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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Wtf is the Rock doing? Go shoot a movie somewhere.

Whatever he does in the ring, he needs to lose imo.

Meltzer wrote the following:

"Dwayne pushed super hard for it. Read last week's issue and this week's. The card changed when Punk & Brock were out and all the dominoes fell. Dwayne already wanted it and they felt they now needed it as well. Felt this was better to change the news flow away from Vince.

Cody was the plan. Dwayne was going to face him later, maybe next year's Mania, maybe Saudi. Sh*t happens with Vince and Punk, the Vince thing ends up worse than they thought and they changed the plan. I literally didn't know until yesterday that it could change and then I was told it's under lock. But 100% it was Punk vs. Seth and Cody vs. Reigns until Punk got hurt"


And we can say with 20/20 hindsight things would have been better off if Cody won last Wrestlemania, the past year was the Bloodline imploding and it culminated with the Rock removing Roman as head of the table at this year's Wrestlemania. (But then again even without 20/20 hindsight most of us thought Roman winning last year was a stupid move.)


Gold Member

Turns out it's edited:
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Fucking terrible idea, both shows should have their own champion and not finishing the story after building it up for 2 years, and even having Cody win the rumble, is an absolute waste of a slot.



There’s your long term storytelling. The Rock “finishing his story” from 1997 and potentially booking The Kliq from power.
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Internet writers complaining are nuts. The notion that Cody v Roman would be half as big of a deal as Rock v Roman at WM is bananas.

Rock v Roman is one of biggest matches of all time. Absolutely needs to be main event at WM.The family dynamic and long reign of Bloodline makes This the most interesting match since Rock v Hogan.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Internet writers complaining are nuts. The notion that Cody v Roman would be half as big of a deal as Rock v Roman at WM is bananas.

Rock v Roman is one of biggest matches of all time. Absolutely needs to be main event at WM.The family dynamic and long reign of Bloodline makes This the most interesting match since Rock v Hogan.

Rock vs Reigns is undoubtedly the bigger draw on paper.

But they literally wasted the rumble win on Cody, had him point to Reigns and all that to set up the obvious storyline they've set up for the past 2 years.

This is like how WWE kept shafting D.Bryan back in the day and I hope the general fan response is just as audible.
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Rock vs Reigns is undoubtedly the bigger draw on paper.

But they literally wasted the rumble win on Cody, had him point to Reigns and all that to set up the obvious storyline they've set up for the past 2 years.

This is like how WWE kept shafting D.Bryan back in the day and I hope the general fan response is just as audible.
Then you shall be disappointed. Fan response will be off the charts. Rock is one of primary reasons wrestling is as big as it is. Cody is not.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Then you shall be disappointed. Fan response will be off the charts. Rock is one of primary reasons wrestling is as big as it is. Cody is not.

Rock *was*.

He's a relic of the bygone era, and we can obviously, unequivocally, state that there's no way Roman loses at WM.

This move reeks of Hogan's politics.
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Then you shall be disappointed. Fan response will be off the charts. Rock is one of primary reasons wrestling is as big as it is. Cody is not.
Rock is one of the reasons wrestling got huge in the 90s. He has little to do with the popularity of the modern day product. Most people who got into wrestling when Rock was in his prime have jobs and kids now. I'm one of them. The younger fans know the Rock is a star but I doubt Rock is who or what drew them in.

Over the last 5 to 10 years WWE has built their product in a way that it doesn't much matter who is on top. The brand is the draw. Not individual wrestlers. You could have Omos main event Wrestlemania against Akira Tozawa and still get massive business. Is the Rock will going to bring in that much more money that Cody/Reigns II would? I'm sure they'd get some more ad dollars and some more mainstream coverage, but ultimately they'll get a few more views over Wrestlemania weekend from casuals who tune in a couple times a year while the fans there week in and week out will be pissed. This looks a lot like 2014 Batista instead of Bryan.

And even if this was what you were going to do you take a white meat baby face who has managed to keep momentum as a baby face since last year and make him look like a total bitch while burying your other champion and also shitting on the importance of the Royal Rumble win. It's just bad.

It's certainly possible they pull this off but I'm doubtful.

I also seriously doubt Reigns/Rock will be any good. Rock is roided out of his mind and was gassed after a spinebuster on RAW a couple weeks back. I'm sure in an actual match he'll be gasping for air like 5 minutes in circa Scott Steiner at the 2003 Royal Rumble. And Reigns is fine as an in ring performer, but I don't believe he is capable of carrying 51 years old gassed Rock who hasn't wrestled in over 12 years to a good match.

Going this route also means we are probably looking at another year with Roman as champion. I've never seen this company have such a fucking hard on for a mediocre talent. The guy was a bona-fide failure for 6 + years. He got the Rock booed in 2015 and forced them to call an audible and go with Rollins cash in that year, tried again in 2016 by putting him against Triple H only for him to not get over again. Gave him taker the following year, still couldn't him over. Tried again in 2018 only to hide him with the Shield because he wasn't over. Then it took a literal cancer diagnosis for him to get baby face heat. Then he comes back and they cool him off because he isn't ready for a main event run and hide him with the Shield again until Moxley leaves and the pandemic hits. So he comes back again and hides behind Heyman, empty arena shows, and the Bloodline to finally get over to a degree. The fact WWE has been as profitable as they have while Roman Reigns has floundered for most of his career goes to show how the brand and business they've built is the real star. Not any individual in this era.

And longtime fans are supposed to believe that this guy is a star the level of Rock, Austin, and Cena. Roman Reigns entire career has been smoke and mirrors, hiding the guy and doing everything you can to make Roman look good at the expense of the entire roster because he has been rejected as a top guy and can't get over on his own. But Michael Cole tells us how great he is so we are just supposed to buy it. He should have dropped the belt at Wrestlemania 39. Hell he should have dropped it to Edge in 2021 to give him one last run with the whole "title he never lost" angle. Nope, gotta make Roman look strong. I can totally see them trying to have Roman beat Bruno's record now. If that's the case I won't be sticking around that long.

Fuck the Rock and fuck Roman Reigns. I can't wait for the day he drops this never ending title reign and fucks off to Hollywood to be a Jason Momoa stunt double.


I'm going to have to agree with the similar tone of The Rock's time is passed. This might give him buzz for more movie roles or whatever other business venture he has, but his films have been on a downturn. I think this is a selfish move, it looks like it anyway.

This really doesn't help wrestling, especially if they constantly pull legends out of a bag for a quick boost of viewers. At some point that isn't going to work and it doesn't really help the current talent, now does it? (unless the legends lose)

I feel this is completely out of place. The rock is technically from my era of wrestling (when I watched the most) and I have no interest in seeing him come back. Same with Stone Cold, Undertaker...any of those guys.
  • Thoughtful
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I will just chime in that while not quite as bad as it this kind of thing I'd expect out of TNA/Impact who just bury stories for no reason to hotshot something for no reason. (Again not as bad as TNA but usually the WWE is better at it than this.)


Gold Member
wm night1 rock vs rr rr wins wm night 2 cr vs rr cr wins easy right right??????????????????????????????????????
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NaughtyDog Defense Force

#WeWantCody has been trending in the US all day.

This is going to be a complete mess if they don't change their decision. Rock is going to get booed during every single promo and during his entire WM 40 match.


Gold Member

#WeWantCody has been trending in the US all day.

This is going to be a complete mess if they don't change their decision. Rock is going to get booed during every single promo and during his entire WM 40 match.

rock fans bashing cody and fans its sad to see.


Internet writers complaining are nuts. The notion that Cody v Roman would be half as big of a deal as Rock v Roman at WM is bananas.

Rock v Roman is one of biggest matches of all time. Absolutely needs to be main event at WM.The family dynamic and long reign of Bloodline makes This the most interesting match since Rock v Hogan.
But its ridiculous if the rumors that it was decided just few days ago are true. They shouldn't have booked Cody to win the Royal Rumble. Its a dream match but now its not the right time.
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I find it pretty funny that CM Punk derailed everything, but I wish it had been out of his petty assholery again rather than his brittle body failing him.

I had to drop off of wrestling TV pretty much for a month+. Skipped WWE entirely and just watched the Rumble. Doesn't feel like I missed too much, aside from some R-Truth Judgment Day comedy bits. I don't think I'm going to bother to go back and rewind.

Cody vs Seth is just bad. So that WrestleMania 2 years back was when I started back up on trying to follow wrestling. And Seth vs Cody was one of the things that jumped out. And I had to go down the rabbit hole of figuring out why Cody showing up was a big deal, and where in his 'royal family' he fit in (my first guess was that he was Golddust's kid). After running that match back twice in a row, Seth's beatdown kayfabe extending Cody's rehab by like six months, and then just dropping the whole issue on Cody's return, a fourth match holds zero interest.

Catching up on AEW, but barely paying attention. Only thing that jumps out at me is it kind of looks like they made a deal to have Ric Flair's corpse roam around alongside Sting's swansong at the cost of branding their show as a subsidiary of Ric Flair's WOOOOO energy drink?


Curious to see where they go, it's time for Cody to dethrone Roman. Rock literally can't go, dude will be gassed from the long ramp let alone trying to go 15-20 minutes at the end of a long WM with the fans ready to riot at the end with Rock in there sucking up the joint. My hope is that this is all just smoke and mirrors to give us some story for the two months until mania instead of dragging out 2 months of Cody/Roman chat sessions. There are LOTS of ways out of this and right back to Cody/Roman, we'll just see how it plays out. Bloodline can easily take out the Rock before Mania leading to him being an enforcer for the title match or just take him out and he comes back later for a Summerslam feud with Roman. Seths match sucks, but you have a roster of main event guys who can run. Work out an extension, put the belt on Drew, Punk wins MITB, cash in in the 3rd quarter of the year and do Punk/Seth next Mania with Seth the challenger and full blown heel Punk by then.


This Jabroni Rock thinks he can just waltz in and steal Cody's spot. Na Na not gonna happen. #WeWantCody, this old man can go fuck off back to Hollywood.


advanced basic bitch
Not only does it defy all logic from a storyline perspective but it's also really shady that the rock is also on the board of directors. This really diminishes him in my eyes.

This is beyond even Hogan levels imo. Hogan had creative control but he wasn't also the boss.
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Naked Lunch

I dont follow WWE at all but I find it funny that people boo'ed Cody out of the building at AEW - and now everyone loves him and feels sorry for him over there?
I mean this very board hated his guts during that time.
What a world.


I dont follow WWE at all but I find it funny that people boo'ed Cody out of the building at AEW - and now everyone loves him and feels sorry for him over there?
I mean this very board hated his guts during that time.
What a world.
Personally I didn't watch much of Cody when he was in AEW. I admit I was very skeptical of him being a star coming back to WWE. But as I said, I hadn't seen a ton of his post-Stardust work. To me he was just mid.

He has won me over the last two years. It's a combination of his very straightforward promos. He has managed to be a white meat baby face without being cringe or pandering. His ring work has always been average to slightly above average IMO. In a lot of ways he comes across as a throwback to a baby face from the golden age but with enough modernization.

In addition to Cody's improvement I think much of the outrage is just the lack of logic this whole situation shows. For literal decades you've touted the Royal Rumble winner as getting a title shot and you've essentially said you're going to hand wave it away because Rock wants the spotlight. It's stupid. Replace Cody with LA Knight, Gunther, Drew McIntyre, Sam Zayn or anyone else and it's still dumb.

And then add in how you have commentators every week blathering on about Cody finishing his story for a year now and Cody just steps aside? Michael Cole literally talks about Cody finishing his story every week.. WTF is going on?

People compare this to 2014 and the yes movement. It's not the same thing. In 2014 there weren't plans to make Daniel Bryan a star. They were shamed into it. Today they've been building to Cody/Reigns II for a year only to pivot when they reached 1st and goal in hopes of a DrEaM mAtCH!!!1111 of Rock/Reigns (spoiler, match will be bad).

It's really dumb. And this notion Wrestlemania will be so much better with Rock/Reigns is just false. Wrestlemania sells itself. You get a little boost, but it won't be that much. And you risk your audience completely hijacking the show and shifting on it.


Gold Member
Personally I didn't watch much of Cody when he was in AEW. I admit I was very skeptical of him being a star coming back to WWE. But as I said, I hadn't seen a ton of his post-Stardust work. To me he was just mid.

He has won me over the last two years. It's a combination of his very straightforward promos. He has managed to be a white meat baby face without being cringe or pandering. His ring work has always been average to slightly above average IMO. In a lot of ways he comes across as a throwback to a baby face from the golden age but with enough modernization.

In addition to Cody's improvement I think much of the outrage is just the lack of logic this whole situation shows. For literal decades you've touted the Royal Rumble winner as getting a title shot and you've essentially said you're going to hand wave it away because Rock wants the spotlight. It's stupid. Replace Cody with LA Knight, Gunther, Drew McIntyre, Sam Zayn or anyone else and it's still dumb.

And then add in how you have commentators every week blathering on about Cody finishing his story for a year now and Cody just steps aside? Michael Cole literally talks about Cody finishing his story every week.. WTF is going on?

People compare this to 2014 and the yes movement. It's not the same thing. In 2014 there weren't plans to make Daniel Bryan a star. They were shamed into it. Today they've been building to Cody/Reigns II for a year only to pivot when they reached 1st and goal in hopes of a DrEaM mAtCH!!!1111 of Rock/Reigns (spoiler, match will be bad).

It's really dumb. And this notion Wrestlemania will be so much better with Rock/Reigns is just false. Wrestlemania sells itself. You get a little boost, but it won't be that much. And you risk your audience completely hijacking the show and shifting on it.
and if wwe do this match i hope the fans shit on it like they did with bill g and brock in 2004.


Neo Member
Well, this business gets into more strange territory as TNA president Scott D'Amore got fired and replaced fast! This guy stuck with the promotion from the good and bad times....even responsible for their TNA rebirth along with mending bridges with NJPW and working with other promotions! It'll be interesting to see how this turns out!



advanced basic bitch
Well, this business gets into more strange territory as TNA president Scott D'Amore got fired and replaced fast! This guy stuck with the promotion from the good and bad times....even responsible for their TNA rebirth along with mending bridges with NJPW and working with other promotions! It'll be interesting to see how this turns out!

Very strange. Tna survived Hogan and his cronies so I'm not super worried but it's strange none the less.


Well, this business gets into more strange territory as TNA president Scott D'Amore got fired and replaced fast! This guy stuck with the promotion from the good and bad times....even responsible for their TNA rebirth along with mending bridges with NJPW and working with other promotions! It'll be interesting to see how this turns out!

Here's an article from wrestling inc about Scott being fired. Hasn't he been running TNA for years? I mean in my mind he hasn't turned them around at all. (Unless you're a member of the Impact Defense team, then you think Scott was doing an awesome job.)


Neo Member
Very strange. Tna survived Hogan and his cronies so I'm not super worried but it's strange none the less.
Good point on that part with Hogan!

Here's an article from wrestling inc about Scott being fired. Hasn't he been running TNA for years? I mean in my mind he hasn't turned them around at all. (Unless you're a member of the Impact Defense team, then you think Scott was doing an awesome job.)
Well, people have different takes on things and all depends on creative and the powers that be! It'll be interesting to see what the aftermath of this will be!


Well, people have different takes on things and all depends on creative and the powers that be! It'll be interesting to see what the aftermath of this will be!

Just to be clear when I say "Impact Defense Team" I'm talking about the sort of TNA Superfan that thinks TNA was justified in erasing the master recordings of GFW and also would claim that they're not worth anything so Jarrett wouldn't deserve any money anyway. (That kind of superfan.)


advanced basic bitch
Just to be clear when I say "Impact Defense Team" I'm talking about the sort of TNA Superfan that thinks TNA was justified in erasing the master recordings of GFW and also would claim that they're not worth anything so Jarrett wouldn't deserve any money anyway. (That kind of superfan.)
I wonder if there was something shady going on with Scott? He doesn't seem the type but to remove him completely is strange. I'm still fairly optimistic for tnas future. Let's be honest they have nowhere to go but up anyway lol.


Neo Member
Just to be clear when I say "Impact Defense Team" I'm talking about the sort of TNA Superfan that thinks TNA was justified in erasing the master recordings of GFW and also would claim that they're not worth anything so Jarrett wouldn't deserve any money anyway. (That kind of superfan.)
My bad and I didn't know about that with the GFW recordings.......Oh, heck no!


Parody of actual AJUMP23
The Rock has become the Jay Leno of wrestling. Coming back to ruin it for the guy that earned his shot.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So wait, now it's going to be Cody V. Roman at Wrestlemania?

Looks like it, and Dwayne seems like he'll be in Reigns' corner.

Either Cody is about to get screwed again or Dwayne's gonna do a face-turn and stop Reigns from cheating and Cody finally finishes his fucking story.
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I want Rock v Roman at WM. Cody just bores me.

But, if Rock takes Seth’s title and then sticks around ……..

Yeah, that could be a heck of a slow build to Sumerslam. Calling himself Tribal Chief and pissing off Roman.
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got to love all the people claiming this was the plan all along, rather than a desperate backpedal.
Backpedal yes. Not so sure it’s desperate though. Wrestling feeds off crowd energy. Pivoting to ride an energy wave is taking advantage of an opportunity.

But I do hope HHH books WM like the heel he used to play. I want to see the crowd throwing drinks when Cody loses yet again. :messenger_open_mouth:
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