad to watch for me.

I miss you Hitman :(


kgHavok23 said:
Although I didn't actually see Owen Hart fall to his death, its still one of the worst things to happen...other than that, his older brother comes to mind. Seein him get screwed out the title to HBK in....Toronto was it? That was sad. Him spitting on Vince, HBK acting confused, the post-fight stuff that went on in the back, Bret's wife yelling at all the other wrestlers....man, that was sad to watch for me.

I miss you Hitman :(

That was the last wwf payperview I ever bought.. I turned the tv off when I saw that happen.
I stopped watching wrestling shortly after and then I watched WcW for about 3 or 4 months when bret got back on... thats all after that.

MC Safety

I agree with the general assessment that anything having to do with Mae Young is video feces.

I would add:

Vince McMahon -- genetic jackhammer
Sergeant Slaughter, Iraqi sympathizer
Eugene the retarded wrestler

But the all-time worst wrestling event has to be the death of Owen Hart. Imagine dying because a stupid gimmick/stunt went awry. And then Vince being so inhumanly heartless as to have continued the show -- while the wrestlers, visibly shaken, were crying over the tragedy.


Since most of the moments i wanted to say are already covered, I'd have to say the Raw Diva Search

Never in my life would I think that seeing half naked girls on TV = boring, but WWE proved me wrong.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Alot of mine have been named but the straw that broke the camels back for me happened last may I think it was.

Bischoff comes and starts ripping on Eugene when out comes The Rock. After he drives Bischoff from the ring he goes into some 25 minute comedy routine that finally ends with him being escorted out by the police like 32 minutes into the show. Then you have a commercial. Finally they get to the first match of the night like 35 minutes in. What kind of match was it? A shitty womens match that end in a run in after like a minutes. Then you get another promo and more commercials before they finally got to the first real match of the night 45 minutes into the freakin show. I've only watched prolly 9 or 10 times since then.

But I guess I should thank them. Because of my loss of interest in the WWE I ended uo getting into TNA and ROH and the indy scene in general,.
Seeing as most moments I hate are already talked about here.......

NWO (WWE Style)
Most Cruiserweights (WWE Style)

Oh! And............


He Talks!

He Falls!

Edit: Damn that link is dead... Anyone got a vid/gif of his entrance?


Unconfirmed Member
when my high school wrestling coach would take about a minute to long to weigh each of us in at practice. pedo



In other news, Wrestlecrap update!


Razor Ramon vs. 123 Kid in the Diaper Match

The match itself was alright. Nothing spectactular, as it seemed that both men were just going through the motions. I reckon by this point Hall had already decided he was getting out of the company, and Waltman, no doubt thrilled at the thought of being dressed up like a baby, had little incentive to turn it up a notch or two.

The bout ended as any Crybaby encounter should - with the vile heel getting a face full of baby powder.

What followed, though, was most disturbing, as Razor spread Kid's legs, seemingly preparing him for anal penetration.

Sure, call me a sicko, but you listen to Vince McMahon and tell me you're thinking any differently...

...especially after Ramon sprayed white stuff in his face.

Oh wait, that's just more baby powder, my bad. The tape I have of the event isn't the best, so you will have to forgive me.


And don't forget about WCW's Doomsday Cage match from WCW Uncensored where Hulk and Macho Man beat EIGHT men!

Yes, it was a two on EIGHT match, but that didn't stop Savage and Hogan from no-selling the entire match!

That is until...

...The Ultimate Solution, Jeep Swenson (who starred in the horrific Batman & Robin as Bane), came down and attacked Hogan. Now why Hogan would sell for an actor but none of the wrestlers is a bit perplexing, but hey, it is Hogan we're talking about.

A funny (well, more like pathetic and insulting) aside about Swenson's character: in the days leading up to the match, he was known as the Final Solution.

Apparently, someone from the Jewish faith must have clued them in that maybe, just MAYBE, that wasn't the greatest ring name in the world, since it was also a code word of sorts for Hitler's plan to exterminate the Jews during the 1930's and 40's.

So he was re-re-named the Ultimate Solution, which, of course, didn't change the fact that the guy still sucked.

And then, as if this match wasn't painful enough, out comes...


That's right, Hogan's old nemesis from No Holds Barred got involved.

Yeah, THAT'll put asses in seats.

I remember my friend ordered this crap too :lol :lol
Worst personal memories? This past week's RAW was pretty lousy.

Also, I have discovered a new personal rule when it comes to wrestling:

The most embarrassing part of any wrestling show will be the part where someone else walks in on you watching it. Seriously, every time my roommate walks in the room, Viscera is humping someone's ass, or there's some other such insanity going on.
hobbitx said:
Finding out it's not real........

The only time I ever thought werestling was "real" was about 5 minutes into the first time I saw it on TV back about 15 years ago one saturday morning.

Now I should get into the stupid "I would like to see you try some of that stuff" type talk but I am tired.


Forced to sit through 2 DVD's back-to-back of Ring of Honor by our resident Wrestling fan. Awesome guy, but wrestling is shit. (imo)


When Booker T lost to HHH at Wrestlemania. The way they burried that man was horrifying. My militant ass cousin was pissed b/c of this, leading to one of the funniest outbursts I've ever heard from a wrestling fan:

Man fuck these motherfucking crackers! Wasting my money on this old bullshit! Fuck em all! Vince MacMahon can suck my motherfucking dick! I aint never ever gonna watch this bullshit again! This is worse than what he did to Ron Simmons! Racist ass cracker! Never wanna show the black man with the gold! <Somebody mentions The Rock> MotherFUCK The Rock! He's whiter than motherfucking Wayne Brady! He's the biggest bitch in rasslin!

I laughed so damn hard, but he was genuinly upset and never watched wrestling again after that. He was the funniest mark I've ever been witnessed to but Booker T losing put him over the edge cuz he was the only thing my crazy ass cuz liked in the WWE (other than Austin). I miss watching wrestling with him, it was hillarious how he ALWAYS cheered for the black guy whether face or heel.


kgHavok23 said:
Although I didn't actually see Owen Hart fall to his death, its still one of the worst things to happen...other than that, his older brother comes to mind. Seein him get screwed out the title to HBK in....Toronto was it? That was sad. Him spitting on Vince, HBK acting confused, the post-fight stuff that went on in the back, Bret's wife yelling at all the other wrestlers....man, that was sad to watch for me.

I miss you Hitman :(
The infamous screwjob was in Montreal...


Yea just about everything I would add has been posted but I can also add:
-Any character played by Ed Leslie (Zodiack, BootyMan, Brutus Beefacke, etc.)
-Warrior's run in WCW (his first appearance was cool but it all went downhill from then)
-Vince's burial of Vader (and prettymuch anything else that came from WCW)
-WWE circa 2002
-WCW circa 2000
-TNN's burial of ECW
-Sid's "Can we restart?" "No we're live"
-Any botched moves like clearly missed punches that get sold anyways
-Larry Zybisco vs Eric Bicsoff (sp?) with Bret Hart as the ref, where you clearly see Bishcoff's 'loaded object' that was in his boots come off and fly to the audience right in front of Bret's face (who watches it sail off into the third row) and Larry still sells it like he had been hit with a shotgun
-Giant Gonzales' bodysuit (though he did capture my attention as a youth I still thought the suit was stupid)
-That wrestling legends show on PPV with Jake the Snake fucked up
-Dusty Rhodes
-'That 70's Guy' Mike Awesome
-The millions of other stupid WCW and WWF(E) gimmicks from the mid 80s to present


Yea it is, somebody posted a link to it on the Wrestlecrap boards awhile back. A search over there will probably pull it up...


Battlezone said:
Worst personal memories? This past week's RAW was pretty lousy.

Also, I have discovered a new personal rule when it comes to wrestling:

The most embarrassing part of any wrestling show will be the part where someone else walks in on you watching it. Seriously, every time my roommate walks in the room, Viscera is humping someone's ass, or there's some other such insanity going on.

You are not kidding. Everytime my sister walks in something horrible is happening, or boring. It's fricken clockwork!


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I remember knowing a kid on block when I was a kid who was obsessed with wrestling. That kid was a pud, I used him for his Nintendo to play some sweet, sweet Metal Gear, though.

that`s about it...


Watching 1 hour Larry Zybysko matches on AWA (ESPN)

The removal of WCWSN.

Sting v Hogan at Starrcade

NWO Souled Out PPV.

The WWF's "Gang Wars" (when WCW was kicking thier asses)

Any Undertaker Match.

Big Bossman's wrestling in a cage with "rabid" dogs.

The Big Show "surfing" on the coffin of his grandpa.

The Giant "falling" off the roof of some sports arena (Joe Lewis Arena?)

Any New Jack match.
AlteredBeast said:
I remember knowing a kid on block when I was a kid who was obsessed with wrestling. That kid was a pud, I used him for his Nintendo to play some sweet, sweet Metal Gear, though.

that`s about it...

Eric? Is that you?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
haha. We all have our guilty pleasures, our Nintendo broke (along with every other existing NES ever made), but there were awesome games made for NES that I had to play when I was a kid. Metal Gear, Back to the Future, Mario 3, Tetris, etc. :p


ToxicAdam said:
The Big Show "surfing" on the coffin of his grandpa.
:lol :lol :lol
How could I forget that!? It was Big Show's "dad's" coffin.

And when Big Bossman made Big Show's "mom" say he was a bastard.


ToxicAdam said:
The Giant "falling" off the roof of some sports arena (Joe Lewis Arena?)
Haha, then shows up an hour later ready for his match without a scratch nor explanation on how he survived.


-Goldberg's "Streak" in WCW...
-WCW Saturday Night after they pulled the maineventers and midcarders from the show.
-The WCW videogame made by EA Sports
-Billy & Chuck's "Life Partnership" angle.



I loved WCWSN after they got rid of the Main Eventers. You could see the low - mid carders wrestle (Jericho, Kidman (back when he was good), etc) in actual matches (they didn't have to be concerned with pushing an angle). You would see a couple insane lucha matches and then they would sprinkle in recaps of the Nitor/Thunder throughout the show. Plus, NO Tony Schiavonne!! It was a solid show.
My friend has an old vhs tape filled with various Bush Whacker matches. Disturbing to say the least. I couldn't count how many times they grabbed at the other wrestler's junk and fondled it.


Himuro said:
Christian fought for the title? Against who (bare with me, I haven't watched in years, I'm going to start watching again tonight, starting with RAW :D)?
Against John Cena (who is the current champion) and Chris Jericho in a triple threat match.


Himuro said:
ToxicAdam said:
Plus, NO Tony Schiavonne!!

I HATED that man. What happened to him?
From obsessedwithwrestling.com
April 2003: Rumor has it, the WWE wanted to bring in Tony Schiavone to "replace" Jim Ross on RAW, but Kevin Dunn nixed that idea..
August 2004: Tony Schiavone is now hosting a Sports Radio show on 1240 AM The Ticket in Gainesville, GA from 9-11 a.m..


I had a look for that Sid Vicious thing on wrestlecrap but couldn't find it. Never mind. I'm sure it's not as funny as I've imagined it to be :lol

All these replies and nobody's mentioned David Arquette and that wrestling film he had? Or have you all blocked it from your memories? :lol (or is it a bannable offense just to mention it?) I was quite into wrestling when I watched that film and it made me want to stop living tbh...it was horrible
The Big Show "surfing" on the coffin of his dad was pretty terrible

owen dying

the rock vs mankind where mankind saying "I quit" was dubbed in from him saying it on raw. Ok i liked the angle but nobody believed that shit

the rehiring of the Burger King

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
April 2003: Rumor has it, the WWE wanted to bring in Tony Schiavone to "replace" Jim Ross on RAW, but Kevin Dunn nixed that idea..

That would have increased my enjoyment of Raw by 73.3%


These aren't the worst moments I remember, but some of the things people have brought up have stirred a memory or two from when I used to watch with my college buddies...

- How about the Val Venis cliffhanger to RAW where he supposedly had his wang chopped off right as the lights went out.

- Back when WCW ended every show (for years straight) with everyone from the backstage brawling it out in the front ring, I remember Sting and Macho Man getting the giggles and laughing so hard while delivering cross chops back and forth, and trying so very hard to make it look like winces of pain... I had tears in my eyes.


Banstick Emeritus
the_geche said:
Racist ass cracker! Never wanna show the black man with the gold! [/I] <Somebody mentions The Rock> MotherFUCK The Rock! He's whiter than motherfucking Wayne Brady!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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