She's pregnant and scared. She sounds less sure than you are of her predicament and the solution. The father of her child was talking to girls on a singles line, which can be scary as well. She doesn't know your friend set it up, for all she knows you are putting yourself out there. Sure she could take your word (though it was pretty stupid of you to take the bait and try and 'catch' her, that sort of distrust breeds more distrust right back at you), but she's hormonal, terrified, and potentially has been burnt before. She excuses herself because she both trusts herself, was honest about it, and was probably there for support for a girlfriend - whatever is in her head. She's uncertain about you, and I wouldn't take it personally, it's about her insecurity about her future and her present, and nothing about you. I wouldn't see the abortion as a threat or revenge, I'd see it as her being terrified of having a child, especially with someone she's not sure cares about her (maybe unsure how she feels about you as well), could potentially (again don't take it personally) be playing her, someone that will always be in her life if she does this. What she needs is to have some slack cut to her even though it seems so ludicrous to do so . She's going to pull and say all sorts of bizarre stuff for the next few months. I mean really bizarre thoughts and concerns that will seem huge to her, compounded by her age, and the situation. Welcome to pregnancy, though I assure you there are some wonderful trade offs to balance it out, especially when the baby arrives.