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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


advanced basic bitch
Too many works with AEW, and I think we are seeing cracks from many that likely were promised great runs and chances only to be left hanging. I don't like the current direction as I find "Faction Warfare" to be beyond boring in todays day and age and that's what you get with bloat this bad. You're going to see the Elite of Kenny/Bucks/Page and possibly a Cole upon return, Punks guys with FTR/Wardlow, MJFs jobber crew of Ass Boys and Big Cass, BCC, JAS and a bunch of other meaningless crap.

I may go over my thoughts later but All Out should have had ALL TITLE CHANGES as a way to reset stuff. Stuff is very stagnant right now. Toni Storm really hasn't done anything since she got there to really get cheered for winning, and the womens division continues to be trash (Not something I blame TK for, you only have the ability to hire who is out there).
Idk. He actively passed on Taya when she was let go from wwe. He could use his impact connections to bring some of them over. I just don't think he cares that much about women's wrestling.
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All this backstage drama
Popcorn GIF by WWE

Wednesday can't come soon enough.

Fox Mulder

I don’t know why the talent would fight backstage. Be professional. What Punk said only makes things worse. If people have issues with the champ then they have issues with the owner.

Tony Khan just sitting there like a substitute teacher while Punk is running his mouth about this shit in public. Maybe they’ll be doing another interim title tournament on Wednesday.


advanced basic bitch
As someone who was watching nitro through the russo bitter end years I assume everything is a worked shoot at this point. I have no doubt there is real heat but I refuse to believe this isn't being drummed up for views.


not tag worthy
I could always make the joke that if Punk won that would give him a lifetime record of 1-3 in fights.
Punk talks a lot of shit for someone who can’t back it up. I dunno if true he comes off as a bit full of himself.
I could be wrong and I am I apologise
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Idk. He actively passed on Taya when she was let go from wwe. He could use his impact connections to bring some of them over. I just don't think he cares that much about women's wrestling.

I suppose on Taya, I thought she was kinda old tbh so I thought that may have been why he didn't go harder at her. Impact could help, but the key pieces that would be good in AEW I imagine are locked up there and as bored as I was with Britt at the top, she's the only star in their womens division that can put on a 3 star match at this point. I think Allie is getting over an injury, and is painfully underutilized since she's actually a solid worker (And the only one to get a good match out of Jade). It's a no win right now, they need experience to get better, but putting them out there green as grass is terrible for ratings and viewership since MOST are very bad. Toni has looked lost since she got there and she's the champ now. They need to turn Dark/DE into an actual developmental product/show. The fans are just vacationers who don't follow anyways, stop with the 3 minute squashes and put two to three 8-10 minute womens matches on to give them a chance to learn to let things breathe and develop. Same with the men on those shows, I caught a little of one the other day, and I don't understand how anyone gains from being on there. You do an entrance, hit your 2-3 moves and win....

TK is an analytics guy, so I'm sure he has the numbers to back up that the ratings likely drop during their womens segments, so it likely gets harder to put more of them on. He needed to go HARD on Sasha when she was available (If she was), they lack a true SUPERSTAR. Athena ain't that, nor is Storm or Ruby, they are nice pieces for the middle of the pack. You need a Sasha, Deonna, hell I'd take Mickie at this point over the whole division, maybe should have pushed Serena harder with a better gimmick and let her run things for a while. Lots of options, but he chose A) I awful segment/match a week on Dynamite and a Jade squash on Rampage since she can only work 4 minute matches.


Punk talks a lot of shit for someone who can’t back it up. I dunno if true he comes off as a bit full of himself.
I could be wrong and I am I apologise

Completely guessing here, but I think the disconnect on some of these guys is that the Bucks and Kenny wanted a promotion built around great wrestling with stories being kind of secondary (Which was alot of year 1 AEW at its best), Punk and I'd assume Moxley to an extent come from the machine, and know that you need to have buys and make money so that everybody can eat, and you can keep the promotion going. Neither are wrong, but I can see why Khan sides more with Punk because at the end of the day, nobody wants to throw around millions...billions? on a product nobody wants to show up to. Kenny is my 2nd favorite wrestler behind Danielson, but eliminate favorites and lets not pretend Punk puts butts in seats and sells merch, and can sell feuds. Hangman wasn't really able to do...any of those things, same as many AEW "pillars"

I think Punk had no problem with the OG plans that likely had him always losing to MJF, there's a reason he did all that with him too, but I will say MJF has Hangman potential as champion written all over him except he cuts a better promo. Anybody from the AEW start outside of Kenny needs time to get better all around and if what Punk says is right, I don't understand how some of these guys can't see the value in wanting to talk work on stuff with the Malenkos, Andersons, and Regals of the world.

Punk is who is has always been, he's very self confidant and Tony has said numerous times that he wanted Punk for the company...that was the guy he wanted to build this around. Punk has a good mind for the business..it think, but he's always been hard headed.

In the end, this is all a work. This sets up Punk/FTR/Wardlow to feud with MJFs guys and have the setting there for a feud with the Elite after once Punk goes full heel during the MJF feud.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Strowman is back on Raw. So HHH is bringing people back.

I did like that Toni Storm won the belt. That kinda keeps the womens division neutral. Giving it to hayter would probably be the most for dramaticas it would put her at odds with Baker.
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WTF happened between Punk and Colt? Weren't they like best buddies for years? Somone got the cliffs notes on that?
They had some sort of falling out during sometime when Punk left WWE and was in a court case against WWE. It's never really explained why it happened but sometime after Colt ended up suing Punk for saying he'll 100% cover Colt if he leaves the podcast up, Punk countersued back. It was very messy. The podcast btw had supposedly defamatory comments about WWE and its doctor.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Just under 1.3m for AEW this Wednesday?

That's my prediction. Either way, it's hard to see CM Punk staying with AEW beyond his match with MJF.


I think the backstage AEW stuff is all a storyline. It's certainly effective at attracting attention regardless.

MJF coming back was well done and best part of PPV weekend. I love how they played into rumors with the voicemail. And the cheers he got, in Chicago and when confronting Punk, show just how big of a loss him being out has been.

Wrestling is really back!


not tag worthy
I think the backstage AEW stuff is all a storyline. It's certainly effective at attracting attention regardless.

MJF coming back was well done and best part of PPV weekend. I love how they played into rumors with the voicemail. And the cheers he got, in Chicago and when confronting Punk, show just how big of a loss him being out has been.

Wrestling is really back!
if it is a storyline, it's got to be really well done as fans can smell BS and if tony planned all this he is doing 4D chess.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I listened to those podcasts. Jim Cornette is fucking obnoxious. Meltzer is... I don't know, I can't say I've ever read his stuff? Maybe in the 90s I honestly don't remember. But in podcast form he's a little all over the place and I can't say I learned much from either one of these dudes. So... this Punk and this Colton guy's beef has something to do with a defamation lawsuit from WWE about something they said on a podcast? Or something? Is this just some well-known wrestling lore that literally everybody else who tried listening to these podcasts would know?

And what does it have to do with the PPV press conference? Why does this Colton guy even come up?

I don't know, aside from the minor headache I've developed trying to follow this shit, I think I'm just on Team Omega or whatever. Him and the Young Bucks seem like fun. Punk seems like a twat. Just my very surface level opinions here :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Fox Mulder

I think the backstage AEW stuff is all a storyline. It's certainly effective at attracting attention regardless.

MJF coming back was well done and best part of PPV weekend. I love how they played into rumors with the voicemail. And the cheers he got, in Chicago and when confronting Punk, show just how big of a loss him being out has been.

Wrestling is really back!

It would be crazy to see this end up being a story playing social media and nerds knowing all this inside stuff. If it isn’t a story, then Tony Khan really looks like a joke.


not tag worthy
I listened to those podcasts. Jim Cornette is fucking obnoxious. Meltzer is... I don't know, I can't say I've ever read his stuff? Maybe in the 90s I honestly don't remember. But in podcast form he's a little all over the place and I can't say I learned much from either one of these dudes. So... this Punk and this Colton guy's beef has something to do with a defamation lawsuit from WWE about something they said on a podcast? Or something? Is this just some well-known wrestling lore that literally everybody else who tried listening to these podcasts would know?

And what does it have to do with the PPV press conference? Why does this Colton guy even come up?

I don't know, aside from the minor headache I've developed trying to follow this shit, I think I'm just on Team Omega or whatever. Him and the Young Bucks seem like fun. Punk seems like a twat. Just my very surface level opinions here :messenger_tears_of_joy:
The linked you tube video was difficult to listen to as Dave was rambling and trying to say things and not saying them maybe for fear or being sued?!?. I Prefer whatculture or cultaholic. But I doubt they have the authority or inside track like Dave does.

But yeah if this is all true Punk looks like a petulant child and the bucks and omega are just sticking up for their mate.

Tony looks like a substitute teacher who lost control of the class and was trying to be cool by becoming buddies with the most popular kid who stabbed him in the back.

Naked Lunch

AEW doesnt need CM Punk and did just fine without him. Punk's comeback is always 'I bring ratings and sales' - but thats just temporary - the shock value of returning after being gone so long. Even now, people would chose MJF over him in a heartbeat - even in Chicago.

If this behind the scenes stuff is real - I roll with Kenny, Hangman, and the Bucks - they were there from the beginning. Theyre the reason I starting watching AEW in the first place. I dont want those dudes leaving - then what will AEW be left with?
But like Dthomp Dthomp has been saying - it might all be a storyline to get fans to choose sides and more importantly: tune in. Who knows?

It was interesting listening to Jerico in that presser talking about how MJF is going to become a babyface now (the anti-authority figure) and how MJF was telling Jerico he has no clue how to handle it or what to do. But Jericho said 'he'll be fine - turning face is easy'.
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Junior Member
Are these considered "Legit" pressers?

As in supposed to be "work" proof....
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Until we learn otherwise, still leaning towards dumb work.

-Ace Steele has NEVER been brought up in AEW before this, I get he's Punks friend...but suddenly this guy is around the EVPs and in Punks locker room when he likely has an actual job there?

-If somebody of Aces stature BIT Kenny Omega, he'd be fired ON THE SPOT no questions asked, same since he supposedly threw a chair at Nick Jackson. He's meaningless to AEW, he'd be gone yesterday.

-The Most important thing- AEW has struggled for 6 months to a year with ratings and we are going into contract renewal time with Warner Discovery. They NEED this product to bring eyes in, and SHIT like this will get people to tune in. There's a reason he brought back MJF even if personally I don't think he really moves the needle enough, put the Trios belts on the Elite, and the Punk drama leading into an easy heel turn and feuds with MJF/Omega/Danielson/Page during contract renewal push.

Hell, I could be 100% wrong, but IF the things that are said were true, Steele would be gone, and Punk would be suspended indefinitely and likely let go from his contract.

Naked Lunch

Are these considered "Legit" pressers?

As in supposed to be "work" proof....
Some of it is "real" some of it isnt. Some people you could tell are acting their on screen persona. Like Keith Lee and Serve were fake as hell in that 'presser'.
I donno its all confusing to me.

But if you watched the Jericho segment - he sounded his legit 'real' self. Talking about how Moxly pitched him the idea to bring back the Lionheart persona, and the MJF stuff I posted above - some real behind the scenes type stuff.


Honestly, after seeing their Twitter.... I can never buy into Dax Harewood and Hangman Page being bad asses. Also, fuck CM Punk. Guy sucks.


not tag worthy
Until we learn otherwise, still leaning towards dumb work.

-Ace Steele has NEVER been brought up in AEW before this, I get he's Punks friend...but suddenly this guy is around the EVPs and in Punks locker room when he likely has an actual job there?

-If somebody of Aces stature BIT Kenny Omega, he'd be fired ON THE SPOT no questions asked, same since he supposedly threw a chair at Nick Jackson. He's meaningless to AEW, he'd be gone yesterday.

-The Most important thing- AEW has struggled for 6 months to a year with ratings and we are going into contract renewal time with Warner Discovery. They NEED this product to bring eyes in, and SHIT like this will get people to tune in. There's a reason he brought back MJF even if personally I don't think he really moves the needle enough, put the Trios belts on the Elite, and the Punk drama leading into an easy heel turn and feuds with MJF/Omega/Danielson/Page during contract renewal push.

Hell, I could be 100% wrong, but IF the things that are said were true, Steele would be gone, and Punk would be suspended indefinitely and likely let go from his contract.
This is why part of me is thinking they doing a civil war angle. Like half on the side of Tony/Punk and the other on the Elites side.


Junior Member
Until we learn otherwise, still leaning towards dumb work.

-Ace Steele has NEVER been brought up in AEW before this, I get he's Punks friend...but suddenly this guy is around the EVPs and in Punks locker room when he likely has an actual job there?

-If somebody of Aces stature BIT Kenny Omega, he'd be fired ON THE SPOT no questions asked, same since he supposedly threw a chair at Nick Jackson. He's meaningless to AEW, he'd be gone yesterday.

-The Most important thing- AEW has struggled for 6 months to a year with ratings and we are going into contract renewal time with Warner Discovery. They NEED this product to bring eyes in, and SHIT like this will get people to tune in. There's a reason he brought back MJF even if personally I don't think he really moves the needle enough, put the Trios belts on the Elite, and the Punk drama leading into an easy heel turn and feuds with MJF/Omega/Danielson/Page during contract renewal push.

Hell, I could be 100% wrong, but IF the things that are said were true, Steele would be gone, and Punk would be suspended indefinitely and likely let go from his contract.
I think BOOKAH agrees with you..


The reporters all seem convinced this stuff is real, but I just cannot buy into it being real after the voicemail to bring out MJF. Even without that it would still seem so unlikely to me. But real or fake, AEW has my attention with MJF being back and all this drama backstage. AEW is must watch TV tonight.


So...not a work...that's going to turn into a work then?

To make shit worse, even if Punk is ok to keep working with these guys, the dude gets hurt again, apparently bad too like 6 months (Likely suspension time too). Dude needed to change his ring style to eliminate all top rope and dive shit. Your body ages, no matter how much you don't want it to.

So...either way something needs to happen, and I wish Tony would just come out and say we are done with Interim champions, Storm is Womens champ and Rosa gets first shot on return, and we do another actual tourney and not a battle royale to then fight a fresh mox just to put it on him. If we need a summer of we won't have Punk/Omega...it's time to put the belt on Danielson, not fucking boring Moxley. Danielson can put on classics with anybody without bleeding every 3 minutes and has easily main event level feuds to continue with JAS, could have him get booted from BCC for reasons and feud with Mox/Claudio/Yuta for fun matches.

The wrong move is to rush a belt to a guy that was just off your product for 6 months for whatever dumb reasons the professional wrestler didn't understand about how contracts work, plus...how do you reward that guy? There are no good built up feuds for MJF outside of Punk anyway.

I don't expect anything fun out of Dynamite tonight, trios belts are gone for now, champ is done for a while....I guess all the whiners on reddit will get a second or third womens match to show them exactly why they don't get more segments...cause they are not good enough yet.

Garcia/Yuta should be fun, but do we really not expect Jericho to cost Garcia here?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Mox is the most boring wrestler. I don’t know why people like him. It is just him yelling about being tough. And when he is tough he is insane. I just yawn. His wife is far more interesting than him.
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