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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


Okay, I just became a luchasaurus fan.

So interesting to see a big guy that doesn't follow Vince's. Formula

He impressed me a ton at Double or Nothing and I'm an even bigger fan tonight. He's got some great talent in ring, develop him and you have a solid as hell upper midcarder with potential main event skill over time.

That was a really fun match, SCU comes out looking great, Lucha shines, and solid effort from Jungle Boy. Fun opener


Omega in the second match? That's kind of depressing to me since he's one of my favorites on the planet :(

Edit- Oh man, I hadn't noticed that they have a graphic with their singles and overall records next to their names on the way to ring. Nice touch.
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WOW. That was unexpected as hell. Omega left it all in Japan...

LOL Cracker Barrel Clash...And Darby Allin gets the Jimmy Havok graphic :messenger_tears_of_joy:. Lets go Darby Allin!
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Man that was a pretty fun hardcore match. Feel like we need some more people in the mix for the hardcore division, but then again I think I could watch these three beat each other up weekly. Somebody please check on Darby, I think he dead....


Shida owes that guy a foam finger.

This crowd reminds me a lot of njpw crowds. They're quiet but you can tell their into it.


Enjoyed the second half of that match, and have enjoyed all AEWs Joshi ladies so far, but they still don't really connect with the crowd in the US as of yet. TV time and better packages will do wonders, Shida will be a major player in the womens division but the easy story to tell is the giant BEAST against the 98lb "little lady".

Previous match was a snoozefest for me, I love Best Friends but the Dark Order are already go away levels of not caring in my eyes. Uno is really odd looking, not a good fat for a wrestler and just an awful look.


Enjoyed the second half of that match, and have enjoyed all AEWs Joshi ladies so far, but they still don't really connect with the crowd in the US as of yet. TV time and better packages will do wonders, Shida will be a major player in the womens division but the easy story to tell is the giant BEAST against the 98lb "little lady".

Previous match was a snoozefest for me, I love Best Friends but the Dark Order are already go away levels of not caring in my eyes. Uno is really odd looking, not a good fat for a wrestler and just an awful look.
What's strange is all the booking has been hunting at Bridgett being the top woman. Why give Riho her spot? Also if the plan was to have Rose as the beast of the division, which is fine, why have her lose so much coming in.

I don't get the appeal of dark order. I am interested in orange Cassidy though. His gimmick seems interesting


What's strange is all the booking has been hunting at Bridgett being the top woman. Why give Riho her spot? Also if the plan was to have Rose as the beast of the division, which is fine, why have her lose so much coming in.

I don't get the appeal of dark order. I am interested in orange Cassidy though. His gimmick seems interesting

I think their womens division for a while will focus heavily around Brandi getting involved in affairs with Riho/Shida/Kong/Allie/Rose being the center stage.

Orange Cassidy is the kind of funny and goofy I'm ok with in wrestling, cause the guy can go. This isn't something like an Enzo who is all charisma and shit in the ring.

Cody for being a dude that doesn't want to be the WWE HHH, sure has emulated him to a T. Become a power player in the company, give yourself the biggest deepest promo packages, give yourself the biggest epic entrances every show. If they spent half as much effort on Kennys arc this way, maybe he'd be in a better spot from a fan perspective. I am biased, as to me Cody is a midcarder for life and will be in the title scene with no reason for being there (Much like young HHH).


What's strange is all the booking has been hunting at Bridgett being the top woman. Why give Riho her spot? Also if the plan was to have Rose as the beast of the division, which is fine, why have her lose so much coming in.

I don't get the appeal of dark order. I am interested in orange Cassidy though. His gimmick seems interesting

Rhio is Omega's friend from Japan. Nyla will be the first trans womens champion giving AEW headlines. That explains the booking.


Rhio is Omega's friend from Japan. Nyla will be the first trans womens champion giving AEW headlines. That explains the booking.

Man, I have paid so little attention to Nyla in the ring so far and hadn't even considered she was a trans person, and now I can't unsee it...and that DEFINITELY stands out to why she's been pushed like this over Kong or someone else.
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I really like both of these teams, but for me I've seen this too much the last few months, it's just hard to care about these two teams fighting again.


Eh LAX didn't do anything for me, and their tag division is already crazy deep as is. Maybe TV will change my mind on them, and I wish the Bucks could work a match that wasn't a crazy over booked mess once in a while to show they have something else in their playbook.

Main event incoming, definitely think Page is a bad opponent for Jericho at this time. This spot just feels much to big for him, and I assume Jericho goes over here to have a heel champ that can be there to open TV and be chased for a while as the stories pan out. I'll feel bad if our first title feud is Page/Pac with a roster with this many stars on it.

My longshot hope here: Jericho wins, starts cutting a promo about being the best in the world and then Cult of Personality hits....

Edit-VP Kenny needs to up the game. Cody gets HHH entrance, Midcard Adam Page gets a horse, Bucks get a sweet deerhead set and Kenny got nothing and passed out lol
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So Jericho It's champ. Smart decision he's the type of guy you need to be your first champion.

you know watching Jericho with his match was kind of nostalgic for me. I remember watching him all the way back in ECW, I've been making it to WCW and being this great cruiseweight who could never get higher up the card.

Then he moves to the WWE, and even there it felt like he what's the best wrestler who was always hitting this ceiling. Even when he was the "undisputed champion" He was never the guy.

It seems fitting that here he is finally reaching the top, undeniably the best in the company.


Jericho was the right choice, although I wish he'd be in slightly better shape. I get that everybody sees Page as a future star, but he's FAR from being ready for the main event spotlight now. He needs to be in the midcard for a while with MJF, Cody, Spears and others while continuing to improve.

Overall a solid show, not as happy with my 50 bucks like I was with Double or Nothing, but I understand they need to set up TV and stories for going forward more then significant spots or reveals.


Shows are a bit too long for my taste. 4.5 hours. And WWE shows are too long too thats a big complaint about them!

I may say Jericho is the most credible champ out of Kofi, Seth, and himself LOL.


Shows are a bit too long for my taste. 4.5 hours. And WWE shows are too long too thats a big complaint about them!

I may say Jericho is the most credible champ out of Kofi, Seth, and himself LOL.

I would agree, while I haven't had burnout mid show like WWE PPVs (the long ones), I could easily lose an hour and not mind at all. Half hour pre-show and cut one match during the card and there you go. Hopefully they cut down once TV starts and they have that avenue to move stories.


not tag worthy
Wonder if Kenny was meant to win against Mosley. But had to lose to pac due to him having the dragon gate title ?

Read up PAC is no longer champ.
Ok then maybe they are getting Kenny to lose so they can bust out cleaner omega ? Make him heal.
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Wonder if Kenny was meant to win against Mosley. But had to lose to pac due to him having the dragon gate title ?

Read up PAC is no longer champ.
Ok then maybe they are getting Kenny to lose so they can bust out cleaner omega ? Make him heal.

That's what I'm curious on with Kenny, cause he was legit the hottest FA that anybody could have wanted. One of the top wrestlers, quality seller (for an indy guy), and likely the best talker they have on the roster and he comes off with generic bad entrance music (Can billionare Tony please buy the rights to his NJPW theme?), he just seems like a goober with no drive. I think in the longer picture he may need to go heel to be the big heel when Jericho loses the belt, or what I'm more afraid of is cryptoadam cryptoadam post below and they are doing the boring losing streak before he finally gets it and overcomes them odds.
For some reason they are doing a losing streak angle with Omega.

This is my fear, the losing streak angle is bad and dumb. I'd much rather if you aren't going to have him at the top of the picture right away they did some type of story showing him being lazy, not training as hard instead of "he fought the good fight, just came up short". I really enjoy Pac and Jericho, but the biggest star in NJPW the last few years with better matches then anybody else and the guy who overcame Okada losing to two dudes who couldn't cut it in the WWE makes him come off to people who don't know his history like some meh indy guy instead of the superstar he is. He should have been given the Cody push (Keep him strong, but away from the main event) instead of this.


That's what I'm curious on with Kenny, cause he was legit the hottest FA that anybody could have wanted. One of the top wrestlers, quality seller (for an indy guy), and likely the best talker they have on the roster and he comes off with generic bad entrance music (Can billionare Tony please buy the rights to his NJPW theme?), he just seems like a goober with no drive. I think in the longer picture he may need to go heel to be the big heel when Jericho loses the belt, or what I'm more afraid of is cryptoadam cryptoadam post below and they are doing the boring losing streak before he finally gets it and overcomes them odds.

This is my fear, the losing streak angle is bad and dumb. I'd much rather if you aren't going to have him at the top of the picture right away they did some type of story showing him being lazy, not training as hard instead of "he fought the good fight, just came up short". I really enjoy Pac and Jericho, but the biggest star in NJPW the last few years with better matches then anybody else and the guy who overcame Okada losing to two dudes who couldn't cut it in the WWE makes him come off to people who don't know his history like some meh indy guy instead of the superstar he is. He should have been given the Cody push (Keep him strong, but away from the main event) instead of this.

Ya I have no idea why they are doing a losing streak angle with him, but througout the PPV they were pushing it. Even though it didn't really make sense because he lost to Jerhico, but beat CIMA so technically he was 1-1. Not much of a losing streak, and even a winning streak.

but it seems the story is going to be Omega is questioning himself and has to find himself etc... Compared to last winter he has really cooled off. This was the guy that WWE was rolling out the red carpet for and now in AEW he has to "find himself". If wins and losses are supposed to matter than Omega should be 3-0 right now gearing up to be the companies ace.

But hey the gimmick is working on me because I have pretty much lost all interest in Omega. I can't stand his constant pointing and goofy faces and jazz hands. I had no interest in his match with PAC, and am sick of him trying to make all his matches in NJPW Tokyo Dome main events. If I watched AEW for the first time I would think he is a worse copy of Buddy Murphy. Think about that Murphy is the one apeing Omega, yet Omega comes off as cosplay Murphy and can't even do it as well.


not tag worthy
Man I keep watching Kenny and the NJPW version of him is shades better than AEW, please AEW and NJPW get a cross-promotional working alliance or something.
or can Kenny wrestle his NJPW style more in AEW?


Ya I have no idea why they are doing a losing streak angle with him, but througout the PPV they were pushing it. Even though it didn't really make sense because he lost to Jerhico, but beat CIMA so technically he was 1-1. Not much of a losing streak, and even a winning streak.

but it seems the story is going to be Omega is questioning himself and has to find himself etc... Compared to last winter he has really cooled off. This was the guy that WWE was rolling out the red carpet for and now in AEW he has to "find himself". If wins and losses are supposed to matter than Omega should be 3-0 right now gearing up to be the companies ace.

But hey the gimmick is working on me because I have pretty much lost all interest in Omega. I can't stand his constant pointing and goofy faces and jazz hands. I had no interest in his match with PAC, and am sick of him trying to make all his matches in NJPW Tokyo Dome main events. If I watched AEW for the first time I would think he is a worse copy of Buddy Murphy. Think about that Murphy is the one apeing Omega, yet Omega comes off as cosplay Murphy and can't even do it as well.

I can see that with the Murphy comparison, something is just missing with him in AEW. Honestly, if you aren't going to push him to the stars to start, they should have slow played even using him at this point. They have so many dudes that all are going to need TV time, and if the plan is this....I'd rather they just spent time hyping up the debut of "The Cleaner, or Best Bought Machine (I hate this nickname BTW)" and when he finally showed up (Should have been TV) it would be a huge deal, but with alot of US viewers who aren't diehard fans they have done nothing to make him not seem like some type of jobber to the main eventers. His match with Pac was excellent, but when it's second on the card and their cards kind of build with importance, this match feels worthless, and this storyline suggests that he'll do the job to Moxley too likely when TV begins. This is just bad WWE booking TBH, it's like when a guy wins MITB and then loses every single match until they cash in. If the story is the losing streak, then why not have had Cima get the win by distraction? 0-3 is a losing streak 1-2 with one of those being against your champion now isn't really a streak like you said.

He needs to learn (and I think JR talked about alot of the roster in this regard in an interview a while back) how to pace himself, and wrestle a different match each time. Like you said, every match has been main event of Wrestlekingdom levels of spots, and I can see the faces and pointing being a turnoff for sure (doesn't bother me...yet). I think one big issue that AEW doesn't realize is not everybody cares enough to watch Being the Elite to get to know these guys, and honestly that shouldn't be expected. When I want wrestling I turn on my TV or whatnot, I don't want to watch some nonsense YT video.

Not sure where I'm going with this anymore, which I suppose is perfect since they don't seem to know what they are doing with Kenny. You basically have heel Jericho champ....and contenders would be? Heel Pac? or heel Ambrose?...or is this WWE nobodies face and heel? Or does HHH...I mean Cody get to go right into the title picture since he beat 60 year old Goldust and jobber Tye?


I can see that with the Murphy comparison, something is just missing with him in AEW. Honestly, if you aren't going to push him to the stars to start, they should have slow played even using him at this point. They have so many dudes that all are going to need TV time, and if the plan is this....I'd rather they just spent time hyping up the debut of "The Cleaner, or Best Bought Machine (I hate this nickname BTW)" and when he finally showed up (Should have been TV) it would be a huge deal, but with alot of US viewers who aren't diehard fans they have done nothing to make him not seem like some type of jobber to the main eventers. His match with Pac was excellent, but when it's second on the card and their cards kind of build with importance, this match feels worthless, and this storyline suggests that he'll do the job to Moxley too likely when TV begins. This is just bad WWE booking TBH, it's like when a guy wins MITB and then loses every single match until they cash in. If the story is the losing streak, then why not have had Cima get the win by distraction? 0-3 is a losing streak 1-2 with one of those being against your champion now isn't really a streak like you said.

He needs to learn (and I think JR talked about alot of the roster in this regard in an interview a while back) how to pace himself, and wrestle a different match each time. Like you said, every match has been main event of Wrestlekingdom levels of spots, and I can see the faces and pointing being a turnoff for sure (doesn't bother me...yet). I think one big issue that AEW doesn't realize is not everybody cares enough to watch Being the Elite to get to know these guys, and honestly that shouldn't be expected. When I want wrestling I turn on my TV or whatnot, I don't want to watch some nonsense YT video.

Not sure where I'm going with this anymore, which I suppose is perfect since they don't seem to know what they are doing with Kenny. You basically have heel Jericho champ....and contenders would be? Heel Pac? or heel Ambrose?...or is this WWE nobodies face and heel? Or does HHH...I mean Cody get to go right into the title picture since he beat 60 year old Goldust and jobber Tye?

I really think they should of went with him as the first champ. I get Jerhico that he is a name for the casuals, but it kinda has that TNA vibe to it with him being an ex WWE guy. And you also have Tye, Pac, Mox getting big roles as "ex-WWE" guys.

I would of had Omega win the championship at the first PPV against Jerhico instead of waiting all summer to crown a champ. Omega was hot enough at the time. It would of also really shown that AEW is different from WWE. Here is the guy that WWE was dying to sign, but now he is the AEW champ, see what all the buzz is about.

Let him put on 6 star matches with everyone on the roster. When Vince expanded in the 80's he put the rocket on Hogan and didn't look back. Hogan was what the WWE was all about. Over the top Americana good guys, with big muscles and cocked out promos. Kenny would of been the Hogan of AEW. AEW is about wrestling and athleticism. He would of set the tone of AEW.

Why not Kenny beats Jerhico, then beats Rhodes last nite, and beats Mox on the debut show on TNT. That would of really established Kenny and he would of beaten 3 "WWE" guys.

As for AEW, I think they need to reign in their wrestlers. I know its the style but the matches are just overly long and too many of them just have the false finish kick outs. Almost all the matches I watched last night I felt should of ended 5 minutes earlier. Not every match needs to be 20 minutes with false finish after false finish. Sometimes a 10 minute match with a finish works too.

I don't like this "woke" direction they are taking with Nyla Rose. Ya I feel bad for the women in the back. I know its a fake sport, but there are only 3 belts in the company and someone like Britt Baker should be getting that spotlight. I mean 98 lb Riho vs essentially a man just doesn't work for me. Yes suspension of disbelive and everything but I feel that this is even more of a mockery than Pockets or Jelly Janela that Cornette likes to complain about.

Dark Order are a total bust so I hope they retool and move in a different direction. Private Party should be in their spot.

Does anyone see Hangman as a beefier Adam Cole. All he has to do is go Adam Page BAY BAY LOL.

MJF is being totally underused. I get they are setting up a long term storyline, but he should be someone who is 3-0 in singles matches, not spending the PPV as a second to Cody.

I also think that they need to do something with their production. Its still top notch, but there is just too much "downtime" where nothing is happening. How many crowd shots do we need? Why was there like 10 minutes on the pre show of the announcers killing time. In between matches have an interview or something instead of 5 minutes of crowd shots. The rest of the production is top notch, even having pyro!


Hangman is boring and is not main even material , I don’t get what people see in him , he needs a lot of work still to reach that ME level (if he ever will), so I’m glad Jericho won , hopefully he won’t be a super long term champion.


I really think they should of went with him as the first champ. I get Jerhico that he is a name for the casuals, but it kinda has that TNA vibe to it with him being an ex WWE guy. And you also have Tye, Pac, Mox getting big roles as "ex-WWE" guys.

I would of had Omega win the championship at the first PPV against Jerhico instead of waiting all summer to crown a champ. Omega was hot enough at the time. It would of also really shown that AEW is different from WWE. Here is the guy that WWE was dying to sign, but now he is the AEW champ, see what all the buzz is about.

Let him put on 6 star matches with everyone on the roster. When Vince expanded in the 80's he put the rocket on Hogan and didn't look back. Hogan was what the WWE was all about. Over the top Americana good guys, with big muscles and cocked out promos. Kenny would of been the Hogan of AEW. AEW is about wrestling and athleticism. He would of set the tone of AEW.

Why not Kenny beats Jerhico, then beats Rhodes last nite, and beats Mox on the debut show on TNT. That would of really established Kenny and he would of beaten 3 "WWE" guys.

As for AEW, I think they need to reign in their wrestlers. I know its the style but the matches are just overly long and too many of them just have the false finish kick outs. Almost all the matches I watched last night I felt should of ended 5 minutes earlier. Not every match needs to be 20 minutes with false finish after false finish. Sometimes a 10 minute match with a finish works too.

I don't like this "woke" direction they are taking with Nyla Rose. Ya I feel bad for the women in the back. I know its a fake sport, but there are only 3 belts in the company and someone like Britt Baker should be getting that spotlight. I mean 98 lb Riho vs essentially a man just doesn't work for me. Yes suspension of disbelive and everything but I feel that this is even more of a mockery than Pockets or Jelly Janela that Cornette likes to complain about.

Dark Order are a total bust so I hope they retool and move in a different direction. Private Party should be in their spot.

Does anyone see Hangman as a beefier Adam Cole. All he has to do is go Adam Page BAY BAY LOL.

MJF is being totally underused. I get they are setting up a long term storyline, but he should be someone who is 3-0 in singles matches, not spending the PPV as a second to Cody.

I also think that they need to do something with their production. Its still top notch, but there is just too much "downtime" where nothing is happening. How many crowd shots do we need? Why was there like 10 minutes on the pre show of the announcers killing time. In between matches have an interview or something instead of 5 minutes of crowd shots. The rest of the production is top notch, even having pyro!

The Hogan comparison in the 80s is brilliant. It would have made Kenny this companies stud, and it's easy to get the belt off of a face with distractions, interference, etc. Having him win at Double or Nothing for the title would have given viewers two free shows (Fight for the Fallen and Fyter Fest) to see what this guy who didn't go to the WWE is all about, and you put him over Moxley like you said at one of those and Cody at the other. He opens AEW on TNT as the world champ with a promo and is cut off by whatever surprise heel you want to bring in (Pac would be great there).

Matches are another thing I agree with, I HATE false finishes on finishers and big moves. I don't care if you don't use your whole arsenal every match. Did Hogan/Rock/Austin/Cena/Roma any of the guys seen as larger then life superstars bring out every move every match? That's a big reason I just don't care about the Young Bucks, I know they are talented, but how many times last night did Matt Jackson get almost murdered, and then was up doing MOVEZ two seconds later? These spots make everything feel meaningless when you don't sell it. You cannot even remotely compare them with the Hardyz because Matt and Jeff actually sold and got the fans behind them to overcome. With YB it's just MOVE, MOVE, MOVE, False Finish, repeat...for twice as long as any of those matches should go. Pentagon and Fenix are completely wasted as a tag team as well IMO, look back at S1 Lucha Underground Pentagon Jr....

The Nyla stuff is odd to me, as I stated I didn't even realize she was trans, and I guess I don't overly care since wrestling is fake BUT there are multiple other MONSTER females if the goal here was big vs. small. Awesome Kong for example could have been held off for this show and won, Aja Kong even since she has some times to Riho I believe. I actually really like Riho, but JR couldn't have done more to bury her during commentary last night in my opinion. The womens roster is actually decent, but Rose is nowhere near the top of it. Britt should easily be being built up alongside Shida early on in this division. Allie is somebody that I think can do fine growing in her program with Brandi, and they have alot of solid midcard women to build, and that's where Rose belongs. Smiley Kylie, and any of the women from the battle royal last night that are signed.

100% with ya, I hate the Dark Order. They are right there with Baron Corbin levels of walk away from my TV when they are on. Immediate repackage for these guys if you want them to be a team, and not be the reason people turn the channel to NXT come October, because every match of theirs so far has been AWFUL.

Don't you say bad things about Adam Cole BAE BAE!, Hangman wishes he could cut a promo like Cole. Send Hangman down to the MJF/Cody/SCU midcard and let him grow organically.

MJF might be the biggest whiff so far outside of Kenny. This guy has it. I love the Miz, but MJF is the Miz with an actual wrestlers body who can get legit heel heat without just being obnoxious. He should be at the top of the midcard trying to break through to the main event, and yeah it's clearly the slow burn heel turn on Cody (Cause Cody needs more forced babyface reactions).

Production goes from great to WTF in such a hurry. I'm ok with crowd shots as long as crowds are hyped and full, I'll take that over WWE needing to show 1000 replays of last weeks Raw or SD, or replay earlier in the night crap, but they could cut some of that time down. I think we are seeing a live work in progress, I can't remember anymore what the shows looked like when Nitro and then Raw went live but I'm sure they had their growing pains too, I believe they'll get there.


Hangman is boring and is not main even material , I don’t get what people see in him , he needs a lot of work still to reach that ME level (if he ever will), so I’m glad Jericho won , hopefully he won’t be a super long term champion.

I'm with ya on Hangman, I get why he's important to them since he's only 28 and they can make him into a superstar of the future. I hope he immediately ends up into the midcard scene (Which it seems he'll feud with Pac now). Hoping after Pac beats him he ends up further down while he grows. I think Jericho likely only holds the belt til their next big PPV. He's not in super great shape, and is known to be more interested in drinking and rock and rolling at this point. I think he's just here for the first 6 months of TV to really establish the show and slowly fade away and then be their "legend" who shows up for big matches for the next year or two.


The thing thats even more odd with Rose is that the match is in her hometown. So the whole monster heel vs plucky babyface is not going to work. She is going to be over huge. And as much as JR wants to push it, its no impressive to me to see Rose do power spots on 98 lb girls. Sorry but if Rusev put on a wig and a push up bra it wouldn't impress me seeing him throw around Alexa or Kari.

AEW just wants the attention of having the first ever Transwomen champ. It could of made an interesting story down the line about how she had to get over her identity and be accepted. But as the first champ I don't know. I feel it should of gone to a women. I get she needs to eat too, but this just really feels like cheating LOL. If she was in the mens division she wouldn't be anywhere close to sniffing a title shot. I mean who even knows if AEW would of signed her. But now she is probably going to take the top title for the girls simply for identity politics.


You know I was just thinking about it, and outside of Cody entrance themes in AEW are bad. So when we think of some of the best WWE themes in history who comes to mind? Jim Johnston, who they cut ties with in 2017, I don't care the cost but please try to hire this man AEW cause you need him


AEW should hire CFO$ since they parted ways with WWE. Pretty much all the best WWE themes were made by them for NXT.

Maybe one of the last great themes we might get from em.

So what about Bate vs WALTER? Kinda getting lost with AEW but NXT UK Cardiff was pretty good on itself.

Opening match was some good fun.

Draganov vs Cesaro was a great match. Cesaro is going to have a great run in NXT UK and there is something about Draganov.

Tag match was a great match, AEW style. And nice win for the hometown boys.

Womens match was a disapointment.

Hoss match was some fun with some neat spots. The ring breaking gave it a unique feeling.

The main event was an amazing match. I think probably the best match of the weekend.

Bullet Club

Kylie Rae asked for and received her release from AEW. Possibly due to a spinal injury although there are rumours she might have had a nervous breakdown. Either way, hopefully she's OK.

Kacy Catanzaro asked for and received her release from NXT due to a back injury. Hopefully she's OK too.


That's a bummer about Kylie, I enjoyed her brief time there. Kacy was always likely to be a longshot to make it, they just wanted the press for hiring the American Ninja Warrior lady.

Bullet Club



Just as soon as I thought WWE was getting better, Ricochet beats Drew McIntyre. Unreal.

I know there is a list of most underutilized performers a mile long in WWE, but I swear Drew is at the top of that list. He ticks every box a main event champion should, and he just comes off the way they use him like a crony to Baron Corbin most of the time. I thought this KOTR would be the big breakthrough for him to the top. Let him dominate his way through the tourney and be a legit heel challenger for the title. Instead we likely are getting Ricochet or Corbin...because eh?
What did you guys think of having Rowan actually be Roman's attacker, as opposed to it being a setup by Bryan and Rowan being the muscle? Think it can work?

(Of course, this assumes that WWE won't throw another weird swerve)

Richard Packer

Gold Member
Damn. This women's tag match is really good and the crowd is into it. Hopefully Vince saw that and gives some more air time to women's matches.

Edit: Dispite this last match. Raw has been very good this week.
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RAW last night at the Garden was pretty good. Glad I was able to attend even though I hate New York. Austin made my night with two AJ stunners. Not sure if the second made TV though. Was kinda long-winded.
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