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Would you rather be fat or bald?

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No exceptions. You MUST pick one. (Note: Those with a full head of hair who choose to shave their heads do not count.)

For those who are fat AND bald, my condolences.


You can lose weight, you can't grow hair. Plus some people can pull off a heavyset look. Masking hair always looks shitty. Downside is people always fucking calling me "big fella".

Of course if you take health into account forget the above.


Willco said:
Depends on what kind of fat. Like, Harry Knowles-fat or Alfred Molina-fat?
Somewhere between that.

Fat enough to take one and a half seats on the subway.

Bald enough to not manage a comb-over.

evil ways

Bald by far.




Baldness I'll eventually deal with, probably by shaving everything off.

Obesity - I'd rather avoid all the health risks that go with it. It'd also bother me somewhat if I couldn't see my own wang.


Hang out with Steve.
Bald, for sure. Bald isn't bad for your health. And I would shave all the hair off, none of this combover crap.

Of course I'm almost 40 and have a full head of hair, so it's pretty easy for me to say. If I was going to lose my hair, it would have started by now. :)


xsarien said:
Jeez, people, think. Fat can be worked off, getting hair back is a bit more difficult.

Who cares dude? Being bald isnt that big of a deal. Plus, if you go the surgery route, I'd imagine it's cheaper to get hair plugs than liposuction or something. If you take up 1.5 seats you're a fucking fat beast (300-400 pounds), it's NOT easy to lose weight then unless you get gastrointestinal bypass surgery or whatever and that costs an absolute shitload too.


xsarien said:
Jeez, people, think. Fat can be worked off, getting hair back is a bit more difficult.
As if people don't realize that? Hair is much less important to me than being healthy. And it takes a lot of will, work, time, and deprivation to lose weight.
I'd rather be fat. I love my thick, long, and full head of hair too much. What can I say...I'm a rocker/hippie.... it comes with the territory.
Bald by far. It's healthier for you, and it's possible to still be cool like Captain Picard shooting someone in the ass with a laser.



Are we talking about completely bald or like... top of the head bald? If the former, Bald by a landslide. If the latter, bald by half a landslide.


Fat. Gaining weight is like 80%+ psychological. If you were to become fat over a day you'd probably be back to your original weight sooner or later. Besides, my dad went bald @ 24, I'm 22. :( :( :(


Bald. For all the reasons stated above. I've always said that if I start losing my hair, I'd just shave it all off. But then again I shave my head every 2 or 3 weeks anyway. I'm too cheap to go to a barber.
Fat, unless it was insightly. Thankfully i won't have to deal with baldness for a while most likely. My grandfather is over 80 and still has most of his hair.


Bald = longer life.
Fat = death is coming sooner than later.

Was the question intended to be bald or fat forever, or did you assume people would use the weave/rogaine/combover vs. losing weight argument?


It depends. If you mean you have to be fat and stay fat, I'd totally pick bald. I wouldn't have much of a problem being bald. I figure if my hair starts to go, I'm just going to shave it all off and go bald anyway. Bald can still be sexy. Fat just sucks. Now, if you mean fat and you have the option of losing weight, I'd probably pick fat. It wouldn't be too hard to get back into shape if you really want to.


Well if you're fat most likely you'll either feel like shit for the rest of your life, or you'll be so disgusted with yourself you'll be back to normal in no time. Depends on your determination and personality assuming genetics didn't pretedermine your fatassness.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Why do people always answer these questions like "oh it's easier to fix this, so thats what I choose". Thats not what he is asking, he is asking whether you would rather live in the state of being bald or the state of being fat, the ability to change from such a state would be an exception when he already said no exceptions.

That said, I'd go bald.

Bald. As soon as the hair loss gets bad, it's all coming off.
Heck yeah. That reminds me of the commercial for Progressive where the bald guy with a combover takes the buzz clippers to his head, right on dude!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Fat. I'd lose it all in two weeks to a month. Hair doesn't come back.
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