advanced basic bitch
I know we all get old but good lord Vince looks fucking awful. How can he even want to be on tv at this point?
Maybe going at your boss on Twitter wasn’t the best of ideas. A lot of people out there acting like what he did was this ‘brave’ thing that shouldn’t have had repercussions. Lol, go tweet that ‘Vince should APOLOGIZE for taking that blood money’ and see if you don’t get future endevoured’ in a hot minute. Or hell forget wrestling, do it in any job and see where that takes you. TK seems to be a Lio mark tho so I can see him doing some appearances later.
Him and Leva were certainly underrated by many. I'm biased though.I like Peter Avalon. I thought he always payed a great heel with Leva Bates.
Why are you biased?Him and Leva were certainly underrated by many. I'm biased though.
That was the one name on the list that made no sense to me. How can you not find a place for him?Surely they can find something for Brian Cage to do?
I really hope Ali goes scorched earth to get cut. No way he doesn't get a chance elsewhere. He's too talented in the ring, on the mic, and by all accounts a fantastic human being, being held hostage by a racist old man. There are so many ways with that PG company to get fired just using your social media, let alone embarrassing them to their investors. Ali could and should be a high midcard talent that could someday break through, not somebody who can't even get on one of the 75 hours of WWE programming a week.
I think their roster got big, and left behind the fun group of folks that brought them there.AEW hired too many people too soon perhaps ?
Yeah Marko and Brian can’t go out like that. Joey either.I think their roster got big, and left behind the fun group of folks that brought them there.
I miss Angelico
Really don't need him to wrestle as they have plenty of great talent, I would really just appreciate more slapstick to the overall show as I lean more on the side of not wanting to take it overly serious. Just have him follow around Sting/Darby/Assboys and be hella awkard like tonight and I'l llove himHe is officially ALL ELITE.
I think he is funny but I have never seen him wrestle.
No idea who this guy is aside from a few clips funny spot though
Yes he is dwarfed behind his Girlfriends shadow,Is Adam Cole getting smaller?
Is Adam Cole getting smaller?
I did some research on this guy back when he was regularly on AEW programming, he's like the biggest deal in Spain only to become a total jobber in AEW, dude clearly has a high level skill set but probably a lack of mic keeps him where he's at.
Have to watch. Never miss a rumble no.matter how bad it gets.Rumble