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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


Who does Baron Corbin have something on in the WWE? Can't think of a less talented performer given so many opportunities as he has.


Corey just called Mike Kanellis a 'beta cuck.' Vince might be the greatest human to have ever lived.

No, think that was a Heyman influence.

So, last night I watched Raw for the first time in, I don't know....months? And I really enjoyed it. It was the first Raw under Heyman I watched and it was really enjoyable.
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Richard Packer

Gold Member
No, think that was a Heyman influence.

So, last night I watched Raw for the first time in, I don't know....months? And I really enjoyed it. It was the first Raw under Heyman I watched and it was really enjoyable.

This storyline has been going on for a while. I'd bet that this was all Vince.


This storyline has been going on for a while. I'd bet that this was all Vince.

Beta Cuck sounds like someone tapped into social media. Vince McMahon is not one of those people. Paul Heyman is one of those people. It also could have been ad libbed by Graves himself. But that line, specifically, is not Vince's handiwork.


Either way it was a proud moment for the brand.

For sure. Good to see WWE getting away from PG shit again. Not saying they need to go full TV 14, but holy shit, the entire episode was great. I can see a lot of the Heyman influences happening here. Almost every match was great.

Bullet Club

Apparently the new Raw announce team will be Vic Joseph and Dio Maddin. Cole & Graves will be on SD. Renee Young will be hosting the FS1 show.
I hadn't followed NXT UK, but the fact that they're using an actual classical music piece for Imperium is fucking awesome.

And a KUSHIDA vs. WALTER matchup can do wonders for giving the general audience a good long look at those two, methinks.


I'm still a bit salty about DM being treated like yesterday's lunch, but WWE is really stepping up their game right now. The Fiend is the hottest act of the past few years IMO, and I can't remember the last time I looked forward to a TV show a couple weeks out. I know they are just trying to get people watching after the switch, but I'm still really intrigued.


NXT on USA was lit.

The set looked different, almost bigger. Maybe camera tricks or something I don't know but it looked a little different.

Great way to start the show with the ladies. Io's theme is kick ass one of the best in the biz. Then of course Shayna and her kick ass theme show up.

Dream vs Strong great match and allthough it sucks that Dream lost because he is a future superstar, the prophecy needed to be fulfilled.

Lee v Dijack next week, hot fire.

The 2nd hour was all about Imperium. Shocked to see them in NXT proper since WALTER has said he doesn't want to move to USA.

Either we get Imperium vs Riddle+SP and maybe Daine or Dunn (or Daine can go to Imperimum and we can get a 5 man team) or we get Impermium vs NXT dudes vs UE.

I need WALTER vs Lee and WALTER vs Dijack like stat!

AEW is going to have it tough. NXT can deliver the MOVEZ wrestling, and they have a deeper roster. Also NXT has been doing this for 7 years, AEW 0. They have already had issues with each show (audio, timing,etc...) running a live 2 hour TV show isn't as easy as they probably think.

One more thing I noticed, no SPORTZ ENTERTAINMENT. It was PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. I even caught Mauro about to say Sportz entertainmen and stopped himself and said pro wrestling.

can't wait for Ciampa to come back! And please send Balor and Asuka to NXT.

I need Balor vs Cole and Asuka vs Shayna!


I hadn't followed NXT UK, but the fact that they're using an actual classical music piece for Imperium is fucking awesome.

And a KUSHIDA vs. WALTER matchup can do wonders for giving the general audience a good long look at those two, methinks.

WALTER used that music before he came to NXT UK. I’m so glad they let him keep it. I can’t imagine anything else working as well.


Only saw the USA version of NXT cause I refuse to give WWE money anymore for their usually shit product. Womens match was fine, figured we'd get a Candice win (Although she's the weakest of the 4 to me).

Dream/Strong was fine, but I hate false finishes and kicking out of finishers, even worse on free TV. I'll say it here, I've never been a Dream fan, he's a great character worker, but his style in ring just isn't as crisp as many of the others in NXT to be as protected as his losses seem now. I would have loved a legit competitive match where Strong went over without so much fuckery, but that's every WWE heel in recent memory outside of Brock.

It's been a little while since I watched NXT consistently but everything felt DARK, like lighting was really really dark, maybe that was just me.

I still look forward more to AEW starting up, it's fresh so it should be great TV for a while at the very least. I love Adam Cole, but outside of him alot of the NXT roster should have been moved to a main show a while ago. I still miss developmental based NXT with Bo, Neville, early Sami, and where it wasn't super main event indy guy (Every title reign after Sami), outside of Ciampa/Gargano rise to the main event scene. Shayna has made me care nothing for the womens division, all her matches are exactly the same with the same finish, it's almost like Asukas reign except Asuka was fun to watch IMO.
One more thing I noticed, no SPORTZ ENTERTAINMENT. It was PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. I even caught Mauro about to say Sportz entertainmen and stopped himself and said pro wrestling.

That was what I noticed about WALTER's promo, he specifically said "bring back the honor of our SPORT." Not sports entertainment, but SPORT.

Thank fucking God. Sports entertainment as a phrase is incredibly stupid, with the lone exception of the when the Rock says "the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today." He is the Rock, after all.
One other thing--if we're being completely honest, WALTER looks like a fat thug physically. Kinda reminds me of what I'd imagine Regal would look like if he got out of shape a bit.

Yet he can cover that with mannerisms and the way in which he carries himself, which is pretty darned cool.

And he's about to feud with a guy who's about half his size and utilizes themes from a movie in the 80s that talks about going into the future.

Only in pro wrestling man. I love it.
I haven't watched consistently either, just following the storylines mostly via Reddit and the clips they put up on YT and Streamable. I find it more enjoyable that way, you can cut across the BS and still know what the hell is going on.
AEW is going to have it tough. NXT can deliver the MOVEZ wrestling, and they have a deeper roster. Also NXT has been doing this for 7 years, AEW 0. They have already had issues with each show (audio, timing,etc...) running a live 2 hour TV show isn't as easy as they probably think.
It's been said to death but as long as AEW make it a priority to nail their own style and presentation, They'll be fine, The talent is there (Just need to chill on the superhuman spot monkey physcology too.) Last thing they should be doing is making the mistake TNA did once the Huckster came in and tried to rip off WWE's production and show pacing style.

One more thing I noticed, no SPORTZ ENTERTAINMENT. It was PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. I even caught Mauro about to say Sportz entertainmen and stopped himself and said pro wrestling.
That's Triple H's influence for you. NXT has a very old school territory/Regional TV feel to it as that's obviously what Hunter grew up watching and eventually wrestled around when he broke in. There's a clear respect for their audience on this show compared to the rest of the company.

can't wait for Ciampa to come back! And please send Balor and Asuka to NXT.

I need Balor vs Cole and Asuka vs Shayna!
There's no reason why this can't happen now as NXT is no longer a developmental platform where going back there is seen as some kind of regression or relegation. It's a strong, separate brand. It's actually more of a separate brand with it's own identiy and feel compared to either Raw or Smackdown which just feel like 2 WWE shows with colour swaps rather than 2 warring promotions which is what they want to present it as.

Xaero Gravity

Still no word on Canadian distribution for AEW, so that's not fun. Rumours had them on talks with TSN, but with our luck it'll be a TSN Go exclusive and there's no way I'm paying $20 a month just for AEW.

Xaero Gravity

I cant believe the UK situation with a delay until Sunday?? then at 8.20 am?!
Meaning the go home show will air after the PPV lol. But at least you guys can stream it for the equivalent of $4.99 USD.
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Bullet Club


The WWE announce teams are finalized: Raw will have Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin and Jerry Lawler. Smackdown will have Michael Cole, Renee Young and Corey Graves. WWE Backstage will be the show on FS1 and will be hosted by Renee Young and Booker T.

Xaero Gravity

A roundabout way back for Johnny Imp......I mean, Johnny Mun......I mean, Johnny Dubdubee. Hopefully he ends up like AJ Styles more than Drew McIntyre.
I don't know how they managed to mess up McIntyre on the main roster. Dude literally has everything Vince wants. Luckily he's still very much salvageable.
Court Bauer once stated on an old MLW Podcast episode that Vince looooves Irish guys lol.

Well, he does have Irish heritage, so there's that.......haven't really kept up with Morrison in his post-WWE days other than changes to his moniker, does he primarily still fly or has his style changed a bit?

Xaero Gravity

Well, he does have Irish heritage, so there's that.......haven't really kept up with Morrison in his post-WWE days other than changes to his moniker, does he primarily still fly or has his style changed a bit?
From what I remember the biggest change to him was his heel work in LU and Impact. He plays a great douchebag.
From what I remember the biggest change to him was his heel work in LU and Impact. He plays a great douchebag.

So like Miz, except a lot more talented in-ring? Or maybe a better comparison would be current Sami Zayn (although it's been a while since we've seen him in the ring, IIRC)?


Still no word on Canadian distribution for AEW, so that's not fun. Rumours had them on talks with TSN, but with our luck it'll be a TSN Go exclusive and there's no way I'm paying $20 a month just for AEW.

That’s really stupid on AEW’s part. Canada has always been a hot-bed for pro-wrestling. WCW didn’t pay much attention to Canada either.... until near the end... and by then it was too late. What helped WWE became the huge success back in the day, was by cultivating a strong relationship with stampede wrestling and the French territories, because Vince knew the value of his northern neighbor.

Both Kenny and Jericho are Canadian, so maybe this will be a very temporary set-back.

I’m really hoping AEW can do good business, because WWE is actually becoming watchable again. If AEW dies, WWE will go back to mediocre, instantly.


Any word on Jerhico's mystery partners?

If its LAX or anyone else on the roster they should stop pretending its a mystery.

I can't think of anyone else that isn't signed, I don't know maybe MVP and Swagger ? If they can get Vasquez and Killer Kroc maybe?

If its something like LAX or Jungle Boy or something it will be a pretty big bait and switch IMO.


Any word on Jerhico's mystery partners?

If its LAX or anyone else on the roster they should stop pretending its a mystery.

I can't think of anyone else that isn't signed, I don't know maybe MVP and Swagger ? If they can get Vasquez and Killer Kroc maybe?

If its something like LAX or Jungle Boy or something it will be a pretty big bait and switch IMO.

I keep hoping it's a unique surprise, cause if it's LAX, that's just dumb after their debut at All Out. It loses its impact if they are the big surprise. But...it's gonna be LAX, so IDK


I keep hoping it's a unique surprise, cause if it's LAX, that's just dumb after their debut at All Out. It loses its impact if they are the big surprise. But...it's gonna be LAX, so IDK

If it was LAX they should just announce it. As a fan I would be expecting some big surprise, a TNA/ROH/WWE guy, not guys already on the roster.


NXT retained pretty decent audience for week 2, only lost less than 200K viewers.

Lee vs Dijack another titanic bout. I think they are saving a little something for the next encounter.

Glad to see Riddle win but surprised he is already going for the belt. I think there will be something screwy but I don't expect Riddle to win.

Next week is stacked its basically a Takeover. NXT/TAG/Womens titles all on the line. I still think someone will show up. I am pulling for Balor. I also hope Asuka as well.

The card looks way better than what AEW is offering.


NXT retained pretty decent audience for week 2, only lost less than 200K viewers.

Lee vs Dijack another titanic bout. I think they are saving a little something for the next encounter.

Glad to see Riddle win but surprised he is already going for the belt. I think there will be something screwy but I don't expect Riddle to win.

Next week is stacked its basically a Takeover. NXT/TAG/Womens titles all on the line. I still think someone will show up. I am pulling for Balor. I also hope Asuka as well.

The card looks way better than what AEW is offering.

AEW and WWE are just in different spots. WWE is being reactive putting on big shows against AEWs debut, and I want AEW to focus on starting some meaningful storylines. If they worry about "One upping" WWE/NXT they are set for failure. We've discussed the dumb booking of Omega, they can easily unleash him and he's a bigger deal then anything WWE can put on TV.

As far as people to see show up down there, I think the best we'll get is KO. Balor should likely end up back on Raw with the OC and let him finally stop being a shiny babyface. Asuka needs to be swapped to Raw if the rumors of Becky to SD are true, and let her dismantle the division. NXT Asuka got to be as boring as NXT Bayzlar has become, and I'm not sure with the womens division they have down there it would benefit anyone for her to go back. Ember should go back, Dana Brooke too (Although she's improved), and likely Nia Jax. They could all use some more time learning.

For men, I think we get KO to refresh him, hopefully Breeze and Dango can get split apart and be midcard talent down there. I think there will be growing pains for the brand while they worry about battling AEW, and still being a TV/developmental brand.

As far as Riddle, I don't see any world where he beats Adam Cole. IF Cole is the guy Hunter wants to be the guy (And he should be), he needs strong booking. A solid win over up and coming Riddle will help. I think Riddle has too much heat for him to get a belt anytime soon, and with his MMA background, I'm not sure he isn't on his way to SD with what they want SD to be.

As far as Dynamite goes, I'm hoping now that TV is starting, we see less focus on these YT channels, I refuse to watch YT to see something that should be built on television. I feel like the first card is fine, it should highlight what they offer that is different while hoping for a surprise or two (We all expect it).

Cody/Sammy - I honestly don't care at all. Cody while being a solid hand has already been pushed too hard so far, and him being the #1 contender after beating the WWE rejects division isn't a great way to build your first feud. Sammy seems talented but the mix of styles could be fun.

MJF/Cutler - Hoping this is a coming out party match for MJF, he's money and Cutler is.....a Young Bucks lackey? This should be a squash type mash showcasing MJF.

Hangman/Pac - Should be a great match, PAC should get the win here...I mean he beat Omega clean.

Riho/Nyla - Not sure how I feel about this one, I really like Riho alot, but JR basically buried her during All Out. I get the whole Tiny girl vs. monster woMAN storyline, not sure it's the best matchup for your first title match. I really like this womens division, but this may not be the best showcase of it unless we get a debut/fuckery.

The Elite/Y2J (LAX?) - I'm praying it's not LAX, but all signs seem it. Really the only worse choice for this other then them for me would be Lucha Bros (Cause I'm sick of them vs. YB). This really needs to be some type of mystery ROH/Impact/WWE debut. While I'm not a fan of pushing old WWE guys, for an opening show you want shock value to go with what I hope is a big showcase of Kenny and the Bucks.


I would put Asuka in NXT because I think you can have a money feud with her and Bayzler. The 2 most dominate Women in NXT history ever in a match to determine who is the best ever. It would be more of a one off then a full time thing, where after the feud maybe she would put someone else over (Io) and then head back to RAW/SDL. This would also build her back up a bit to be taken seriously on main roster.

I don't think KO is going to NXT, he has this whole Shane thing. Balor would be perfect because he has been off TV for a while (getting married) so it would be a big return. He would also be a great feud for Cole. Balor is still one of the best NXT champs, so its a natural feud. Balor is big enough name IMO to create some buzz against whoever AEW will bring in.

I do think AEW will have a surprise in order, but its not going to be Punk. I don't know who, but I think someone. Could be a women or a man. There aren't many WWE names they can snatch since everyone is still under contract. Seems like Morrison is going to WWE as well. But I expect them to have some sort of surprise.

I can't buy Nyla. And I think its a shame that she will end up being the first ever AEW womans champ so they can score woke points. Lots of women are not going to have that historic oppurtunity. I don't have a problem with her wrestling, but I can't buy the announcers talking about how she is such a strong woman, so powerful, freaking out over her power spots. Sorry I am not going to go crazy over Rusev throwing around Alexa either.

LAX would be lame because its not a surprise anymore. If its just some guys on the roster like private party or Best friends or something even more lame. I don't know who the partners could be but if it is someone on the roster already they should announce it not to make it seem like a lame bait and switch.

What AEW will have is that the show will be coming from a sold out 10K arena as opposed to NXT which is like 500 people. AEW will also probably have pyro and stuff so its going to look big time compared to NXT. I will be interested to see though if they will incorporate more wrestling tropes like interviews, in ring promos, video packages etc... So far there shows have been pretty straight forward wrestling affairs.
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