Morning after pill prevents fertilization. RU-486 is a chemical abortion. i don't know how things go from here (never been in this situation myself), but i'd recommend you hit you're nearest clinic, or call Planned Parenthood (1-800-230-PLAN), get some info on abortion methods, and talk to the girl and see where you're headed on this. Waiting around on a message board isn't going to do any good.SSGMUN10000 said:Seriously I could never forgive myself if I gave up the baby for adoption. The way I feel is that it is no longer my life but rather to live for the baby. If that makes any sense.
So the pill prevents fertilization or just further develpoment? Since its already been weeks I dont see how its different from abortions where its been several months.
i don't know about the health risks, but i would wager there's a lot less psychological stress on her using RU-486 versus having a traitional abortion. i don't mean to press the abortion issue, but if you're going to go that route, you have a limited amount of time before it's an option, especially with RU-486.