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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF

Naked Lunch

Im wondering if people got straight up fired or just suspended. Kenny better not be gone.

MJF on the mic was incredible.
Are they really going to go Mox again? Hope not. I want the belt on Danielson if anyone. Maybe no one else wants it like Mox does?

Garcia match was good stuff. I knew they would roll out the Buffalo red carpet for the kid - Griselda and all.


Mox is the most boring wrestler. I don’t know why people like him. It is just him yelling about being tough. And when he is tough he is insane. I just yawn. His wife is far more interesting than him.

He's pretty good on the mic, decent enough in the ring, and personally, I like it when he gets to be more hardcore in his matches. Sure, he isn't Danielson or Omega but he's a reliable worker that can work with anyone. And with his current promo, he comes across as a locker room leader.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Wrong team won the trios. Cassidy and friends need some belts.

i really want Cassidy to win tnt champ.

garcia and Yuat put on a great match with a strong ending.

penelope lovely as ever and glad she is back from injury.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
He's pretty good on the mic, decent enough in the ring, and personally, I like it when he gets to be more hardcore in his matches. Sure, he isn't Danielson or Omega but he's a reliable worker that work with anyone. And with his current promo, he comes across as a locker room leader.
Mox needs someone to work off of. Jericho elevated the rued with mix Daly on as le champion. That season of aew was incredible. Mox on his own stinks, he needs some one to help his character.

I am sure outside the ring he is professional as he is married to what appears to be a top class lady. So he must have some personality to win her.


Mox needs someone to work off of. Jericho elevated the rued with mix Daly on as le champion. That season of aew was incredible. Mox on his own stinks, he needs some one to help his character.

I am sure outside the ring he is professional as he is married to what appears to be a top class lady. So he must have some personality to win her.
In terms of his character, yeah, he's kinda the basic babyface and that's fine imo. We haven't seen him go full blown heel in AEW yet so I say reserve judgement til then.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
In terms of his character, yeah, he's kinda the basic babyface and that's fine imo. We haven't seen him go full blown heel in AEW yet so I say reserve judgement til then.
I didn’t like him as dean Ambrose either. He is just plain and let me yell at the audience. That is is whole thing yelling.


Oh btw, Punk should have been put down a peg or two a long time ago. Him wearing a shirt that was essentially a political statement should have gotten him into hot water alone.
I didn’t like him as dean Ambrose either. He is just plain and let me yell at the audience. That is is whole thing yelling.
Outside the initial Shield run, he was mostly a babyface and when it was time for him to heel solo he was saddled with another goofy gimmick. And hey, you may still not like him even when he eventually goes heel and that's fine, but he is over for a reason.

Miz, for example, I can never understand why people liked him, I find him to be the pure definition of a mediocre wrestler, but for whatever the reason, he has fans and he does some good for the company he works for and I have to accept that.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Labolas Labolas I’m not saying you can’t like him. By all means a lot of people can love mox but I don’t. I think he was brought to AEW because of his appeal to wrestling fans.

I don’t want to deter anyones fandom, I am just expressing my opinion.

Like I said since he has gotten the alcoholism under control he seems to handle himself professionally.


AJUMP23 AJUMP23 Oh no no. I get where you're coming from and I can see why you don't like him. I just don't think he's a bad wrestler in general. But personally, I would put the title on Danielson.


not tag worthy
MJF despite the on screen persona being a dick the real MJF is a real player, nope he a dick. But that is why he is fun.
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Bullet Club



They did I guess the best they could with the situation. Mox is fucking boring, I hope he doesn't win this. Not sure exactly why him and Jericho get the byes, other then they TK boys. I HATE Orange Cassidy, but if either of the trios in that match should have won it should have been BF, would be nice to see Chuck and Trent get some love from being there Day 1 and never really getting a good tag run. Death Triangle is similar to Mox for me, I don't understand why people find them interesting. Now split them up and 2/3 of them are great, but Lucha Bros are a tired act that would both benefit from singles careers. Pac...is just angry neville to me, same match over and over again. He already barely is on TV to defend random belt #7 now he has trios? What was the point of DO losing in the finals and just getting left off of this? This couldn't wait til next week? They are fucking trios belts for a company with like 4 trios now.

I think we see Danielson beat Jericho when Garcia likely stops Jericho from cheats again, Moxley beats..probably Sammy, and hopefully they lean into Danielson is the best wrestler in the world and he gets his win back from Moxley. Like I said yesterday, in a situation where you need stability, he can have 5 star matches with anyone and is fine wrestling anyone. Mox loses to Bryan, Mox takes his vacation.

But who am I kidding, TK would rather watch MJF and Moxley talk for 35 minutes of a two hour show for months before they finally fight instead of put the belt on a guy who main evented Wrestlemania....

I never want to see AEW fans complain the women don't get more, that Storm/Penelope match was brutal...and I like both of these workers.


I'm cautiously accepting the backstage news as real, but still can't believe that would happen. Big question - who bears the most blame? It seems both sides accuse the other (so says the reporting) of getting physical first. So is it the guys who may feel Punk is upstaging them who caused this? Or is Punk just an asshole that doesn't get along well with others? Or something unknown / unexpected?

If I had to take a wild guess, I'd blame Punk I think. He is the guy with a big ego (I think) who didn't like his last company enough to leave wrestling for a really long time. But Kenny and Young Bucks should have been way smarter about avoiding situations like this and are hardly blameless.


Cornette is such a massive CM Punk mark it's hilarious. Everywhere Punk goes the majority of the locker room despises him. It is also not a good look that a so-called pro wrestling star got humiliated by two part-time amateur fighters in the UFC.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
It puts Tony in an interesting position, because he wouldn't want to release someone that's injured.
Vince would.....and if you hired a guy and he is making the work place toxic you either have to see it get fixed, or fire some people.


That dress is the real MVP...or maybe asshole of the year for not just falling.

Also, I am shocked that the dude out last night before Garcia was rapping? I thought it was some bloke having a stroke and just saying random words into a microphone. Please stop with these weird entrances. I didn't need fake MGK for Danielson, and I didn't need obese guy having a stroke singing some nonsense for DG.
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
You didn't like the biggest improv rapper of Buffalo?

Aside from... not being able to rhyme... or 'rap' in any rhythmic relation to the backing track... and possibly not knowing any English words.... aside from those things I thought he was pretty fantastic... well he didn't seem that good at walking either... but the rest? Solid af.
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Naked Lunch

Also, I am shocked that the dude out last night before Garcia was rapping? I thought it was some bloke having a stroke and just saying random words into a microphone. Please stop with these weird entrances. I didn't need fake MGK for Danielson, and I didn't need obese guy having a stroke singing some nonsense for DG.
Ah comeon dog - ill give you some backstory:
Griselda basically put Buffalo on the map in the hip hop scene years ago - and Daniel Garcia has been wearing their gear since he first popped up on TV.
Not to mention the dude that was rapping last night (Westside gun) is a huge wrestling fan - often in the front row of many big wrestling events and aew shows in general.

When they announced this match for the ROH belt, in Buffalo no less - people who 'know' basically predicted Griselda would do an entrance. The perfect setup and gesture towards the kid. This is the same treatment they gave Hook with Action Bronson.
Its fine not to like it - but your ignorance is blatant.
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
If they had gotten to 3 rope breaks a piece, I can guarantee they'd hit 1.75mil viewers. That specter of anyone being pinned or submitted near a rope is the kinda hunny no poo bear could resist if ya nomsayin, nomsayin?


Punk as always been a punk and I hope he stays gone.
I know I've said this before but he's had issues in every company he's been in(TNA, RoH, OVW, WWE) so it was no surprise when he had issues in AEW. I hope he stays gone as well and the smarks can just pick some other guy to live vicariously through.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I really like these guys:

What am I missing? Why are they such jobbers? Do I blame Vince McMahon or Triple H or what? Or do they suck and I just have bad taste?

SHOOOOOSH. They're awesome and I have good taste thank you.

Kagey K

I really like these guys:

What am I missing? Why are they such jobbers? Do I blame Vince McMahon or Triple H or what? Or do they suck and I just have bad taste?

SHOOOOOSH. They're awesome and I have good taste thank you.
I'll admit they won me over a couple weeks ago with Kurt Angle and the Exsqueese me, baking powder Wayne's World reference, but it seems like they have been both treated as jobbers in the past and can't get past that

I have to say..... sheesh... mic skills are great tho.

I'll be at Raw in 2 more weeks. Hopefully we get a few more matches announced and get more extreme starting this week.

For a build up to a ppv called extreme rules I expected much more violence the last couple weeks.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Triple H has made a lot of improvements ever since he took over, but there have been a few things that he needs to fix (or stop doing).

- Why did Damage Control lose the tag team title match against Raquel and Aliyah just to have them win it again a week later? After Dakota and Iyo won the tag team titles, they tried to take out Bianca 3-on-1, but she was helped by Asuka and Bliss and they took out the entire team of Damage Control. These decisions have made the top heal women's faction look a bit weak.

- Sonya Deville and the Street Profits appeared on opposite brands. They really need to focus on the brand split.

Other than that, things have been really good so far. They really need to have Reigns and Usos lose their RAW titles because it does make the shower weaker when the top champions are no longer being represented on the show.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
In what sense ?
In the sense that people have to learn to be professional. If you want to run a business and be leaders you have to in some way be above the drama. The only time I agree with the physical altercation is Brett Hart punching Vince after the Montreal screw job. You can argue and disagree and not start a fight. Punk and company for that matter to. The way this whole thing was done is just odd. Everyone makes more money and can have great careers if they just chill and talk. The behind the scenes in wrestling is so unprofessional.


- Why did Damage Control lose the tag team title match against Raquel and Aliyah just to have them win it again a week later?
Great question IMO. I assume HHH was hesitant to put the belts on them at first for any of the following:
1) Not wanting to take the new direction too far at first since he brought them in at SS;
2) Felt some obligation to R & A; and/or
3) Did not realize Damage Control was the better choice until after the crowd reaction(s).

My guess is a little of 1 and a lot of 3. Somewhat related, TK made the exact same mistake when the Acclaimed lost IMO. Hopefully that gets corrected next week too.


All of these hurt.

I winced at more than a few of those. Is it any wonder that people like Corny criticise all the high risk moves that result in so many injuries? Mistakes happen, but they shouldn't be happening on that scale. It's scary how close to paralysis or permanent damage each one of those clips is, and so often they're botched by people who clearly paid more attention to the performing part than performing it safely. They don't even realise how badly they fucked up. Priorities.
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