This year does not have a clear favorite which should make this hypothetical vote more interesting. We all know Knack 2 is a polarizing game, but is its quality enough to win over this year's somewhat lackluster nominees?
Inspired by another great thread
... what would have happened if Knack 2 was released this year in its DC state?

Would The Last of Us 2 have won GAF GOTY in 2021?
The Last of Us Part 2 is not well liked around here, but it did win GOTY at the Game Awards Last Year. I want to see if GAF has come around on it since, and if you guys would vote for TLOU2 over this year's nominees. This year does not have a clear favorite which should make this hypothetical...
Inspired by another great thread

Would Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut have won GAF GOTY in 2021?
Inspired by another great thread ;) ... what would have happened if Tsushima was released this year in its DC state. It was a nominee last year and won for art direction but I think this year it would totally win. I think it is better than these games, while not perfect as it gets repetitive...