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Would you like to know people that report your post?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
If you could get the knowledge as to who reported you to the mods on the GAF, would you want to know?

Should we implement a system where the mods inform the reportee of who reported and why if the report was rejected by the MOD team?

I think people would click it less if it wasn't anonymous. Also feel free to confess your reporting sins.

I only think I have reported one person and I have no idea what it was about.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
When you learn the identity of the gaffer who reported you and you go beat them up:



Gold Member
I’m all for it. Would be hilarious to see. It should be entirely public info too. Not just for the guy whose post got reported.

No doubt you’d see fewer reported messages going to mods as they’d be embarrassed showing the board they reported a console warrior post.


Gold Member
I just assume the mods deal with folks who "over report" and if someone is uncomfortable reporting a post with their name attached I'm not sure that accomplishes the goal of being able to report a post in the first place (versus just ignoring a user or engaging in debate within the thread). I trust the mods to give enough of a reason why a post is yanked so the poster can adjust behavior accordingly without needing context of who (if anyone) reported it.


It’s pretty obvious when it happens. The same couple people are scared to mention when they do. It’s usually the boss’s little pets.


Dumb idea. Creates more conflict between members. Seems like it's more to satisfy people's curiosity than any real benefit to the site as a whole.

Should be through PM.

And it doesn't inherently creates conflict.

Seeing we're on a message board it's hard to interpret someone's intentions.

Being able to see why someone reported you should give some insight in the context regarding both your own reported post and why it was as such someone deemed it necessary to report.

You could even leave out the reporting user.

Then again this is quite the optimistic perspective I'm operating from.

Realistically I don't see it happen.

For better of worse. ♡


I think it's natural to feel salty about someone reporting your post (regardless if it's deserved or not). Knowing who reported the post is just giving people a target to aim their saltness at.

Doesn't seem productive to me.

Well. Hence, again, I proposed leaving out the username.

With that said.

As adults we're still human. Thus we're able to induct some self reflection and such as to attain some introspection.

It shouldn't be a me VS "X" scenario. And IF you objectively approach said scenario it's up to yourself to take it for what it is.

My first post was a mere "Yes" but know I'm just entertaining such a feature.


Jesus, took me like a minute to find the report text there, I can b so unobservant, is this a new thing?

edit - hey I can report my own post lol
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No. I think I've done less than ten reports ever and none were someone I was enganged with. All of them were "whoa" moments that I wanted to make sure a mod saw to review asap. I'm sure they can tell the difference between someone reporting in a shit fit and simply pointing out something that is out of bounds. Even if the reporter would be more inclined to report some subjects/sides than others, the reported post is either within the rules or not. edit: well... it's often not as cut and dry as that but that has nothing to do with reporting.
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If you could get the knowledge as to who reported you to the mods on the GAF, would you want to know?

Should we implement a system where the mods inform the reportee of who reported and why if the report was rejected by the MOD team?

I think people would click it less if it wasn't anonymous. Also feel free to confess your reporting sins.

I only think I have reported one person and I have no idea what it was about.
Fuckin A, bro. You should be able to face your accuser. Fuck snitch bitches anyways.


I think I've only had one or two posts reported. I had a risqué image of a nude Tifa model that is for sale. The goodies were covered but I didn't put a spoiler NSFW warning (makes sense why it was deleted).

I don't really care to know who's reporting my posts


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Do you know if your post has been reported? I've never reported a post I don't think, I've never been notified about a post I made being reported but I have had posts deleted.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
If you could get the knowledge as to who reported you to the mods on the GAF, would you want to know?

Should we implement a system where the mods inform the reportee of who reported and why if the report was rejected by the MOD team?

I think people would click it less if it wasn't anonymous. Also feel free to confess your reporting sins.

I only think I have reported one person and I have no idea what it was about.
I want to know what godless heathens are reporting me
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I didn't even realize there was a report button until now, I thought you were just supposed to publicly humiliate the offender yourself. Never skip the tutorial before sinking 2000 hours in a game


Hold onto your panties
If its literally a bot Im gonna report that shit. I dont want that here. They are easy to spot.
Wait! If you report me you'll miss out on my special discount code for Herbalife's daring detox (in powder & capsule form). This offer won't last past this post!
You know what? Ya. Some asshole reported me to my HOA about the sidewalk chalk art my kids did in the driveway. Got a letter telling me to clean it. As if it would have become a permanent fixture of my home if I had not been "warned." If you have a problem with someone's comment have the courage to say something about it to that person.
Never reported anyone...... I have no idea if I've been reported on, don't really care either way, other than a few....less than savory mods of the Great GAF Exodus all those years back, feels like GAF has been moving in a mostly positive direction over these last few years.

I think encouraging public revelation of "reporters" is just a bitch move way of trying to find a way to focus your attention on something else rather than your feelings being hurt that a post was removed.

That said, I don't think anything other than the most vile/evilest of shit should be removed anyways, most shit will sink to the bottom as it is.
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