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Wow, CS:Source freaking rocks.

I hated Counterstrike back in the day. I tried to get into it, but I would just get owned, and after a while, I just hated it; plus my 56k blew ass. I got into DOD beta 1.3 instead and played that until the retail version came out, in which the netcode sucked, and I couldn't play on 56k.

Now I have my fast connection up at college and I bought the Silver Pack and I've been playing CS:S, and it is really awesome. I'm around .500 most of the time, but it's so addicting, even when I'm getting owned I can't stop. I went 21 and 2 one game and that was awesome.

But really, I'm still waiting for DOD:S, that is going to be amazing.

Who else has been playing CS:S? My name is No-Talent Assclown by the way, if you ever see me getting owned.


Valve needs to release the SDK, we need custom maps. It's been fun though, i never really liked cs too. office is probably the best map, the details are CRAZY!!!11!1!


I just wish the friends list worked well. Half the time I can't sign on and the other half I can't see my friends online even though they're sitting right next to me in some cases.


I play a good number of FPS games. Last one on PC was Doom 3, do a lot of Rainbow on XBox Live. Never played Half Life or Counter Strike.


I have more fun making funny sprays and spraying them everywhere.

But who's idea was it to reset ALL decals every round? That fucking sucks.

Game is fun though, haven't played in 2 years and within 30 minutes I was back at the top of my team (or near).

All about potential though. The power is there, this is just a port. Vehicles, better physics...

Funny how long the game has come in 5 years though. I played from beta 1 to 1.3 or some shit and watching people use AWPs in first person mode is insane. They don't even aim before they shoot half the time, and they end up dead on. I'll be exposed in an opening for no more than a quarter second and I'm dead.

Obsessive nuts.

Still fun. Love the Colt.


nubbe said:
I use a Samus spray and it is funny how people look at it for a while before they spray over it :p

You know you have a good one when you spray and people run over to look at it closer :D,
I used a color spray of Devon the porn star, in a nice nude pose. Fans might recognize the Angel series of pics. Of course, many people commented on it, and wanted a closer look.


Ferrio said:
any easy way to make a spray without futzing in photoshop, and using those weird programs.

In source you can directly import any jpg, tga, bmp file that is square and 256,128,64,etc

No gifs though, so if you want transparency you have to use photoshop to create an alpha channel in a tga file. Takes 10 seconds.


Source foggin rules.

Shooting Bush is fun. ;b

I have some minor problems with it so far, but it's still great. I can't even look at 1.6 anymore. I went into a server by accident and almost barfed. :p


Please tell me how they were able to do this!


I don't think it is FRAPS that does this (or better they just used it to grab the movie) since not all the video is going in slow motion.
The 2 players go at normal speed while all the rest runs in slow motion.

I guess they did something with gravity or what but i need to know :D
It is awesome how powerful this engine is.



I just started playing normal counter strike bout 3 weeks ago and ordered the Silver package yesterday and have been having a great time. The best thing about playing source is the lack of TKers on public servers(so far i've only seen one and he got bored and left after about 3 rounds) Looks like all the kids parents don't want to buy HL2 over steam for little jimmy. :p


Gravity is close to zero. The CVAR is sv_gravity *** (800 is normal, 0 is no gravity)

These are the CVAR commands for CS:S BETA, but I don't think they've changed anything.


BlueLegs said:
I just started playing normal counter strike bout 3 weeks ago and ordered the Silver package yesterday and have been having a great time. The best thing about playing source is the lack of TKers on public servers(so far i've only seen one and he got bored and left after about 3 rounds) Looks like all the kids parents don't want to buy HL2 over steam for little jimmy. :p
Yeah, I've been noticing a helpful and more mature community . Maybe it is the credit card thing. Whatever it is, I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts! :p


Hooker said:
Gravity is close to zero. The CVAR is sv_gravity *** (800 is normal, 0 is no gravity)

These are the CVAR commands for CS:S BETA, but I don't think they've changed anything.

Thanks so much. Yes, the command you gave me is the same in CSS FINAL.
I'll try later!

Yeah, CS: Source does rock, but it's still not complete. There are still a lot of inconsistancies in the physics and stuff like like, and the program even says if you look hard enough, that we're still in the beta phase. I imagine that Valve is still going through heavy tweaking, and working on more maps. Anyway, my username in Source is RyanGCH in case you see me.


Cool, I was looking for a cvar list.

"quti cmd Exit the engine "

hahah. Building typos into the engine, nice.
Snowball said:
Please tell me how they were able to do this!


I don't think it is FRAPS that does this (or better they just used it to grab the movie) since not all the video is going in slow motion.
The 2 players go at normal speed while all the rest runs in slow motion.

I guess they did something with gravity or what but i need to know :D
It is awesome how powerful this engine is.


lol thats awesome


I tried it.

The suggestion Hooker gave me works! :D
Really awesome try to test a map having 010 as gravity value.
I've seen you can put even negative values... if you do so and jump you won't be able to come back to the ground! :D



Time ta STEP IT UP
This game owns, but I haven't bought it yet. I still need to reformat my PC first.

And I don't want to turn this into a flame topic or anything but...

CS: Source is the apitimy of online First Person Shooter gaming. WHY is Halo 2 getting so much attention, when it pales in comparison to this game online?


Even the old CS kicks the crap out of all other new online FPS games, and i'm guessing Old CS will be better than Halo 2 as well. The problem is that CS is very hard when you are just starting out, alot of poeple can't get pas the initial frustration of getting killed over and over again, and the waiting for the round to end. But when you have the hang of the game and you are the one doing the killing, no game can compare.

As soon as i get my new PC i'm getting CS:S. I have a 800mhz tbird with a so so vid card, it might run, but i'll stick with old CS for now and wait for the box version of HL2.
DESERT COMBAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



About sprays, ever see those guys with the CS character sprays? It's funny to see peoplel unloading whole clips into sprayed walls that they thought were enemies. I see it as cheating though.


I hope tribes does kick CS's ass but i doubt it based on what i've played of it. I used to play the original TRIBES like a madman.


For CS you need 2 skills- Most importantly: aim. If you have great aim that puts you ahead of 80% of the playing population. Second comes from knowing the maps and levels, where the choke points are and all that and planning your routes strategically.

For Tribes you need about a dozen skills- Aiming, though far more difficult than in CS because none of the weapons are hitscan, so you have to compensate for both the enemy's speed and your own. And the next skill is skiing and being able to get your own speed really really fast. Then there's setting up the defenses, piloting the vehicles, learning the maps, learning all the grappling techniques, and a bunch more things.

Of course the difference in required skill is also a reason why a lot more people play CS than Tribes. And Lambo if you're a big fan of the original Tribes, then TV should be perfect for you. I mean, depending on when and what mods you played of Tribes. If you were an early Tribes player or a fan of Renegades then TV might not be your cup of tea as those games were more epic and slower. TV is the spiritual successor to what Tribes became with its super fast gameplay and aggressive offense.


Yes TRIBES was a super deep fps. You had the different armor classes, that acutally all were very useful. Bases, vechicles, all firsts for online fps. The items, damn they were useful. I loved setting up a hidden ammo dump behind an enemies' base, complete with turrets and radar jamming.

I mainly used light armor and would fly to enemies positons and would granade and mine the hell out of bases from above, then get into some dogfights. Dogfights were great, i remember so many great fights, some so high up in the air that the winner wouldn't be able to surivive the landing.

I'm pissed there is no targeting laser in TV. I was a great sniper/painter, i loved the old fire the disk and when it's about to hit the enemy hit, him with a sniper laser.


LAMBO said:
Yes TRIBES was a super deep fps. You had the different armor classes, that acutally all were very useful. Bases, vechicles, all firsts for online fps. The items, damn they were useful. I loved setting up a hidden ammo dump behind an enemies' base, complete with turrets and radar jamming.

Oh man, some guy was doing that to my team the other day. Me and him got into a huge battle, and he kept on killing me, it sucked :( But I got some good kills on him and it was really satisfying. But one thing confused me was that I'd go out ot fight him, and almost kill him, I'd come back and he'd be at full health. After a few times I realized he had a portable inv... so next time I came back I just targetted the inv, he was quite pissed :)

I mainly used light armor and would fly to enemies positons and would granade and mine the hell out of bases from above, then get into some dogfights. Dogfights were great, i remember so many great fights, some so high up in the air that the winner wouldn't be able to surivive the landing.

I'm pissed there is no targeting laser in TV. I was a great sniper/painter, i loved the old fire the disk and when it's about to hit the enemy hit, him with a sniper laser.

Ya, that happens in TV a lot. The one problem right now is that in a few of the maps the ceiling of the map is too low so it's tough to get into the really HIGH dogfights with the pods, but they're still intense :) And honestly, the game is so fast now that a targetting laser won't be nearly as useful. Sniping is still useful, and I might make it a part of my standard loadout after playing around with it yesterday, but honestly, other than pointing out incoming enemies the TL is not that big of a loss. The rest of the game rocks so hard it more than makes up for it. Let's just say that TV is my GOTY *easy* and my favourite Tribes game ever, and that's after playing T1 and T2 for over a year each.


The import sprays seem to come out very blurry, whats the other method of making the sprays making the sprays?


Catalyst said:
I'm probably the only jerkoff in the world who's never played CS.
Actually i never played CS, never really got it working on my PC back in the day and really never felt compelled to play it since.



Ferrio said:
The import sprays seem to come out very blurry, whats the other method of making the sprays making the sprays?
Have you tried 256x256? That's what I used and it comes out great.


rastex needs to shut the fuck up. Seriously man if the key to understanding CS is that simple i suggest you go give the CPL a shot. I mean based on your claims, winning that 100 grand should be hella easy.
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