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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


advanced basic bitch
I haven't been to nearly enough wrestling shows as I would like. I think I've been to like 5 altogether in 25 years I've been a fan. As much a fan of TNA as I was I didn't even go see them when they were in town years ago. Shame on me.

Fox Mulder

I haven't been to nearly enough wrestling shows as I would like. I think I've been to like 5 altogether in 25 years I've been a fan. As much a fan of TNA as I was I didn't even go see them when they were in town years ago. Shame on me.

i have never been, but I’ll mark out for old man Sting and Hook.


Was lucky enough to see a few of the "live" Raw shows in the UK.
Would love to have been at some of the post Wrestlemania Raw shows, the surprises and audiences seem so wired.
Hopefully I will have a chance to catch a US AEW show or when they do a UK tour.


AEW Rampage and Full Gear were the first wrestling shows me and my wife had been too since WWE Smackdown in MPLS for the Billy and Chuck Wedding where Bischoff called in 3MW. Really think I need to go to more shows, but man they never bring anything worthwhile to the midwest. Hoping AEW was happy with the MPLS shows and they start coming. Minnesotas history is too rich in wrestling to never do shows there.


Gold Member



Wednesday wrestling is the best wrestling.

Also, I'm on the fence about deleting Raw and Smackdown from my DVR's auto-record list. It's becoming a chore to delete them. I'm just not finding any silver linings in the recap reports and can't even bring myself to watch them on fast forward anymore. But at least they are keeping KO I guess.

Fox Mulder

I had never been to a wrestling show until last night and it was fun. Even taping both Dynamite and Rampage together made it fly by. Hyped to go back in the future or even drive to a Charlotte show.

Sting was great and Hook is over AF.
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So Kyle O´Riley now at AEW :) seems like Adam Cole says "Bye Bye" to the Young Bucks and will be teaming up with Kyle O´Riley and Bobby Fish now.


So Kyle O´Riley now at AEW :) seems like Adam Cole says "Bye Bye" to the Young Bucks and will be teaming up with Kyle O´Riley and Bobby Fish now.
I have no idea who either Kyle O'Riley or Bobby Fish are outside of the 3-4 times I've recently seen Fish on AEW. I've never watched NXT so I have no idea if this is some retread stable from NXT or what, can you give me some back story on Kyle O'Riley because all I see is a duplicate of John Silver with the Order in that he's a tiny bald guy with limited ability to do anything other than remain a low card tiny bald guy.


I have no idea who either Kyle O'Riley or Bobby Fish are outside of the 3-4 times I've recently seen Fish on AEW. I've never watched NXT so I have no idea if this is some retread stable from NXT or what, can you give me some back story on Kyle O'Riley because all I see is a duplicate of John Silver with the Order in that he's a tiny bald guy with limited ability to do anything other than remain a low card tiny bald guy.


Fox Mulder

I have no idea who either Kyle O'Riley or Bobby Fish are outside of the 3-4 times I've recently seen Fish on AEW. I've never watched NXT so I have no idea if this is some retread stable from NXT or what, can you give me some back story on Kyle O'Riley because all I see is a duplicate of John Silver with the Order in that he's a tiny bald guy with limited ability to do anything other than remain a low card tiny bald guy.

Undisputed era was the face of NXT and dominated all holding titles for awhile with great matches. HHH is crying somewhere.
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I have no idea who either Kyle O'Riley or Bobby Fish are outside of the 3-4 times I've recently seen Fish on AEW. I've never watched NXT so I have no idea if this is some retread stable from NXT or what, can you give me some back story on Kyle O'Riley because all I see is a duplicate of John Silver with the Order in that he's a tiny bald guy with limited ability to do anything other than remain a low card tiny bald guy.
They were a pretty good tag team (ReDragon) in RoH who admittedly had one of the worst finishers I have ever seen. (Good in theory, impossible in practice.)


I have no idea who either Kyle O'Riley or Bobby Fish are outside of the 3-4 times I've recently seen Fish on AEW. I've never watched NXT so I have no idea if this is some retread stable from NXT or what, can you give me some back story on Kyle O'Riley because all I see is a duplicate of John Silver with the Order in that he's a tiny bald guy with limited ability to do anything other than remain a low card tiny bald guy.

Don't let the debut downplay just how good KoR can be. John Silver wishes he had 1/10th the talent in the ring that KoR has.

As for UE, I think you'll see them be a group in the Elite, Undisputed Elite or something like that for a bit with Cole being stuck between two lovers before whoever he turns on down the road. Lots of story lines that can come from this whenever they decide to pull the trigger.

KoR will help Fish. I like Fish, but at his age and ability at this stage of his career, he's not much of a singles star and they will fit in perfectly in a tag division that can use some new blood.


advanced basic bitch
Watching these guys shit on the Ultimate Warrior for several episodes now they've convinced me he's the worst ever. What a nutjob.

I was never a fan of warrior, he was an overrated douchebag who wouldn’t have been popular if he didn’t have a jacked up look, energetic presence and cool theme music. He was shit in the ring.
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Kagey K

Just finished watching Over the Edge 99 and Raw is Owen. Haven't watched these since the initial incident and even years later it's tough to watch.

The PPV just deflates after it happens.
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Naked Lunch

Im sure Cody winning the belt pissed off alot of people. I love the move personally.
Going to be interesting seeing Hook against a young big name like Jungleboy or even MJF. Bigtime possibilities.
I wonder what happened to Lance Archer? Last I remmeber he f'ed up a moonsault and landed on his head - hasnt been seen since.

Wednesday wrestling is the best wrestling.

Also, I'm on the fence about deleting Raw and Smackdown from my DVR's auto-record list. It's becoming a chore to delete them. I'm just not finding any silver linings in the recap reports and can't even bring myself to watch them on fast forward anymore. But at least they are keeping KO I guess.
I stopped watching WWE entirely over a year ago and never looked back. The product has been suspect for a long time but pandemic shows were just atrocious beyond belief. AEW is all the wrestling I need (and have time for) on a weekly basis - its been pretty consistently entertaining. I still wish NJPW was easier to watch in the US cause I would follow that too.


Good lord, of course Cody is the first 3 time champion. Gotta love being an EVP with a GIANT ego. Sammys run was lackluster, but I could think of 10 guys off the top of my head that would have been better suited to take the midcard belt off him and help build them. This is strictly to have him be a champion on his stupid TNT show that nobody watches. My hope is that maybe this is to set up a potential open challenge debut and new champion being a face without a face vs. face match with Sammy. Cleveland show is coming up in a few weeks and I couldn't think of a bigger surprise debut shock win the Johnny Wrestling. Cody is beyond boring and hasn't elevated anybody he has feuded with (MJF was going to be money regardless of opponent). This feels like a move hoping to draw viewers since Sammy wasn't a draw. That is why I hated the title change from Miro to him to begin with, but they wanted to produce a "moment" for their NYC show instead of good booking. Miro has been the best TNT champion they had by a wide margin, and I hope this shows that Sammy on his own just doesn't cut it. They have a dozen other guys who can do the flippy shit he does and actually cut a promo.


Good lord, of course Cody is the first 3 time champion. Gotta love being an EVP with a GIANT ego. Sammys run was lackluster, but I could think of 10 guys off the top of my head that would have been better suited to take the midcard belt off him and help build them. This is strictly to have him be a champion on his stupid TNT show that nobody watches. My hope is that maybe this is to set up a potential open challenge debut and new champion being a face without a face vs. face match with Sammy. Cleveland show is coming up in a few weeks and I couldn't think of a bigger surprise debut shock win the Johnny Wrestling. Cody is beyond boring and hasn't elevated anybody he has feuded with (MJF was going to be money regardless of opponent). This feels like a move hoping to draw viewers since Sammy wasn't a draw. That is why I hated the title change from Miro to him to begin with, but they wanted to produce a "moment" for their NYC show instead of good booking. Miro has been the best TNT champion they had by a wide margin, and I hope this shows that Sammy on his own just doesn't cut it. They have a dozen other guys who can do the flippy shit he does and actually cut a promo.

I agree with every point, Miro IMO should be top company Heel beyond TNT title. I think we just saw the Heel change though without fully recognizing it. The crowd boo'd the shit out of him, and as an example of that Heel turn just before he raised the belt to the crowd he stopped to get a kiss from his equally hated wife only to then stand on ropes and get more boo's

This wasn't a singular heel change, I think his whole stable just became company Heels, following behind him like sheep. Wont be shocked if the next promo he cuts is him saying the fans turned on him gimmick.


advanced basic bitch
I wonder who will be the first big release from AEW? I think Jericho served his purpose of helping getting eyes on the product to start but I dont think he's much of a draw anymore. Cody has go away heat but I think he's safe. Maybe Omega goes back to Japan?
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Watching the end of RAW tonight I was thinking it's kind of sad Eric couldn't have done a 3 minute warning reference because both guys are dead.
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Bullet Club

I wonder who will be the first big release from AEW? I think Jericho served his purpose of helping getting eyes on the product to start but I dont think he's much of a draw anymore. Cody has go away heat but I think he's safe. Maybe Omega goes back to Japan?
I can't see any of the main guys leaving. Maybe Jericho will shift more to commentary but that's about it. Moxley could leave and it wouldn't be that big of a deal.


I wonder who will be the first big release from AEW? I think Jericho served his purpose of helping getting eyes on the product to start but I dont think he's much of a draw anymore. Cody has go away heat but I think he's safe. Maybe Omega goes back to Japan?

I don't think we'll see AEW ever really release talent outside of somebody doing or saying something that is just too far. I think you'll see more of letting talent walk when contracts come up if they don't keep them around. I don't think Kenny is going anywhere, if Covid could maybe get kind of in a good place in the world i'm sure they have a deal that he could go work some matches there for stretches, but no point with quarantines and what not. I don't see much value in Jericho at this point, but he doesn't really have value anywhere else either so I'm sure they keep working together, but hopefully at a lesser money point (not that they need to worry bout money). I'd LOVE to see Cody F off back to the E so I never need to see him or his wife ever again, but only way that happens is if he wants to much cash and Khan doesn't think he's worth it (he's not). Cody will always be the worst Rhodes of all time, and push himself like he is the greatest. Self awareness levels somewhere in the negatives for that guy


I can't see any of the main guys leaving. Maybe Jericho will shift more to commentary but that's about it. Moxley could leave and it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Please god, no more Jericho on commentary. He's in the running for worst of all time, and easily worst in the company...and they have Big Show and Mark Henry on commentary...

Moxley is a good example of a guy that could disappear and the company wouldn't even notice. That's the problem when your whole schtick is being the hardcore guy in a day and age where there really isn't a place for a dude who is only useful in hardcore matches. His regular wrestling skills are barely on par with most lower midcard guys in the company, but Tony has a giant man crush on him so he'll continue to be pushed to the moon with no ability to draw viewership or a crowd. He's kind of like Hangman in that regard, he has fans, but he doesn't bring in new eyes, doesn't bring anything that exciting in the ring, and is usually the second best guy in any match that's 1 on 1.


Well if anybody thought the WWE was done with releases this year you're wrong. The latest release is Toni Storm. (Admittedly she asked for her release.)


advanced basic bitch
Well if anybody thought the WWE was done with releases this year you're wrong. The latest release is Toni Storm. (Admittedly she asked for her release.)
Wow. I thought she was going to be the next big there for a minute. Then they jobbed her out like a bitch.
Toni's doom was expected once she got called up to the main roster. Britt Baker already tweeted she wants Storm, so, we know where she's going.

Fox Mulder

I wonder who will be the first big release from AEW? I think Jericho served his purpose of helping getting eyes on the product to start but I dont think he's much of a draw anymore. Cody has go away heat but I think he's safe. Maybe Omega goes back to Japan?

Jericho still gets pops. Their roster is pretty big with people from when they started and didn’t want to cut in a pandemic. Contracts will expire and they’ll probably let the leva bates, Avalon, Kip Sabian tier people go. I thought Janela and Sonny Kiss were gone but they just popped up on Dark.


Wow. I thought she was going to be the next big there for a minute. Then they jobbed her out like a bitch.

I legit don't know why I was supposed to care about Storm to be honest. I heard she was great, but nothing she did while I watched WWE made me even care for her a little. And having a fat ass is not a gimmick that I care about. She always looked slightly out of shape and carrying too much weight. AEW could maybe use her, but I'd hope it's on a short term deal as she doesn't move the needle even a little bit and you don't want another WWE castoff like Ruby that is just barely above ok taking up TV time with so few womens matches already.
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