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Would you rather be fat or bald?

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Fat as in you can lose it or fat as in permanently fat for the rest of my life?

If it's the first, I'd rather be fat since it's correctable. If it's the second, I'd rather be bald.


Lets see, my father was balding and so was my mother's father, so I'm probably going to end up bald anyway.

Being even slightly overweight has serious long term consequences for your health, increasing the chances of heart disease greatly, for example. My family also has a history of heart disease - I don't think I need to add to my risk factors.

So given that I'm probably going to end up bald anyway, and that being fat would put me at great risk for heart disease, I'll choose the baldness.


Bald. By far the healthier choice. Weight loss/gain is a constant struggle, and becoming lazy and content with one's weight problem greatly increases numerous medical risks. Being bald, on the other hand, just makes you look bad ass.

edit: fuck, bregor said it already, and he said it better too.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I don't think the point of the question was "pick one and then figure out a way to reverse the choice". It's more like, "which one would you prefer to live with, no ifs, ands or buts about it".

So, with that said, I'd definitely rather be bald.
Dan said:
I don't think the point of the question was "pick one and then figure out a way to reverse the choice". It's more like, "which one would you prefer to live with, no ifs, ands or buts about it".

So, with that said, I'd definitely rather be bald.


Bald +1


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Bald... us brothers look pretty good with clean shaven domes


Bald. I'd just shave my head all the way, buy mirror shades, and try my best to pull off the old 'Morpheus'.
Bald, of course!

I'm surprised we've made it this far without a picture of Tycho from PA. I'm disappointed in you, neo-GAF.


Scary Euro Man
Bald. And armed with the power to mystically strike down the people who are missing the whole point by insisting they'd actually be neither because they can lose weight or grow hair.

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