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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


Parody of actual AJUMP23
According to Meltzer, excluding the Kenny/Bryan match, Rampage is supposed to have been better than Dynamite.
I think it has the better CARD. Mainly because I don't find FTR interesting, or Malaki Black interesting. I like the rest. But those are people that are just boring.


I think it has the better CARD. Mainly because I don't find FTR interesting, or Malaki Black interesting. I like the rest. But those are people that are just boring.
I don't see how they top Bryan / Kenny, but we are in the same boat on Malaki Black. I'm starting to come around a little on FTR, but its taken a while.

I also blame misuse in their prior company as the reason I found them so blah.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
FTR had a great match with Darby and Sting, and did the work to make Sting look great. Sting is great he is just older. SO the younger talent has to work to sell it. But I think they did that, so credit to them for pulling that off.


FTR had a great match with Darby and Sting, and did the work to make Sting look great. Sting is great he is just older. SO the younger talent has to work to sell it. But I think they did that, so credit to them for pulling that off.

I like Malakai. FTR are really good in ring, their characters and look is a tad bland.

And Sting is the man!
:messenger_tears_of_joy: at the Sting comments. I agree with both of you in a way, and disagree as well.

On the one hand, Sting is still good shape and a little nostalgia is appreciated from time to time. On the other hand, I thought him getting the direct win was atrocious because the guy is like 62 years old. Lowest point of the show for me. I really don't like seeing someone who could start collecting social security already going over younger guys like that.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
:messenger_tears_of_joy: at the Sting comments. I agree with both of you in a way, and disagree as well.

On the one hand, Sting is still good shape and a little nostalgia is appreciated from time to time. On the other hand, I thought him getting the direct win was atrocious because the guy is like 62 years old. Lowest point of the show for me. I really don't like seeing someone who could start collecting social security already going over younger guys like that.
IF you got your legs bent in a totally natural way like the sharp shooter of the Stinger you would tap out too. Just ask Brett Hart, he didn't last a second when Shawn Michaels put him in the Sharp shooter. Just ask Vince.


IF you got your legs bent in a totally natural way like the sharp shooter of the Stinger you would tap out too. Just ask Brett Hart, he didn't last a second when Shawn Michaels put him in the Sharp shooter. Just ask Vince.
For sure. But no senior citizen's will bend my legs that way. Just kick them in the hips and laugh.

Bullet Club


WWE must have done something bad to get TayTay this worked up. Murder, rape, drugs: what could it be?

It's a woke NXT character. And they've got an angry thread all about it.




WWE must have done something bad to get TayTay this worked up. Murder, rape, drugs: what could it be?

It's a woke NXT character. And they've got an angry thread all about it.


Wtf is a taytay? I see a chick picture with he/him under it.

Where is the thread at in that cesspool?



WWE must have done something bad to get TayTay this worked up. Murder, rape, drugs: what could it be?

It's a woke NXT character. And they've got an angry thread all about it.


First I'm hearing of this Gacy fella. He's gonna be gold if he gets to the main show. 95% of wrestling fans will love to see him get punched in the face. If he comes to Raw to reset it that other place might need some oxygen masks,.

Bullet Club

First I'm hearing of this Gacy fella. He's gonna be gold if he gets to the main show. 95% of wrestling fans will love to see him get punched in the face. If he comes to Raw to reset it that other place might need some oxygen masks,.
It will be interesting to see what they do with him.

They are blaming Vince for it, but it's totally the type of thing Bruce Prichard would come up with.

YES!!!!! to the secondary belt for the women. Keep the riff raff far away from DMD!
They needed another title for the women. They've got so many of them on the roster now.


It will be interesting to see what they do with him.

They are blaming Vince for it, but it's totally the type of thing Bruce Prichard would come up with.

They needed another title for the women. They've got so many of them on the roster now.
I don't get why they are upset. Shouldn't this be their version of say, The Rock? Supposed to be a bad guy, but resonates too much and crowd loves him anyway. This should be their dream situation (unless the truth of how they act is to hard for them to swallow --> that was not an intended pun).

100% on needing another women's title. They should get a tag team title too (unless I missed it). Come to think of it, WOW that division has come a long way in a short time.

Bullet Club


I want another hour of AEW on network tv somehow...
They should just keep Rampage at 2 hours.

I don't get why they are upset. Shouldn't this be their version of say, The Rock? Supposed to be a bad guy, but resonates too much and crowd loves him anyway. This should be their dream situation (unless the truth of how they act is to hard for them to swallow --> that was not an intended pun).
He's pretty much a variation on Daniel Bryan's heel character, just softer and more modern.

It's not like they've never had the opposite style of character. Million Dollar Man, JBL etc.

100% on needing another women's title. They should get a tag team title too (unless I missed it). Come to think of it, WOW that division has come a long way in a short time.
No women's tag titles yet, but they should bring those in too.

They have a lot of women's matches on Dark & D:E, extra titles will give those more meaning if they have something to go after.

Naked Lunch

Kenny v Bryan was as good as pro wrestling gets.
Cant remember the last time a crowd was that hyped - the long staredown and then went even crazier over the lockup.
I love how they kept it clean and even with no interference during the match.
I like Bryan but Kenny is the best wrestler ive ever seen - no doubt.

Naked Lunch

Have you seen the Excellence of Execution?
I have but I didnt fully appreciate wrestling back then - ill have to rewatch some matches these days.

I like Kenny for his moves but almost more for the way he makes his opponents look so good. That killswitch on the chair a few weeks back v Christian Cage is what I mean. He sells everything with detail. You dont see many big stars going that far for the other person in the ring.

Bullet Club

A 5 star TV match. Boy oh boy wowee.

Dave Meltzer:

Kenny Omega drew Bryan Danielson in 30:00 of a non-title match. It was actually 96 seconds before they touched as this was the dream match Hogan-Rock Toronto reaction (not quite at that level but it’s the best memorable comparison in the U.S.). Omega cartwheeled out of a monkey flip. They traded hard chops and Danielson also threw hard kicks to the chest. Danielson, who looked in great shape, has the white skin that shows the chops and his chest was brutalized every on turning a bright red by the middle of the match.

Danielson did a tope and threw Omega’s shoulder into the post. Excalibur explained the LeBell lock in seconds better than anyone in WWE did in a decade, partially because he’s allowed to. Neil Melansen, a grappling expert who coached Danielson when he lived in Las Vegas and trained at Xtreme Couture, taught him the move. Melansen was taught it by Gene LeBell, who was taught it by Lou Thesz. Omega went for You Can’t Escape but Danielson got his knees up which was the first real trademark spot either guy tried and they were already 11:00 in. Danielson did a dropkick into the corner and a top rope Frankensteiner. Omega did a snap rana and followed for the first time in 2021 doing the Terminator dive. Danielson brought back cattle mutilation. Danielson also came off the top rope with a flying knee to Omega on the ramp. Omega did a snap dragon on the ramp and then a windsprint V trigger. Omega slammed Danielson on the table. Omega did a buckle bomb and Danielson hit the buckle and actually flew out of the ring over the top. Omega did a missile dropkick to the back, a spin kick to the back and a V trigger. Omega went to the top but Danielson blocked his move and used a backwards superplex, with Danielson landing on his shoulder and selling his arm for several minutes.

A lot of people thought he was legitimately hurt the way he was selling, remembering his selling in a famous match with Randy Orton when he really was hurt badly. But in fact he was selling and remarked the day after the match that he felt great, especially considering being 40 and not having wrestled since April. Danielson did a Nagata style bridging back suplex. Omega did a dragon superplex but Danielson didn’t take it on his head and neck but flipped over and landed on his face which may have looked more spectacular but even if it didn’t, it was a lot safer. Omega went for the One Winged Angel but Danielson reversed into a poison rana. Omega missed a V trigger into the corner. Danielson did a head kick and went for the Busaiku knee, but Omega power bombed him. Omega hit a V trigger but missed the Phoenix splash. Danielson was bleeding from near the left eye at this point. Danielson followed with hard kicks followed by a ton of curb stomps and got the LeBell lock, but Omega made the ropes. They traded head-butts and were still battling with both on their feet when the time limit ended. The fans started to boo the draw, and they knew that, so had them keep going and Danielson was working for the LeBell lock when the Young Bucks and Adam Cole attacked him and gave Danielson a triple superkick. Christian Cage, Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy made the save. *****

Kagey K

Mario can’t reach the overhead bins in an airplane.

I saw him in person, my 11 year old was taller. But he is a great talent.
Just saw a great Rock clip on Capital Carnage 98 where he called Xpac a bony jabronie a few times and then uttered Hulk, Brett and Ric catchphrases instead of his own.

No wonder he never worked well as a heel.

Even when people were supposed to hate him, he couldn't help but play up to them.
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