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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


Gold Member
I just got recognized for my sign. 😀😐😂

Naked Lunch

AJUMP23 AJUMP23 Thats awesome man! Seeing you talk about it earlier in the week - then to see it live on the air as soon as the show started. You held it up like the entire show which was hilarious. Too cool.


Nice seats AJUMP23 AJUMP23 however seeing the size of your sign reminds me why I hate live events. For a big chunk of the beginning of Full Gear we had a dude a few rows up from us, not even camera visible holding a giant sign up that would block our views of most entrances for way to much of the show. As cool as the atmosphere is, when you have a short wife who has to constantly try to see around signs it really sours the overall experience. Didn't notice it past the beginning too much, so props there dude.

Another week of Dynamite that I felt was really lackluster. Opening segment was fine, I'm just over 20 minute Punk/MJF talking segments and they really need to put the TNT belt on somebody who can get the crowd invested in them and not the MOVEZ. Somebody on Reddit said it best describing Sammy as being as entertaining as a Brick Wall and just as punchable. With Cody gone, Sammy fills the hole in my heart of worst person to watch on this show and because he's TNT champ he's usually towards the main event. Sammy needs to learn how to sell, he was awful in the Cody match just popping up from huge stuff to get his stuff in, and was just as bad with Darby. Darby works over his leg all over in the corner to death, a second later he springboards up to the top rope and does a Spanish Fly? I'm hoping this leads to Andrade winning the belt, this is a case where the belt can help elevate Andrade above where he is and get it off of the flippy indy guys that just aren't fun to watch.

This was one of the first weeks where I spent more time reading on my tablet then caring about what was on the show. Revolution is right around the corner, should have had more build.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Dthomp Dthomp I did talk to the guy behind me and gave him carte blanche to tell me to put the sign down or move. We also joked about how he didn't want to even see. I am also 6'6" and I have been to shows where people have said I can't see when you stand up....I cannot do much about my height. A bunch of college girls got mad at me at a U2 concert for just standing there in the general admission standing area because of my height.


Dthomp Dthomp I did talk to the guy behind me and gave him carte blanche to tell me to put the sign down or move. We also joked about how he didn't want to even see. I am also 6'6" and I have been to shows where people have said I can't see when you stand up....I cannot do much about my height. A bunch of college girls got mad at me at a U2 concert for just standing there in the general admission standing area because of my height.
I was worried about that at Full Gear, I’m 6’4 and the couple behind me at least the wife was really short so just told them to let me know if my standing was blocking them. It’d be nice if venues weren’t packed like sardine cans so taller people don’t feel like an inconvenience for something that cannot be helped.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I was worried about that at Full Gear, I’m 6’4 and the couple behind me at least the wife was really short so just told them to let me know if my standing was blocking them. It’d be nice if venues weren’t packed like sardine cans so taller people don’t feel like an inconvenience for something that cannot be helped.
I don't feel like an inconvenience. I like being tall, it is not something that can be changed, people just have to accept it.


I don't feel like an inconvenience. I like being tall, it is not something that can be changed, people just have to accept it.
True, i just feel bad at times, cause I know ppv lower level tickets aren’t cheap and I am always worried I’ll be that guy ruining what is likely some other groups one big trip or expense for the year 🤷🏻. It’s a me issue, I grew up extremely poor so I always think like the person who rarely got to do anything cool and don’t want to spoil it 😂


Nice seats AJUMP23 AJUMP23 however seeing the size of your sign reminds me why I hate live events. For a big chunk of the beginning of Full Gear we had a dude a few rows up from us, not even camera visible holding a giant sign up that would block our views of most entrances for way to much of the show. As cool as the atmosphere is, when you have a short wife who has to constantly try to see around signs it really sours the overall experience. Didn't notice it past the beginning too much, so props there dude.

Another week of Dynamite that I felt was really lackluster. Opening segment was fine, I'm just over 20 minute Punk/MJF talking segments and they really need to put the TNT belt on somebody who can get the crowd invested in them and not the MOVEZ. Somebody on Reddit said it best describing Sammy as being as entertaining as a Brick Wall and just as punchable. With Cody gone, Sammy fills the hole in my heart of worst person to watch on this show and because he's TNT champ he's usually towards the main event. Sammy needs to learn how to sell, he was awful in the Cody match just popping up from huge stuff to get his stuff in, and was just as bad with Darby. Darby works over his leg all over in the corner to death, a second later he springboards up to the top rope and does a Spanish Fly? I'm hoping this leads to Andrade winning the belt, this is a case where the belt can help elevate Andrade above where he is and get it off of the flippy indy guys that just aren't fun to watch.

This was one of the first weeks where I spent more time reading on my tablet then caring about what was on the show. Revolution is right around the corner, should have had more build.
Have to agree with you on Dynamite....

CM Punk and MJF already had their fight and it went exactly as it should have gone, I'm not sure what the whole retribution angle is but without knowing CM Punk from the past my biggest problem is he talks way more than he does anything else. I don't want another talk segment, just have a "we're fighting in the back" montage and save the show for something less stale.

BD Vs Jobber
BD buries somebody to setup the mic session they could've done without the match

Wardlow Vs Max Caster
Same exact thing from Wardlow/chairman EVERY WEEK, we have to evolve past this. I like Wardlow but the only thing that's this consistently stupid is seeing "Veer is coming". Either do something with Wardlow or stop this BS

Adam cole/Hangman
Felt awkward because Hangman is awkward, Adam Cole would be a much better front man with the belt than Cowboy in every way and clearly every other promotion thought so too, Hangman + mic segment where he's not drinking = bad tv

Jericho/Hager vs Santana/Ortiz
Enjoyable match, Jericho lost some weight and Hager looks like a fucking monster, felt more like a Jericho Eddie thing than anything else

Mercedez Martinez vs Thunder Rosa
It was on TV and I did something else. Not interested in the story, the match, the wrestlers. AEW needs female STARS not female jobbers. They've got 3-4 actual stars and neither were shown last night.

Darby Vs Sammy
Sammy wins again but WHAT IS SAMMY, still neither heel nor face just a flippy fucker

This is the first time where I felt AEW reminded me of WWE in that they didn't really try to put on a good show this week, just going through the motions.
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Have to agree with you on Dynamite....

CM Punk and MJF already had their fight and it went exactly as it should have gone, I'm not sure what the whole retribution angle is but without knowing CM Punk from the past my biggest problem is he talks way more than he does anything else. I don't want another talk segment, just have a "we're fighting in the back" montage and save the show for something less stale.

BD Vs Jobber
BD buries somebody to setup the mic session they could've done without the match

Wardlow Vs Max Caster
Same exact thing from Wardlow/chairman EVERY WEEK, we have to evolve past this. I like Wardlow but the only thing that's this consistently stupid is seeing "Veer is coming". Either do something with Wardlow or stop this BS

Adam cole/Hangman
Felt awkward because Hangman is awkward, Adam Cole would be a much better front man with the belt than Cowboy in every way and clearly every other promotion thought so too, Hangman + mic segment where he's not drinking = bad tv

Jericho/Hager vs Santana/Ortiz
Enjoyable match, Jericho lost some weight and Hager looks like a fucking monster, felt more like a Jericho Eddie thing than anything else

Mercedez Martinez vs Thunder Rosa
It was on TV and I did something else. Not interested in the story, the match, the wrestlers. AEW needs female STARS not female jobbers. They've got 3-4 actual stars and neither were shown last night.

Darby Vs Sammy
Sammy wins again but WHAT IS SAMMY, still neither heel nor face just a flippy fucker

This is the first time where I felt AEW reminded me of WWE in that they didn't really try to put on a good show this week, just going through the motions.

See, I think AEW missed the boat on when it was right to do the Rosa feud and get the belt off Baker. I loved early heel Britt, but Full Gear was the time to get the belt off of her. Her entire current gimmick is holding contenders back. She's a cocky heel, that gets to do all the stuff babyfaces do with interactions with the crowd, to talking down every opponent. How is a babyface supposed to get a reaction against her? The minute the crowd started the DMD chant, she should have stopped and went for it only to tell them they aren't worthy or some heel shit to get boos. Britt is a very good promo, but a very middle of the pack or worse wrestler. IT is time for Rosa to get a run and hopefully we start getting better matches that don't have to rely on weapons matches to get the crowd invested.

I'm just not into the Jericho/Eddie program AT ALL. I find Kingston to be a one trick pony that has had his one trick time. He's bad out of shape, generic as they come in the ring. The only interesting thing of his character was his promo stuff about his childhood and his mom stuff in the Mox program. This feud is just a stretch, he doesn't like Jericho cause he helped him once? And he had a group with dudes that share the same ethnicity as him? Honestly, I'm over everybody involved in that match and feud. Proud and Powerful have been meaningless for so long, and really don't have personalities to make me care about them anymore then any other middle of the pack Tag Team there. Jericho can join Cody back in WWE at this point, he did what he needed to do there and be a legit first champion and bring actual viewers. I'd argue Jericho was arguably the most important day 1 guy outside of Omega as people forget that he was the #1 free agent that EVERYBODY wanted. Cody didn't walk away from WWE to there, he was a midcard jobber, and always will be. Back on track Y2J did his part, but I don't see what else he can offer them at this point, he's awful on commentary, and while he looked better this week, we all know he'll just party it up and drink himself out of shape in two weeks. Hager...I don't care. Keep him as a midcarder, ditch him, he doesn't bring anything too important, and he's gone half the time for MMA stuff.

Yeah I watched this morning with my wife and I feel same about Cole. He looks, talks and carries himself like a World Champion. He points out the obvious about Page being a shitty friend and his response is "I've made mistakes?". Fucker you just dumped the Elite for the Dark Order what feels like only a month or two ago and you already don't have anything to do with them...As you shouldn't, they're fucking jobbers of the worst kind. Other thing is, there are no money matches with Page as champ. He got carried by Omega and Danielson twice, and had a meh "deathmatch" with a guy who had 0 chance of winning. The crowd isn't into Page, they just want to chant that stupid chant. Cole on the other hand has so many things that he could do as champ. Outside of the eventual turn on the Elite with ReDRagon, you can easily have a program with him and Punk, Bryan, Moxley, and then the obvious huge Cole/Omega match when the Elite shit hits the fan. I said it from Day 1 here, Page is a midcard guy, that maybe could eventually get there, but his rise was just that. A program built solely around him and Omega, that story didn't even need the title, but now we have a generic lame duck champ that they won't want to take off him yet, cause it'll look like their younger home grown guys can't draw.....which he can't.


Ratings took a big hit. Was cody really a draw? I can't see why.
Ratings have been up and down. I honestly don’t believe Cody ever made much of a ratings difference. I think it’s a factor of a few things. Kenny being gone has hurt, until Bryan, he was by far the best wresTyler in the company, also Bucks haven’t really been featured on tv in what feels like months, at least in a match. Add in Hangmans whole arc was the chase, and does not seem like a champ that people want to tune in for. Final thought, is that Dynamite the first two years was must see tv, there have been so many filler episodes lately that me a diehard doesn’t even want to tune in each week.


So wait, people aren't on the edge of their seat for the newest member of Black's "Sovereigns of the Ebony Toilet" or whatever his group is called. Surely that's going to draw ratings.
I’d argue that the group stuff there is one of the more interesting things going on recently. Drawing it out a bit much, but likely so it doesn’t end up like that joke dark order


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Can't stand Malikia......I wish he would go. There should be lots of better people to use.

The Matches coming on Rampage are going to be great. Trent v switchblade knife guy was great.


Ratings took a big hit. Was cody really a draw? I can't see why.
Their storylines just suck, they've gone on far too long without an eventual payoff either on the live show or in PPV. Typically you build these things for the PPV but like MJF vs CM Punk we already saw it, so the hype for the PPV is done and yet WE KEEP GETTING THE SAME SHIT.

IMO Stuff that needs to happen:
Hager and Wardlow form a tag team and crush everybody leading to a young bucks or lucha rivalry

Get Sting away from Darby and either get rid of Sting or put him in a comedy bit with Danhausen following him around

Cowboy gets screwed over by Adam Cole, undisputed thing happens Cowboy falls off the wagon again (only interesting gimmick he has is being drunk)

Need to start a 3 man division, too many trios in AEW being misused this would be the most innovative way to put over stables

Stop the mexican wrestler rivalry in the womens divison and give Britt Baker somebody she will sell to otherwise the division is just done. They've trashed all the women except Brit/Jade, time for them to fight or the division is dead.



Their storylines just suck, they've gone on far too long without an eventual payoff either on the live show or in PPV. Typically you build these things for the PPV but like MJF vs CM Punk we already saw it, so the hype for the PPV is done and yet WE KEEP GETTING THE SAME SHIT.

IMO Stuff that needs to happen:
Hager and Wardlow form a tag team and crush everybody leading to a young bucks or lucha rivalry

Get Sting away from Darby and either get rid of Sting or put him in a comedy bit with Danhausen following him around

Cowboy gets screwed over by Adam Cole, undisputed thing happens Cowboy falls off the wagon again (only interesting gimmick he has is being drunk)

Need to start a 3 man division, too many trios in AEW being misused this would be the most innovative way to put over stables

Stop the mexican wrestler rivalry in the womens divison and give Britt Baker somebody she will sell to otherwise the division is just done. They've trashed all the women except Brit/Jade, time for them to fight or the division is dead.

I’d like to see them get back to pushing wins and losses mattering for ranking. Early on we saw matches just for the sake of matches to effect rankings, now everything is feeling very wwe like with the constant matches between the same people. There is no reason while they work on something for Andrade he isn’t out there having banger matches.

The story with Cole and Page rights itself, Cole with or without help beats Page, knocking him back into the self doubt which made him an empathetic character (Should have been BD in first defense), and Cole goes power hungry with Elite til he breaks them, leading to Kenny returning, reuniting with baby face Bucks and finally bringing Page back into the fold. Kenny feuds with Cole, Page wi s the TNT title and feuds there, Bucks just go back to wrestling.

Womens division is a mess and needs a shakeup. I was ok with the JoshI women early on, but they don’t click and tend to only work well with each other. Move on, bring in Mia Yim (likely already happened), bring in Athena and keep moving on with better workers while you let Anna, Tay, and others develop on Dark.

Normally I don’t like the comedy wrestlers like OC, but Danhausen used right is must see tv. Get him far away from Best Friends and just let him be funny and dilusional messing with the Ass Boys and other lower to midcard talent.

Trios title I think was something they wanted, and it’s not the worst, but I feel like it makes the tag belts less interesting, but I’m not against it. Sting and Darby need a break, whether that is Sting being written off tv or Darby I don’t care, just end them.

#1 thing for me, is Rampage needs to be 2 hours and it needs to be live. TNT title is defended on that show (especially if it’s gonna be the floppy little guy belt) and TBS belt mostly defended on Dynamite. They need more TV that is important, and less focus on the multiple hour YouTube shows Also, gotta cut back the talking segments, a big draw to AEW early on was it was just wrestling. I don’t need an ahfo skit every week. I don’t need a 20 minute Punk monologu, I need BD kicking asses, I need less Christian talking for LE, and more LE wrestling.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
What the fuck was that Goldberg vs Reigns match...

Oh I thought it was fantastic. Reigns needed a convincing and dominating win for Wrestlemania and thank fuck WWE didn't put the belt on Goldberg to please the Saudi officials.

This sets up the Reigns vs Lesnar WM match perfectly.

Fox Mulder

Their storylines just suck, they've gone on far too long without an eventual payoff either on the live show or in PPV. Typically you build these things for the PPV but like MJF vs CM Punk we already saw it, so the hype for the PPV is done and yet WE KEEP GETTING THE SAME SHIT.

IMO Stuff that needs to happen:
Hager and Wardlow form a tag team and crush everybody leading to a young bucks or lucha rivalry

Get Sting away from Darby and either get rid of Sting or put him in a comedy bit with Danhausen following him around

Cowboy gets screwed over by Adam Cole, undisputed thing happens Cowboy falls off the wagon again (only interesting gimmick he has is being drunk)

Need to start a 3 man division, too many trios in AEW being misused this would be the most innovative way to put over stables

Stop the mexican wrestler rivalry in the womens divison and give Britt Baker somebody she will sell to otherwise the division is just done. They've trashed all the women except Brit/Jade, time for them to fight or the division is dead.


I think Britt Baker is holding the division back. She’s a big face of the company that gets to be a heel that’s also cheered. She’s currently fighting no one. The lights out match with Thunder Rosa was almost a year ago and they did nothing with her despite still protecting her in finishes like against Jade.


Still no sign of The Fiend? That's strange. I wonder if Joe is done or do you think he'll have some sort of role in AEW?

I'm not sure anybody overly wants Wyatt. He looked hella out of shape in that recent wedding photo he was in, not to mention he was rarely in shape in WWE where character work is far more important then in ring shape so not sure he's worth anything to AEW, as I believe whatever he brings to the table, can be done with Malakai except with better skills.

Joe is one I'm curious on. So many ROH alum now in AEW that he'd have some great safe matches, but I have no clue to his medical condition. He wasn't allowed to compete for so long, and had that one match with Kross only to not wrestle again. IF he can go, I think he's an addition to any roster, but unless AEW is getting more TV time...I just don't see how he would get used. He'd be great as an ass kicker if they let Bryan have a cool faction though. Much rather see him then Mox there.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I was told I am now hated in the Squared Circle subreddit because of my signs popularity. I even had a weird thing happen someone reported me to the reddit crisis line. And I have no idea why. I don't even know what this is about.

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I used to love Tay, but damn if her association with Sammy hasn't soured me on her greatly. This is just crass for the sake of it, egotistical very much like Sammy. The sooner he cheats on her and moves on to the next victim the better. He's a POS, and will always be one.

I was told I am now hated in the Squared Circle subreddit because of my signs popularity. I even had a weird thing happen someone reported me to the reddit crisis line. And I have no idea why. I don't even know what this is about.

To be fair...SC is a dumpster fire of the dumbest wrestling fans known to man. I browse it during events cause of its activity level, but jesus I can't believe the takes I see on there. But then I remember that most of SC is creepy 40+ shutins and teenagers who have never seen good wrestling cause all they've ever watched is WWE. Posting there anything other then ROMAN is the GOAT will probably get you flamed for having an opinion.


I was told I am now hated in the Squared Circle subreddit because of my signs popularity. I even had a weird thing happen someone reported me to the reddit crisis line. And I have no idea why. I don't even know what this is about.
Yea that place is a shithole. I post once in a blue moon and am then reminded of why it is that I do.
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