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WoW Final Verdict: PvP or No?


PvP easily, hacking AI can obviously get repetetive quicker than fighting a real person on the other side. I'd imagine it could make a huge amount of difference on the overall style of the game world when a powerful guild decides to wage war. ;p


sp0rsk said:
i didnt try pvp what is it like.

I was fairly low level, so it was like this:

Cool. Look at all those Horde.
Okay....Where's my corpse?

But I'm still thinking PvP, because -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- PvP raiders can't tough you on your home turf unless you shoot first.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Just to clear this up since even after all this time many don't seem to grasp it.


On a regular server you have to attack an enemy NPC (so if your human you can go to ogrimmar and attack a merchant or something) or type /pvp to become flagged for PVP. If you don't flag yourself other players cannot attack you.

On a PVP server everyone runs around killing anyone, there is no safety at any time, no consensus. Its a much more dangerous environment to play in.


The way the pvp server is set up is how the beta server should be imo, so I'm playing pvp. It isn't free for all, you can only attack opposing faction members and only in contested zones unless they are flagged for pvp.


Yeah, there are some pretty huge raids going on now, and I'm in a non-PVP server. I'm not sure.. it really is fun, but I agree w/ Flynn the high levelers are going to destroy people for a while. I got RAN OVER a few times a bit ago trying to defend the crossroads in the barrens.

I would go PvP for sure, but I'm a bit worried about griefing like crazy. I mean everyone's first character it shouldnt' be bad, but what if you decide at level 55 Shaman. Hey, I think I'd rather try Mage.. I'm worried all the 60's will be bored then and just griefing people like crazy. I know the "honor system" is there, but it's not fully developed, so I guess that we will have to wait and see.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
PvP is a blast... when you aren't forced into it while trying to quest or go about some other business. Not to say the element of suprise and danger isn't fun, but the novelty of it wears off when you start facing it ALL the time. (After level 15-ish and when you start moving into all the contested zones).

Which is why I'm hoping Battlegrounds will live up to the hype. If so, you can head to a PvP zone when YOU are looking for some pvp action. And hopefully it'll have a level range so you won't have level 60s attacking you while you're 20 ;)


I noticed that during raids, all the talk in the General channel fell into two categories:





On a PVP server everyone runs around killing anyone, there is no safety at any time, no consensus. Its a much more dangerous environment to play in.

This isn't correct actually, if you are in a contested zone or in enemy territory yes... but if you are in your own territory you are safe from aggressors.

"What enables PvP on a PvP server?

Actions that will enable a player for PvP status on the Horde vs. Alliance race war server will be: entering or being in an enemy territory, entering or being in a contested territory, attacking an NPC of the opposing faction, attacking another player, and/or aiding a player engaged in PvP."
Schafer said:
On a PVP server everyone runs around killing anyone, there is no safety at any time, no consensus. Its a much more dangerous environment to play in.

Ummm what? Did you play PvP on WoW?


There's not a real big difference between the two to be honest. Except that as you get to higher levels on pvp servers you have to watch your back all the time, while on regular servers you can pvp whenever and wherever you want to.

edit: and that's mainly why I'm playing on a regular server in retail. You can pvp all you want, but you can also level up in peace.


GameFan Alumnus
I don't know if I'm a huge fan of the PVP system. Last night I was partying with 2 others (we were Horde). We entered a tough dungeon with only elite monsters and a NE Rogue was shadowing us. He was higher level than us, but didn't attack (since he was in Horde territory). Apparently, all it takes is one of us to left click on him to 'declare PVP.' So he would just run around in front of us near the mobs until one of us clicked on him by accident. Once he was clicked on and not attacked (remember left click, not right), he had free reign to backstab us. He took out the mage first, then picked us off one by one. When we turned to fight, he went invisible and fled. Pretty lame when you're trying to quest in your home area.


firex said:
edit: and that's mainly why I'm playing on a regular server in retail. You can pvp all you want, but you can also level up in peace.

This sounds like the place for me.
PvP for me.

I don't particularly see grinding and questing and leveling up that much of an accomplishment. Maybe it's because I've already done it, but I need something to spice that up.

And no, you can't pvp whenever you want to on normal servers. You can pvp whenever who you are fighting wants to. I actually don't care about ganking and raiding and whatever, what I do care about is interacting with the other faction. You simply can't do that on non-pvp servers. They just stare at you, and you stare back and wave, and they race you to a mineral node or mob, and that's it. I don't like it at all.

I will probably make my alt on an entirely different, non-pvp server.


on the beta server, I always had plenty of cases of having to defend towns from alliance attacking, or attacking a town on my own... and that always draws out at least a handful of folks. It's really no different from pvp servers except for the ganking that happens all the time on pvp.
RP server if they have one. They better have the same PvP ruleset that the regular servers have. I need battlegrounds.

firex is exactly right, the regular servers are just like the PvP sans ganking.


Online Ho Champ
I did some pvp last night
and while it was fun to kill horde members theres quite a few things that need to be tweaked. First off corpses this is stupid. They need to be teleported BACK to where their hearthstone is binded not to a graveyard . You cant really "take" a contested town because they just insta spawn back. Also last night in a contested zone whenthe horde pushed us back into our own town like 50 level 30 guards spawned and saved the day. what the hell was that , i can understand if its on a blue server but this was on the pvp server. THere was also absolutely no reward besides saying you killed someone xp and gold would be hot of course they xp and money given can be based on the level of your opponent. Theres also no penalty which is lame people need to feel the sting of getting beat by their enemies. All in all the game needs tweaking for the pvp servers and all will be good, i can deal with only being open pvp in "contested" zones even though on the true pvp server everything should be contested. Every town should have a champion that if you slay you gain control of until it is recaptured. The pvp is fun but meaningless at this point.
Bah, don't buy into his lies. He just said that the two were exactly the same cept that anything different is "Ganking".

This isn't even close to correct. Sure there's griefing, but there hasn't been any form of pvp penalty implemented, nor is said griefing isolated to PvP servers. Hell, as mentioned, the only difference between PvP servers and non PvP is auto-flagging on entrance to contested/enemy zones.

And no, you have had NO cases of "having" to defend/attack. None. You simply didn't have to. And truthfully, griefing is ALOT more common on PvE, where enemies can simply wait until you are engaged with others to attack you. Hell, mages can charge a full pyroblast and you can't do anything but take it on the chin if you want to kill em. You don't want to be killed? Congrats, you don't have to be. You remember that huge ass Chance to Daze blizzard added to mobs? That was added because every class has ways of getting out of harms way.

PvE is just boring to me. I'm not going through the exact same quests again for the stupideth time, with absolutely no difference. PvP forces you to adapt to the situation.


PVP server for me. Its just to much fun once you get to
higher levels. To bad I can't get this game for a month or so. :(
But I'll be on a central sever with the name Mirk.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I'm going to be on PVP server for sure. Last night was a blast with all of the raiding going on. I'll be on the central server also. Most likely as a human watlock named Aeryn.


So what exactly does the honor system do?

If they made it so that honor only applies to attackers and lower level defenders (so if a low lvl attacks a high lvl, the high lvl can defend himself/herself without penalty), and made it so it gave players penalty, that would be good.

Maybe a decent temporary penalty that would wear off within 10-60 minutes after an initial negative attack, and a lasting penalty/honor system that would be less easy to change for good or bad.

If you have high honor you can even get access to some rarer equips from NPCs or simply have items that require X amount of honor... while having negative honor means that some of your stats and abilities deteriorate, as well as having guards and NPCs attack you if it gets too bad.


I dunno....in the general server, I got to pvp against the Horde without having to "ask permission" and they didn't have to ask me for permission to stab me in the back. >< Am I missing something?


Rorschach said:
I dunno....in the general server, I got to pvp against the Horde without having to "ask permission" and they didn't have to ask me for permission to stab me in the back. >< Am I missing something?

Were you in contested territory?


Son of Godzilla said:
Bah, don't buy into his lies. He just said that the two were exactly the same cept that anything different is "Ganking".

This isn't even close to correct. Sure there's griefing, but there hasn't been any form of pvp penalty implemented, nor is said griefing isolated to PvP servers. Hell, as mentioned, the only difference between PvP servers and non PvP is auto-flagging on entrance to contested/enemy zones.

And no, you have had NO cases of "having" to defend/attack. None. You simply didn't have to. And truthfully, griefing is ALOT more common on PvE, where enemies can simply wait until you are engaged with others to attack you. Hell, mages can charge a full pyroblast and you can't do anything but take it on the chin if you want to kill em. You don't want to be killed? Congrats, you don't have to be. You remember that huge ass Chance to Daze blizzard added to mobs? That was added because every class has ways of getting out of harms way.

PvE is just boring to me. I'm not going through the exact same quests again for the stupideth time, with absolutely no difference. PvP forces you to adapt to the situation.
Thanks for saying I'm lying (when I've played both types of servers enough to know the differences), understating the amount of ganking that goes on (which the honor system will do hardly anything to stop) and saying that I didn't "have to" defend or attack any towns. You never have to defend any towns on the pvp server, either, so I'm not sure what point you're making.

Maybe it's better to just boil it down like this: regular server = all pvp is done with consent. pvp server = any zone for level 20ish chars and up is open game for the other faction to kill you. I never, ever, ever found any fair fights on the pvp server - it was ganking and zerging, or being ganked and zerged. There's also literally no real point to pvp in general. The honor system is supposed to add rewards, but you can't affect any towns at all by pvping... kill off the entire town? They'll all just respawn again in 5 minutes. The most you can really do is piss off the people who have quests in that town. The closest thing to a significant pvp accomplishment would be raiding a capital city on the enemy faction and killing their leader NPC (who will still respawn just like any other NPC), and there's still tons of people you can get to do raids like that on a regular server since it's something different. The only adjusting done between a pvp server and a normal server is adjusting your camera every few minutes to look for any potential enemy players. Regular servers aren't the EQ type where there's absolutely no pvp involved. You just don't get forced into pvp at all if you don't want to.

I'm all for that and can just wait for battlegrounds for pvp in WOW that will have real consequences.


Zaptruder said:
So what exactly does the honor system do?

If they made it so that honor only applies to attackers and lower level defenders (so if a low lvl attacks a high lvl, the high lvl can defend himself/herself without penalty), and made it so it gave players penalty, that would be good.

Maybe a decent temporary penalty that would wear off within 10-60 minutes after an initial negative attack, and a lasting penalty/honor system that would be less easy to change for good or bad.

If you have high honor you can even get access to some rarer equips from NPCs or simply have items that require X amount of honor... while having negative honor means that some of your stats and abilities deteriorate, as well as having guards and NPCs attack you if it gets too bad.
What the honor system is SUPPOSED to do is offer a set of rewards that increase as you get more honor (which also gives you better ranks), while if you get a lot of dishonorable kills you become KOS to your own faction (which includes guards) and can't use any of your own faction's NPCs. The flaw with this is there are some high level neutral towns, so if you became really dishonorable you could just go to a goblin town and use the mail system to send your alts gold to buy stuff from the auction house, so there's no real penalty at all.
firex said:
Thanks for saying I'm lying (when I've played both types of servers enough to know the differences)

There's not a real big difference between the two to be honest. Except that as you get to higher levels on pvp servers you have to watch your back all the time, while on regular servers you can pvp whenever and wherever you want to.

This isn't true. On regular servers you can pvp whenever the other faction wants to.

understating the amount of ganking that goes on (which the honor system will do hardly anything to stop)

I'm assuming you are making your judgment based on your experiences on the CB PvP server. Since then the atmosphere has changed greatly. In addition to the servers being fresh, the high lvl Goblins defending their town (Which do cause durability loss) is incentive enough not to go on a gankfest. I'm not saying the honor system will do anything to help, but seeing as you don't actually know how it will be implemented, you can't say it won't.

and saying that I didn't "have to" defend or attack any towns. You never have to defend any towns on the pvp server, either, so I'm not sure what point you're making.

You brought up the "have to" thing. Finish it. You had to defend the towns on the beta server, or what? On PvP it's you have to or you can't stay alive in that town any more. But you are right, there needs to be rewards for successfully taking a town, on both servers.

Maybe it's better to just boil it down like this: regular server = all pvp is done with consent. pvp server = any zone for level 20ish chars and up is open game for the other faction to kill you. I never, ever, ever found any fair fights on the pvp server - it was ganking and zerging, or being ganked and zerged. There's also literally no real point to pvp in general. The honor system is supposed to add rewards, but you can't affect any towns at all by pvping... kill off the entire town? They'll all just respawn again in 5 minutes. The most you can really do is piss off the people who have quests in that town. The closest thing to a significant pvp accomplishment would be raiding a capital city on the enemy faction and killing their leader NPC (who will still respawn just like any other NPC), and there's still tons of people you can get to do raids like that on a regular server since it's something different. The only adjusting done between a pvp server and a normal server is adjusting your camera every few minutes to look for any potential enemy players. Regular servers aren't the EQ type where there's absolutely no pvp involved. You just don't get forced into pvp at all if you don't want to.

I'm all for that and can just wait for battlegrounds for pvp in WOW that will have real consequences.

I think I'm pro-PvP because I really don't like raids. The only other form of PvP on non-PvP servers are the battlegrounds, and I don't trust in unknowns. I really wish they had put them in beta like they said they would, because I can't just assume it will be properly implemented.


PvE for me and a group of friends. Come retail, when the server names are known, we need to figure out which PvP and PvE server Gaming Age will land on. My friends want to get on the same server that we pick here.

I already have a guild name and a web page on Guildportal assuming it isn't taken when we get to the point of registering.
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