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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF

I'll only be worried if Chucky enters the Royal Rumble, and I'm only half kidding.

The sad part is I also can believe this, it’s exactly the type of thing WWE would do for promotion purposes of that show. Anything they have ties to….and Chucky would probably have a record elimination count.


Well since NXT New Years Evil is tomorrow I'd thought I'd post about the
NXT Kiss of death title.

Of the 11 people to have held the title since April 2018 4 still work in the WWE.(And 2 of them are the guys in the match, Roddy Strong and Carmelo Hayes.) Other interesting factoid, of the 6 people involved in the match to crown the first Kiss of death champion........ well they still have Ricochet I guess.


I can't believe I finally deleted both Smackdown and Raw from the recording list, only to find out they are putting a Jackass in the Royal Rumble and made Brock a part-time champion again.

I am so mad at myself for deleting these shows. I would record them again immediately if I wasn't certain that I would rather throw the remote against a wall.
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I can't believe I finally deleted both Smackdown and Raw from the recording list, only to find out they are putting a Jackass in the Royal Rumble and made Brock a part-time champion again.

I am so mad at myself for deleting these shows. I would record them again immediately if I wasn't certain that I would rather throw the remote against a wall.
Keeping them on the record list is how I remind myself I don't need to watch, Fast Forward is my best friend! Maybe it's because they watered down the program to be so kid-friendly but there are just so many segments either wrestling or non-wrestling which do not appeal or have much entertainment value at all. There's plenty of great talent and creativity from the wrestlers themselves, whoever is writing for WWE just sucks imo


Parody of actual AJUMP23
The Young Bucks & Cutler are off shows due to covid. Matt Jackson has it.

I feel bad for Pam. she worked for the company and was ready to marry Sammy all for it to fall apart. I guess it is good to know now that Sammy wanted something different before the marriage. Taz really worked Pam over on commentary though the night they got engaged.

Best of luck to Sammy and Tay. Just don't say one minute that you want your private life private then go make it all public a week later. I think what they wanted to say was "I don't want to be criticized or called a man stealer."


The Young Bucks & Cutler are off shows due to covid. Matt Jackson has it.

It did, but it doesn't really count. A recap show on FS1 on new year's eve was never going to rate well.

It counts because.
SD is still in a earlier/safer time slot.
SD usually is on Free TV but wasn't and lost, again.


Wrestling definitely aint what it used to be, all this talk about personal lives. I know its a different day and time but IDGAF about who these people marry, etc.

I just want some good wrestling(storytelling), like the old days.


Wrestling definitely aint what it used to be, all this talk about personal lives. I know its a different day and time but IDGAF about who these people marry, etc.

I just want some good wrestling(storytelling), like the old days.
Oh cmon who doesnt love a good romance storyline




Can’t wait to see Squared Circle try to explain why Hangman won’t have another 4* + match after Bryan and Kenny. Sorry, he isnt a main event draw, should have dropped it tonight with the most eyes on your product to the known main event player in Bryan. He’s a terrible seller to boot, how much does Bryan have to kill his arm for him to remember it’s supposed to hurt? Blech, I’m already over this episode, I don’t care about Green Jade vs. jobber Ruby for a belt.
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What, no mention of the latest WWE releases?
Timothy Tacher
Danny Burch
William Regal
Road Dogg
Hideki Suzuku
Allison Danger
Road Dogg Brian James

and others.


Oh and Matt Strike is gone from Impact. I'm hoping he's going to show up on NJPW. (He can work with Kevin Kelly and Rocky Romeo. You know, unless Ian Riccaboni shows up.)


What, no mention of the latest WWE releases?
Timothy Tacher
Danny Burch
William Regal
Road Dogg
Hideki Suzuku
Allison Danger
Road Dogg Brian James

and others.
I just saw that, how anyone can support wwe after the last couple years of firings to save money while they make record money is sickening. Imagine not having a use for William Regal…he will be AEW bound the first day he wants, on air character or behind the scenes.


I just saw that, how anyone can support wwe after the last couple years of firings to save money while they make record money is sickening. Imagine not having a use for William Regal…he will be AEW bound the first day he wants, on air character or behind the scenes.
Damn, I have Road Dogg twice. I figure they'd hire Regal and Road Dogg if for no other reason for an easy Cameo for the New Age Outlaws.


What, no mention of the latest WWE releases?
Timothy Tacher
Danny Burch
William Regal
Road Dogg
Hideki Suzuku
Allison Danger
Road Dogg Brian James

and others.
Regal and Road Dogg? It really does look like WWE is moving in a whole different direction....


Damn, I have Road Dogg twice. I figure they'd hire Regal and Road Dogg if for no other reason for an easy Cameo for the New Age Outlaws.
I completely forgot that they had Mr. Ass on the roster. That does make some sense. They really need a second hour of Rampage and an earlier start. There is too much talent getting left behind by lack of tv time. I look forward to any kind of interaction between Danseusen, the Ass Boys and the Old Age Outlaws. He can ask the Outlaws about his favorite wrestler Kane
Road Dogg and William Regal are just wild cuts, I was shocked the most to see they couldn't even escape it.

Well, it's the saying now....'AEW Bound'.

Guess we might see a New Age Outlaws reunion.


Ok, I'll start off by saying I understand why you would put your biggest match at the top of the card.....BUT, I hate it. When the card is what it was tonight, nothing else matters after the world title match. I wasn't excited for the TBS title match, and that's mostly because the booking was beyond obvious with Jade beating lifetime jobber Ruby. MJF/Punk segment was fine...but again, how many weeks we gonna get this same segment? Black/Pillman? Who cares, and why was this match on this card if it wasn't going to involve a Brody King debut, or Julia turning? This could be on Friday, or Dark for that matter. And honestly, I'm over these overbooked tag team matches closing shows. I don't think these teams work that well together, and they basically wrestled the same exact match as the last time they fought. Feel bad for Fenix, as there's no way that arm wasn't broken, but while I enjoy alot of the teams in AEW, seeing all those lower midcard jobber teams all on the stage doesn't give me hope for Dinobots to have a great run.

A one hour special Saturday with no matches that really matter, since who thinks Riho has a snowballs chance in hell of beating Britt? The entire booking since Full Gear has IMO been, I wouldn't say bad, but not overly entertaining. The problem with that Page/Omega program is that the whole year built to that, and Hangman doesn't have the in ring talent or personality (Cowboy Shit is the new WHat?) to be the main guy. They are trying a WWE thing by forcing him. He is in fact the first person to kick out of Bryans flying knee I'm pretty sure too. Bryan should be the current champ, as there are way more in ring feuds that he can carry as he's shown already since getting there. Hell Kenny wrestled more matches his last two months with a ton of massive injuries then Page has in the last 4 months.

As much as I hate WWE, at least even if the stories are awful..their champs are generally for the most part the right choices (Outside of Big E, sorry he's boring, should have been Lashley). Nobody that's a current AEW champion makes me excited to watch them, or the potential feuds coming. Where does Hangman go after beating Omega and Bryan? His character was so hell bent on Kenny and beating him finally, it made sense that he'd be the first transitional champion. Cody again, strictly for the Go Big Show press, ready for another boring rematch with no reaction Sammy? Britt is entertaining, but it's been long enough, and Lucha Express are just kind of there with Christian. At least they can have Christian turn on them soon, but damn the champs are not great right now.


Big E isn't champ anymore, Brock Lesnar is, but, yeah, Big E was a big fail.
lol yeah, I thought that while I was typing, just forgot to fix it. I get why they gave him a shot, but it should have come AFTER a heel turn and tweak of the character. The New Day as is, are not built to be big time World Champions. They are a dumb stereotype of what Vince thinks black guys do to goof around.
I’ve never liked them. I do like Big E in general, though, they really need to keep him away from that stupid team and make him a legit monster. I still just think of booty O’s when I see him. What a joke.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Ray fenix just broke his arm in one of the most gruesome table slams.

It was awful. Just a bad arm plant on the way down.

If you post a gif of it spoiler tag it because it is gruesome.
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Naked Lunch

Arm break was gruesome. Had me sick to my stomach - still rattled thinking about it.
Made me think of the Steeler Ryan Shazier's injury on live TV.
I hope the dude is gonna be ok.

Just really highlights the dangers of all the crazy stuff they try to cram into every match. Usually its not even necessary.


Ok, I'll start off by saying I understand why you would put your biggest match at the top of the card.....BUT, I hate it. When the card is what it was tonight, nothing else matters after the world title match. I wasn't excited for the TBS title match, and that's mostly because the booking was beyond obvious with Jade beating lifetime jobber Ruby. MJF/Punk segment was fine...but again, how many weeks we gonna get this same segment? Black/Pillman? Who cares, and why was this match on this card if it wasn't going to involve a Brody King debut, or Julia turning? This could be on Friday, or Dark for that matter. And honestly, I'm over these overbooked tag team matches closing shows. I don't think these teams work that well together, and they basically wrestled the same exact match as the last time they fought. Feel bad for Fenix, as there's no way that arm wasn't broken, but while I enjoy alot of the teams in AEW, seeing all those lower midcard jobber teams all on the stage doesn't give me hope for Dinobots to have a great run.

A one hour special Saturday with no matches that really matter, since who thinks Riho has a snowballs chance in hell of beating Britt? The entire booking since Full Gear has IMO been, I wouldn't say bad, but not overly entertaining. The problem with that Page/Omega program is that the whole year built to that, and Hangman doesn't have the in ring talent or personality (Cowboy Shit is the new WHat?) to be the main guy. They are trying a WWE thing by forcing him. He is in fact the first person to kick out of Bryans flying knee I'm pretty sure too. Bryan should be the current champ, as there are way more in ring feuds that he can carry as he's shown already since getting there. Hell Kenny wrestled more matches his last two months with a ton of massive injuries then Page has in the last 4 months.

As much as I hate WWE, at least even if the stories are awful..their champs are generally for the most part the right choices (Outside of Big E, sorry he's boring, should have been Lashley). Nobody that's a current AEW champion makes me excited to watch them, or the potential feuds coming. Where does Hangman go after beating Omega and Bryan? His character was so hell bent on Kenny and beating him finally, it made sense that he'd be the first transitional champion. Cody again, strictly for the Go Big Show press, ready for another boring rematch with no reaction Sammy? Britt is entertaining, but it's been long enough, and Lucha Express are just kind of there with Christian. At least they can have Christian turn on them soon, but damn the champs are not great right now.
I also don’t get Hangman Page’s World Title push?
He’s missing something…or several things.

Bryan is way more believable as the champ at the top of the mountain.
He’s on a completely different level.


Can’t wait to see Squared Circle try to explain why Hangman won’t have another 4* + match after Bryan and Kenny. Sorry, he isnt a main event draw, should have dropped it tonight with the most eyes on your product to the known main event player in Bryan. He’s a terrible seller to boot, how much does Bryan have to kill his arm for him to remember it’s supposed to hurt? Blech, I’m already over this episode, I don’t care about Green Jade vs. jobber Ruby for a belt.
The finish made me feel like someone has really overthought themselves into a pretzel about not becoming WWE light. It’s the only way I can rationalize having Page win that match at that time. Huge mistake IMO. Bryan is by far the biggest star between the two, is top tier in the ring, and has actual charisma. Page is a fine wrestler, but I’ve never heard anything close to a home run promo from him.

I’m not about to stop watching anytime soon, still look forward to Wednesday every week, and it’s by far the best wrestling going imo. But it’s been a little rough since Omega had to take a break. A couple months ago me and my buddy who also digs this stuff couldn’t stop talking about it, texting about it, etc., and it felt like a pressure cooker ready to pop with the growing excitement. Bryan, in particular, has been unbelievable in terms of in ring and promo. Miro is another one who was exceeding expectations but suddenly lost the shine (did Tony owe Vince a favor???)

Not sure what they’re thinking with some of this recent booking. But I hope they quickly figure out the right balance between not being WWE light, and pushing the best talent available to them to grow the audience and keep the momentum going. If they need a cheat sheet to sort this out I’m happy to help. Cliff notes:

BD = the biggest star in your promotion, at least while Omega is out.
CM = huge star, worthy of top tier feuds, but not yet at a point where he belongs in AEW championship feuds.
Miro = top tier asset, should be treated like highlight of mid card.
Everyone over 60 = managers only, or only capable of beating jobbers.
Everyone else = WWE light

On a different note, MJF is still killing it. The threats to jump ship fit his character perfectly and crack me up. Running away and losing cause CM Punk kicked his opponent had me in stitches.
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The finish made me feel like someone has really overthought themselves into a pretzel about not becoming WWE light. It’s the only way I can rationalize having Page win that match at that time. Huge mistake IMO. Bryan is by far the biggest star between the two, is top tier in the ring, and has actual charisma. Page is a fine wrestler, but I’ve never heard anything close to a home run promo from him.

I’m not about to stop watching anytime soon, still look forward to Wednesday every week, and it’s by far the best wrestling going imo. But it’s been a little rough since Omega had to take a break. A couple months ago me and my buddy who also digs this stuff couldn’t stop talking about it, texting about it, etc., and it felt like a pressure cooker ready to pop with the growing excitement. Bryan, in particular, has been unbelievable in terms of in ring and promo. Miro is another one who was exceeding expectations but suddenly lost the shine (did Tony owe Vince a favor???)

Not sure what they’re thinking with some of this recent booking. But I hope they quickly figure out the right balance between not being WWE light, and pushing the best talent available to them to grow the audience and keep the momentum going. If they need a cheat sheet to sort this out I’m happy to help. Cliff notes:

BD = the biggest star in your promotion, at least while Omega is out.
CM = huge star, worthy of top tier feuds, but not yet at a point where he belongs in AEW championship feuds.
Miro = top tier asset, should be treated like highlight of mid card.
Everyone over 60 = managers only, or only capable of beating jobbers.
Everyone else = WWE light

On a different note, MJF is still killing it. The threats to jump ship fit his character perfectly and crack me up. Running away and losing cause CM Punk kicked his opponent had me in stitches.
Malakai Black’s booking was better when he was just cultish and strange;
The boogeyman stuff is as lame as Matt Hardy teleporting.
It’s already past stupid, the opponents affected by it can’t convincingly sell it, and maybe no one can in this day and age.


Malakai Black’s booking was better when he was just cultish and strange;
The boogeyman stuff is as lame as Matt Hardy teleporting.
It’s already past stupid, the opponents affected by it can’t convincingly sell it, and maybe no one can in this day and age.
I’ll never understand why they picked him up. He’s got a weird look. That’s it.


That’s a great take on them not wanting to be wwe lite. But come On AEW, this is Bryan Danielson, not impact giving their title to jobber Christian weeks after getting fired back in the day. I think Miro sadly would have been an early feud for Page, but apparently is injured, and that’s why he lost the belt to Sammy suddenly.

I really like Black, BUT this story is taking WAY TO LONG to pay off. This is clearly leading to a faction, and last night was the time to pull the trigger on your first members. What does he gain from beating the Varsity Jobbers? It was the time to have Hart turn on Pillma, take off her jacket and she has a House of Black shirt and they wipe him out. After the main event, lights go out, and Black and King wipe out the new champs. You then have the first three members and it leads to the eventual PAC joining.


I’ll never understand why they picked him up. He’s got a weird look. That’s it.
They need to cut him and several others that are taking up tv time to alleviate the issues that come with a bloated roster.

Fire Lio Rush with him for publicly telling Tony Khan to apologize on Twitter.
Obviously, Khan’s tweet was stupid, but where does that idiot get off thinking he’s supposed to be speaking out and ordering people, including his boss, to do things?

What a self-absorbed moron.
Still going to be a tough recovery. I thought their title run should have lasted longer, but I am good with Jungle Boy holding it. I think the Lucha Bros are incredible athletes.
I just hope they hold the titles for awhile and don’t loose it in their first title defense.
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